Govt. of India
Ministry of Rural Development
Department of Rural Development
The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 09-Feb-2025 05:51:34 PM 

R6.2 Percentage of works completed since inception in MIS

State : GOA District : NORTH GOA

S.No Block Financial Year
2021-2022and Earlier
Financial Year
Financial Year
Financial Year


No. of Works started No. of Works Completed Not Yet Completed Work Completion Rate No. of Works started No. of Works Completed Not Yet Completed Work Completion Rate No. of Works started No. of Works Completed Not Yet Completed Work Completion Rate No. of Works started No. of Works Completed Not Yet Completed Work Completion Rate No. of Works started No. of Works Completed Not Yet Completed Work Completion Rate
1 2 3 4 5=3-4 6=(Coln(4)*100/Coln(3)) 7 8 9=7-8 10=(Coln(8)*100/Coln(7)) 11 12 13=11-12 14=(Coln(12)*100/Coln(11)) 15 16 17=15-16 18=(Coln(16)*100/Coln(15)) 19 20 21=19-20 22=(Coln(20)*100/Coln(19))
Total 2739 2652 87 96.82 147 105 42 71.43 87 25 62 28.74 221 31 190 14.03 3194 2813 381 88.07
1 BARDEZ 281 269 12 95.73 20 14 6 70 24 3 21 12.5 23 8 15 34.78 348 294 54 84.48
2 BICHOLIM 756 733 23 96.96 34 23 11 67.65 2 1 1 50 77 7 70 9.09 869 764 105 87.92
3 PERNEM 808 788 20 97.52 19 12 7 63.16 27 4 23 14.81 41 10 31 24.39 895 814 81 90.95
4 SATARI 696 677 19 97.27 51 44 7 86.27 20 6 14 30 64 2 62 3.12 831 729 102 87.73
5 TISWADI 198 185 13 93.43 23 12 11 52.17 14 11 3 78.57 16 4 12 25 251 212 39 84.46
Total 2739 2652 87 96.82 147 105 42 71.43 87 25 62 28.74 221 31 190 14.03 3194 2813 381 88.07

Excel View  Report last Updated on:07/02/2025