Govt. of India
Ministry of Rural Development
Department of Rural Development
The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 08-Feb-2025 04:15:57 PM 
R6.24 Monitoring Report for Asset Id (Part-B)

Block : MARMAT Panchayat : PRABLE

S No. Primary Assets Secondary Assets
Asset Id Asset Name Shared with NRSC Work Code Work Name Work Type Shared with NRSC
1 14000015034 L DRAIN AT GHATTI NHO PARVEZ Y 1409016008/FP/109487 L/DRAIN AT GHATI NHO PERVEZ Diversion Channel Y
2 14000015035 WCD AT SHAND GHARATI ILO ASHOK KUMAR Y 1409016008/FP/111599 WCD at Shand Grathri ILO Ashok Kumar Strengthening of Embankment Y
3 14000015036 WCD AT BHOUNTA WANI MOHALLA Y 1409016008/FP/111863 CONSTT. OF WC DRAIN AT BHOUNTA WANI MOHALLA Strengthening of Embankment Y
4 14000015037 PARK AT DHERA MANDIR Y 1409016008/FP/114818 CONSTT. OF PARK AT DHARA MANDIR Strengthening of Embankment Y
5 14000015039 WCD AT BANGOLI Y 1409016008/FP/119262 CONSTT. OF WC DRAIN AT BHANGOLI Strengthening of Embankment Y
6 14000015040 WCD AT CHABROTE BUTT MOHALLA Y 1409016008/FP/119409 CONSTT. OF WCD AT CHABROOT BUTT MOHALLA Strengthening of Embankment Y
7 14000015042 NBC AT BHOUNTA NALLAHA KATHYL Y 1409016008/FP/119413 CONSTT. OF NBC AT BHOUNTA NALLAH TO KATHYI Strengthening of Embankment Y
8 14000015044 P WORK NHO MULKH RAJ Y 1409016008/FP/99806 P/work NHO Mulkh Raj Strengthening of Embankment Y
9 14000015045 P WORK NHO HANS RAJ Y 1409016008/FP/99814 P/work NHO Hans Raj Strengthening of Embankment Y
10 14000015046 P WORK NHO SHER MOHD Y 1409016008/FP/99821 P/work NHO Sher Mohd Strengthening of Embankment Y
11 14000015047 P WORK ILO AB AZIZ Y 1409016008/FP/99827 WCD ILO Ab. Aziz Strengthening of Embankment Y
12 14000015048 WCD ILO SHAFIQ SADIQ GH NABI Y 1409016008/FP/99830 WCD ILO Mohd Shafi, Sadiq, Gh. Nabi Strengthening of Embankment Y
13 14000015053 WCD AT BUTT MOHALLA Y 1409016008/FP/111862 WCD Butt Mohalla Ward No. 3 Strengthening of Embankment Y
14 14000015055 LAND DEV AT BARKOTE Y 1409016008/LD/50367 Land Dev at Barkote Development of Waste Land Y
15 14000015056 LAND DEV ILO DAYA SINGH Y 1409016008/LD/50566 Land Dev. ILO Daya Singh Development of Waste Land Y
16 14000015057 LAND DEV ILO SUNIT SINGH RUMAIL SINGH Y 1409016008/LD/50567 Land Dev. ILO Sunit Singh , Romal Singh Development of Waste Land Y
17 14000015058 LAND DEV AT DERA LONE MOHALLA Y 1409016008/LD/50572 Land Dev. at Dehra Lone Mohalla Development of Waste Land Y
18 14000015059 LAND DEV ILO AB GANI ASHRAF Y 1409016008/LD/50578 Land Dev. ILO Ab. Gani, Ashraf Development of Waste Land Y
19 14000015060 LAND DEV ILO AB AZIZ LONE Y 1409016008/LD/50587 Land Dev. ILO Ab. Aziz Lone Development of Waste Land Y
20 14000015061 LAND DEV ILO IQBQL HUSSIAN Y 1409016008/LD/50589 Land Dev. ILO Iqbal Hussain Development of Waste Land Y
21 14000015062 LAND DEV ILO MILAP SINGH Y 1409016008/LD/50592 Land Dev. ILO of Malap Singh Development of Waste Land Y
22 14000015064 LAND DEV ILO RIAZ AHMED Y 1409016008/LD/50595 Land Dev. ILO Riaz Ahmed Development of Waste Land Y
23 14000015067 LAND DEV AT GHATTI Y 1409016008/LD/50597 Land Dev. at Gathi Development of Waste Land Y
24 14000015068 LAND DEV AT SHEIKH MOHALLA Y 1409016008/LD/57727 CONSTT. OF LAND DEV. AT ILO DRANYARA Development of Waste Land Y
25 14000015070 LAND DEV AT KILAM Y 1409016008/LD/57645 CONSTT. OF LAND DEV. AT KILAM Development of Waste Land Y
26 14000015072 LAND DEV AT KUT KOLI Y 1409016008/LD/57644 CONSTT. OF LAND DEV. AT KUT KOLI Development of Waste Land Y
27 14000015074 LAND DEV AT DABUR Y 1409016008/LD/50608 Land Dev. at Dhabur Development of Waste Land Y
28 14000015075 LAND DEV ILO BHUSHAN KUMAR Y 1409016008/LD/50612 Land Dev. ILO Bushan Kumar Development of Waste Land Y
29 14000015076 LAND DEV ILO MOHD IQBAL LONE Y 1409016008/LD/50616 Land Dev. ILO Mohd Iqbal Lone Development of Waste Land Y
30 14000015077 LAND DEV ILO NASREENA Y 1409016008/LD/57448 CONSTT. OF LAND DEV. ILO NASREENA Development of Waste Land Y
31 14000015078 LAND DEV ILO SANT SINGH JODH SINGH Y 1409016008/LD/57781 CONSTT. OF LAND DEV. ILO SANT SINGH JODH SINGH Development of Waste Land Y
32 14000015079 LAND DEV ILO KAILASH Y 1409016008/LD/45721 Land dev ILO KAILASH Development of Waste Land Y
33 14000015081 LAND DEV AT SHEIKH MOHALLA Y 1409016008/LD/50603 Land Dev. at Sheikh Mohalla Development of Waste Land Y
34 14000015082 P WORK NHOHANS RAJ Y 1409016008/LD/45720 P/work NHO Hans Raj Development of Waste Land Y
35 14000015083 P PATH CHABROTE BHAGAT MOHALLA Y 1409016008/RC/132864 P/Path Chabrote Bhagat Mohalla to Bhatt Mohalla Cement Concrete Y
36 14000015084 P PATH AT BHANGOLI Y 1409016008/RC/132865 P/Path at Bhangoli Cement Concrete Y
37 14000015085 L DRAIN ROAD TO HO ASIF ALI Y 1409016008/RC/132868 L/Drain Road to HO ASIF ALI Cement Concrete Y
38 14000015086 P PATH ROAD TO MARAJ DIN Y 1409016008/RC/132869 P/Path Road to Miraj Din Cement Concrete Y
39 14000015088 P PATH AT MOLVI MOHALLA Y 1409016008/RC/132874 P/Path at Molvi Mohalla Cement Concrete Y
40 14000015089 P PATH SHEIKH MOHALLA Y 1409016008/RC/132875 P/Path Sheikh Mohalla Cement Concrete Y
41 14000015090 P PATH BALDRI NALLA TO DHERA Y 1409016008/RC/145117 P/PATH BALDRI NALLAH TO DEHRA Cement Concrete Y
42 14000015091 P PATH TO KOTLI CHABROTE Y 1409016008/RC/157173 CONSTT. OF P/PATH AT CHABROTE TO KOTLI Cement Concrete Y
43 14000015092 P PATH ILO ASHOK DHIMIYARA Y 1409016008/WC/29399 Pond ILO Ashok Dhamiyara Farm Pond Y
44 14000020511 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016008/RC/132871 P/Path Sangrana Cement Concrete Y
45 14000020525 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016008/RC/132861 P/Path at Bhounta SC Basti Cement Concrete Y
46 14000020536 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016008/RC/103705 P/Path Sangrana Cement concrete Y
47 14000090773 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016008/RC/100175 P/Path Bhountha to HO Naseer Cement concrete Y
48 14000090776 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016008/RC/35632 Constt. of P/Path Dhamyara Cement concrete Y
49 14000090779 flood protection Y 1409016008/FP/40940 Constt. of Park at Kotli Balance Work Cross Bund Y
51 14000090784 flood protection Y 1409016008/FP/58005 CONSTT. OF P/WORK AT BHANGOLI MANDIR Deepening and Repair of Flood Channels Y
52 14000090798 LAND DEVELOPMENT Y 1409016008/LD/35533 Land Leveling at Lower Gathol Development of Waste Land Y
53 14000090802 LAND DEVELOPMENT Y 1409016008/LD/36046 CONSTT. OF LAND LAVELLING NLO JAMEELA BEGUM Reclamation of Land Y
54 14000090805 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016008/RC/132878 P/Path NHO Khurshed Ahmed Cement Concrete Y
55 14000090808 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016008/RC/35630 Constt. of P/Path Butt Mohalla Kothly Cement concrete Y
56 14000090813 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016008/RC/38612 Constt. of P/Path PMGSY Road to Missri Cement concrete Y
57 14000090816 IHHL Y 1409016008/RS/995 Const. of IHHL at Prabal Individual Household Latrines Y
58 14000090824 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016008/RC/68165 CONSTT. OF P/PATH BALANCE WORK GONGLI Cement concrete Y
59 14000137539 CONSTT. OF P/WORK NHO AKTHER Y 1409016008/FP/92308 CONSTT. OF P/WORK NHO AKTHER Cross Bund Y
60 14000145557 WCD at Basronda Y 1409016008/FP/124888 WCD at Basronda Deepening and Repair of Flood Channels Y
61 14000145559 CONSTT. OF PARK AT DHAMYARA Y 1409016008/FP/125116 CONSTT. OF PARK AT DHAMYARA Strengthening of Embankment Y
63 14000214381 LAND DEVELOPMENT Y 1409016008/FP/30963 Constt. of land leveling at Sangrana Jamoga Peripheral Bunding Y
64 14000214385 flood control Y 1409016008/FP/30973 CONSTT. OF WCD AT GATHI Drainage in Water Logged Areas Y
66 14000214392 LAND DEVELOPMENT Y 1409016008/FP/40930 CONSTT. OF LAND LAVELLING AT KUT Cross Bund Y
69 14000214398 LAND DEVELOPMENT Y 1409016008/FP/40945 CONSTT. OF LAND LAVELLING AT FATT KOTLI Cross Bund Y
70 14000214401 flood control Y 1409016008/FP/41539 CONSTT. OF P/WORK NHO SADIQ Cross Bund Y
71 14000214404 LAND DEVELOPMENT Y 1409016008/FP/41541 CONSTT. OF LAND LAVELLING AT SANGRANA Cross Bund Y
72 14000214408 flood control Y 1409016008/FP/41562 CONSTT. OF LAND LAVELLING AT MOHD SHAFI Cross Bund Y
74 14000214412 LAND DEVELOPMENT Y 1409016008/FP/41565 CONSTT. OF LAND LAVELLING AT FAT NLO AB. GANI Cross Bund Y
75 14000214415 LAND DEVELOPMENT Y 1409016008/FP/41566 CONSTT. OF LAND LAVELLING AT GATHI Bio Drainage Y
77 14000214419 flood control Y 1409016008/FP/41569 CONSTT. OF P/WORK NHO RAVINDER SINGH Bio Drainage Y
79 14000214428 LAND DEVELOPMENT Y 1409016008/FP/43837 Constt. of Land Lavelling At NLO Raj Dai Chaur Renovation Y
80 14000214431 LAND DEVELOPMENT Y 1409016008/FP/57997 CONSTT, OF PARK AT GOTHI Chaur Renovation Y
81 14000214435 LAND DEVELOPMENT Y 1409016008/FP/57999 CONSTT. OF LAND /DEV. AT SHAND GHRATHI Peripheral Bunding Y
82 14000214439 LAND DEVELOPMENT Y 1409016008/FP/58000 CONSTT. OF LAND /DEV. AT NLO SAYED HUSSAIN Diversion Channel Y
83 14000214443 flood control Y 1409016008/FP/58007 CONSTT. OF P/WORK AT DEHRA LONE MOHALLA Spurs and Torrent Control Measures Y
84 14000214447 flood control Y 1409016008/FP/64809 Constt. of P/Work At But Muhallah Construction of Storm Water Drains Y
85 14000214452 flood control Y 1409016008/FP/65054 Constt of Wcd at Masri Construction of Storm Water Drains Y
86 14000214457 flood control Y 1409016008/FP/65596 CONSTT. OF P/WORK GRAVEYARD BHA Deepening and Repair of Flood Channels Y
87 14000214461 flood control Y 1409016008/FP/65673 WCD Phat to PMGSY Construction of Storm Water Drains Y
88 14000214465 flood control Y 1409016008/FP/69479 constt. of wcd at dough ward no. 1 Construction of Storm Water Drains Y
89 14000214471 LAND DEVELOPMENT Y 1409016008/FP/69499 CONSTT. OF PARK AT KABRASTAN BHONTA MORA WARD NO 1 Construction of Storm Water Drains Y
90 14000214474 flood control Y 1409016008/FP/70017 WCD Gowari Sunderwas Deepening and Repair of Flood Channels Y
91 14000214478 flood control Y 1409016008/FP/70168 CONSTT. OF P/WORK AT MS BHONTHA Construction of Storm Water Drains Y
92 14000214481 flood control Y 1409016008/FP/70586 WCD at Dhamiara Drainage in Water Logged Areas Y
93 14000214489 flood control Y 1409016008/FP/70587 P/Work Maseri NHO Mohd Shafi Drainage in Water Logged Areas Y
94 14000214493 LAND DEVELOPMENT Y 1409016008/FP/71506 CONSTT. OF LAND LAVELING AT DANDRA Drainage in Water Logged Areas Y
95 14000214495 flood control Y 1409016008/FP/76497 CONSTT. OF P/WORK NHO FIAZ AHMED Bio Drainage Y
96 14000214498 flood control Y 1409016008/FP/73227 CONSTT. OF P/WORK GRAVEYARD LOWER SHAND Strengthening of Embankment Y
97 14000214507 WATER HARVESTING Y 1409016008/IC/1532 Constt. of pond Chaner Kotli Construction of Canal, Distributary and Minor Y
98 14000214513 WATER HARVESTING Y 1409016008/IC/16610 CONSTT. OF POND AT MASRI BALANCE WORK Construction of Canal, Distributary and Minor Y
99 14000214516 WATER HARVESTING Y 1409016008/IC/16627 CONSTT. OF POND AT BALDHAR Construction of Canal, Distributary and Minor Y
100 14000214522 WATER HARVESTING Y 1409016008/IC/17933 CONSTT. OF POND DUGG Construction of Canal, Distributary and Minor Y
