Govt. of India
Ministry of Rural Development
Department of Rural Development
The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 06-Dec-2024 12:57:17 AM 
R7.1.2 Outlays & Outcomes during Financial Year 2024-2025

SNo. Panchayat Cumulative Expenditure (Rs. in Lakhs) Employment Provided Average days employement provided per HH Average Wage per personday (In Rs.) Works Cost Per Personday(in Rs.)
On Unskilled Wage On Material Adm.Exp Total Household Persons Persondays comp. In-prog.
2024-2025 Paid Liability of previous years 2024-2025 Paid Liability of previous years 2024-2025 Paid Liability of previous years 2024-2025 Paid Liability of previous years Total
1 Balaba 47.77 0.24 0 6.19 0 0 47.77 6.43 54.2 533 540 23318 43.75 244.2 31 111 244.2
2 Basukibihari north 1.41 0.26 0 10.97 0 0 1.41 11.23 12.64 62 62 595 9.6 245 12 42 1402.53
3 Basukibihari South 28.27 1.61 0.32 3.73 0 0 28.59 5.34 33.93 369 371 11662 31.6 244.94 35 72 248.07
4 BISHANPUR 14.24 3.96 0.1 16.85 0 0 14.34 20.81 35.15 209 214 5835 27.92 244.76 55 117 478.07
5 MADHAWAPUR 2.49 0 0 2.77 0 0 2.49 2.77 5.26 48 51 1067 22.23 244.75 12 39 702.29
6 MUKHIYA PATTI 50.58 3.97 0.67 16.98 0 0 51.26 20.96 72.21 563 619 20919 37.16 244.88 42 120 280.49
7 PIHABARA 47.12 0.67 0.3 25.85 0 0 47.41 26.52 73.94 453 486 19340 42.69 244.55 50 90 257.03
8 PIROKHAR 21.64 4.53 0 22.93 0 0 21.64 27.46 49.1 296 313 9185 31.03 244.84 30 103 244.84
9 SALEMPUR 47.67 0.44 0.38 12.88 0 0 48.06 13.32 61.37 439 453 19550 44.53 244.79 23 80 266.41
10 SHAHAR NORTH 55.06 3.66 0.64 16.68 0 0 55.7 20.34 76.05 378 425 22559 59.68 244.48 24 111 303.11
11 SHAHAR SOUTH 17.04 1.07 0.3 13.4 0 0 17.35 14.48 31.83 338 346 7002 20.72 244.83 27 110 599.02
12 TARAIYA 37.3 0.88 0 9.05 0 0 37.3 9.93 47.22 356 382 15296 42.97 244.9 20 160 282.94
13 UTTARA 52.6 0.98 0 23.79 0 0 52.6 24.77 77.36 417 422 21834 52.36 244.84 38 120 291.76
Total 423.19 22.27 2.71 182.07 0 0 425.92 204.36 630.26 4461 4684 178162 39.94 244.69 399 1275 297.41

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