Govt. of India
Ministry of Rural Development
Department of Rural Development
The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 17-Feb-2025 03:55:40 AM 
R6.24 Monitoring Report for Asset Id (Part-B)

Block : MARMAT Panchayat : BARI

S No. Primary Assets Secondary Assets
Asset Id Asset Name Shared with NRSC Work Code Work Name Work Type Shared with NRSC
1 14000015130 P WORK ILO MOHD YASIN Y 1409016001/FP/104254 P/work ILO Mohd Yasin Strengthening of Embankment Y
3 14000015132 PACCA DRAIN BHAGWAN MOHALLA Y 1409016001/FP/104360 Pacc drain Bhagwan Mohalla Strengthening of Embankment Y
4 14000015134 PARK AT CHAB W NO 1 Y 1409016001/FP/110597 Park at ChabWard No. 1 Strengthening of Embankment Y
5 14000015135 CONSTT OF MANDIR PARK W NO 3 SC MOHALLA Y 1409016001/FP/111864 CONSTT. OF MANDIR PARK WARD NO. 3 SC MOHALLA Strengthening of Embankment Y
6 14000015136 NBEC GRAVEYARD AT LONE MOHALLA Y 1409016001/FP/116727 CONSTT. OF NBEC GRAVEYARD AT LONE MOHALLA Strengthening of Embankment Y
7 14000015137 PWORK GRAVE YARD LONE MOHALLA Y 1409016001/FP/116728 CONSTT. OF P/WORK GRAVEYARD LONE MOHALLA Strengthening of Embankment Y
8 14000015138 P WORK NHO MOHD ASHRAF Y 1409016001/FP/120091 CONSTT. OF P/WORK NHO MOHD ASHRAF Strengthening of Embankment Y
9 14000015139 P WORK AT MOHD YASIR Y 1409016001/FP/120092 CONSTT. OF P/WORK AT MOHD YASIR Strengthening of Embankment Y
10 14000015141 P WORK NHO MUSHTAQ AHMED Y 1409016001/FP/86824 CONSTT. OF P/WORK NHO MUSHTAQ AHMED Bio Drainage Y
11 14000015142 P WORK NHO JAYMAT ALI Y 1409016001/FP/99499 P/Work NLO JAMAYAT ALI Construction of Intermediate and Link Drains Y
12 14000015143 P WORK NHO GH ABASS Y 1409016001/FP/99506 P/Work NHO Gulam Abass Construction of Intermediate and Link Drains Y
13 14000015144 P WORK NHO SHOKAT ALI Y 1409016001/FP/99508 P/Work NHO Shoket Ali Construction of Intermediate and Link Drains Y
14 14000015146 P WORK NHO MOHD SHABAN Y 1409016001/FP/99523 P/Work NHO Mohd Sahban Construction of Intermediate and Link Drains Y
15 14000015147 P WORK NHO DEYA SINGH Y 1409016001/FP/99525 P/Work NHO Deya Singh Construction of Intermediate and Link Drains Y
16 14000015148 P WORK NHO GH QUADER Y 1409016001/FP/99530 P/Work NHO Gh. Quader Construction of Intermediate and Link Drains Y
17 14000015149 P WORK NHO RAVINDER KUMAR Y 1409016001/FP/99533 P/Work NHO Ravinder Kumar Construction of Intermediate and Link Drains Y
18 14000015150 WCD NHO NOOR MOHD Y 1409016001/FP/99538 WCD NHO Noor Mohd Construction of Intermediate and Link Drains Y
19 14000015152 LAND DEV ILO GH HASSAN Y 1409016001/LD/50213 Land Dev ILO Gh. Hussain Development of Waste Land Y
20 14000015153 LAND DEV ILO HD WANI Y 1409016001/LD/50215 Land Dev ILO HD Wani Development of Waste Land Y
21 14000015155 LAND DEV DUM BANJER ILO MUSHTAQ AHMED Y 1409016001/LD/50217 Land Dev DUM BANJAR ILO MUSHTAQ AHMED Development of Waste Land Y
22 14000015156 LAND DEV ILO AB MAJID Y 1409016001/LD/50219 Land Dev ILO Ab. Majid Development of Waste Land Y
23 14000015157 LAND DEV ILO GH MUSTUFA Y 1409016001/LD/50222 Land Dev ILO GulamMustfa at Suhi Development of Waste Land Y