101 14000214524 flood control Y 1409016008/IC/4731 Constt. of W.C.D. Ghar Pane Dehra Construction of Canal, Distributary and Minor Y
102 14000214528 flood control Y 1409016008/IC/4924 Constt.of WCDat Sangrana Dug Construction of Canal, Distributary and Minor Y
103 14000214531 WATER HARVESTING Y 1409016008/IC/5291 Constt. of pond center Gathol Kotli Construction of Canal, Distributary and Minor Y
104 14000214534 flood control Y 1409016008/IC/WCD/Goha/31 Const. W.C.Drain Goha Construction of Canal, Distributary and Minor Y
105 14000214545 flood control Y 1409016008/LD/18229 CONSTT. OF P/WORK KABARSTAN BUTT MOHALLA Stone Bund Y
106 14000214549 LAND DEVELOPMENT Y 1409016008/LD/18230 CONSTT. OF LAND LAVELING AT NLO PREVEZ AHMED Land Leveling Y
107 14000214551 LAND DEVELOPMENT Y 1409016008/LD/18236 CONSTT. OF LAND LEVELING AT AJIT SINGH Land Leveling Y
110 14000214562 flood control Y 1409016008/LD/19237 construction of P/WORK NHO HASHAMTULLAH Stone Terracing Y
111 14000214568 LAND DEVELOPMENT Y 1409016008/LD/19247 CONSTT. 0F LAND LAVELING AT SHEIKH MOHALLA Stone Bund Y
112 14000214574 flood control Y 1409016008/LD/19248 CONST.OF P WORK SANGI PASSI Stone Terracing Y
113 14000214577 flood control Y 1409016008/LD/19712 CONSTT. OF WCD AT NANDU NALLA Boulder removal Y
114 14000214601 LAND DEVELOPMENT Y 1409016008/LD/21226 CONSTT. OF LAND LAVELLING AT KATHALI Boulder removal Y
116 14000214614 LAND DEVELOPMENT Y 1409016008/LD/21228 CONSTT. OF LAND LAVELLING AT BARKOTE Pebble Bunding Y
117 14000214619 LAND DEVELOPMENT Y 1409016008/LD/21229 CONSTT. OF LAND LAVEELING AT DHAMRA Reclamation of Land Y
118 14000214624 LAND DEVELOPMENT Y 1409016008/LD/28513 CONSTT. OF LAND LAVELLING AT GOWARI Earthen Bunding Y
119 14000214630 LAND DEVELOPMENT Y 1409016008/LD/29533 CONSTT. OF LAND LAVELLING ILO KHURSHID AT BRAH Boulder removal Y
120 14000214632 LAND DEVELOPMENT Y 1409016008/LD/29535 CONSTT. OF LAND DEV AT WANI MOHALLA Development of Waste Land Y
121 14000214640 LAND DEVELOPMENT Y 1409016008/LD/30965 L/DEV. AT DHAMARA Land Leveling Y
122 14000214646 LAND DEVELOPMENT Y 1409016008/LD/33049 CONSTT. OF LAND LAVELLING AT DABAR SURU Land Leveling Y
123 14000214652 LAND DEVELOPMENT Y 1409016008/LD/33050 CONSTT. OF land lavelling AT ALI SHEIKH MORA Land Leveling Y
124 14000214658 LAND DEVELOPMENT Y 1409016003/OP/8808460479 Constt. of Land Lavelingh Brahman Kutt LO Shamis D Complete
125 14000214667 WATER HARVESTING Y 1409016008/OP/689 Constt. of pond Dandra Complete
126 14000214673 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016008/OP/690 Constt. of C/path Bhounta to Dhara Complete
127 14000214679 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016008/OP/691 Constt. of C/path Kotli to Gathol Complete
128 14000214683 WATER HARVESTING Y 1409016008/OP/8808460417 Constt. of Pond at Mandhyara Complete
129 14000214690 flood control Y 1409016008/OP/8808460460 WCD at Padder Bara Complete
130 14000214696 flood control Y 1409016008/OP/8808460607 Constt. of WCD at Sunderwas Fat Complete
131 14000214704 flood control Y 1409016008/OP/8808460686 Constt. of P/Work Kabrastan Sangi Complete
132 14000214708 LAND DEVELOPMENT Y 1409016008/OP/8808460687 Constt. of Park at Durga Mandir Kothli Complete
133 14000214713 LAND DEVELOPMENT Y 1409016008/OP/8808460746 Constt. of Land Laveling at Sunderwas Gwari Complete
134 14000214718 flood control Y 1409016008/OP/8808460747 Constt. of WCD at Bratallo Proper Bhounta Complete
135 14000214723 flood control Y 1409016008/OP/8808460748 Constt. of WCD at Khountli Complete
136 14000214727 flood control Y 1409016008/OP/8808460749 Constt. of WCD Balance Work Bhounta Complete
137 14000214729 LAND DEVELOPMENT Y 1409016008/OP/8808460750 Constt. of Land Lavelling at Banjar Misri Complete
138 14000214736 flood control Y 1409016008/OP/8808460981 Constt. of P/Work at Fat Khotli Complete
139 14000214741 flood control Y 1409016008/OP/8808460985 Constt. WCD at Kut Tantal COMPLETE
140 14000214745 WATER HARVESTING Y 1409016008/OP/8808461276 Constt. of Pond at Masri Complete
141 14000214746 LAND DEVELOPMENT Y 1409016008/OP/8808461322 Constt. of Land Lavelingh at Sangarana Complete
143 14000214753 flood control Y 1409016008/WC/21228 WCD DRAIN AT CHANDER Stone Bund Y
144 14000214759 flood control Y 1409016008/WC/23136 WCD Bangoli Farm Pond Y
145 14000214761 flood control Y 1409016008/WC/5393 Constt. of pond Chaner Kotli Farm Pond Y
146 14000214764 WATER HARVESTING Y 1409016008/WC/6262 Const. Of Pond Konthali Earthen Bunding Y
147 14000214767 flood control Y 1409016008/WC/6294 Constt. of W.C.D. Kotli Farm Pond Y
148 14000214773 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016008/RC/100045 C/PATH LATEN GOTH TO BATHER Gravel Road Y
149 14000214780 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016008/RC/103620 P/Path NHO Ab. Gani to Sundras Cement concrete Y
150 14000214788 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016008/RC/103672 C/Path Mandhar to Khar Mohalla Cement concrete Y
151 14000214794 LAND DEVELOPMENT Y 1409016008/RC/103674 Land Alra Cement concrete Y
152 14000214799 LAND DEVELOPMENT Y 1409016008/RC/103686 Land Laviling ILO Mairaj Din Cement concrete Y
153 14000214804 flood control Y 1409016008/RC/107447 WCD at NLO Subash Cross Drainage Y
154 14000214810 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016008/RC/108070 CONSTT. OF C/PATH PMGSY ROAD TO YOUSAF ALI Earthern road Y
155 14000214814 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016008/RC/132859 P/Path at Wani Mohalla Cement Concrete Y
156 14000214822 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016008/RC/132863 P/path Kotli to Bhatt Mohalla Cement Concrete Y
157 14000214829 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016008/RC/25744 Const. of P/ path Bhounta Lower Bhonta to Upper Bhonta Cement concrete Y
158 14000214834 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016008/RC/25745 Constt. of pacca path Barkote Cement concrete Y
159 14000214863 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016008/RC/26031 Constt. of pacca path Sunderwas Cement concrete Y
160 14000214866 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016008/RC/26192 Constt. of P/path Dehra Cement concrete Y
161 14000214870 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016008/RC/27387 Constt. of pacca path Dandra Cement concrete Y
162 14000214873 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016008/RC/28800 Constt. of P/path Dehra Cement concrete Y
163 14000214876 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016008/RC/99019 CONSTT. OF P/PATH AT SANDEWAS GOWARI Cement concrete Y
164 14000214882 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016008/RC/87747 CONSTT. OF P/PATH AT DARA Cement concrete Y
165 14000259827 P/WORK NLO TARIQ AHMED Y 1409016008/FP/133616 P/WORK NLO TARIQ AHMED Diversion Channel Y
166 14000259829 P/WORK NLO MOHD SHAFI MONGI Y 1409016008/FP/133612 P/WORK NLO MOHD SHAFI MONGI Diversion Channel Y
167 14000259830 CONSTT. OF MANDIR PARK AT GANSOTAR DHAMYARA Y 1409016008/FP/128480 CONSTT. OF MANDIR PARK AT GANSOTAR DHAMYARA Strengthening of Embankment Y
168 14000259831 WCD AT UPPER GATHOL Y 1409016008/FP/125538 WCD AT UPPER GATHOL Diversion Channel Y
169 14000259832 CONSTT. OF RCC CULVERT AT SANGRANA Y 1409016008/FP/125150 CONSTT. OF RCC CULVERT AT SANGRANA Diversion Channel Y
170 14000259833 PARK AT ALI Y 1409016008/LD/61831 PARK AT ALI Earthen Bunding Y
171 14000259834 LAND DEV ILO AB LATIEFF ALI Y 1409016008/LD/61832 LAND DEV ILO AB LATIEFF ALI Earthen Bunding Y
172 14000259835 CONSTT. OF P/PATH IEDGHA TO KALTI Y 1409016008/RC/173278 CONSTT. OF P/PATH IEDGHA TO KALTI Cement Concrete Y
173 14000259836 P/PATH DHAMTARA Y 1409016008/RC/176107 P/PATH DHAMTARA Cement Concrete Y
174 14000337765 P/WORK NHO SHAMASDIN Y 1409016008/FP/134470 P/WORK NHO SHAMASDIN Diversion Channel Y
175 14000337766 CONSTT. OF PARK AT CHABROTE NEAR MADRASSA Y 1409016008/FP/125113 CONSTT. OF PARK AT CHABROTE NEAR MADRASSA Strengthening of Embankment Y
176 14000337767 CONSTT. OF WCD AT NALLA MANDIR Y 1409016008/FP/125114 CONSTT. OF WCD AT NALLA MANDIR Strengthening of Embankment Y
177 14000337768 CONSTT. OF PARK AT DABBER BUTT MOHALLA Y 1409016008/FP/125118 CONSTT. OF PARK AT DABBER BUTT MOHALLA Strengthening of Embankment Y
178 14000337769 P/WORK DHAMYAR NHO ROMAL SINGH Y 1409016008/FP/134451 P/WORK DHAMYAR NHO ROMAL SINGH Diversion Channel Y
179 14000337770 WCD AT KITAM Y 1409016008/FP/126159 WCD AT KITAM Bio Drainage Y
180 14000337771 WCD AT BHAUNTA TO PAPRI Y 1409016008/FP/126154 WCD AT BHAUNTA TO PAPRI Deepening and Repair of Flood Channels Y
181 14000337772 P/WORK NLO SHOKET ALI Y 1409016008/FP/134459 P/WORK NLO SHOKET ALI Diversion Channel Y
182 14000337773 P/WORK NHO BALWANT SINGH Y 1409016008/FP/134466 P/WORK NHO BALWANT SINGH Diversion Channel Y
183 14000337774 CONSTT. OF POND AT DUMAR BHOUNTA Y 1409016008/IC/50061 CONSTT. OF POND AT DUMAR BHOUNTA Community Well for Irrigation Y
184 14000337775 LAND DEV AT U/MISRI Y 1409016008/LD/62247 LAND DEV AT U/MISRI Earthen Bunding Y
185 14000337776 LAND LEV WANI MOHALLA Y 1409016008/LD/61852 LAND LEV WANI MOHALLA Earthen Bunding Y
186 14000337777 LAND DEV AT L/MISRI Y 1409016008/LD/62246 LAND DEV AT L/MISRI Development of Waste Land Y
187 14000337778 PARK AT DANDRA Y 1409016008/LD/62240 PARK AT DANDRA Earthen Bunding Y
188 14000337779 LAND DEV ILO FAROOQ AHMED Y 1409016008/LD/62243 LAND DEV ILO FAROOQ AHMED Earthen Bunding Y
189 14000337780 LAND DEV AT JAMOGA Y 1409016020/LD/61854 LAND DEV AT JAMOGA Earthen Bunding Y
190 14000337781 PLAY FIELD AT MS BHOUNTA Y 1409016008/LD/61858 PLAY FIELD AT MS BHOUNTA Earthen Bunding Y
191 14000337782 C/PATH NHO NARYAN DASS BHANGOLI Y 1409016008/RC/190981 C/PATH NHO NARYAN DASS BHANGOLI Cement Concrete Y
192 14000337783 CONSTT. OF P/PATH DABBAR TO BUT MOHALLA Y 1409016008/RC/184753 CONSTT. OF P/PATH DABBAR TO BUT MOHALLA Cement Concrete Y
193 14000337784 CONSTT. OF P/PATH AT FHO PARVEZ TO AB GANI Y 1409016008/RC/173188 CONSTT. OF P/PATH AT FHO PARVEZ TO AB GANI Cement Concrete Y
194 14000337785 CULVERT AT SUNDERWAS Y 1409016008/RC/176816 CULVERT AT SUNDERWAS Cement Concrete Y
195 14000337786 P/PATH BHADER T PS SUDERWAS Y 1409016008/RC/174520 P/PATH BHADER T PS SUDERWAS Cement Concrete Y
196 14000337787 CONSTT. OF FARM POND AT GHATHI Y 1409016008/WC/38028 CONSTT. OF FARM POND AT GHATHI Farm Pond Y
197 14000338073 CONSTT. OF PARK AT MASRI Y 1409016008/FP/130884 CONSTT. OF PARK AT MASRI Strengthening of Embankment Y
198 14000338074 CONSTT. OF L/DRAIN AT MASRI TO BRAW Y 1409016008/FP/130887 CONSTT. OF L/DRAIN AT MASRI TO BRAW Strengthening of Embankment Y
199 14000423166 P/WORK Y 1409016008/FP/70589 WCD NLO Dhian Singh Construction of Intermediate and Link Drains Y
200 14000423169 P/WORK Y 1409016008/FP/71507 CONSTT. OF LAND LAVELLING UPPER SANGRANA Peripheral Bunding Y
201 14000423171 P/WORK Y 1409016008/FP/73232 CONSTT. OF LAND DEV. AT BHANGOLI Deepening and Repair of Flood Channels Y
202 14000423172 P/WORK Y 1409016008/FP/73241 CONSTT. OF L/L AT KOTLI ILO GULSHAN Construction of Intermediate and Link Drains Y
