Govt. of India
Ministry of Rural Development
Department of Rural Development
The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Financial Performance Under MGNREGA during the Financial Year 2023-2024

State:KARNATAKA (Rs. in Lakhs)
S.No District Opening Balance(OB) Release of
Last FY but
during the
Current FY
Release from
State Fund(*) to
Misc Reciept Total Availabilty Cumulative Expenditure %age Utilization Balance Payment due**
Entered OB Centre State Actual Expenditure Adm.Exp Total On Unskilled Wage On Semi-skilled and Skilled Wage On Material Tax Total
Unskilled Wage Semi-skilled and Skilled Wage Material Tax Rec Exp Non-Rec Exp Total Adm. Exp
1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 14=(4+5+6+7+8+9+10+13)-(11+12) 16 17 18 19 20 21 22=20+21 23=16+17+18+19+22 24=(23/14)*100 25=14-23 26 27 28 29 30=26+27+28+29
Phase I
1 BIDAR -202.74 0 0 0 30891.9 0 30689.15 16744.74 40.43 11864.65 1378.31 843.55 0 843.55 30871.67 100.59 -182.51 114.62 0 1626.54 185.12 1926.28
2 CHITRADURGA -355.44 0 0 0 32306.83 0 31951.39 20631.09 183.85 10664.75 0.69 755.58 0 755.58 32235.96 100.89 -284.57 79.98 6.59 2466.76 0.02 2553.35
3 DAVANAGERE 23.66 0 0 0 16664.08 0 16687.74 10568.06 254.69 4911.54 248.28 693.08 0.04 693.12 16675.69 99.93 12.05 5.08 7.55 798.08 37.75 848.46
4 KALABURAGI 321.7 0 0 0 27131.94 0 27453.63 18398.84 168.92 7627.09 158.62 810.92 0.19 811.11 27164.58 98.95 289.05 6.26 0 1917.74 21.34 1945.34
5 RAICHUR -140.58 0 0 0 50300.33 0 50159.75 33284.51 360.46 14816.02 1136.68 620.95 0.26 621.2 50218.87 100.12 -59.12 146.67 24.53 1947.73 123.61 2242.54
PhaseI Total -353.41 0 0 0 157295.08 0 156941.66 99627.24 1008.34 49884.06 2922.58 3724.08 0.49 3724.56 157166.77 100.14 -225.1 352.61 38.67 8756.85 367.84 9515.97
Phase II
6 BALLARI -57.3 0 0 0 22861.79 0 22804.49 16765.38 370.01 5143.28 233.5 440.21 0.95 441.17 22953.34 100.65 -148.84 16.37 6.98 171.72 4.52 199.59
7 BELAGAVI 0.84 0 0 0 62370.97 0 62371.81 38296.21 710.01 20586.06 1373.21 1292.85 0 1292.85 62258.33 99.82 113.48 86.44 41.33 2001.71 124.85 2254.33
8 CHIKKAMAGALURU -0.93 0 0 0 16998.61 0 16997.68 9908.44 139.65 6323.55 1.57 592.45 0.13 592.58 16965.8 99.81 31.88 8.54 3.46 968.95 0 980.95
9 HASSAN -1.6 0 0 0 21959.34 0 21957.75 13364.39 167.21 7460.86 191.56 715.3 0 715.3 21899.32 99.73 58.43 15.69 8.04 1826.11 16.81 1866.65
10 KODAGU -0.13 0 0 0 2705.81 0 2705.69 1606.82 0.67 832.89 75.74 186.5 0 186.5 2702.62 99.89 3.06 1.18 0 80.98 5.1 87.26
11 SHIVAMOGGA -45.6 0 0 0 12988.51 0 12942.91 8424.04 212.16 3652.87 112.02 572.99 0 572.99 12974.09 100.24 -31.18 3.92 9.8 415.72 10.4 439.84
PhaseII Total -104.71 0 0 0 139885.03 0 139780.34 88365.28 1599.72 43999.51 1987.6 3800.32 1.08 3801.4 139753.5 99.98 26.83 132.14 69.61 5465.19 161.68 5828.62
Phase III
12 BAGALKOTE -17.33 0 0 0 26550.61 0 26533.27 16272.96 287.06 8963.27 361.61 641.89 4.46 646.35 26531.25 99.99 2.02 31.69 10.4 1346.36 74.45 1462.9
13 BENGALURU -6.6 0 0 0 404.24 0 397.65 264.72 7.06 85.51 5.98 40.22 0 40.22 403.48 101.47 -5.84 14.42 0.74 51.3 4.49 70.95
14 BENGALURU RURAL 0 0 0 0 9710.54 0 9710.54 5590.01 12.33 3485.39 272.3 286.89 3.83 290.71 9650.74 99.38 59.8 5.73 0 138.56 6.41 150.7
15 CHAMARAJA NAGARA 11.73 0 0 0 11804.6 0 11816.33 6934.46 84.27 4160.07 236.95 381.11 0.23 381.34 11797.09 99.84 19.24 25.58 2.1 879.19 41.72 948.59
16 CHIKKABALLAPURA -141.06 0 0 0 16919.2 0 16778.13 10179.9 88.51 5469.98 502.82 667.63 3.23 670.86 16912.07 100.8 -133.94 126.39 1.34 1249.3 87.74 1464.77
17 DAKSHINA KANNADA -3.78 0 0 0 6471.69 0 6467.91 4386.02 46.39 1589.65 95.26 345.84 1.53 347.37 6464.69 99.95 3.22 1.06 0.2 233.78 19.81 254.85