24 14000015158 LAND DEV ILO GH HASSAN WANI Y 1409016001/LD/50226 Land Dev ILO Gh. Hassan Wani. Development of Waste Land Y
25 14000015160 LAND DEV JAGEET AMAR SINGH Y 1409016001/LD/50283 Land Dev ILO Jageet/Amar Singh Development of Waste Land Y
26 14000015162 LAND DEV ILO KHUNDRI MOHD SHREEF AB RASHID Y 1409016001/LD/50287 Land Dev. ILO at Kundhri Mohd Sharief/Ab. Rashid Development of Waste Land Y
27 14000015163 LAND DEV AT U KUMARI SC MOHALLA Y 1409016001/LD/50289 Land Dev at u/Kumari Sc Mohalla Development of Waste Land Y
28 14000015164 LAND DEV AT MOHD AYOUB BUTT Y 1409016001/LD/50290 Land Dev at Mohd Ayoub Butt Development of Waste Land Y
29 14000015166 LAND DEV ILO AB QYOUM LONE MOHALLA Y 1409016001/LD/50291 Land Dev ILO Ab. Quyoom Lone Mohalla Development of Waste Land Y
30 14000015167 LAND DEV ILO AB HAMID Y 1409016001/LD/50292 Land Dev ILO Ab. HAMID Development of Waste Land Y
31 14000015169 LAND DEV ILO MOHD IRFAN Y 1409016001/LD/50293 Land Dev. ILO Mohd Irfan Development of Waste Land Y
32 14000015170 LAND DEV AT MANHAS MOHALLA Y 1409016001/LD/50299 Land Manhas Mohalla Development of Waste Land Y
33 14000015171 LAND DEV GOWARI ILO MOHD IQBAL Y 1409016001/LD/50301 Land Dev at Gowari ILO Mohd Iqbal Development of Waste Land Y
34 14000015173 LAND DEV AT BHAWANI NALLAHA ILO AB LATIF Y 1409016001/LD/50304 Land Dev at Bowani Nallaha ILO Ab Latif Development of Waste Land Y
35 14000015175 LAND DEV AT MANDIR MOHALLA Y 1409016001/LD/50305 Land Dev. At Mander Mohalla Development of Waste Land Y
36 14000015177 LAND DEV AT KHALI KUMAR Y 1409016001/LD/52841 Land Dev. at Khali Kumar Reclamation of Land Y
37 14000015179 LAND DEV AT KHOLI KUMAR Y 1409016001/LD/52842 Land Dev. at Kholi Kumari Development of Waste Land Y
38 14000015180 LAND DEV ILO MEHMOOD AHMED Y 1409016001/LD/52843 Land Dev. ILO Mehoob Ahmed Development of Waste Land Y
39 14000015181 LAND DEV ILO MOHD YASIN Y 1409016001/LD/52844 Land Dev ILO Mohd Yasin Development of Waste Land Y
40 14000015183 LAND DEV ILO SURAM CHAND BANJOL Y 1409016001/LD/52847 Land Dev ILO Suram Chand Banjol Development of Waste Land Y
41 14000015184 LAND DEV AT MINDAN AND CHAB Y 1409016001/LD/52849 Land Dev at Mindan and Chab Development of Waste Land Y
42 14000015185 LAND DEV ILO PAWAN KUMAR Y 1409016001/LD/52887 Land Dev. ILO Pawan Kumar Development of Waste Land Y
43 14000015186 LAND DEV ILO AB RASHID Y 1409016001/LD/52888 Land Dev. ILO Ab. Rashid Development of Waste Land Y
44 14000015187 LAND DEV ILO ANYATULLA Y 1409016001/LD/52889 Land Dev. ILO Anayatullah Development of Waste Land Y
45 14000015189 LAND DEV ILO PRITAM SINGH Y 1409016001/LD/52890 Land Dev. ILO Pritam Singh Development of Waste Land Y
46 14000015190 LAND DEV AT BANJER WARD NO 3 Y 1409016001/LD/58194 CONSTT. OF LAND DEV. AT BANJAR WARD NO. 3 Development of Waste Land Y
47 14000015193 P WORK NHO MUKHTYAR AHMED Y 1409016001/FP/104256 P/work NHO Mukhtyar Ahmed Strengthening of Embankment Y
48 14000015194 P WORK NHO MUSHTAQ AHMED Y 1409016001/FP/99497 P/Work NHO MUSHTAQ AHMED Construction of Intermediate and Link Drains Y
49 14000015196 P PATH AB HAMID TO JAMIT ALI Y 1409016001/RC/121521 P/Path Ab. Hamid House to Janyat Ali Cement Concrete Y
