Govt. of India
Ministry of Rural Development
Department of Rural Development
The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 14-Feb-2025 05:29:57 PM 
R5.1.1 Employment Generated during the year 2023-2024

State : KERALA
S.No District No. of Registered No. of Jobcard deleted in current YR No. of Jobcard included in current YR Cumulative No. of HH issued jobcards Employment demanded Employment offered Employment Availed No. of Families Completed 100 days No. of HH which are beneficiary of land reform/IAY No. of Disabled beneficiary individuals
Household Persons Household Persons Household Persons SCs STs Others Total Household Persons Household Persons Household Persons Persondays of Central Liability Persondays of States Liability
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
1 ALAPPUZHA 272470 422965 26437 70857 3446 6542 35998 721 235635 272354 152195 169628 152198 169634 148241 163640 11212642 11193559 19083 59350 0 399
2 ERNAKULAM 268764 382403 9333 25560 4848 7980 39604 2283 226872 268759 75523 83980 75523 83980 72790 80259 5047235 5027922 19313 28518 0 139
3 IDUKKI 214238 374033 6210 19067 3373 7532 26650 16418 171147 214215 102774 138460 102771 138457 99237 131981 6081788 5902770 179018 23101 0 90
4 KANNUR 249322 348030 18740 37861 7220 11287 8886 9656 230754 249296 93586 104338 93586 104339 89926 99144 6178443 6069970 108473 37525 0 142
5 KASARGOD 179714 268876 6957 12983 4111 7794 8827 18639 152173 179639 77535 89983 77534 89981 74915 85992 4826213 4685833 140380 30799 0 105
6 KOLLAM 396686 587049 27662 85721 7675 14016 51784 1550 343345 396679 150550 169085 150547 169083 146736 163286 9930369 9891499 38870 67144 0 308
7 KOTTAYAM 203235 285233 13224 26200 3899 7121 20833 4175 178147 203155 60739 67496 60738 67495 59521 65680 4241496 4212410 29086 24302 0 35
8 KOZHIKODE 345586 530438 20370 57667 7498 12196 31141 3336 310965 345442 154591 173642 154592 173641 148608 165597 10988011 10933679 54332 76564 0 213
9 MALAPPURAM 404949 604981 8628 25884 11296 20766 57369 4187 343339 404895 92031 107788 92031 107787 88992 103072 5908080 5845115 62965 35942 0 239
10 PALAKKAD 398128 543030 10979 21748 9233 15950 87405 15436 295284 398125 161359 182818 161361 182824 154803 173531 8435728 8108487 327241 28891 0 218
11 PATHANAMTHITTA 157543 247656 1618 4710 2600 5005 29181 1777 126578 157536 51295 59238 51294 59239 49709 56647 3522910 3512717 10193 18683 0 119
12 THIRUVANANTHAPURAM 389239 557895 53977 121181 8022 13690 51364 5452 332419 389235 182299 203794 182302 203811 176299 194314 13363376 13239142 124234 85636 0 212
13 THRISSUR 348219 427996 4230 7547 9277 14891 72456 1760 273984 348200 101167 110253 101167 110256 96249 103838 5295548 5276502 19046 27235 0 256
14 WAYANAD 146051 240777 10522 23377 2168 4839 5718 36023 104306 146047 65995 78940 65995 78941 63175 74641 4427535 4060283 367252 25418 0 97
Total 3974144 5821362 218887 540363 84666 149609 527216 121413 3324948 3973577 1521639 1739443 1521639 1739468 1469201 1661622 99459374 97959888 1499486 569108 0 2572

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