Govt. of India
Ministry of Rural Development
Department of Rural Development
The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 08-Feb-2025 04:05:47 PM 
R14.5 Delayed Payment (Stage 1) of Financial Year 2023-2024

State : LADAKH

Unit (In Lakhs.)

S.No District Delayed Payment Between 0-8 Days Delayed Payment Between 9-15 Days Delayed Payment Between 16-30 Days Delayed Payment Between 31-60 Days Delayed Payment Between 61-90 Days Delayed Payment more than 90 Days Total Delayed Payment Total Payment For Financial Year2023-2024
Total Transactions Amount Involved Total Transactions Amount Involved Total Transactions Amount Involved Total Transactions Amount Involved Total Transactions Amount Involved Total Transactions Amount Involved Total Transactions Amount Involved Total Transactions Amount Involved
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 =7+9+11+13 16 =8+10+14 17 =3+5+7+9+11+13 18 =4+6+8+10+14
Total 103910 2398.84 48451 1111.56 37341 848.55 16436 389.47 5459 127.93 1897 50.89 61133 1416.82 213494 4927.22
1 KARGIL 59770 1514.59 25664 686.87 16589 472.11 7293 206.77 2766 69.06 1034 35.39 27682 783.32 113116 2984.78
2 LEH (LADAKH) 44140 884.25 22787 424.69 20752 376.44 9143 182.7 2693 58.87 863 15.5 33451 633.5 100378 1942.44
Total 103910 2398.84 48451 1111.56 37341 848.55 16436 389.47 5459 127.93 1897 50.89 61133 1416.82 213494 4927.22

Excel View    Report Last Updated on:07/02/2025