50 14000015197 P PATH MOHD IQBAL HOUSE TO CHINAR Y 1409016001/RC/132513 P/Drain Mohd Iqbal House to Chinar Cement Concrete Y
51 14000015200 P PATH TELI MOHALLA Y 1409016001/RC/138066 P/Path Teli Mohalla Cement Concrete Y
53 14000015203 P PATH ROAD TO MANHAS MOHALLA Y 1409016001/RC/148492 P/Path Main Road to Manhas Mohalla Cement Concrete Y
54 14000015204 P PATH HS BARRI TO MASJID SHREEF Y 1409016001/RC/148843 P/Path HS Bari to Masjid Sharief Cement Concrete Y
55 14000015206 P PATH MASJID BARRI TO DUBTA Y 1409016001/RC/157711 CONSTT. OF P/PATH MASJID BARI TO DUBTA Cement Concrete Y
57 14000015209 FOOT STEP NHO MOSHTAQ AHMED Y 1409016001/RC/165191 CONSTT. OF FOOT STEP NHO MUSHTAQ AHMED Cement Concrete Y
58 14000015210 P PATH MASJID MOHALLA Y 1409016001/RC/167187 P/PATH MASJID MOHALLA Cement Concrete Y
59 14000017981 P work nho faheem hussian Y 1409016001/FP/75907 CONSTT. OF P/WORK NHO OF FAHEEM HUSSAIN PART 2nd Cross Bund Y
60 14000118433 LAND DEV NLO SAYEDULLA BUTT Y 1409016001/FP/86822 CONSTT. OF LAND DEV. NLO SAYADULLA BUTT Chaur Renovation Y
61 14000118437 P WORK NHO SHOKAT ALI Y 1409016001/FP/86827 CONSTT. OF P/WORK NHO SHOKET ALI Cross Bund Y
62 14000118438 P WORK NHO KARTAR SINGH Y 1409016001/FP/86828 CONSTT. OF P/WORK NHO KARTAR SINGH Construction of Intermediate and Link Drains Y
64 14000118440 P WORK NHO OM PRAKASH Y 1409016001/FP/86830 CONSTT. OF P/WORK NHO OM PARKASH Cross Bund Y
65 14000118441 P WORK MEHINDER BALANCE Y 1409016001/FP/86831 CONSTT. OF P/WORK MEHINDER (BALANCE) Construction of Intermediate and Link Drains Y
66 14000118443 P WORK NHO NOOR MOHD GOWARI Y 1409016001/FP/91160 P/Work NHO Noor Mohd Gowari Cross Bund Y
67 14000118446 P WORK NHO SABAR DIN Y 1409016001/FP/94419 CONSTT. OF P/WORK NHO SABAR DIN Cross Bund Y
68 14000118448 P WORK NHO TANVEER AHMED AB LATIEF Y 1409016001/FP/94441 CONSTT. OF P/WORK NHO TANVEER AHMED/AB. LATIEF Construction of Storm Water Drains Y
69 14000118450 P WORK NHO BALWAN SINGH Y 1409016001/FP/94443 CONST.OF P/WORK NHO BALWAN SINGH Construction of Intermediate and Link Drains Y
70 14000118451 P WORK NHO MOHD AKRAM Y 1409016001/FP/94444 CONBSTT. OF P/WORK NHO MOHD AKRAM Cross Bund Y
73 14000118455 P WORK NHO OM PRAKASH Y 1409016001/FP/94448 CONSTT. OF P/WORK NHO OM PARKASH Cross Bund Y
74 14000118456 LAND DEV AT BANJER NLO SURAM CHAND Y 1409016001/LD/40917 CONSTT. OF LAND DEV. AT BANJAR NLO OF SURAM CHAND Development of Waste Land Y
75 14000118457 land dev nlo ashok kumatr at kumari Y 1409016001/LD/40918 CONSTT. OF LAND DEV. NLO OF ASHOK KUMAR AT KUMARI Development of Waste Land Y
77 14000118459 LAND DEV ILO YASSER AHMED Y 1409016001/LD/40920 CONSTT. OF LAND DEV. ILO YASSER AHMED Development of Waste Land Y
78 14000118460 LAND DEV MAHINDAN BANJAR KUMAR Y 1409016001/LD/40921 CONSTT. OF LAND DEV. MANDHIN BANJAR KAMAR Development of Waste Land Y
79 14000118461 LAND DEV AT GURI NLO ATTA MOHD Y 1409016001/LD/47243 CONSTT. OF LAND DEV.AT GURI NLO ATTA MOHD Development of Waste Land Y
80 14000118462 LAND DEV NLO MEHJOOR AHMED Y 1409016001/LD/47254 CONSTT. OF LAND DEV. NLO MEHJOOR AHMED Development of Waste Land Y
