Govt. of India
Ministry of Rural Development
Department of Rural Development
The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 13-Oct-2024 10:00:05 PM 
R7.1.2 Outlays & Outcomes during Financial Year 2023-2024

State: BIHAR District : NAWADA
SNo. Block Cumulative Expenditure (Rs. in Lakhs) Employment Provided Average days employement provided per HH Average Wage per personday (In Rs.) Works Cost Per Personday(in Rs.)
On Unskilled Wage On Material Adm.Exp Total Household Persons Persondays comp. In-prog.
2023-2024 Paid Liability of previous years 2023-2024 Paid Liability of previous years 2023-2024 Paid Liability of previous years 2023-2024 Paid Liability of previous years Total
1 AKBARPUR 1595.08 52.75 456.16 264.49 0 0 2051.24 317.24 2368.48 15684 17017 715688 45.63 227.88 3935 2580 304.89
2 Govindpur Block 676.92 37.46 119.02 155.04 0 0 795.93 192.49 988.43 7418 7694 310747 41.89 227.62 3155 1426 395.55
3 Hasua Block 1132.2 21.91 117.06 397.45 0 0 1249.26 419.35 1668.61 9464 10273 504956 53.36 227.98 1572 1668 498.23
4 Kashichak Block 197.95 12.1 37.95 35.56 0 0 235.91 47.66 283.57 2524 2566 95454 37.82 225.23 534 580 267.04
5 Kowakole Block 1878.18 15.13 349.89 243.31 0 0 2228.07 258.44 2486.51 19647 19993 855481 43.54 226.14 3418 4016 373.88
6 Meskaur Block 551.22 22.64 58.53 511.49 0 0 609.75 534.13 1143.88 6187 6469 252963 40.89 227.53 2380 1612 458.53
7 Nardiganj Block 481.8 10.3 70.28 203.71 0 0 552.08 214.02 766.1 5396 5624 217739 40.35 227.43 1504 950 401.67
8 NARHAT BLOCK 669.13 2.49 112.02 85.49 0 0 781.16 87.98 869.14 6057 6275 299115 49.38 224.39 1624 1132 292.73
9 Nawada Block 1376.04 37.85 148.56 333.55 0 0 1524.6 371.4 1896 13502 13686 612215 45.34 227.55 2853 1402 335.83
10 Pakaribarawan 2125.1 71.69 186.65 338 0 0 2311.76 409.69 2721.44 18782 19037 969517 51.62 227.97 3394 2229 357.93
11 Rajauli Block 1692.73 65.66 134.31 447.33 0 0 1827.05 512.99 2340.04 16453 16893 763692 46.42 226.66 4120 1224 365.84
12 Roh Block 3355.04 74.57 326.85 404.06 0 0 3681.89 478.63 4160.52 28481 29442 1488297 52.26 227.88 5334 4554 363.97
13 SIRDALA 1174.19 26.43 224.21 54.03 0 0 1398.4 80.46 1478.86 12436 12758 527914 42.45 223.94 4542 2360 324.85
14 Warsaliganj 1726.46 65.75 164.59 651.63 0 0 1891.05 717.38 2608.43 15538 16058 800230 51.5 226.36 2925 2042 368.96
Total 18632.04 516.73 2506.08 4125.14 0 0 21138.15 4641.86 25780.01 177569 183785 8414008 47.38 227.01 41290 27775 364.81

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