Govt. of India
Ministry of Rural Development
Department of Rural Development
The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 12-Dec-2024 03:55:47 PM 
R7.1.2 Outlays & Outcomes during Financial Year 2024-2025

SNo. Panchayat Cumulative Expenditure (Rs. in Lakhs) Employment Provided Average days employement provided per HH Average Wage per personday (In Rs.) Works Cost Per Personday(in Rs.)
On Unskilled Wage On Material Adm.Exp Total Household Persons Persondays comp. In-prog.
2024-2025 Paid Liability of previous years 2024-2025 Paid Liability of previous years 2024-2025 Paid Liability of previous years 2024-2025 Paid Liability of previous years Total
1 BAIJANI 56.94 0.92 0.66 28.68 0 0 57.6 29.6 87.21 478 514 24122 50.46 236.07 25 82 242.36
2 BALUACHAK PURAINI 7.68 0.12 0 1.42 0 0 7.68 1.54 9.23 69 73 3351 48.57 230.75 13 27 230.75
3 BHAWANIPUR DESRI 56.27 3.05 1.54 5.06 0 0 57.81 8.11 65.92 561 564 23883 42.57 236.23 18 127 253.13
4 CHANDPUR 24.33 0 0.8 3.31 0 0 25.13 3.31 28.44 320 325 10520 32.88 233.72 27 94 316.52
5 HABIBIPUR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 0
6 IMAMPUR 4.3 0 0.08 0.03 0 0 4.38 0.03 4.42 61 68 1987 32.57 235.46 2 8 239.39
7 JAGDISHPUR 56.51 4.43 1.01 13.4 0 0 57.52 17.84 75.35 754 787 25255 33.49 230.36 39 72 262.81
8 JAMANI 17.37 0.72 0.5 1.6 0 0 17.87 2.32 20.19 144 165 7267 50.47 239.35 10 44 246.23
9 KHIRIBANDH 25.94 0.19 0.51 25.73 0 0 26.45 25.92 52.37 236 254 11225 47.56 231.77 20 49 242.55
10 PURANI NORTH 5.91 0.49 0.21 3.32 0 0 6.12 3.81 9.93 63 65 2472 39.24 239.14 6 9 247.57
11 PURANI SOUTH 18.71 0.03 0.63 13.61 0 0 19.34 13.64 32.98 160 180 8116 50.72 230.59 15 21 238.31
12 SAINO 191.1 4.37 4.8 68.21 0 0 195.9 72.58 268.48 1598 1623 85389 53.43 232.27 124 169 237.93
13 SANHOLI 23.64 0.13 0.43 8.57 0 0 24.06 8.71 32.77 253 260 10634 42.03 233.6 28 51 311.31
14 SHAJANGI 0.83 0 0.03 0 0 0 0.86 0 0.86 16 16 361 22.56 228.97 3 6 237.78
15 SONUCHAK PRUAINI 52.76 2.49 2.5 26.69 0 0 55.27 29.19 84.45 496 508 22451 45.26 235.02 17 70 348.87
Total 542.29 16.94 13.7 199.63 0 0 555.99 216.6 772.6 5209 5402 237033 45.5 233.44 349 833 260.35

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