203 14000423175 P/WORK Y 1409016008/FP/75638 P/Work P S Ward No 6 Diversion Channel Y
204 14000423176 P/WORK Y 1409016008/FP/76249 CONSTT. OF LAND DEV. NLO HANS RAJ Chaur Renovation Y
205 14000423181 P/WORK Y 1409016008/FP/65050 cONSTT OF p/WPORK AT lOWER cHAPROOTE nho rEHMAN Diversion Channel Y
206 14000423184 P/WORK Y 1409016008/FP/73585 Constt. of P/.Work Bhonta Wani Mohalla Construction of Intermediate and Link Drains Y
207 14000423187 P/WORK Y 1409016008/FP/76493 CONSTT. OF LAND LAVELLING MOHD SHAFI Construction of Intermediate and Link Drains Y
208 14000423190 P/WORK Y 1409016008/FP/76495 CONSTT. OF LAND DEV. NLO ZUBAR AHMED Chaur Renovation Y
209 14000423191 P/WORK Y 1409016008/FP/99803 P/Work NHO Zakir Hussain/Mohd Iqbal Strengthening of Embankment Y
210 14000423194 P/WORK Y 1409016008/LD/33400 CONSTT OF LAND DEV AT SINGHI DEHRA Reclamation of Land Y
211 14000423196 P/WORK Y 1409016008/LD/33676 L/Laveling NLO Harish Singh Development of Waste Land Y
212 14000423198 P/WORK Y 1409016008/LD/34975 CONSTT. OF LAND DEV. NLO ALTAF HUSSAIN Development of Waste Land Y
213 14000423200 P/WORK Y 1409016008/LD/36044 CONSTT. OF LAND LAVELLING NLO IQBAL Reclamation of Land Y
214 14000423202 P/WORK Y 1409016008/LD/35542 Land Leveling at Ghati Reclamation of Land Y
215 14000423209 P/WORK Y 1409016008/LD/36288 CONSTT. OF LAND DEV. AT LONE MOHALLA KOTLI Reclamation of Land Y
216 14000423214 P/WORK Y 1409016008/LD/34983 Land Leveling at Moulvi Mohalla Development of Waste Land Y
217 14000423218 P/WORK Y 1409016008/LD/36289 CONSTT. OF P/WORK GH. NABI Reclamation of Land Y
218 14000423219 P/WORK Y 1409016008/LD/36290 CONSTT. OF LAND LAVELLING ILO AKHTER LONE Development of Waste Land Y
219 14000423224 P/WORK Y 1409016008/LD/4925 Constt. of Chek Daim Kathyare Champece nalla Earthen Bunding Y
220 14000423225 P/WORK Y 1409016008/LD/4465 Development of land leveling brah-dandra Land Leveling Y
221 14000423228 P/WORK Y 1409016008/LD/50591 Land Dev. ILO Asif Ali Development of Waste Land Y
222 14000423230 P/WORK Y 1409016008/LD/50370 Land Dev Lower Gathol Development of Waste Land Y
223 14000423233 P/WORK Y 1409016008/LD/5391 Development of leveling Alli Stone Bund Y
224 14000423235 P/WORK Y 1409016008/LD/5393 Constt. of P/ work sara Brah Near graveyard. Stone Terracing Y
225 14000423236 P/WORK Y 1409016008/LD/6062 Development of land leveling brah-dandra Land Leveling Y
226 14000423242 P/WORK Y 1409016008/RC/103719 L/Laveling at Bgroli Cement concrete Y
227 14000423243 P/WORK Y 1409016008/RC/145105 P/PATH AT BARKOTE NHO RAMZAN Cement Concrete Y
228 14000423245 P/WORK Y 1409016008/RC/109664 CONSTT. OF C/PATH BASRONDA TO BUTT GOWARI Earthern road Y
229 14000423248 P/WORK Y 1409016008/RC/26287 Constt. of pacca path Bhara Cement concrete Y
230 14000423251 P/WORK Y 1409016008/RC/27432 Constt. of C/Path Sunderwas to Dehra Earthern road Y
231 14000423253 P/WORK Y 1409016008/RC/26032 Constt. of Pacca Mandhyar to Bangoli Cement concrete Y
232 14000423255 P/WORK Y 1409016008/RC/28148 Cosntt. of P/path Demhayar Cement concrete Y
233 14000423256 P/WORK Y 1409016008/RC/28147 Constt. of C/path Kotli to Gathol Earthern road Y
234 14000423260 P/WORK Y 1409016008/RC/28170 Constt. of W.C. D. Gehatee Baldree Metal Second coat Y
235 14000423261 P/WORK Y 1409016008/RC/28799 Constt. of C/Path barkoli to Mothi Earthern road Y
236 14000423263 P/WORK Y 1409016008/RC/28380 Constt. of W.C.D. Bratel to Papri Bhahta Sand Moram Y
237 14000423265 P/WORK Y 1409016008/RC/29034 Constt. of Pacca Mandhyar to bangoli Cement concrete Y
238 14000423267 P/WORK Y 1409016008/RC/28830 Const. Of C/Path Kothli to Bhamtha Earthern road Y
239 14000423268 P/WORK Y 1409016008/RC/29242 Constt. of pacca path Sunderwas Cement concrete Y
240 14000423270 P/WORK Y 1409016008/RC/35631 Constt. of WCD Sangrana Dugg Cross Drainage Y
241 14000423273 P/WORK Y 1409016008/RC/35627 CONSTT. OF P/PATH BHONTA TO KANDA Cement concrete Y
242 14000423274 P/WORK Y 1409016008/RC/35628 Constt. of Balance work Bangoli Cement concrete Y
243 14000423276 P/WORK Y 1409016008/RC/36453 Constt. of P/Path Butt Mohalla Cement concrete Y
244 14000423278 P/WORK Y 1409016008/RC/37621 Constt. of P/Path Shani to Masjid Mohalla Cement concrete Y
245 14000423279 P/WORK Y 1409016008/RC/39060 Constt. of P/Path PMGSY Road to Kabrastan Cement concrete Y
246 14000423281 P/WORK Y 1409016008/RC/38610 Constt. of P/Path NHO Latief to Sheikh Mohalla Cement concrete Y
247 14000423283 P/WORK Y 1409016008/RC/39086 Constt. of P/Path Bogroli Cement concrete Y
248 14000423284 P/WORK Y 1409016008/RC/36203 P/path Masjid to Upper Shand Cement concrete Y
249 14000423289 P/WORK Y 1409016008/RC/39091 Constt. of C/Path Sunderwas to Fat Earthern road Y
250 14000423291 P/WORK Y 1409016008/RC/39089 Constt. of C/Path to Shand to Baldara Earthern road Y
251 14000423294 P/WORK Y 1409016008/RC/42635 CONSTT. OF WCD AT DRABER Cross Drainage Y
252 14000423296 P/WORK Y 1409016008/RC/42429 Constt. of C/Path Bethir to Khaninghar Earthern road Y
253 14000423297 P/WORK Y 1409016008/RC/25743 Constt. of balance work P/path Sangrana Cement concrete Y
254 14000423300 P/WORK Y 1409016008/RC/42682 CONSTT. OF WCD BASROHANDA Cross Drainage Y
255 14000423302 P/WORK Y 1409016008/RC/42684 CONSTT. OF C/PATH AT LOWER GATHOL Cement concrete Y
256 14000423303 P/WORK Y 1409016008/RC/55120 CONSTT. OF P/WORK PYT. N/PATHPMGSY ROAD TO GH. ALI Cement concrete Y
257 14000423307 P/WORK Y 1409016008/RC/55218 CONSTT. OF P/PATH BHOUNTA TO KANDA BALANCE WORK Cement concrete Y
258 14000423308 P/WORK Y 1409016008/RC/55202 CONSTT. OF P/PATH MAGARI BALANCE WORK Cement concrete Y
259 14000423309 P/WORK Y 1409016008/RC/55314 CONSTT. OF P/PATHSANGARANA BALANCE WORK Cement concrete Y
260 14000423310 P/WORK Y 1409016008/RC/55315 CONSTT. OF P/PATH UPPER KHOTLI Cement concrete Y
261 14000423313 P/WORK Y 1409016008/RC/57204 CONSTT. OF P/PATH PMGSY ROAD TO HO NAZIR AHMED BAL Cement concrete Y
262 14000423314 P/WORK Y 1409016008/RC/57210 CONSTT. OF P/PATH NHO SHOKET BUTT Cement concrete Y
263 14000423315 P/WORK Y 1409016008/RC/42327 Constt. of WCD at Proper Sangarana Cross Drainage Y
264 14000423318 P/WORK Y 1409016008/RC/60274 CONSTT. OF P/PATH AT GUTHAL BALANCE WORK Cement concrete Y
265 14000423319 P/WORK Y 1409016008/RC/63905 CONSTT. OF P/PATH PARIHAR MOHALLA TO PS SCHOOL Cement concrete Y
266 14000423322 P/WORK Y 1409016008/RC/60259 CONSTT. OF P/PATH BUTT MOHALLA CHAPROTA BALANCE WO Cement concrete Y
267 14000423324 P/WORK Y 1409016008/RC/67071 CONSTT. OF P/PATH AT LOWER SHAND BALANCE WORK Cement concrete Y
268 14000423326 P/WORK Y 1409016008/RC/65759 CONSTT. OF P/PATH JAMOGA Cement concrete Y
269 14000423328 P/WORK Y 1409016008/RC/69701 CONSTT. OF WCD AT NLO DHAYAN SINGH Village Drain Y
270 14000423330 P/WORK Y 1409016008/RC/57462 CONSTT. OF P/PATH AT MAGRI BALANCE WORK Cement concrete Y
271 14000423332 P/WORK Y 1409016008/RC/85800 CONSTT. OF P/PATH PMGSY ROAD TO MESRI Cement concrete Y
272 14000423334 P/WORK Y 1409016008/RC/85796 CONSTT. OF P/PATH MESSARI TO HO SHOKET Cement concrete Y
273 14000423336 P/WORK Y 1409016008/RC/92403 CONSTT.OF P/PATH MANDIR MOHALLA TO NANDO NULLAHA Cement concrete Y
274 14000423338 P/WORK Y 1409016008/RC/92408 CONSST.OF L/DRAIN AT DHANDA NHO AKTHER Cross Drainage Y
275 14000423340 P/WORK Y 1409016008/RC/90069 CONSTT. OF P/PATH AT H/O SHARIEF TO H/O AKRAM Cement concrete Y
276 14000423342 P/WORK Y 1409016008/RC/98517 cONSTT OF C/PATH KOTLI TO TANTAL Village Drain Y
277 14000423343 P/WORK Y 1409016008/RC/99525 C/PATH AT UPPER GATHOL Earthern road Y
278 14000423344 P/WORK Y 1409016008/RC/87801 CONSTT. OF P/PATH AT MESRI TO MUKHTIYAR MOHALLA Cement concrete Y
279 14000423346 P/WORK Y 1409016008/RS/1077 CONSTT. OF 110 N0. OF NBA UNITS AT PARABLE Individual Household Latrines Y
280 14000423348 P/WORK Y 1409016008/RS/994 CONST OF IHHL AT PRABAL Individual Household Latrines Y
281 14000423349 P/WORK Y 1409016008/RS/996 CONST OF IHHL AT PRABAL Individual Household Latrines Y
282 14000423351 P/WORK Y 1409016008/WC/6293 Constt. of W.C.D. Ghar Pane Dehra Check Dam Y
283 14000449201 Csc Y 1409016008/RS/16444 CSC AT MASJID KOTLI Soakage Channel/Pit Y
284 14000469640 SCHOOL GROUND AT MS KOTLI Y 1409016008/LD/8808487011 SCHOOL GROUND AT MS KOTLI Block Plntation-Biodrainage-Wastelands for comm Y
285 14000469642 R/WALL NEAR UPS BHOUNTA Y 1409016008/FP/8808490021 R/WALL NEAR UPS BHOUNTA Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
286 14000469643 C/PATH SPRING TO LONE MOHALLA Y 1409016008/RC/8808496091 C/PATH SPRING TO LONE MOHALLA Construction of Gravel Road Roads for Community Y
287 14000469644 P/PATH LONE MOHALLA AT SINGI Y 1409016008/RC/8808496174 P/PATH LONE MOHALLA AT SINGI Repair & maint of Mitti Murram Roads for Comm Y
288 14000469646 P/PATH AT DHERA LONE MOHALLA Y 1409016008/RC/201932 P/PATH AT DHERA LONE MOHALLA Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
289 14000469647 P/PATH DHERA LONE MOHALLA Y 1409016008/RC/8808497760 P/PATH DHERA LONE MOHALLA Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
290 14000469648 P/PATH PARIHAR MOHALLA TO CHINAR Y 1409016008/RC/8808497181 P/PATH PARIHAR MOHALLA TO CHINAR Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
291 14000469650 C/PATH AT GHATTI Y 1409016008/RC/8808503262 C/PATH AT GHATTI Construction of Mitti Murram Roads for Community Y
292 14000469652 FENCING GRAVEYARD AT CHAPPA Y 1409016008/FP/8808491249 FENCING GRAVEYARD AT CHAPPA Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
293 14000469653 GRAVEYARD AT DHANDRA Y 1409016008/FP/8808496033 GRAVEYARD AT DHANDRA Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
294 14000469654 P/WORK GRAVEYARD NEAR UPS BHOUNTA Y 1409016008/FP/8808495442 P/WORK GRAVEYARD NEAR UPS BHOUNTA Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
295 14000469655 EC DRAIN KOTLI NALLA LONE MOHALLA Y 1409016008/FP/8808495441 EC DRAIN KOTLI NALLA LONE MOHALLA Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
296 14000469658 P/WORK GRAVEYARD MONGI Y 1409016008/FP/8808495439 P/WORK GRAVEYARD MONGI Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
297 14000469660 P/WORK GRAVEYARD AT LONE MOHALLA DHERA Y 1409016008/FP/8808495436 P/WORK GRAVEYARD AT LONE MOHALLA DHERA Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
298 14000469662 NALLA BINDING DRAMAN SUDU BHOUNTA Y 1409016008/FP/8808495137 NALLA BINDING DRAMAN SUDU BHOUNTA Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
299 14000469663 P/WORK GRAVEYARD AT MANDESAR Y 1409016008/FP/8808495433 P/WORK GRAVEYARD AT MANDESAR Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
300 14000469665 NALLA BINDING AT KHABAL KUT Y 1409016008/FP/8808495432 NALLA BINDING AT KHABAL KUT Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
301 14000469672 PARK AT SITLA MANDIR BANGOLI Y 1409016008/FP/8808495136 PARK AT SITLA MANDIR BANGOLI Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
302 14000469673 C/PATH DRAMAN TO PATHWAR Y 1409016008/RC/8808504033 C/PATH DRAMAN TO PATHWAR Repair & maint of Mitti Murram Roads for Comm Y
303 14000469675 C/PATH SHEIKH MOHALLA TO MOLVI MOHALLA Y 1409016008/RC/8808496169 C/PATH SHEIKH MOHALLA TO MOLVI MOHALLA Construction of Mitti Murram Roads for Community Y