81 14000118463 LAND DEV AT HS BARRI Y 1409016001/LD/47256 CONSTT. OF LAND DEV. AT H S BARI Development of Waste Land Y
82 14000141112 Foot Step MA Wani Y 1409016001/RC/172580 Foot Step MA Wani Cement Concrete Y
83 14000141126 Pond at Mindan Y 1409016001/IC/49926 Pond at Mindan Community Well for Irrigation Y
84 14000141139 IHHL NHO SURINDER KUMAR Y 1409016001/RS/15528 IHHL NHO SURINDER KUMAR Individual Household Latrines Y
85 14000141142 IHHL NHO SURESH KUMAR Y 1409016001/RS/15527 IHHL NHO SURESH KUMAR Individual Household Latrines Y
86 14000143139 IHHL NHO NAWAZ AHMED Y 1409016001/RS/15755 IHHL NHO NAWAZ AHMED Individual Household Latrines Y
87 14000143140 IHHL NHO TARIQ AHMED Y 1409016001/RS/15757 IHHL NHO TARIQ AHMED Individual Household Latrines Y
88 14000151437 LAND DEV MENDAN Y 1409016001/LD/20707 LAND DEV MENDAN Pebble Bunding Y
91 14000151494 CONSTT. OO P/WORK ATGURDAWARA Y 1409016001/FP/39712 CONSTT. OO P/WORK ATGURDAWARA Construction of Storm Water Drains Y
94 14000151513 39727 Y 1409016001/FP/39727 CONSTT OF P/W FANCING OF HS BARI PYT BARI Diversion Channel Y
95 14000151517 CONSTT OF PARK AT MANDIR DUG PYT BARI Y 1409016001/FP/39728 CONSTT OF PARK AT MANDIR DUG PYT BARI Construction of Storm Water Drains Y
96 14000151528 constt of land dev at banjer kare PYT BARI Y 1409016001/LD/20721 constt of land dev at banjer kare PYT BARI Reclamation of Land Y
97 14000151532 constt of land dev at khandi mohallah PYT BARI Y 1409016001/LD/20722 constt of land dev at khandi mohallah PYT BARI Reclamation of Land Y
98 14000151540 CONSTT. OF WC DRAIN AT GRUNGAL Y 1409016001/RC/110120 CONSTT. OF WC DRAIN AT GRUNGAL Cross Drainage Y
100 14000151569 CONSTT. OF C/PATH KUMARI TO GONAR Y 1409016001/RC/69645 CONSTT. OF C/PATH KUMARI TO GONAR Earthern road Y
101 14000158950 FLOOD CONTROL Y 1409016001/DP/7573 CONSTT OF WCD AT KONDHALI PYT BARI Land development Y
102 14000159908 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016001/RC/165190 CONSTT. OF P/PATH B-WORK AT TELLI MOHALLA Cement Concrete Y
103 14000199979 irrigation canal Y 1409016001/IC/bari/khul/22 Constt. of Khul Barnari to Kumarti Grath Construction of Canal, Distributary and Minor Y
104 14000199995 flood control Y 1409016001/FP/11242 Constt. of W.H.Tank at Roat Sewat Cement lining Y
105 14000200003 WATER CONSERVATION Y 1409016001/OP/132 Const. of Bowali at Banjoal Bari To Make a bowali
106 14000200005 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016001/RC/21417 Constt. of Pacca Path at Bagwani Mohalla Cement concrete Y
107 14000200012 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016001/RC/25411 Cosntt. of P/path Bagwan Mohalla Cement concrete Y
108 14000200019 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016001/RC/25652 Cosntt. of park at Chards Chanir Cement concrete Y
109 14000200028 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016001/RC/25653 Constt. of P/path lone Mohalla Cement concrete Y
110 14000200031 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016001/RC/138067 P/path Sarazi Mohalla Cement Concrete Y
