Govt. of India
Ministry of Rural Development
Department of Rural Development
The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 03-Dec-2024 10:37:57 PM 
R7.1.2 Outlays & Outcomes during Financial Year 2024-2025

SNo. Panchayat Cumulative Expenditure (Rs. in Lakhs) Employment Provided Average days employement provided per HH Average Wage per personday (In Rs.) Works Cost Per Personday(in Rs.)
On Unskilled Wage On Material Adm.Exp Total Household Persons Persondays comp. In-prog.
2024-2025 Paid Liability of previous years 2024-2025 Paid Liability of previous years 2024-2025 Paid Liability of previous years 2024-2025 Paid Liability of previous years Total
1 BHINDUA 65.25 0.59 1.28 31.95 0 0 66.53 32.54 99.07 671 685 28390 42.31 229.86 24 106 239.88
2 ITAHAR 40.92 10.24 0.35 14.29 0 0 41.27 24.53 65.81 563 595 17760 31.55 230.4 4 59 234.81
3 K ASTHAN SOUTH 16.89 0.08 0 1.5 0 0 16.89 1.58 18.47 196 197 7212 36.8 234.6 8 42 246.74
4 KASTHAN NORTH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35 0
5 KEWATGAMA 14.12 2.2 0 0.5 0 0 14.12 2.69 16.81 237 248 5963 25.16 236.75 4 85 236.75
6 MAHISAUTH 28.2 0.35 0 17.19 0 0 28.2 17.55 45.75 603 638 14876 24.67 233.38 11 117 233.65
7 SUGHARAIN 19.09 2.77 0.19 3.24 0 0 19.28 6.01 25.29 226 235 9443 41.78 225.3 14 90 228.31
8 TILKESHWAR 14.99 5.15 0 4.35 0 0 14.99 9.5 24.49 466 476 8872 19.04 220.17 10 87 220.17
9 UJUA SIMARTOKA 27.47 2.68 0.39 0 0 0 27.86 2.68 30.54 391 406 13394 34.26 222.24 7 73 225.13
10 USRI 45.15 13.79 0.5 11.7 0 0 45.65 25.49 71.14 973 1007 22037 22.65 230.68 11 80 236.06
Total 272.08 37.85 2.71 84.72 0 0 274.79 122.57 397.37 4326 4487 127947 29.58 229.27 93 774 234.27

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