304 14000469676 Pond at Basronda Y 1409016008/WH/16094 Pond at Basronda Renovation of Fisheries Ponds for Community Y
305 14000469677 DEV OF SPRING AT DANDRA Y 1409016008/WH/16168 DEV OF SPRING AT DANDRA Renovation of Fisheries Ponds for Community Y
306 14000469678 POND AT BASRONDA NEAR MANDIR Y 1409016008/WH/16307 POND AT BASRONDA NEAR MANDIR Renovation of Fisheries Ponds for Community Y
307 14000469679 POND AT KILAM Y 1409016008/WC/42480 POND AT KILAM Block Plantation in fields-Horticulture-Community Y
308 14000469681 KUL AT SHAND NALLA TO L/GATHOL Y 1409016008/WC/8808485073 KUL AT SHAND NALLA TO L/GATHOL Block Plantation in fields-Horticulture-Community Y
309 14000469682 PARK AT GOWARI SUNDERWAS Y 1409016008/LD/64326 PARK AT GOWARI SUNDERWAS Block Plntation-Biodrainage-Wastelands for comm Y
310 14000469683 PARK AT FAT KH NO 644 Y 1409016008/LD/64327 PARK AT FAT KH NO 644 Block Plntation-Biodrainage-Wastelands for comm Y
311 14000469685 PARK NEAR PARDHAR DHAMAYRA Y 1409016008/LD/8808487670 PARK NEAR PARDHAR DHAMAYRA Block Plntation-Biodrainage-Wastelands for comm Y
312 14000469686 PLAY GROUND AT MS BHOUNTA Y 1409016008/LD/8808488104 PLAY GROUND AT MS BHOUNTA Block Plntation-Biodrainage-Wastelands for comm Y
313 14000469687 REPAIR OF POND Y 1409016008/IC/54426 REPAIR OF POND Community Well for Irrigation Y
314 14000469688 KUL DRAMAN NALLA TO DANDRA Y 1409016008/IC/57334 KUL DRAMAN NALLA TO DANDRA Construction of distributary Canal for Community Y
315 14000469689 KUL Katri Pani to Basronda Y 1409016008/IC/57883 KUL Katri Pani to Basronda Construction of distributary Canal for Community Y
316 14000470476 Drain at Banjer Y 1409016008/FP/145834 Drain at Banjer Diversion Channel Y
318 14000489137 ONSTT. OF DEV. OF SHAMSHANGHAT AT BHOUNTA Y 1409016008/FP/130688 CONSTT. OF DEV. OF SHAMSHANGHAT AT BHOUNTA Strengthening of Embankment Y
319 14000489140 WCD ILO HANS RAJ Y 1409016008/FP/138686 WCD ILO HANS RAJ Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
320 14000489148 WCD AT SHAND ILO ASHOK KUMAR Y 1409016008/FP/139028 WCD AT SHAND ILO ASHOK KUMAR Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
321 14000489156 P/Work Shamshanghat Kut Kotli Y 1409016008/FP/139395 P/Work Shamshanghat Kut Kotli Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
322 14000489163 Nalla Binding at Kotli Nalla Y 1409016008/FP/139416 Nalla Binding at Kotli Nalla Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
323 14000489169 WCD DABBER TO NALLA GOWARI Y 1409016008/FP/139611 WCD DABBER TO NALLA GOWARI Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
324 14000489182 WCD AT SHEIKH MOHALLA Y 1409016008/FP/139614 WCD AT SHEIKH MOHALLA Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
325 14000489187 WCD AT MANDHAIR Y 1409016008/FP/141060 WCD AT MANDHAIR Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
326 14000489199 WC DRAIN AT JAMUGA Y 1409016008/FP/8808491752 WC DRAIN AT JAMUGA Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
327 14000489205 L/LEV AT MANDHAIR Y 1409016008/FP/8808495138 L/LEV AT MANDHAIR Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
328 14000489207 NALLA BINDING SC BASTI SANGRANA Y 1409016008/FP/8808495145 NALLA BINDING SC BASTI SANGRANA Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
329 14000489209 WC DRAIN BHANGESU BARKOTE Y 1409016008/FP/8808495438 WC DRAIN BHANGESU BARKOTE Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
330 14000489213 PARK AT DEVSTHAN GHANSOTAR Y 1409016008/LD/8808487671 PARK AT DEVSTHAN GHANSOTAR Block Plntation-Biodrainage-Wastelands for comm Y
331 14000489218 P/PATH MASRI TOWARDS BELRA GOHA Y 1409016008/RC/200986 P/PATH MASRI TOWARDS BELRA GOHA Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
332 14000489219 P/PATH SUNDERWAS TO HO RAVINDER Y 1409016008/RC/201030 P/PATH SUNDERWAS TO HO RAVINDER Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
333 14000489221 L/DRAIN WANI MOHALLA L/DRAIN WANI MOHALLA Y 1409016008/RC/201624 L/DRAIN WANI MOHALLA Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
334 14000489226 P/PATH AT SINGI TOWARDS DHERA Y 1409016008/RC/201937 P/PATH AT SINGI TOWARDS DHERA Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
335 14000489231 P/PATH AT DANDRA Y 1409016008/RC/201993 P/PATH AT DANDRA Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
336 14000489237 P/PATH BRA TOWARDS BANGOLI MANDIR Y 1409016008/RC/205455 P/PATH BRA TOWARDS BANGOLI MANDIR Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
337 14000489240 P/PATH HO SHOKET TOWARDS AB REHMAN Y 1409016008/RC/204437 P/PATH HO SHOKET TOWARDS AB REHMAN Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
338 14000489242 P/PATH GH QADER TO PARVEZ Y 1409016008/RC/217052 P/PATH GH QADER TO PARVEZ Cement Concrete Y
339 14000489249 RCC Culvert at Tantal Y 1409016008/RC/229028 RCC Culvert at Tantal Cement Concrete Y
340 14000489259 P/PATH CHYAN TO THAIR Y 1409016008/RC/8808497180 P/PATH CHYAN TO THAIR Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
341 14000489262 P/PATH DANDRA PART 2 Y 1409016008/RC/8808495753 P/PATH DANDRA PART 2 Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
342 14000489265 C/PATH L/GATHOL TO U/GATHOL Y 1409016008/RC/8808504032 C/PATH L/GATHOL TO U/GATHOL Repair & maint of Mitti Murram Roads for Comm Y
343 14000502025 P/Path Gerani Pani towards PMGSY Road Y 1409016008/RC/201983 P/Path Gerani Pani towards PMGSY Road Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
344 14000537798 Stone Graded Bunds NHO Dayal Singh W.No. 7 Y 1409016008/FP/8808512235 Stone Graded Bunds NHO Dayal Singh W.No. 7 Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
345 14000537799 Flood Diversion Drain at Dhamyara Y 1409016008/FP/8808519615 Flood Diversion Drain at Dhamyara Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
346 14000537800 Stone Graded Bunds NHO Gulshan Ahmed W.No.7 Y 1409016008/FP/8808512236 Stone Graded Bunds NHO Gulshan Ahmed W.No.7 Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
347 14000537801 Stone Graded Bunds NHO Jia Lal Y 1409016008/FP/8808512238 Stone Graded Bunds NHO Jia Lal Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
348 14000537802 Stone Graded Bunds at Dandra Y 1409016008/FP/8808512245 Stone Graded Bunds at Dandra Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
349 14000537803 Stone Graded Bunds Masjed Shareef dera Y 1409016008/FP/8808512260 Stone Graded Bunds Masjed Shareef dera Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
350 14000582083 Stone Graded Bunds NHO Ghulam Nabi W.No.7 Y 1409016008/FP/8808512237 Stone Graded Bunds NHO Ghulam Nabi W.No.7 Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
351 14000582084 Stone Graded Bund at Basronda ILO Manhor lal Y 1409016008/FP/8808520438 Stone Graded Bund at Basronda ILO Manhor lal Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
352 14000582085 Stone Graded Bund Bangoli ilo Suresh kumar Y 1409016008/FP/8808523903 Stone Graded Bund Bangoli ilo Suresh kumar Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
353 14000765812 Constt of Soakage Pit ILOLekh Raj Y 1409016008/IF/8808536322 Constt of Soakage Pit ILOLekh Raj Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
354 14000765816 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Shama Begum Y 1409016008/IF/8808536375 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Shama Begum Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
355 14000765817 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Shada Begum Work Start Date Y 1409016008/IF/8808536328 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Shada Begum Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
356 14000765836 Constt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016008/IF/8808560372 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Manjru Devi Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
357 14000765841 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016008/IF/IAY/166659 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK124753684 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
358 14000765844 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016008/IF/IAY/193672 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK141705332 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
359 14000765950 Constt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016008/IF/8808560652 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Rinku Lal Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
360 14000765953 Constt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016008/IF/8808536384 Constt of Soakage Pit ILOMahraj Din Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
361 14000765956 Constt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016008/IF/8808536447 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Lal Chand Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
362 14000765957 Constt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016008/IF/8808536310 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO tara chand Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
363 14000769354 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016008/IF/IAY/193671 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK141705276 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
364 14000769357 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016008/IF/IAY/193665 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK141693162 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
365 14000769360 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016008/IF/IAY/192347 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK131889618 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
366 14000769361 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016008/IF/IAY/191604 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK124754970 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
367 14000769364 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016008/IF/IAY/168707 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK137771652 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
368 14000769367 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016008/IF/IAY/167758 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK131890995 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
369 14000769371 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016008/IF/IAY/167755 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK131890165 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
370 14000769373 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016008/IF/IAY/167754 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK131890006 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
371 14000784220 Constt of Soakage Pi Y 1409016008/IF/8808560674 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Bushan Kumar Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
372 14000784221 Constt of Soakage Pi Y 1409016008/IF/8808536318 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Lehar Singh Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