111 14000200041 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016001/RC/25768 (i)Constt. of P/path Jammia Masjid to H.S Barri Cement concrete Y
112 14000200044 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016001/RC/25770 (i)Constt. of P/path Pyt. Ghar to Shive Tampel Cement concrete Y
113 14000200049 LAND DEV Y 1409016001/LD/50300 Land Dev at Kut ILO Ram Raj Development of Waste Land Y
114 14000200054 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016001/RC/25771 (iii) Constt. of P/work at Kutt Bitumen Top Y
115 14000200060 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016001/RC/26877 Constt. of P/Path Dingra to NHO Ab. Gani Cement concrete Y
116 14000200066 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016001/RC/26878 Constt. of C/Path Mihndhan To Kundli Earthern road Y
117 14000200070 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016001/RC/26879 Constt. of Dhandu to Pyt. Ghar Cement concrete Y
118 14000200072 LAND DEV Y 1409016001/LD/50212 Land Dev ILO Mohd Akram Gokhri Development of Waste Land Y
119 14000200073 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016001/RC/27052 Constt. of C/Path at Gujar Banjar Earthern road Y
120 14000200077 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016001/RC/27697 Cosntt. of Balance work C/path Bhoni nalla to H.S. barri Earthern road Y
121 14000200080 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016001/RC/28547 (iv) Constt. of C/ path Pyt. Ghar and Chareda Cement concrete Y
122 14000200082 FLOOD CONTROL Y 1409016001/FP/106610 P/Work NHO Akther Hussain Strengthening of Embankment Y
123 14000200084 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016001/RC/28548 (ii) Cosntt. of C/path Lambu Kutt to Kommari Earthern road Y
124 14000200087 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016001/RC/28827 (i)Constt. of C/path Chards to Draga Earthern road Y
125 14000200088 FLOOD CONTROL Y 1409016001/FP/104356 P/Work to Mandir NHO Bodh Raj Strengthening of Embankment Y
126 14000200089 flood control Y 1409016001/OP/639 (iv) Constt. of P/work at Loan Mohalla Complete
127 14000200091 flood control Y 1409016001/OP/640 (iii) Constt. of P/wok at Kabrstan baghwan Mohalla Complete
128 14000200092 FLOOD CONTROL Y 1409016001/FP/99534 P/Work NHO Balvir Singh Construction of Intermediate and Link Drains Y
129 14000200095 flood control Y 1409016001/IC/1667 WCD UPPER KHAMADLI Construction of Canal, Distributary and Minor Y
130 14000200097 FLOOD CONTROL Y 1409016001/FP/99531 P/Work NHO Ashiq Hussain Construction of Intermediate and Link Drains Y
131 14000200099 flood control Y 1409016001/IC/1683 Constt. of WCD At Lone Mohalla Construction of Canal, Distributary and Minor Y
132 14000200102 WATER CONSERVATION Y 1409016001/IC/5727 (iv) Constt. of pond at Mandhar Kommari Construction of Canal, Distributary and Minor Y
133 14000200106 IRRIGATION CANAL Y 1409016001/IC/6214 Consst. of Z. Khul Bhwani Nallato Mahandan Construction of Canal, Distributary and Minor Y
134 14000200111 WATER CONSERVATION Y 1409016001/IC/6618 (iii) Constt. of Pond at Dugg S/C Lift Irrigation Y
