Govt. of India
Ministry of Rural Development
Department of Rural Development
The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 10-Feb-2025 07:02:10 PM 
R5.1.1 Employment Generated during the year 2023-2024

S.No District No. of Registered No. of Jobcard deleted in current YR No. of Jobcard included in current YR Cumulative No. of HH issued jobcards Employment demanded Employment offered Employment Availed No. of Families Completed 100 days No. of HH which are beneficiary of land reform/IAY No. of Disabled beneficiary individuals
Household Persons Household Persons Household Persons SCs STs Others Total Household Persons Household Persons Household Persons Total Persondays Persondays of Central Liability Persondays of States Liability
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
1 AMBALA 36874 52177 292 629 2341 3818 19439 0 17434 36873 7179 8859 7179 8858 6188 7468 172281 172281 0 10 0 5
2 BHIWANI 85607 168087 124 590 3922 7693 35279 0 50324 85603 27665 39495 27663 39492 23956 32897 713649 713649 0 42 0 25
3 CHARKI DADRI 30529 53255 126 330 2064 3055 11140 0 19389 30529 5099 6601 5098 6599 4717 6042 125018 125018 0 17 0 8
4 FARIDABAD 6834 7509 665 859 792 969 2030 0 4781 6811 1399 1594 1395 1590 1278 1454 50279 50279 0 67 0 0
5 FATEHABAD 73786 154709 458 2337 5482 11988 42472 0 31314 73786 58088 104794 58087 104794 54572 93486 2384736 2384736 0 738 0 119
6 GURUGRAM 12297 15973 35 36 596 755 5854 0 6443 12297 1351 1533 1351 1533 1239 1387 49488 49488 0 10 0 0
7 HISAR 117625 236292 469 2105 8769 16786 54608 0 63017 117625 62461 98673 62453 98647 57008 85733 2429600 2429594 6 816 0 54
8 JHAJJAR 63649 107368 116 740 2635 4262 24056 0 39575 63631 10327 13444 10312 13428 8983 11442 301265 301265 0 31 0 1
9 JIND 66854 135285 69 397 1887 4228 31102 0 35752 66854 32656 45842 32638 45819 28869 38464 848176 848176 0 38 0 38
10 KAITHAL 70011 130445 186 528 2745 5486 28588 0 41378 69966 29906 42618 29896 42598 26608 36457 690494 690494 0 18 0 93
11 KARNAL 90444 165717 158 408 2550 5343 44526 0 45917 90443 29805 41402 29801 41398 25999 35297 772008 772007 1 49 0 39
12 KURUKSHETRA 62808 121257 580 1405 2416 5001 20488 0 42320 62808 17087 24818 17036 24724 14498 20321 426560 426559 1 112 0 20
13 MAHENDRAGARH 64650 91305 293 499 6302 10298 15175 0 49208 64383 11697 15420 11661 15380 9479 12250 255996 255991 5 31 0 8
14 MEWAT 149607 192058 3487 4077 6721 9071 4325 0 145177 149502 14561 17630 13846 16784 9911 12007 345719 345717 2 31 0 0
15 PALWAL 38414 52627 777 1121 3303 4019 7102 0 30954 38056 3675 4568 3600 4476 2446 2958 54686 54686 0 0 0 2
16 PANCHKULA 15679 23610 68 134 1177 1792 3513 0 12157 15670 4350 5305 4350 5305 3893 4629 135521 135521 0 26 0 1
17 PANIPAT 42480 72259 324 858 1541 2665 18460 0 24019 42479 12429 17284 12429 17284 11091 15137 411431 411431 0 135 0 16
18 REWARI 39705 76693 82 219 2067 3129 19765 0 19934 39699 4911 6269 4911 6269 4142 5187 102052 102052 0 4 0 0
19 ROHTAK 41611 70226 88 194 3057 4998 18848 0 22762 41610 16136 21764 16121 21747 14354 18914 485230 485189 41 181 0 3
20 SIRSA 122731 264437 180 955 5344 12960 66850 0 55881 122731 50029 78257 50026 78252 41039 60728 912178 912177 1 17 0 81
21 SONIPAT 43793 64548 95 196 2259 3666 18598 0 25195 43793 10492 14320 10492 14320 9426 12573 405052 405051 1 155 0 12
22 YAMUNANAGAR 47069 75637 163 347 1779 3200 19263 0 27803 47066 8902 12492 8901 12489 6748 9327 244398 244390 8 27 0 2
Total 1323057 2331474 8835 18964 69749 125182 511481 0 810734 1322215 420205 622982 419246 621786 366444 524158 12315817 12315751 66 2555 0 527

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