373 14000784223 Constt of Soakage Pi Y 1409016008/IF/8808560460 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Ganesh Kumar Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
374 14000784225 Constt of Soakage Pi Y 1409016008/IF/8808560465 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Mohd Azam Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
375 14000784236 Constt of Soakage Pi Y 1409016008/IF/8808560471 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Tariq Ahmed Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
376 14000784237 Constt of Soakage Pi Y 1409016008/IF/8808560521 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Saddam Hussian Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
377 14000784243 Constt of Soakage Pi Y 1409016008/IF/8808536370 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Sajad Hussain Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
378 14000784244 Constt of Soakage Pi Y 1409016008/IF/8808592556 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Mohd Farooq Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
379 14000784250 Constt of Soakage Pi Y 1409016008/IF/8808560685 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Mohd Shafi Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
380 14000798572 Balance work of Amrit Sarover at Gowari W.No. 4 Panchayat Prabble Y 1409016008/WH/GIS/188599 Balance work of Amrit Sarover at Gowari W.No. 4 Panchayat Prabble Renovtion of Community Ponds for Comm Y
381 14000798665 /Path Khounthli To Dehra Ward No 3 Y 1409016008/RC/8808597180 C/Path Khounthli To Dehra Ward No 3 Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
382 14000798668 Poultry Shed at barra NHO Maihraj Din Ward No 4 Y 1409016008/LD/8808545418 Poultry Shed at barra NHO Maihraj Din Ward No 4 Constr of Earthen peripheral Bund for Community Y
383 14000798673 Cattle Shed at Puthwar Mohalla Ward No 6 Y 1409016008/LD/8808545413 Cattle Shed at Puthwar Mohalla Ward No 6 Constr of Earthen peripheral Bund for Community Y
384 14000798677 Cattel Shed Rather Mohallah ILO Javid Y 1409016008/LD/8808545419 Cattel Shed Rather Mohallah ILO Javid Constr of Earthen peripheral Bund for Community Y
385 14000798688 Gravel Road PMGSY Road to Kut Work Start Date Y 1409016008/RC/8808531292 Gravel Road PMGSY Road to Kut Construction of Mitti Murram Roads for Community Y
386 14000798694 L/Dev. At barra ILO Zaker Hussain ward no 4 Y 1409016008/LD/8808545314 L/Dev. At barra ILO Zaker Hussain ward no 4 Constr of Earthen peripheral Bund for Community Y
387 14000798696 L/dev ILO Sajad Hussain ,W.No 7 Y 1409016008/LD/8808545346 L/dev ILO Sajad Hussain ,W.No 7 Constr of Earthen peripheral Bund for Community Y
388 14000798702 Fencing Graveyard ILO Ajaz Ahmed W no 3 Y 1409016008/LD/8808509583 Fencing Graveyard ILO Ajaz Ahmed W no 3 Constr of Earthen contour Bund for Community Y
389 14000798706 P/Work at Bhindi ILO Hablal Ward No 7 Y 1409016008/LD/8808545391 P/Work at Bhindi ILO Hablal Ward No 7 Constr of Earthen peripheral Bund for Community Y
390 14000805960 Constt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016008/IF/8808536325 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Razi Begum Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
391 14000805965 Constt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016008/IF/8808536360 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Parviz Ahmed Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
392 14000805967 Constt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016008/IF/8808536366 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Jamila Begum Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
393 14000805970 Constt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016008/IF/8808536373 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Ab Rehim Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
394 14000805972 Constt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016008/IF/8808536380 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Ab Gani Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
395 14000805978 Constt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016008/IF/8808560519 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Javed Ahmed Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
396 14000811795 Constt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016008/IF/8808560692 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Javid Iqbal Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
397 14000811798 Constt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016008/IF/8808560496 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Susheel Kumar Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
398 14000816680 Constt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016008/IF/8808536306 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Ruksana Begum Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
399 14000816681 Constt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016008/IF/8808536334 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Gh Mohi Din Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
400 14000816684 Constt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016008/IF/8808560326 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Gulshan Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
401 14000816697 1409016008/RC/8808597169 Y 1409016008/RC/8808597169 P/Path PMGSY Road to NHO Javed Iqbal Ward No 4 Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
402 14000816700 Kul From Kotli Towards Eidgah Ward No 2 Y 1409016008/IC/8808548422 Kul From Kotli Towards Eidgah Ward No 2 Construction of minor Canal for Community Y
403 14000816705 1409016008/RC/8808597156 Y 1409016008/RC/8808597156 P/Path at Mandir Mohalla kotli Ward No 7 Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
404 14000816710 1409016008/RC/8808597174 Y 1409016008/RC/8808597174 P/Path Nho Mohd Ramzan Ward No 6 Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
405 14000816711 1409016008/RC/8808597176 Y 1409016008/RC/8808597176 P/Path Eidgah to Batt Mohalla, W. no 2 Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
406 14000816714 P/Path at Dhamyara Ward No 7 Y 1409016008/RC/8808597178 P/Path at Dhamyara Ward No 7 Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
407 14000816717 1409016008/LD/8808552458 Y 1409016008/LD/8808552458 B/Wall NHO Ashok Kumar Constr of Earthen contour Bund for Community Y
408 14000835095 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Thakri Devi Y 1409016008/IF/8808560346 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Thakri Devi Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
409 14000836140 L/Dev. At Bagrolli Y 1409016008/FP/8808545716 L/Dev. At Bagrolli Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
410 14000836147 L/Dev. Ashok Kumar Y 1409016008/FP/8808545728 L/Dev. Ashok Kumar Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
411 14000836150 P/Work Romesh Chander Kotli Y 1409016008/FP/8808545725 P/Work Romesh Chander Kotli Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
412 14000836153 L/Dev. At Dhemarra Y 1409016008/FP/8808545723 L/Dev. At Dhemarra Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
413 14000836161 L/Dev. Near Lone Mohalla Kotli Y 1409016008/FP/8808545717 L/Dev. Near Lone Mohalla Kotli Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
414 14000836168 L/Dev.Basronda Y 1409016008/FP/8808545714 L/Dev.Basronda Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
415 14000847556 L/Dev U/Shand Y 1409016008/LD/8808512128 L/Dev U/Shand Constr of Stone peripheral Bund for Community Y
416 14000847569 L/dev at Shand Y 1409016008/LD/8808545401 L/dev at Shand Constr of Earthen peripheral Bund for Community Y
417 14000866925 1409016008/LD/8808510660 Y 1409016008/LD/8808510660 L/Dev ILO Iqbal Hussain Constr of Earthen peripheral Bund for Community Y
418 14000866926 1409016008/FP/8808512318 Y 1409016008/FP/8808512318 Cattle Shed at Bra NHO Mohd Sharief Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
419 14000866929 1409016008/LD/8808519179 Y 1409016008/LD/8808519179 L/Dev ILO imtiaz Ahmed Kothi W.No.7 Constr of Earthen peripheral Bund for Community Y
420 14000866934 1409016008/LD/8808519205 Y 1409016008/LD/8808519205 LBT at Sangrana W.No.3 Constr of Pebble peripheral Bund for Community Y
421 14000866938 1409016008/LD/8808519204 Y 1409016008/LD/8808519204 LBT at Sheikh Mohalla Constr of Earthen peripheral Bund for Community Y
422 14000876285 Constt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016008/IF/8808536329 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Parviz Ahmed Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
423 14000889155 Constt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016008/IF/8808536317 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Gh nabi Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
424 14000889166 Constt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016008/IF/8808536352 Constt of Soakage Pit ILOMashkoor Ahmed Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
425 14000890170 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016008/IF/IAY/165995 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK115143447 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
426 14000890173 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016008/IF/IAY/165994 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK115143404 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
427 14000890175 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016008/IF/IAY/165997 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK115143535 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
428 14000890178 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016008/IF/IAY/165996 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK115143487 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
429 14000890180 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016008/IF/IAY/167752 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK131889329 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
430 14000890182 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016008/IF/IAY/167753 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK131889818 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
431 14000890195 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016008/IF/IAY/167759 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK131891153 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
432 14000890196 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016008/IF/IAY/168377 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK134897278 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
433 14000890199 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016008/IF/IAY/169536 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK141581609 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