135 14000200115 flood control Y 1409016001/LD/5033 (iv) Constt. of P/ work at Kabrastan to Kundhaly Stone Bund Y
136 14000200119 LAND DEVELOPMENT Y 1409016001/LD/5636 (iv) Constt. of land levelling at Gowari lone mohalla Land Leveling Y
137 14000200122 LAND DEVELOPMENT Y 1409016001/OP/8808460399 Constt. of Land Leveling at upper Khamari Complete
138 14000200127 flood control Y 1409016001/OP/8808460401 Constt. of P/Work at Kabarsatan Mandhan Complete
139 14000200130 LAND DEVELOPMENT Y 1409016001/OP/8808460553 Constt. of Land Laveling at Dug Complete
140 14000200133 WATER CONSERVATION Y 1409016001/OP/8808460554 Constt. of Pond at Manhas Mohalla Complete
141 14000200259 flood control Y 1409016001/OP/8808460555 Constt. of P/Work at Charada Complete
142 14000200294 WATER CONSERVATION Y 1409016001/OP/8808461022 Constt. of WHT at Guary Grath Complete
143 14000200304 flood control Y 1409016001/OP/8808462539 Constt. of P/Work at Kabarstan Bagwan Mohalla Complete
144 14000200320 LAND DEVELOPMENT Y 1409016001/OP/8808461036 CONSTT. OF LAND LAVELING AT BHEIYOOL Complete
145 14000200332 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016001/RC/35213 Constt. of P/Path at Telli Mohalla Cement concrete Y
146 14000200351 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016001/RC/35254 Constt. of /path at Upper Khemari. Cement concrete Y
147 14000200352 RURAL SANITATION Y 1409016001/RS/990 CONST OF 10 NO OF IHHL AT BARI Individual Household Latrines Y
148 14000200360 FLOOD CONTROL Y 1409016001/IC/16270 WCD WASHI TO BHANWARI BARI Construction of Canal, Distributary and Minor Y
149 14000200363 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016001/RC/35255 Constt. of P/Path at Kutt to Masjid. Cement concrete Y
150 14000200373 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016001/RC/35260 Constt. of P/Path Manhas Mohalla to Charada Cement concrete Y
151 14000200382 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016001/RC/37098 Constt. of P/Path at Dhandu Cement concrete Y
152 14000200390 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016001/RC/38703 Constt. of P/Path Hospital to HS Bari Cement concrete Y
153 14000200470 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016001/RC/41262 Constt. of C/Path Dugg to Kari Earthern road Y
154 14000200484 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016001/RC/41319 Constt. of P/Drain at Transformar to Masjid Cross Drainage Y
155 14000200497 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016001/RC/52160 Constt. of P/Path at Dingra NHO Ab. Ghani Cement concrete Y
156 14000200519 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016001/RC/92445 CONSTT.OF L/DRAIN AT NHO BARKATULLA Village Drain Y
157 14000200524 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016001/RC/55482 P/PATH BALANCE WORK TELI MOHALLA BARI Cement concrete Y
159 14000200534 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016001/RC/55493 P/PATH DANDU BARI Cement concrete Y
160 14000200543 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016001/RC/55506 P/PATH U/KUMARI SC TO PS Cement concrete Y
161 14000200546 IRRIGATION CANAL Y 1409016001/WC/20810 Repair/constt. of pond a Suhi Earthen Bunding Y
