Govt. of India
Ministry of Rural Development
Department of Rural Development
The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 06-Nov-2024 01:19:44 PM 
R7.1.2 Outlays & Outcomes during Financial Year 2023-2024

State: BIHAR District : NAWADA Block : SIRDALA
SNo. Panchayat Cumulative Expenditure (Rs. in Lakhs) Employment Provided Average days employement provided per HH Average Wage per personday (In Rs.) Works Cost Per Personday(in Rs.)
On Unskilled Wage On Material Adm.Exp Total Household Persons Persondays comp. In-prog.
2023-2024 Paid Liability of previous years 2023-2024 Paid Liability of previous years 2023-2024 Paid Liability of previous years 2023-2024 Paid Liability of previous years Total
1 Abdul 25.67 0.1 4.41 0 0 0 30.08 0.1 30.19 336 352 11499 34.22 222.75 98 126 303.97
2 akauna 80.09 1.88 6.74 0.04 0 0 86.83 1.92 88.75 730 744 35517 48.65 225.25 76 79 245.01
3 Badgaon 52.32 0 13.19 5.48 0 0 65.51 5.48 70.99 596 620 23265 39.04 225.86 93 105 283.7
4 BANDHI 139.05 0.49 9.71 0.21 0 0 148.76 0.71 149.47 1352 1368 58216 43.06 224.52 478 180 249.09
5 Chaubey 58.04 0.08 35.95 4.53 0 0 93.99 4.6 98.59 804 836 25745 32.02 226.23 97 157 563.66
6 CHAUKIA 46.49 4.38 0 2.93 0 0 46.49 7.3 53.8 561 571 20773 37.03 225.39 348 323 335.6
7 Dhiraundh 100.36 1.61 5.8 8.62 0 0 106.16 10.24 116.4 1027 1054 46478 45.26 223 447 161 248.79
8 GHAGHAT 43.77 0.04 55.74 12.48 0 0 99.51 12.51 112.03 566 579 19398 34.27 226.18 131 356 634.19
9 Khanpura 78.68 3.79 8.97 1.97 0 0 87.65 5.77 93.42 821 825 34752 42.33 226.57 140 130 284.63
10 KHATTANGI 52.13 0.06 1.27 0.16 0 0 53.4 0.22 53.62 627 641 27247 43.46 225.2 185 114 229.93
11 Laund panchayat 56.02 1.25 11.24 3.24 0 0 67.26 4.49 71.75 542 573 25277 46.64 220.72 332 104 293.97
12 rajan 114.82 0.35 6.41 0.39 0 0 121.23 0.74 121.97 1216 1263 51816 42.61 221.88 667 201 235.68
13 SANDH MANJHGAWAN 183.37 11.26 11.19 2.38 0 0 194.56 13.64 208.2 1652 1678 82369 49.86 223.69 673 239 241.32
14 Sirdala 48.2 0.05 16.27 8.15 0 0 64.47 8.2 72.67 569 590 22272 39.14 220.57 309 87 308.24
15 Upardih 95.16 1.09 29.89 2.98 0 0 125.06 4.08 129.13 1037 1064 43290 41.75 222.98 468 164 304.58
Total 1174.17 26.43 216.78 53.56 0 0 1390.96 80 1470.98 12436 12758 527914 42.45 223.94 4542 2526 292.42

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