434 14000890201 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016008/IF/IAY/169599 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK141680628 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
435 14000890203 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016008/IF/IAY/169603 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK141698088 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
436 14000890204 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016008/IF/IAY/169604 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK141698093 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
437 14000890217 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016008/IF/IAY/169605 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK141698201 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
438 14000890221 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016008/IF/IAY/170815 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146144234 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
439 14000890222 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016008/IF/IAY/169613 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK141705386 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
440 14000890224 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016008/IF/IAY/173015 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK149168882 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
441 14000890229 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016008/IF/IAY/187082 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146174264 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
442 14000890234 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016008/IF/IAY/192346 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK131889012 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
443 14000890235 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016008/IF/IAY/192348 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK131890808 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
444 14000890251 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016008/IF/IAY/193659 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK141680928 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
445 14000890254 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016008/IF/IAY/197474 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK150180533 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
446 14000890275 Constt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016008/IF/8808536331 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Akhter Hussain Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
447 14000890297 Constt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016008/IF/8808560876 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Bansi Lal Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
448 14000893533 Constt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016008/IF/8808536351 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Rajinder Singh Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
449 14000893535 Constt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016008/IF/8808560331 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Rakesh Kumar Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
450 14000901309 1409016008/LD/GIS/182194 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/182194 L/ DEV ILO SURESH KUMAR AT CHEIYAR Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
451 14000901347 1409016008/RC/GIS/182242 Y 1409016008/RC/GIS/182242 P/PATH BUTT MOHALLA NHO MUSHTAQ AHMED Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
452 14000901358 1409016008/LD/GIS/182228 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/182228 L/ DEV AT FATTRI Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
453 14000901363 1409016008/RC/GIS/182254 Y 1409016008/RC/GIS/182254 P/ PATH B/ WORK ATY DEHMARIA Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
454 14000901401 Spring Kund Sunderwass ILO Rajinder W.No.5 Y 1409016008/WC/8808503157 Spring Kund Sunderwass ILO Rajinder W.No.5 Block Plantation of Forestry-in Fields-Community Y
455 14000901416 Pond At Khassra No 655 Ward No 3 Y 1409016008/WC/8808516215 Pond At Khassra No 655 Ward No 3 Block Plantation-Farm Forestry in fields for Comm Y
456 14000901448 Dev. Of Spring at Bindi W.No.2 Y 1409016008/WC/8808503158 Dev. Of Spring at Bindi W.No.2 Block Plantation-Biodrainage- Gov blding premises Y
457 14000902060 1409016008/LD/8808545325 Y 1409016008/LD/8808545325 L/Dev. ILO Bashir Ahmed Pathwar ,W.No 6 Constr of Earthen peripheral Bund for Community Y
458 14000902064 1409016008/LD/8808552455 Y 1409016008/LD/8808552455 L/Dev ILO Gulshan W No 7 Constr of Earthen peripheral Bund for Community Y
459 14000902067 1409016008/RC/8808597177 Y 1409016008/RC/8808597177 P/Path at L/Gathol W.No 6 Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
460 14000902070 1409016008/LD/8808552459 Y 1409016008/LD/8808552459 L/Dev Ab Kabir W No 6 Constr of Earthen contour Bund for Community Y
461 14000902071 1409016008/RC/8808597153 Y 1409016008/RC/8808597153 P/Path Aircel Tower To Bhagat Mohalla Ward No 2 Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
462 14000902074 1409016008/RC/8808597171 Y 1409016008/RC/8808597171 P/Path Lone Mohalla Ward No.6 Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
463 14000902088 1409016008/RC/8808597164 Y 1409016008/RC/8808597164 P/Path Sheikh Mohalla Jumouga.Ward No 3 Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
464 14000902089 1409016008/LD/8808552450 Y 1409016008/LD/8808552450 L/Dev at Prable Constr of Earthen peripheral Bund for Community Y
465 14000902090 1409016008/RC/8808597179 Y 1409016008/RC/8808597179 Repair of P/Path Sangrana to Bhonta Ward No 3 Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
466 14000920019 1409016008/LD/GIS/182219 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/182219 L/ DEV ILO GULSHAN AHMED Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
467 14000920065 1409016008/LD/GIS/182219 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/182182 L/ DEV AT WARD NO. 3 Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
468 14000920078 1409016008/LD/GIS/182219 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/182177 GRAVE YARD AT MOLVI MOHALLA Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
469 14000920086 1409016008/LD/GIS/182219 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/182190 L/ DEV ILO MULAP SINGH Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
470 14000932796 1409016014/LD/GIS/96676 Y 1409016008/IF/8808536378 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Shamas Din Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
471 14000932814 1409016014/LD/GIS/96676 Y 1409016008/IF/8808536349 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Syed Hussain Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
472 14000932875 1409016008/RC/8808597166 Y 1409016008/RC/8808597166 R/Pacca Path Barra towards Masri Ward No 4 Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
473 14000992771 1409016008/RC/GIS/182244 Y 1409016008/RC/GIS/182244 P/ PATH NEAR EID GAH ILO MOHD DIN Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
474 14000992772 1409016008/RC/GIS/182247 Y 1409016008/RC/GIS/182247 P/ PATH AT GATTI Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
475 14000992773 1409016008/RC/GIS/182249 Y 1409016008/RC/GIS/182249 P/ PATH NHO KURSHEED AHMED Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
476 14000992775 1409016008/RC/GIS/182252 Y 1409016008/RC/GIS/182252 P / PATH LONE MOHALLA B/ WORK Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
477 14000992776 1409016008/RC/GIS/182256 Y 1409016008/RC/GIS/182256 P/Path /B/Wall Rather Mohalla Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
478 14000992777 1409016008/LD/GIS/182145 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/182145 L/ DEV ILO FAROOQ AHMED Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
479 14000992778 1409016008/LD/GIS/182151 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/182151 L/ DEV ILO AYOUB SHEKISH Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
480 14000992779 1409016008/LD/GIS/182157 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/182157 L/ DEV KALIM NHO TARIQ HUSSAIN Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
481 14000992781 1409016008/LD/GIS/182161 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/182161 P/ WORK NHO MOHD RAFIQ Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
482 14000992783 1409016008/LD/GIS/182170 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/182170 L/ DEV GHATTI Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
483 14000992784 1409016008/LD/GIS/182173 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/182173 PARK AT SANGI Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
484 14000992801 1409016008/LD/GIS/182179 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/182179 P/WORK ILO JAVEDED HUSSAIN AT ALLI Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
485 14000992803 1409016008/LD/GIS/182181 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/182181 L/ DEV AT SANGRANA PANNI Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
486 14000992804 1409016008/LD/GIS/182185 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/182185 L/ DEV AB. RASHID Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
487 14000992805 1409016008/LD/GIS/182187 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/182187 L/ DEV ILO JAVEED AHMED AT BARRA Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
488 14000992822 1409016008/LD/GIS/182188 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/182188 L/ DEV ILO RAYEZ AHMED AT BARRA Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
489 14000992823 1409016008/LD/GIS/182189 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/182189 L/ DEV AT DANDRA ILO RAYEZ AHMED Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
490 14000992856 1409016008/LD/GIS/182196 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/182196 L/ DEV AT KHALLAN ILO RAJANDER SINGH Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
491 14000992858 1409016008/LD/GIS/182197 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/182197 L/ DEV ILO AB. QAYOOM MUNDHAR Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
492 14000992876 1409016008/LD/GIS/182198 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/182198 L/ DEV ILO AB . MAJEED Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
493 14000992879 1409016008/LD/GIS/182200 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/182200 P/WORK AT DEHRA ILO GH ALI Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
494 14000992895 1409016008/LD/GIS/182202 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/182202 P/WORK AT MUNDHAIR ILO RAHAMTULLAH Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
495 14000992897 1409016008/LD/GIS/182204 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/182204 L/ DEV ILO MOHD SADIQ BAGORLI Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
