Govt. of India
Ministry of Rural Development
Department of Rural Development
The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 07-Feb-2025 06:02:24 PM 

R4.2 Report on E-Mustroll and Wagelist generated for financial year 2024-2025

State : District :
S.No Block NO. of Muster Roll for UnSkilled NO. of Muster Roll for Skilled/SemiSkilled WageList
Issued Filled Deleted MusterRoll Zero attendance MusterRoll Total Muster Roll Filled Issued Filled Zero attendance MusterRoll Total Muster Roll Filled Generated No of
Muster Roll covered
1 2 3 4 5 6 7=4+6 8 9 10 11=9+10 12 13
1 BATHINDA 5072 4728 51 136 4864 60 40 0 40 1415 4703
2 Bhagta Bhaika 3733 3522 4 84 3606 66 60 0 60 1723 3515
3 Goniana 5560 5060 71 203 5263 57 2 0 2 1642 5040
4 MAUR 3718 3227 40 243 3470 37 10 0 10 1169 3196
5 NATHANA 4653 4216 5 166 4382 165 67 0 67 1787 4216
6 PHUL 3546 3231 57 153 3384 121 83 0 83 1346 3228
7 RAMPURA 3559 3230 26 153 3383 49 31 0 31 1070 3210
8 SANGAT 7077 6362 19 465 6827 89 38 0 38 1268 6353
9 TALWANDI SABO 9153 8430 21 375 8805 366 200 0 200 3125 8392
Total 46071 42006 294 1978 43984 1010 531 0 531 14545 41853
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