Govt. of India
Ministry of Rural Development
Department of Rural Development
The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 19-Jul-2024 07:28:55 PM 

R6.2 Percentage of works completed since inception in MIS

State : MIZORAM District : MAMIT Block : Zawlnuam

S.No Panchayat Financial Year
2021-2022and Earlier
Financial Year
Financial Year
Financial Year


No. of Works started No. of Works Completed Not Yet Completed Work Completion Rate No. of Works started No. of Works Completed Not Yet Completed Work Completion Rate No. of Works started No. of Works Completed Not Yet Completed Work Completion Rate No. of Works started No. of Works Completed Not Yet Completed Work Completion Rate No. of Works started No. of Works Completed Not Yet Completed Work Completion Rate
1 2 3 4 5=3-4 6=(Coln(4)*100/Coln(3)) 7 8 9=7-8 10=(Coln(8)*100/Coln(7)) 11 12 13=11-12 14=(Coln(12)*100/Coln(11)) 15 16 17=15-16 18=(Coln(16)*100/Coln(15)) 19 20 21=19-20 22=(Coln(20)*100/Coln(19))
Total 6932 6912 20 99.71 811 806 5 99.38 807 777 30 96.28 203 161 42 79.31 8753 8656 97 98.89
1 BAWRAI 188 188 0 100 16 16 0 100 20 17 3 85 6 6 0 100 230 227 3 98.7
2 BUNGTHUAM 176 175 1 99.43 23 23 0 100 20 20 0 100 8 8 0 100 227 226 1 99.56
3 Chilui 145 145 0 100 17 17 0 100 16 16 0 100 3 1 2 33.33 181 179 2 98.9
4 CHUHVEL 159 159 0 100 16 16 0 100 15 15 0 100 5 5 0 100 195 195 0 100
5 Damdiai 306 306 0 100 14 14 0 100 20 20 0 100 3 2 1 66.67 343 342 1 99.71
6 Dampui 258 249 9 96.51 55 55 0 100 29 28 1 96.55 5 5 0 100 347 337 10 97.12
7 HRIPHAW 187 187 0 100 23 23 0 100 26 26 0 100 7 7 0 100 243 243 0 100
8 K.SARALI 115 115 0 100 14 14 0 100 15 13 2 86.67 3 3 0 100 147 145 2 98.64
9 Kananthar 223 222 1 99.55 21 21 0 100 17 17 0 100 2 2 0 100 263 262 1 99.62
10 KANHMUN 184 184 0 100 29 27 2 93.1 23 21 2 91.3 12 12 0 100 248 244 4 98.39
11 KAWRTHAH 188 188 0 100 22 22 0 100 22 22 0 100 11 11 0 100 243 243 0 100
12 KAWRTHAH NORTH 160 160 0 100 13 13 0 100 16 16 0 100 3 1 2 33.33 192 190 2 98.96
13 Khanthuam 177 177 0 100 17 17 0 100 20 20 0 100 11 9 2 81.82 225 223 2 99.11
14 KOLALIAN 203 203 0 100 37 37 0 100 30 30 0 100 7 7 0 100 277 277 0 100
15 Luangpawl 199 199 0 100 32 32 0 100 29 28 1 96.55 6 3 3 50 266 262 4 98.5
16 LUIMAWI 148 148 0 100 15 15 0 100 22 21 1 95.45 4 4 0 100 189 188 1 99.47
17 Mamit Bazarveng 193 193 0 100 29 28 1 96.55 27 26 1 96.3 6 3 3 50 255 250 5 98.04
18 Mamit Chhimveng 232 230 2 99.14 42 42 0 100 33 32 1 96.97 6 6 0 100 313 310 3 99.04
19 Mamit Hmarveng 253 253 0 100 59 58 1 98.31 63 57 6 90.48 9 4 5 44.44 384 372 12 96.88
20 Mamit Venghlun 193 191 2 98.96 27 27 0 100 26 26 0 100 5 2 3 40 251 246 5 98.01
21 N.Sabual 233 233 0 100 18 17 1 94.44 17 17 0 100 4 1 3 25 272 268 4 98.53
22 New Mamit 184 184 0 100 36 36 0 100 31 30 1 96.77 5 0 5 0 256 250 6 97.66
23 Phaizau 340 339 1 99.71 19 19 0 100 28 28 0 100 3 2 1 66.67 390 388 2 99.49
24 RENGDIL 234 234 0 100 35 35 0 100 27 26 1 96.3 12 12 0 100 308 307 1 99.68
25 SAIKHAWTHLIR 171 171 0 100 14 14 0 100 17 17 0 100 6 6 0 100 208 208 0 100
26 SIHTHIANG 184 183 1 99.46 15 15 0 100 20 19 1 95 9 6 3 66.67 228 223 5 97.81
27 Suarhliap 232 232 0 100 20 20 0 100 26 26 0 100 3 2 1 66.67 281 280 1 99.64
28 THINGHLUN 190 190 0 100 23 23 0 100 24 21 3 87.5 8 8 0 100 245 242 3 98.78
29 Tlangkhang 124 124 0 100 12 12 0 100 14 13 1 92.86 3 2 1 66.67 153 151 2 98.69
30 Vawngawnzo 337 336 1 99.7 17 17 0 100 23 23 0 100 3 1 2 33.33 380 377 3 99.21
31 ZAMUANG 197 197 0 100 18 18 0 100 15 14 1 93.33 10 5 5 50 240 234 6 97.5
32 ZAWLNUAM THUAMPUI 168 168 0 100 15 15 0 100 19 19 0 100 5 5 0 100 207 207 0 100
33 ZAWLNUAM VENGPUI 277 275 2 99.28 27 27 0 100 33 30 3 90.91 6 6 0 100 343 338 5 98.54
34 ZAWLPUI 174 174 0 100 21 21 0 100 24 23 1 95.83 4 4 0 100 223 222 1 99.55
Total 6932 6912 20 99.71 811 806 5 99.38 807 777 30 96.28 203 161 42 79.31 8753 8656 97 98.89

Excel View  Report last Updated on:18/07/2024