496 14000992899 1409016008/LD/GIS/182205 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/182205 L/ DEV ILO JAVEED IQBAL DHRAMAN Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
497 14000992901 1409016008/LD/GIS/182215 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/182215 L/ DEV AT U/ GATHOOL Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
498 14000992904 1409016008/LD/GIS/182217 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/182217 P/ WORK NHOM GEEIA LAL Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
499 14000992905 1409016008/LD/GIS/182220 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/182220 L/ DEV ILO RATTAN LAL KOTLI Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
500 14000992925 1409016008/LD/GIS/182225 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/182225 L/ DEV ILO POORAN SINGH Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
501 14000992926 1409016008/LD/GIS/182232 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/182232 L/ DEV ILO Manesh Kumar Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
502 14001028919 L/Dev ILO Ravinder Singh Y 1409016008/FP/8808545708 L/Dev ILO Ravinder Singh Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
503 14001034998 1409016008/IF/8808536337 Y 1409016008/IF/8808536337 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Ab Majeed Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
504 14001034999 1409016008/IF/8808536345 Y 1409016008/IF/8808536345 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Taslima Begum Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
505 14001035000 1409016008/IF/8808560479 Y 1409016008/IF/8808560479 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Sanjay Kumar Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
506 14001048098 Constt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016008/IF/8808560429 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Madhan Lal Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
507 14001048099 Constt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016008/IF/8808560455 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Rattan Lal Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
508 14001117147 409016008/LD/8808545321 Y 1409016008/LD/8808545321 L/Dev. At Mandhair ILO Jodh Singh ,W.No 5 Constr of Earthen peripheral Bund for Community Y
509 14001117148 1409016008/LD/8808545324 Y 1409016008/LD/8808545324 L/Dev at Sunderwas ILO ravinder ,W.No 5 Constr of Earthen peripheral Bund for Community Y
510 14001117159 1409016008/LD/8808545341 Y 1409016008/LD/8808545341 L/Dev. Khutal nallah ,W.No 7 Constr of Earthen peripheral Bund for Community Y
511 14001117160 1409016008/LD/8808545347 Y 1409016008/LD/8808545347 L/Dev NHO Pervaz Bhattu ,W.No 6 Constr of Earthen peripheral Bund for Community Y
512 14001117161 1409016008/LD/8808545351 Y 1409016008/LD/8808545351 L/Dev at Gansotar Dhamyara ,W.No 7 Constr of Earthen peripheral Bund for Community Y
513 14001117172 1409016008/LD/8808545353 Y 1409016008/LD/8808545353 L/Dev. ILO Surinder Singh ,W.No 7 Constr of Earthen peripheral Bund for Community Y
514 14001117183 1409016008/LD/8808545355 Y 1409016008/LD/8808545355 L/Dev pandit Mohalla Bhwgoli NHO Ravi ,W.No 5 Constr of Earthen peripheral Bund for Community Y
515 14001117194 1409016008/LD/8808545358 Y 1409016008/LD/8808545358 Development of Shamshan ghat at Shapta ,W.No 5 Constr of Earthen peripheral Bund for Community Y
516 14001117218 1409016008/LD/8808545375 Y 1409016008/LD/8808545375 P/Work Greavyard Mandhair NHO Ajaz Husssin Ward No5 Constr of Earthen peripheral Bund for Community Y
517 14001117219 1409016008/LD/8808552441 Y 1409016008/LD/8808552441 L/Dev ILO Zakir Hussian Constr of Earthen contour Bund for Community Y
518 14001117222 1409016008/LD/8808552447 Y 1409016008/LD/8808552447 L/Dev ILO Sant Singh Constr of Earthen peripheral Bund for Community Y
519 14001117224 409016008/LD/8808552448 Y 1409016008/LD/8808552448 L/Dev ILO Aijaz Ahmed Jamoga Constr of Earthen peripheral Bund for Community Y
520 14001117228 1409016008/LD/8808552454 Y 1409016008/LD/8808552454 P/Work NHO Mushtaq Ahmed Kotli Constr of Earthen peripheral Bund for Community Y
521 14001117229 1409016008/LD/8808552457 Y 1409016008/LD/8808552457 Dev of Graveyard at Bagroli Constr of Earthen contour Bund for Community Y
522 14001117231 1409016008/RC/8808597154 Y 1409016008/RC/8808597154 P/Path at U/Gouthoul Ward No6 Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
523 14001117232 1409016008/RC/8808597155 Y 1409016008/RC/8808597155 P/Path near Rather Mohalla Ward No 2 Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
524 14001117235 1409016008/RC/8808597158 Y 1409016008/RC/8808597158 P/Path Shamsan Ghat To Chab Ward No 2 Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
525 14001117237 1409016008/RC/8808597167 Y 1409016008/RC/8808597167 R/Pacca Path Dandra Ward No 4 Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
526 14001117238 1409016008/RC/8808597170 Y 1409016008/RC/8808597170 P/Path Sunderwas Dug. Ward No 5 Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
527 14001117241 409016008/RC/8808597172 Y 1409016008/RC/8808597172 P/Path at shand Nho Showket Ali Ward No 6 Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
528 14001117242 1409016008/RC/8808597175 Y 1409016008/RC/8808597175 P/path HO lehar singh to Khatri Mohalla Ward No 5 Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
529 14001117243 1409016008/RC/8808597181 Y 1409016008/RC/8808597181 C/Path PMGSY Roard to Gowwari NHO Ab Hamid Ward No 4 Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
530 14001117244 409016008/RC/8808597182 Y 1409016008/RC/8808597182 Playground WardNo 2 Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
531 14001117245 409016008/WC/8808516216 Y 1409016008/WC/8808516216 Pond ILO Nisar Ahmed Bhonta Ward No 1 Block Plntation-Biodrainage-Wastelands for comm Y
532 14001117246 1409016008/WC/8808516218 Y 1409016008/WC/8808516218 Pond at Grathri W.No 7 Block Plntation-Biodrainage-Wastelands for comm Y
533 14001117257 1409016008/WC/8808516219 Y 1409016008/WC/8808516219 Pond At SangranaILO Badri nath Ward No 3 Block Plantation-Farm Forestry in fields for Comm Y
534 14001156241 1409016008/DP/GIS/319622 Y 1409016008/DP/GIS/319622 Construction of silaphalkam in Revenue Village Prabble at MS Prabble Block Plantation in fields-Horticulture-Community X
535 14001156242 1409016008/FP/GIS/284203 Y 1409016008/FP/GIS/284203 P/WORK ILO IRFAN HUSSAIN Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
536 14001156243 1409016008/LD/GIS/284136 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/284136 L/LAVELLING AT ALDA Development of Fallow Land for Community Y
537 14001156244 1409016008/LD/GIS/284198 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/284198 L/DEV AT SHEIKH MOHALLA Development of Fallow Land for Community Y
538 14001156245 1409016008/LD/GIS/284198 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/284202 L/DEV ILO MILAP SINGH Development of Fallow Land for Community Y
539 14001156246 1409016008/LD/GIS/284224 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/284224 L/DEV ILO SUNIT SINGH Development of Fallow Land for Community Y
540 14001156247 1409016008/LD/GIS/284224 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/284225 L/DEV ILO GULSHAN AHMED Development of Fallow Land for Community Y
541 14001156248 1409016008/LD/GIS/284224 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/284235 L/DEV ILO GH NABI Development of Fallow Land for Community Y
542 14001156249 1409016008/LD/GIS/284224 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/284247 L/LEVELLING ILO MUNISH KUMAR W.NO 5 Development of Fallow Land for Community Y
543 14001156250 1409016008/LD/GIS/284224 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/284255 L/DEV ILO SANT SINGH Development of Fallow Land for Community Y
544 14001156252 1409016008/LD/GIS/284255 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/284267 L/DEV ILO SAHIL PARVEZ W.NO 4 Development of Fallow Land for Community Y
545 14001156254 1409016008/LD/GIS/284306 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/284306 L/DEV ILO ZAKIR HUSSAIN Development of Fallow Land for Community Y
546 14001156255 1409016008/LD/GIS/284319 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/284319 L/DEV ATW.NO 3 Development of Fallow Land for Community Y
547 14001156258 Constt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016008/RC/GIS/284352 P/PATH SHOKET ALI Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
548 14001156261 1409016008/RC/GIS/284368 Y 1409016008/RC/GIS/284368 P/PATH REHAMATULLAH MANDHAIR Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
549 14001156263 409016008/RC/GIS/314642 Y 1409016008/RC/GIS/314645 P/PATH SHEIKH MOHALLA TO BUT MOHALLA Constr of Interlocking block/tiles Roads for Comm Y
550 14001156264 1409016008/RC/GIS/314648 Y 1409016008/RC/GIS/314648 REPAIR.OF P/PATH WANI MOHALLA TO SC BASTI Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
551 14001156267 1409016008/RC/GIS/314651 Y 1409016008/RC/GIS/314652 P/PATH BUT MOHHALA ALAE Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
552 14001156268 1409016008/RC/GIS/314651 Y 1409016008/RC/GIS/314655 P/PATHPATHWAR MOHALLA Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
553 14001245737 1409016008/IF/IAY/247978 Y 1409016008/IF/IAY/247978 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK141745502 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
554 14001245739 1409016008/IF/IAY/247894 Y 1409016008/IF/IAY/247894 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK141693219 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
555 14001251079 REPAIR OF P/PATH NHO AB.RASHID Y 1409016008/RC/GIS/314664 REPAIR OF P/PATH NHO AB.RASHID Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
556 14001268167 1409016008/IF/IAY/241305 Y 1409016008/IF/IAY/241305 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK134896751 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
557 14001268168 1409016008/IF/IAY/241306 Y 1409016008/IF/IAY/241306 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK134897036 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
558 14001268169 1409016008/IF/IAY/255448 Y 1409016008/IF/IAY/255448 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146318212 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
559 14001268171 1409016008/IF/IAY/272868 Y 1409016008/IF/IAY/272868 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK150098886 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
560 14001276109 1409016008/IF/IAY/233145 Y 1409016008/IF/IAY/233145 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK124462198 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
561 14001276110 1409016008/IF/IAY/238371 Y 1409016008/IF/IAY/238371 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK131891314 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
562 14001276111 1409016008/IF/IAY/290808 Y 1409016008/IF/IAY/290808 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK134896116 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
