Govt. of India
Ministry of Rural Development
Department of Rural Development
The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 10-Feb-2025 06:43:38 PM 
R7.1.2 Outlays & Outcomes during Financial Year 2024-2025

SNo. Block Cumulative Expenditure (Rs. in Lakhs) Employment Provided Average days employement provided per HH Average Wage per personday (In Rs.) Works Cost Per Personday(in Rs.)
On Unskilled Wage On Material Adm.Exp Total Household Persons Persondays comp. In-prog.
2024-2025 Paid Liability of previous years 2024-2025 Paid Liability of previous years 2024-2025 Paid Liability of previous years 2024-2025 Paid Liability of previous years Total
1 BALDEOGARH 751.1 33.7 411.6 81.56 0 0 1162.7 115.26 1277.97 7673 11919 317705 41.41 237.46 1031 3144 380.9
2 JATARA 1713.77 27.98 910.97 247.89 0 0 2624.74 275.87 2900.61 14456 20886 713982 49.39 240.17 1716 2923 402.31
3 PALERA 1195.34 14.36 419.49 204.4 0 0 1614.84 218.76 1833.59 9907 13651 495484 50.01 241.56 1579 2612 366.19
4 TIKAMGARH 793.64 3.34 402.19 31.53 0 0 1195.84 34.87 1230.7 7163 10082 333340 46.54 239.86 1160 2251 368.03
Total 4453.85 79.38 2144.25 565.38 0 0 6598.12 644.76 7242.87 39199 56538 1860511 47.46 240.02 5486 10930 382.9

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