18 DHARWAR -62.43 0 0 0 11894.76 0 11832.32 7287.69 129.99 3905.3 151.53 408.93 1.38 410.31 11884.82 100.44 -52.5 67 4.75 1301.69 37.75 1411.19
19 GADAG -15.24 0 0 0 17236.84 0 17221.6 12209.04 195.99 4233.3 192.73 401.32 0 401.32 17232.37 100.06 -10.78 8.06 6.32 552.42 28.31 595.11
20 HAVERI -55.37 0 0 0 24758.96 0 24703.59 14264.4 156.13 9155.57 590.73 575.1 7.56 582.66 24749.49 100.19 -45.9 80.62 3.73 1418.76 71.39 1574.5
21 KOLAR -219.35 0 0 0 22963.81 0 22744.46 12876.42 87.43 8440.93 670.5 854.3 5.07 859.37 22934.65 100.84 -190.19 62.4 0.55 1599.1 114.13 1776.18
22 KOPPAL -4.33 0 0 0 37312.24 0 37307.92 28665.22 442.72 6896.11 570.74 689.18 0.93 690.12 37264.91 99.88 43.01 52.34 20.13 2845.02 123.28 3040.77
23 MANDYA -25.82 0 0 0 18536.35 0 18510.53 9652.92 180.88 7583.2 433.17 607.92 50.35 658.27 18508.43 99.99 2.1 9.29 3.35 932.67 36.38 981.69
24 MYSURU 40.94 0 0 0 14231.77 0 14272.71 7937.84 99.15 5622.51 80.55 434.8 0.89 435.69 14175.75 99.32 96.96 20.31 2.32 847.55 11.97 882.15
25 RAMANAGARA -38.26 0 0 0 24159.29 0 24121.04 12769.45 140.71 10042.74 513.87 616.99 0.97 617.96 24084.73 99.85 36.31 22.59 3.39 1873.28 113.26 2012.52
26 TUMAKURU -60.37 0 0 0 32950.58 0 32890.2 19839.41 362.02 11565.78 118.39 966.11 0 966.11 32851.71 99.88 38.49 41.28 22.61 3240.24 61.5 3365.63
27 UDUPI -2.33 0 0 0 4766.41 0 4764.08 2487.4 27.15 1995 25.78 213.18 7.85 221.03 4756.36 99.84 7.72 0.46 1.92 282.7 1.83 286.91
28 UTTARA KANNADA -142.38 0 0 0 8928.68 0 8786.3 5729.35 73.73 2591.45 178.17 343.15 2.84 345.99 8918.7 101.51 -132.4 58.64 3.33 540.08 25.93 627.98
29 VIJAYANAGARA -770.92 0 0 0 33718.53 0 32947.61 22879.89 241.28 9310.15 467.58 338.02 4.44 342.46 33241.37 100.89 -293.77 27.2 17.18 654.09 37 735.47
30 VIJAYPURA -92.11 0 0 0 20793.89 0 20701.78 13746.6 183.63 6050.62 2.08 783.06 0 783.06 20766 100.31 -64.22 0.65 30.83 1224.21 0.69 1256.38
31 Yadgir -403.52 0 0 0 20411.9 0 20008.38 16467.62 16.76 3115.16 309.12 219.17 0 219.17 20127.83 100.6 -119.45 48.01 5.06 2026.11 186.78 2265.96
PhaseIII Total -2008.54 0 0 0 364524.89 0 362516.33 230441.33 2863.18 114261.68 5779.86 9814.82 95.57 9910.38 363256.44 100.2 -740.12 703.72 140.25 23236.41 1084.82 25165.2
All District Total -2466.65 0 0 0 661704.99 0 659238.33 418433.85 5471.23 208145.25 10690.04 17339.22 97.13 17436.35 660176.71 100.14 -938.39 1188.47 248.53 37458.45 1614.33 40509.78
State Fund 33255.73 82595.9   0 44049.2 -323637.54         1023.34 35.19 1058.54 1058.54   -324696.08          
Grand Total of State 30789.08 0 82595.9 0 661704.99 44049.2 335600.79 418433.85 5471.23 208145.25 10690.04 18362.56 132.32 18494.89 661235.25 196.71 -325634.47 1188.47 248.53 37458.45 1614.33 40509.78
*Status of State Fund:
                       OB of State Fund= 33255.73251
                       OB of State Fund= 33255.73251
Releases by Centre to State Fund in current FY= 540130.87667
                       Releases by State as State share against centre release in the current FY= 0
                       Misc (if any)= 44049.2
                       Total Availability at State Fund= 617435.80918
                       Refund From SEGF= 0
                       Balance of State Fund= -324696.08
                       Fund in Transit=Rs. 23935.01
These Figures are Cumulatively Display.
Col 3: OB=CB of last FY as per MIS
Col 4: OB=OB entered manually in the MIS
** Payment due means MR,Bills/Vouchers that have been entered but payment date has not been entered in the MIS.
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