563 14001283639 1409016008/IF/IAY/236156 Y 1409016008/IF/IAY/236156 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK130013697 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
564 14001283641 1409016008/RC/GIS/314668 Y 1409016008/RC/GIS/314668 P/PATH HO RAJESH TO VED KUMAR Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
565 14001283642 1409016008/RC/GIS/314651 Y 1409016008/RC/GIS/314651 P/PATH MANDIR MOHALLA SANGRANA Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
566 14001283643 1409016008/RC/GIS/314642 Y 1409016008/RC/GIS/314642 P/PATH LOWER SANGRANA Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
567 14001283646 1409016008/WC/GIS/284111 Y 1409016008/WC/GIS/284111 WCD BRAHMAN KUT Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
568 14001283651 1409016008/RC/GIS/284349 Y 1409016008/RC/GIS/284349 P/PATH NHO NARAYAN DASS Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
569 14001283653 1409016008/LD/GIS/284246 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/284246 L/LAVELLING MOHD AYUB W.NO 1 Development of Fallow Land for Community Y
570 14001283654 1409016008/FP/GIS/284243 Y 1409016008/FP/GIS/284243 B/WORK DARSHATHAN GASANTER Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
571 14001283655 1409016008/FP/GIS/284237 Y 1409016008/FP/GIS/284237 P/WORK AT W.NO 7 Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
572 14001283657 1409016008/LD/GIS/284282 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/284282 L/DEV ILO TALIB HUSSAIN Development of Fallow Land for Community Y
573 14001283658 1409016008/LD/GIS/284220 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/284220 L/DEV ILO GANESH KUMAR Development of Fallow Land for Community Y
574 14001283659 1409016008/RC/GIS/314666 Y 1409016008/RC/GIS/314666 P/PATH NHO RATTAN LAL Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
575 14001283660 1409016008/RC/GIS/314665 Y 1409016008/RC/GIS/314665 P/PATH MUDESAR Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
576 14001283662 1409016008/RC/GIS/314661 Y 1409016008/RC/GIS/314661 P/PATH SUNDERWAS W.NO 5 Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
577 14001283664 1409016008/RC/GIS/314649 Y 1409016008/RC/GIS/314649 P/PATH KANDA TO BOUNTHA Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
578 14001283665 1409016008/LD/8808545160 Y 1409016008/LD/8808545160 WCD at Basrunda Constr of Earthen peripheral Bund for Community Y
579 14001304274 1409016008/IF/IAY/261633 Y 1409016008/IF/IAY/261633 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK148212535 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
580 14001308688 1409016008/IF/IAY/233144 Y 1409016008/IF/IAY/233144 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK124461435 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
581 14001315104 1409016008/LD/GIS/284234 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/284234 L/DEV ILO MOHD SHAFI Development of Fallow Land for Community Y
582 14001315105 1409016008/RC/GIS/342362 Y 1409016008/RC/GIS/342362 P/Path NHO Mohd Iqbal Kanda Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
583 14001315106 1409016008/LD/GIS/284219 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/284219 L/DEV ILO GANDERM SINGH Development of Fallow Land for Community Y
584 14001315108 1409016008/LD/GIS/284252 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/284252 P/WORK NHO SANTOSH KUMAR Development of Fallow Land for Community Y
585 14001315109 1409016008/LD/GIS/284226 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/284226 L/DEV ILO KISHNI DEVI Development of Fallow Land for Community Y
586 14001315110 1409016008/RC/GIS/284344 Y 1409016008/RC/GIS/284344 P/PATH MAIN BARKOTE Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
587 14001315111 1409016008/FP/GIS/284242 Y 1409016008/FP/GIS/284242 P/WORL NLO SURINDER SINGH Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
588 14001315113 1409016008/LD/GIS/284216 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/284216 L/DEV AT BELDHAR NHO AB MAJEED Development of Fallow Land for Community Y
589 14001315114 1409016008/FP/GIS/284274 Y 1409016008/FP/GIS/284274 NALLA BINDING BHANGOLO NALLAH Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
590 14001315115 1409016008/LD/GIS/284314 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/284314 L/DEV ILO HUSHAIR SINGH Development of Fallow Land for Community Y
591 14001315117 1409016008/WC/GIS/284116 Y 1409016008/WC/GIS/284116 POND AT CHANDI MATA MANDIR W.NO 7 Block Plantation in fields-Horticulture-Community Y
592 14001315118 1409016008/LD/GIS/284286 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/284286 L/DEV ILO MOHD ISAQ Development of Fallow Land for Community Y
593 14001318462 1409016008/IF/IAY/233579 Y 1409016008/IF/IAY/233579 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK125521404 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
594 14001318464 1409016008/IF/IAY/233225 Y 1409016008/IF/IAY/233225 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK124742477 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
595 14001318466 1409016008/IF/IAY/254735 Y 1409016008/IF/IAY/254735 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146144324 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
596 14001318469 1409016008/IF/IAY/234458 Y 1409016008/IF/IAY/234458 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK126777171 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
597 14001318472 1409016008/IF/IAY/261608 Y 1409016008/IF/IAY/261608 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK148209726 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
598 14001340207 1409016008/IF/IAY/255446 Y 1409016008/IF/IAY/255446 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146317774 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
599 14001340209 1409016008/IF/IAY/274074 Y 1409016008/IF/IAY/274074 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK150260043 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
600 14001340210 1409016008/IF/IAY/234467 Y 1409016008/IF/IAY/234467 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK126780311 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
601 14001360434 1409016008/LD/GIS/284256 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/284256 L/DEV ILO SURESH KUMAR Development of Fallow Land for Community Y
602 14001360437 1409016008/RC/GIS/314662 Y 1409016008/RC/GIS/314662 P/PATH NHO RAJESHWAR SINGH Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
603 14001360439 1409016008/RC/GIS/284371 Y 1409016008/RC/GIS/284371 P/PATH KHETRI MOHALLA TO CHINAR Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
604 14001360442 1409016008/LD/GIS/284138 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/284138 L/LAVELLING DROBER ILO FAROOQ AHMED Development of Fallow Land for Community Y
605 14001360444 1409016008/LD/GIS/284276 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/284276 L/DEV ILO MOHD SADIQ Development of Fallow Land for Community Y
606 14001360448 1409016008/LD/GIS/284304 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/284304 L/DEV ILO KHURSHED AHMED Development of Fallow Land for Community Y
607 14001360451 1409016008/LD/GIS/284157 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/284157 L/DEV.ILO MOHD ALI Development of Fallow Land for Community Y
608 14001360454 1409016008/LD/GIS/284258 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/284258 L/DEC ILO DHAYAN SINGH Development of Fallow Land for Community Y
609 14001360457 1409016008/LD/GIS/284254 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/284254 L/DEV ILO GH RASOOL Development of Fallow Land for Community Y
610 14001360460 1409016008/FP/GIS/284215 Y 1409016008/FP/GIS/284215 P/WORK GRAVEYARD ILOMOHD RAMZAN Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
611 14001360461 1409016008/LD/GIS/284261 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/284261 L/LAVELLING SATISH KUMAR W.NO 1 Development of Fallow Land for Community Y
612 14001360465 1409016008/FP/GIS/284176 Y 1409016008/FP/GIS/284176 P/WORK ILO MOHD RAHIM Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
613 14001360467 1409016008/LD/GIS/284148 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/284148 L/DEV. AT RATHER MOHALLA Development of Fallow Land for Community Y
614 14001360468 1409016008/RC/GIS/314658 Y 1409016008/RC/GIS/314658 P/PATHMS PRABBLE TO MASJID MOHALLA Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
615 14001372214 1409016008/FP/GIS/284270 Y 1409016008/FP/GIS/284270 P/WORK NHO KULDEEP RAJ Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
616 14001372215 1409016008/LD/GIS/284131 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/284131 L/LAVELLING ILO MADHU RAM Development of Fallow Land for Community Y
617 14001372216 1409016008/LD/GIS/284146 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/284146 L/DEV.ILO KAKU RAM/MILKHI RAM Development of Fallow Land for Community Y
618 14001372217 1409016008/LD/GIS/284186 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/284186 L/DEV IMTYAZ AHMED DHERA W.NO 5 Development of Fallow Land for Community Y
619 14001372218 1409016008/LD/GIS/284210 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/284210 L/DEV ILO GH.QADIR MUNGI Development of Fallow Land for Community Y
620 14001372219 1409016008/LD/GIS/284212 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/284212 L/DEV ILO SHAHNAWAZ MUNGI Development of Fallow Land for Community Y
621 14001372220 1409016008/LD/GIS/284240 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/284240 L/DEV ILO RAMESH CHANDER Development of Fallow Land for Community Y
622 14001372221 1409016008/LD/GIS/284253 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/284253 L/DEV ILO TARIQ HUSSAIN Development of Fallow Land for Community Y
623 14001372223 1409016008/LD/GIS/284260 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/284260 L/DEV ILO RIAZ AHMED Development of Fallow Land for Community Y
624 14001372225 1409016008/LD/GIS/284269 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/284269 MANDIR PARK KHETRI MOHALLA Development of Fallow Land for Community Y
625 14001372226 1409016008/LD/GIS/284283 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/284283 L/DEV ILO MOHD IQBAL Development of Fallow Land for Community Y
626 14001372227 1409016008/LD/GIS/284308 Y 1409016008/LD/GIS/284308 L/LAVELLING ILO AB KABIR U/GATHOL Development of Fallow Land for Community Y
627 14001372228 1409016008/RC/GIS/314643 Y 1409016008/RC/GIS/314643 P/PATH AT KOTLI Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
628 14001372229 1409016008/RC/GIS/314654 Y 1409016008/RC/GIS/314654 P/PATH SHAND MOHALLA Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
629 14001372230 1409016008/RC/GIS/314657 Y 1409016008/RC/GIS/314657 P/PATH U/BAGROLI Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
630 14001372231 1409016008/RC/GIS/314667 Y 1409016008/RC/GIS/314667 P/PATH HO SAJAD TO AKHTER Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y

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