Govt. of India
Ministry of Rural Development
Department of Rural Development
The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 05-Dec-2024 05:21:09 AM 
R7.1.2 Outlays & Outcomes during Financial Year 2024-2025

State: BIHAR District : BANKA Block : BARAHAT
SNo. Panchayat Cumulative Expenditure (Rs. in Lakhs) Employment Provided Average days employement provided per HH Average Wage per personday (In Rs.) Works Cost Per Personday(in Rs.)
On Unskilled Wage On Material Adm.Exp Total Household Persons Persondays comp. In-prog.
2024-2025 Paid Liability of previous years 2024-2025 Paid Liability of previous years 2024-2025 Paid Liability of previous years 2024-2025 Paid Liability of previous years Total
1 Auriya panchayat 54.94 3.22 13.25 82.55 0 0 68.19 85.77 153.95 604 639 24237 40.13 229.89 17 188 659.01
2 Babhangama panchayat 2 23.27 0 0.34 9.47 0 0 23.61 9.47 33.08 316 370 11019 34.87 219.94 6 92 236.53
3 Bhurna panchayat 25.79 0.47 0.53 6.22 0 0 26.31 6.69 33.01 356 384 12668 35.58 209.06 12 121 258.77
4 Gordhawar panchayat 16.47 3.76 4.11 17.9 0 0 20.58 21.66 42.24 441 531 12359 28.02 219.32 7 101 327.18
5 Khaihara panchayat 41.34 2.72 3.39 35.94 0 0 44.74 38.67 83.4 433 522 18414 42.53 228.99 32 101 333.54
6 Kharhara panchayat 13.22 0.76 2.28 20.43 0 0 15.5 21.19 36.68 252 266 7031 27.9 221.04 9 65 373.79
7 Laudhiya Khurda panchayat 52.76 2.54 3.44 27.56 0 0 56.2 30.1 86.3 570 663 24671 43.28 219.95 13 109 287.09
8 Mahua panchayat 4.8 0.05 0.02 4 0 0 4.82 4.05 8.87 109 117 2677 24.56 215.43 13 49 349.01
9 Mirzapur panchayat 14.72 0.02 0.12 9.64 0 0 14.84 9.65 24.5 344 372 7257 21.1 222.74 23 94 225.7
10 Narayanpur panchayat 26.18 1.32 3.91 25.44 0 0 30.08 26.76 56.84 298 326 11896 39.92 226.92 31 96 391.2
11 Panjwara panchayat 14.44 1.83 0.34 11.23 0 0 14.77 13.05 27.83 274 301 6488 23.68 225.18 17 77 420.25
12 Pathra panchayat 37.75 1.66 3.39 23.82 0 0 41.14 25.48 66.62 477 535 17541 36.77 219.46 8 129 374.66
13 Sabalpur panchayat 14.25 1.37 0.39 7.19 0 0 14.65 8.57 23.21 228 248 6598 28.94 229.03 10 64 235
14 Sondiha south panchayat 14.16 0.79 1.7 19 0 0 15.86 19.79 35.65 237 294 7818 32.99 194.75 16 61 258.04
15 Sondiha north panchayat 5.35 0 0.1 8.6 0 0 5.45 8.6 14.05 112 118 2876 25.68 199.38 17 60 202.7
Total 359.44 20.51 37.31 308.99 0 0 396.74 329.5 726.23 5051 5686 173550 34.36 221.04 231 1407 359.71

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