Govt. of India
Ministry of Rural Development
Department of Rural Development
The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 10-Feb-2025 05:51:27 PM 

R6.2 Percentage of works completed since inception in MIS

State : PUNJAB District : SANGRUR

S.No Block Financial Year
2021-2022and Earlier
Financial Year
Financial Year
Financial Year


No. of Works started No. of Works Completed Not Yet Completed Work Completion Rate No. of Works started No. of Works Completed Not Yet Completed Work Completion Rate No. of Works started No. of Works Completed Not Yet Completed Work Completion Rate No. of Works started No. of Works Completed Not Yet Completed Work Completion Rate No. of Works started No. of Works Completed Not Yet Completed Work Completion Rate
1 2 3 4 5=3-4 6=(Coln(4)*100/Coln(3)) 7 8 9=7-8 10=(Coln(8)*100/Coln(7)) 11 12 13=11-12 14=(Coln(12)*100/Coln(11)) 15 16 17=15-16 18=(Coln(16)*100/Coln(15)) 19 20 21=19-20 22=(Coln(20)*100/Coln(19))
Total 15117 14956 161 98.93 2027 1949 78 96.15 3065 2190 875 71.45 2174 576 1598 26.49 22383 19671 2712 87.88
1 ANDANA 1795 1766 29 98.38 285 279 6 97.89 407 278 129 68.3 342 87 255 25.44 2829 2410 419 85.19
2 BHAWANIGARH 1940 1920 20 98.97 276 270 6 97.83 427 234 193 54.8 197 19 178 9.64 2840 2443 397 86.02
3 DHURI 2083 2079 4 99.81 207 204 3 98.55 426 331 95 77.7 314 96 218 30.57 3030 2710 320 89.44
4 DIRBA 1767 1767 0 100 254 252 2 99.21 376 319 57 84.84 227 61 166 26.87 2624 2399 225 91.43
5 LEHRAGAGA 1629 1585 44 97.3 233 197 36 84.55 232 154 78 66.38 289 72 217 24.91 2383 2008 375 84.26
6 SANGRUR 2641 2609 32 98.79 336 325 11 96.73 476 342 134 71.85 382 110 272 28.8 3835 3386 449 88.29
7 SHERPUR 1355 1331 24 98.23 184 183 1 99.46 280 209 71 74.64 140 61 79 43.57 1959 1784 175 91.07
8 SUNAM 1907 1899 8 99.58 252 239 13 94.84 441 323 118 73.24 283 70 213 24.73 2883 2531 352 87.79
Total 15117 14956 161 98.93 2027 1949 78 96.15 3065 2190 875 71.45 2174 576 1598 26.49 22383 19671 2712 87.88

Excel View  Report last Updated on:09/02/2025