Govt. of India
Ministry of Rural Development
Department of Rural Development
The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 17-Feb-2025 09:49:07 AM 
R7.1.2 Outlays & Outcomes during Financial Year 2023-2024

SNo. Block Cumulative Expenditure (Rs. in Lakhs) Employment Provided Average days employement provided per HH Average Wage per personday (In Rs.) Works Cost Per Personday(in Rs.)
On Unskilled Wage On Material Adm.Exp Total Household Persons Persondays comp. In-prog.
2023-2024 Paid Liability of previous years 2023-2024 Paid Liability of previous years 2023-2024 Paid Liability of previous years 2023-2024 Paid Liability of previous years Total
1 BARGUR 6029.37 84.47 442.41 15.21 0 0 6471.78 99.67 6571.46 35740 37338 2280504 63.81 264.59 4962 431 283.98
2 HOSUR 1086.54 1.95 350.57 36.79 0 0 1437.11 38.74 1475.86 6294 6456 395373 62.82 275.09 723 174 363.76
3 KAVERIPATTANAM 4579.15 2.69 505.97 58.12 0 0 5085.13 60.81 5145.94 34763 37283 1738286 50 263.56 4303 502 292.66
4 KELAMANGALAM 1975.79 0.75 489.91 18.52 0 0 2465.7 19.27 2484.97 13476 13838 765900 56.83 258.1 949 67 322.07
5 KRISHNAGIRI 2563.92 55.28 512.76 127.29 0 0 3076.68 182.57 3259.25 19939 20718 971116 48.7 264.24 2494 455 317.04
6 MATHUR 3401.95 1.19 413.54 26.76 0 0 3815.48 27.95 3843.43 22108 23848 1283815 58.07 265.06 3328 178 297.27
7 SHOOLAGIRI 3196.34 28.85 419.13 62.66 0 0 3615.48 91.52 3706.99 17819 18430 1225596 68.78 260.97 1355 294 295.17
8 THALLY 4563.86 4.29 975.04 154.46 0 0 5538.9 158.75 5697.66 26894 28427 1768528 65.76 258.26 1630 152 313.39
9 UTHANGARAI 5362.44 15.09 333.6 37.07 0 0 5696.04 52.16 5748.2 36431 39320 2039527 55.98 263.05 4490 1034 279.49
10 VEPPANAPALLI 2716.65 1.74 272.25 19.16 0 0 2988.9 20.9 3009.81 15187 16055 1024682 67.47 265.26 1872 132 291.83
Total 35476.01 196.3 4715.18 556.04 0 0 40191.2 752.34 40943.57 228651 241713 13493327 59.01 263.08 26106 3419 298.03

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