Govt. of India
Ministry of Rural Development
Department of Rural Development
The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 09-Feb-2025 04:31:55 PM 

R6.2 Percentage of works completed since inception in MIS


S.No District Financial Year
2021-2022and Earlier
Financial Year
Financial Year
Financial Year


No. of Works started No. of Works Completed Not Yet Completed Work Completion Rate No. of Works started No. of Works Completed Not Yet Completed Work Completion Rate No. of Works started No. of Works Completed Not Yet Completed Work Completion Rate No. of Works started No. of Works Completed Not Yet Completed Work Completion Rate No. of Works started No. of Works Completed Not Yet Completed Work Completion Rate
1 2 3 4 5=3-4 6=(Coln(4)*100/Coln(3)) 7 8 9=7-8 10=(Coln(8)*100/Coln(7)) 11 12 13=11-12 14=(Coln(12)*100/Coln(11)) 15 16 17=15-16 18=(Coln(16)*100/Coln(15)) 19 20 21=19-20 22=(Coln(20)*100/Coln(19))
Total 266 130 136 48.87 20 4 16 20 15 4 11 26.67 45 0 45 0 346 138 208 39.88
1 LAKSHADWEEP DISTRICT 266 130 136 48.87 20 4 16 20 15 4 11 26.67 45 0 45 0 346 138 208 39.88
Total 266 130 136 48.87 20 4 16 20 15 4 11 26.67 45 0 45 0 346 138 208 39.88

Excel View  Report last Updated on:07/02/2025