163 14000200555 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016001/RC/55523 P/PATH MANHAS MOHALLA BARI Cement concrete Y
164 14000200558 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016001/RC/56148 P/PATH AT GOKRI BARI Cement concrete Y
165 14000200566 FLOOD CONTROL Y 1409016001/FP/64418 Const.of p/Work NHO farooq ahmed Deepening and Repair of Flood Channels Y
166 14000200571 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016001/RC/58402 P/PATH LONE MOHALLA TO GOWARI Cement concrete Y
167 14000200578 FLOOD CONTROL Y 1409016001/FP/64455 constt. of WCD at dhanduo to bhghalendn Deepening and Repair of Flood Channels Y
168 14000200583 FLOOD CONTROL Y 1409016001/FP/64475 constt. of WCD kumariee Deepening and Repair of Flood Channels Y
169 14000200590 FLOOD CONTROL Y 1409016001/FP/64756 constt. of fancing at bari Peripheral Bunding Y
170 14000200597 FLOOD CONTROL Y 1409016001/FP/70555 CONSTT OF P/WORK AT KABRASTAN KHORI Deepening and Repair of Flood Channels Y
171 14000200598 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016001/RC/58432 P/PATH AT CHAREDA BARI Cement concrete Y
172 14000200599 FLOOD CONTROL Y 1409016001/FP/70556 CONSTT. OF P/WORKAT KABRASTAN BARI Chaur Renovation Y
173 14000200600 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016001/RC/62909 CONSTT. OF P/PATH AT GOWARI TO CHANAR Cement concrete Y
174 14000200608 FLOOD CONTROL Y 1409016001/FP/70557 CONSTT. OF P/WORK ILO RAFIQ AHMED Deepening and Repair of Flood Channels Y
175 14000200612 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016001/RC/67047 CONSTT. OF C/PATH HS BARI TO KUT Earthern road Y
176 14000200613 FLOOD CONTROL Y 1409016001/FP/70558 CONSTT. OF WCD GOWARI TO MOHD ASHRAF HOUSE Deepening and Repair of Flood Channels Y
177 14000200618 FLOOD CONTROL Y 1409016001/FP/70560 CONSTTOF WCD AT LONE MOHALLAH Construction of Intermediate and Link Drains Y
178 14000200624 FLOOD CONTROL Y 1409016001/FP/70561 CONSTT. OF WCD AT MASJIS TO KABRASTAN MOHALLAH Construction of Intermediate and Link Drains Y
179 14000200628 WATER CONSERVATION Y 1409016001/IC/19310 CONSTT. OF POND AT KUT Construction of Canal, Distributary and Minor Y
180 14000200631 FLOOD CONTROL Y 1409016001/FP/70562 CONSTT OF WCD AT MARWARI Deepening and Repair of Flood Channels Y
181 14000200635 FLOOD CONTROL Y 1409016001/FP/70563 CONSTT O P/WORK NHO GH MOHIDIN Diversion Channel Y
182 14000200637 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016001/IC/17434 CONSTT. OF P/DRAIN AT BARI Construction of Canal, Distributary and Minor Y
183 14000200645 FLOOD CONTROL Y 1409016001/FP/76594 CONSTT. OF PLAT FORM SHAMSHAN GHAT AT KHUMARI Chaur Renovation Y
184 14000200649 WATER CONSERVATION Y 1409016001/IC/20917 CONSTT. OF POND SC MOHALLA Construction of Canal, Distributary and Minor Y
185 14000200653 FLOOD CONTROL Y 1409016001/FP/76595 CONSTT. OF FANCING AT HS BARI PART 2nd Chaur Renovation Y
186 14000200658 LAND DEV Y 1409016001/LD/28410 CONSTT. OF LAND DEV. HD WANI Others
187 14000200694 flood control Y 1409016001/LD/17807 P/WORK IED GHAH Land Leveling Y
