Govt. of India
Ministry of Rural Development
Department of Rural Development
The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 05-Dec-2024 06:12:51 PM 
R7.1.2 Outlays & Outcomes during Financial Year 2024-2025

SNo. Panchayat Cumulative Expenditure (Rs. in Lakhs) Employment Provided Average days employement provided per HH Average Wage per personday (In Rs.) Works Cost Per Personday(in Rs.)
On Unskilled Wage On Material Adm.Exp Total Household Persons Persondays comp. In-prog.
2024-2025 Paid Liability of previous years 2024-2025 Paid Liability of previous years 2024-2025 Paid Liability of previous years 2024-2025 Paid Liability of previous years Total
1 ADHAKAPARIYA 26.08 0.06 0.04 14.88 0 0 26.12 14.93 41.05 239 292 12084 50.56 240.15 18 41 265.21
2 AHIRAULIA 36.62 14.17 0.12 46.24 0 0 36.75 60.41 97.16 611 740 15793 25.85 238.61 10 171 272.57
3 AMODEI 34.12 1.96 1.35 35.18 0 0 35.48 37.14 72.62 362 424 14132 39.04 244.81 3 92 279.73
4 BAIRIYA 39.34 6.45 0.13 36.5 0 0 39.47 42.95 82.41 475 552 16486 34.71 241.78 24 143 257.82
5 BELA 16.04 0.13 0.02 12.88 0 0 16.06 13.01 29.07 246 359 7009 28.49 235 5 93 307.71
6 CHAMPAPUR 46.11 4.72 2.88 77.03 0 0 48.99 81.75 130.74 584 617 23953 41.02 242.43 34 140 306.62
7 DHANHAR DHIHULI 43.21 1.4 0 13.15 0 0 43.21 14.54 57.75 589 701 18607 31.59 238.76 39 96 238.76
8 JAITAPUR 49.77 1.03 0.18 28.51 0 0 49.94 29.54 79.49 445 506 22499 50.56 241.99 19 72 260.15
9 MURLA 18.25 4.61 0 51.44 0 0 18.25 56.05 74.3 248 295 7990 32.22 234.86 42 109 244.87
10 PATANI 21.73 3.11 0 35.32 0 0 21.73 38.43 60.16 329 370 9104 27.67 242.63 9 83 242.63
11 PKHANAYIA 17.01 1.3 0 13.1 0 0 17.01 14.39 31.4 196 247 6979 35.61 243.29 53 57 244.46
12 RAGHUNATHPUR 31.5 0.25 2.57 36.25 0 0 34.07 36.51 70.58 409 491 12943 31.65 244.16 28 104 327.58
13 RAMGARHWA 31.04 3.41 0.96 93.92 0 0 32.01 97.33 129.34 369 442 13554 36.73 241.35 89 119 286.06
14 SAKRAR 19.45 0.77 0.04 13.21 0 0 19.49 13.97 33.46 215 262 8346 38.82 242.9 6 59 249.4
15 SHIVANAGER 24.71 3.1 0.66 47.98 0 0 25.37 51.09 76.45 373 437 10421 27.94 244.2 6 131 259.74
16 SINGASANI 39.5 3.62 0 24.52 0 0 39.5 28.15 67.65 505 598 17392 34.44 240.53 17 172 240.91
Total 494.48 50.09 8.95 580.11 0 0 503.45 630.19 1133.63 6195 7333 217292 35.08 241.28 402 1682 269.12

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