Govt. of India
Ministry of Rural Development
Department of Rural Development
The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 05-Dec-2024 05:30:54 PM 
R7.1.2 Outlays & Outcomes during Financial Year 2024-2025

SNo. Panchayat Cumulative Expenditure (Rs. in Lakhs) Employment Provided Average days employement provided per HH Average Wage per personday (In Rs.) Works Cost Per Personday(in Rs.)
On Unskilled Wage On Material Adm.Exp Total Household Persons Persondays comp. In-prog.
2024-2025 Paid Liability of previous years 2024-2025 Paid Liability of previous years 2024-2025 Paid Liability of previous years 2024-2025 Paid Liability of previous years Total
1 BAKHRI 17.66 0.39 0.67 11.45 0 0 18.33 11.83 30.17 140 149 7334 52.39 242.73 9 39 265.02
2 BALUWA ZULFEKARABAD 44.48 5.64 6.38 11.28 0 0 50.86 16.92 67.78 535 645 19685 36.79 243.25 37 98 277.61
3 BARASHANKAR 16.23 2.31 2.37 26.5 0 0 18.59 28.81 47.4 229 236 6708 29.29 244.22 9 107 279.51
4 BELAHI RAM 86.18 5.78 9 31.73 0 0 95.18 37.51 132.68 888 996 36515 41.12 243.18 65 160 309.07
5 BETAUNA 19.15 0.57 0 29.98 0 0 19.15 30.54 49.69 182 196 7911 43.47 244 18 156 302.77
6 BOKANE KALA 52.65 3.23 3.5 17.79 0 0 56.15 21.02 77.17 549 594 22351 40.71 241.69 96 141 307.79
7 DEWA PUR 8.43 0 1.33 14.58 0 0 9.76 14.58 24.34 181 184 3574 19.75 243.28 31 78 291.29
8 GONAHI 44.33 1.35 0.48 30.36 0 0 44.8 31.71 76.51 482 507 18516 38.41 240.37 53 123 341.9
9 JIHULI 17.49 0 1.78 14.57 0 0 19.27 14.57 33.85 165 170 7361 44.61 243.21 5 70 747.82
10 NUNFARWA 7.46 1.16 0 5.03 0 0 7.46 6.19 13.65 140 146 3095 22.11 242.85 0 65 242.85
11 PADUMKER 33.68 0.76 2.34 32.22 0 0 36.03 32.97 69 267 291 14449 54.12 243.23 17 88 417.15
12 PARSAUNI KAPUR 37.05 7.99 5.81 35.34 0 0 42.86 43.32 86.19 446 486 17200 38.57 243.19 2 192 276.98
13 PATAHI EAST 71.59 1.29 10.58 60.48 0 0 82.17 61.76 143.93 585 604 31552 53.94 242.09 34 243 415.83
14 PATAHI WEST 64.37 2.34 12.02 21.83 0 0 76.39 24.18 100.57 584 646 27707 47.44 243.09 9 228 330.2
15 SARAIYA GOPAL 24.18 1.36 1.57 12.76 0 0 25.74 14.12 39.86 209 220 10048 48.08 243.43 10 108 493.86
Total 544.93 34.17 57.83 355.9 0 0 602.74 390.03 992.79 5582 6070 234006 41.92 242.72 395 1896 348.26

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