Govt. of India
Ministry of Rural Development
Department of Rural Development
The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 17-Feb-2025 10:09:07 AM 

R6.2 Percentage of works completed since inception in MIS

State : BIHAR District : GAYA Block : BODHGAYA

S.No Panchayat Financial Year
2021-2022and Earlier
Financial Year
Financial Year
Financial Year


No. of Works started No. of Works Completed Not Yet Completed Work Completion Rate No. of Works started No. of Works Completed Not Yet Completed Work Completion Rate No. of Works started No. of Works Completed Not Yet Completed Work Completion Rate No. of Works started No. of Works Completed Not Yet Completed Work Completion Rate No. of Works started No. of Works Completed Not Yet Completed Work Completion Rate
1 2 3 4 5=3-4 6=(Coln(4)*100/Coln(3)) 7 8 9=7-8 10=(Coln(8)*100/Coln(7)) 11 12 13=11-12 14=(Coln(12)*100/Coln(11)) 15 16 17=15-16 18=(Coln(16)*100/Coln(15)) 19 20 21=19-20 22=(Coln(20)*100/Coln(19))
Total 7240 6765 475 93.44 7190 7085 105 98.54 1003 799 204 79.66 1102 257 845 23.32 16535 14906 1629 90.15
1 ATIYA 715 618 97 86.43 453 453 0 100 68 45 23 66.18 67 24 43 35.82 1303 1140 163 87.49
2 Bara 382 353 29 92.41 569 562 7 98.77 38 23 15 60.53 101 35 66 34.65 1090 973 117 89.27
3 Basarhi 374 364 10 97.33 306 298 8 97.39 48 31 17 64.58 107 21 86 19.63 835 714 121 85.51
4 DHANAWAN 304 292 12 96.05 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 305 292 13 95.74
5 ELRA 314 288 26 91.72 449 439 10 97.77 42 23 19 54.76 48 3 45 6.25 853 753 100 88.28
6 Gafa Khurd 527 478 49 90.7 545 540 5 99.08 66 48 18 72.73 59 7 52 11.86 1197 1073 124 89.64
7 ITRA 284 263 21 92.61 417 406 11 97.36 9 2 7 22.22 50 4 46 8 760 675 85 88.82
8 Jhikatiya 416 379 37 91.11 481 479 2 99.58 35 27 8 77.14 88 23 65 26.14 1020 908 112 89.02
9 KANHAUL 709 689 20 97.18 514 508 6 98.83 119 108 11 90.76 66 7 59 10.61 1408 1312 96 93.18
10 KURMAWAN 367 343 24 93.46 467 461 6 98.72 103 95 8 92.23 82 15 67 18.29 1019 914 105 89.7
11 MOCHARIM 497 484 13 97.38 353 346 7 98.02 55 41 14 74.55 71 17 54 23.94 976 888 88 90.98
12 Mora Mardana 565 521 44 92.21 586 576 10 98.29 43 31 12 72.09 66 9 57 13.64 1260 1137 123 90.24
13 Moratal 437 401 36 91.76 544 535 9 98.35 75 60 15 80 87 35 52 40.23 1143 1031 112 90.2
14 NAWAN 454 442 12 97.36 594 588 6 98.99 134 113 21 84.33 54 16 38 29.63 1236 1159 77 93.77
15 PARARIYA 389 374 15 96.14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 0 23 0 412 374 38 90.78
16 Shekhwara 506 476 30 94.07 912 894 18 98.03 168 152 16 90.48 132 41 91 31.06 1718 1563 155 90.98
Total 7240 6765 475 93.44 7190 7085 105 98.54 1003 799 204 79.66 1102 257 845 23.32 16535 14906 1629 90.15

Excel View  Report last Updated on:16/02/2025