Govt. of India
Ministry of Rural Development
Department of Rural Development
The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 07-Feb-2025 11:44:07 PM 
R14.5 Delayed Payment (Stage 1) of Financial Year 2024-2025


Unit (In Lakhs.)

S.No Block Delayed Payment Between 0-8 Days Delayed Payment Between 9-15 Days Delayed Payment Between 16-30 Days Delayed Payment Between 31-60 Days Delayed Payment Between 61-90 Days Delayed Payment more than 90 Days Total Delayed Payment Total Payment For Financial Year2024-2025
Total Transactions Amount Involved Total Transactions Amount Involved Total Transactions Amount Involved Total Transactions Amount Involved Total Transactions Amount Involved Total Transactions Amount Involved Total Transactions Amount Involved Total Transactions Amount Involved
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 =7+9+11+13 16 =8+10+14 17 =3+5+7+9+11+13 18 =4+6+8+10+14
Total 8030 227.73 2252 73.59 781 24.3 677 20.67 531 12.71 758 23.2 2747 80.88 13029 382.2
1 Anini-Alinye-Mipi 4365 128.26 1780 58.31 688 22.12 108 3.54 246 3.33 494 16.18 1536 45.17 7681 231.74
2 Anelih-Arzu 3004 81.13 7 0.05 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3011 81.18
3 Etalin-Malinye 661 18.34 465 15.23 93 2.18 569 17.13 285 9.38 264 7.02 1211 35.71 2337 69.28
Total 8030 227.73 2252 73.59 781 24.3 677 20.67 531 12.71 758 23.2 2747 80.88 13029 382.2

Excel View    Report Last Updated on:07/02/2025