Govt. of India
Ministry of Rural Development
Department of Rural Development
The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 13-Oct-2024 09:45:45 PM 

R6.2 Percentage of works completed since inception in MIS

State : NAGALAND District : DIMAPUR

S.No Block Financial Year
2021-2022and Earlier
Financial Year
Financial Year
Financial Year


No. of Works started No. of Works Completed Not Yet Completed Work Completion Rate No. of Works started No. of Works Completed Not Yet Completed Work Completion Rate No. of Works started No. of Works Completed Not Yet Completed Work Completion Rate No. of Works started No. of Works Completed Not Yet Completed Work Completion Rate No. of Works started No. of Works Completed Not Yet Completed Work Completion Rate
1 2 3 4 5=3-4 6=(Coln(4)*100/Coln(3)) 7 8 9=7-8 10=(Coln(8)*100/Coln(7)) 11 12 13=11-12 14=(Coln(12)*100/Coln(11)) 15 16 17=15-16 18=(Coln(16)*100/Coln(15)) 19 20 21=19-20 22=(Coln(20)*100/Coln(19))
Total 14559 13959 600 95.88 722 693 29 95.98 751 155 596 20.64 77 0 77 0 16109 14807 1302 91.92
1 Aqhunaqa 2618 2582 36 98.62 101 99 2 98.02 140 40 100 28.57 2 0 2 0 2861 2721 140 95.11
2 Chumukedima 3808 3647 161 95.77 179 174 5 97.21 181 7 174 3.87 10 0 10 0 4178 3828 350 91.62
3 DHANSIRIPAR 2011 1936 75 96.27 141 128 13 90.78 132 24 108 18.18 5 0 5 0 2289 2088 201 91.22
4 KUHUBOTO 2783 2614 169 93.93 123 116 7 94.31 117 29 88 24.79 19 0 19 0 3042 2759 283 90.7
5 MEDZIPHEMA 1905 1811 94 95.07 55 53 2 96.36 70 16 54 22.86 15 0 15 0 2045 1880 165 91.93
6 NIULAND 1434 1369 65 95.47 123 123 0 100 111 39 72 35.14 26 0 26 0 1694 1531 163 90.38
Total 14559 13959 600 95.88 722 693 29 95.98 751 155 596 20.64 77 0 77 0 16109 14807 1302 91.92

Excel View  Report last Updated on:13/10/2024