188 14000200696 LAND DEVELOPMENT Y 1409016001/LD/28632 CONSTT.O F P/WORK MANHAS MOHALLA NHO AMAR SINGH Reclamation of Land Y
189 14000200706 LAND DEV Y 1409016001/LD/28633 CONSTT. OF P/WORK AT UPPER KUMARI Development of Waste Land Y
190 14000200709 flood control Y 1409016001/LD/17810 P/WORK AT KABERSTAN LONE MOHALLA BARI Land Leveling Y
191 14000200725 LAND DEV Y 1409016001/LD/33653 CONSTT .OF LAND LAVELLING AT M,URWARI Boulder removal Y
192 14000200735 LAND DEV Y 1409016001/LD/33655 CONSTT OF LAND DEV AT GOWARI Boulder removal Y
193 14000200744 LAND DEV Y 1409016001/LD/34023 Construction of Manider Parak at Khumari Boulder removal Y
194 14000200751 LAND DEV Y 1409016001/LD/36209 CONSTT. OF LAND DEV. AT BANJAR Reclamation of Land Y
195 14000200760 LAND DEV Y 1409016001/LD/36211 CONSTT. OF LAND DEV. GOKHRI Reclamation of Land Y
196 14000200769 flood control Y 1409016001/LD/18319 P/WORK KABARSTAN AT MEHINDEN BARI Earthen Bunding Y
197 14000200771 LAND DEV Y 1409016001/LD/36421 CONSTT. OF LAND DEV. AT DAM BANJER NLO MUSHTAQ AHMED Boulder removal Y
198 14000200780 LAND DEV Y 1409016001/LD/36527 CONSTT. OF LAND DEV. HD WANI PART 2nd Reclamation of Land Y
199 14000200783 LAND DEVELOPMENT Y 1409016001/LD/20706 LAND DEV. MANDIR MOHALLAH Stone Bund Y
200 14000200797 DROUGH POOFING Y 1409016001/DP/7922 Const.of p/Work NHO faheem hussain Grass Land Development and Silvi-pasture Y
202 14000200814 LAND DEVELOPMENT Y 1409016001/LD/20719 CONSTT OF LAND DEV AT BANJER KARE PYT BARI Development of Waste Land Y
203 14000200815 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016001/RC/87317 CONSTT. OF P/PATH PMGSY TO CHINAR Cement concrete Y
204 14000200831 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016001/RC/87320 CONSTT. OF P/PATH BALANCE WORK AT MANHAS MOHALLA Cement concrete Y
206 14000200847 LAND DEVELOPMENT Y 1409016001/LD/20723 constt of land dev at kholinchapari PYT BARI Development of Waste Land Y
207 14000200857 LAND DEVELOPMENT Y 1409016001/LD/20724 CONSTT OF LAND DEV AT JANGALWARD NO 5 PYT BARI Boulder removal Y
208 14000200866 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016001/RC/87841 CONSTT. OF P/PATH AT LUMBU KUT Cement concrete Y
209 14000200869 LAND DEVELOPMENT Y 1409016001/LD/20725 CONSTT OF LAND DEV AT MANHAS MIHALLAH/CHERADA Stone Terracing Y
210 14000200874 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016001/RC/87843 CONSTT. OF P/PATH AT AUTAL MOHALLA TO NHO SURAM CHAND Cement concrete Y
211 14000200884 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016001/FP/31109 WCD AT BANJOL BUT MOHALLA BARI Chaur Renovation Y
213 14000200900 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016001/RC/88445 CONSTT. OF L/DRAIN AT NHO SAJAD TO CHAB Village Drain Y
214 14000200901 flood control Y 1409016001/FP/39713 CONSTT. OF P/WORK SHIV MANDER Peripheral Bunding Y
215 14000200919 flood control Y 1409016001/FP/39725 CONSTT OF P/WORK KABRASTAN BARI KHANIE PYT BARI Diversion Channel Y
216 14000200922 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016001/RC/88448 CONSTT. OF C/PATH CHAB ROAD PMGSY TO MINDHEN Earthern road Y
217 14000200929 flood control Y 1409016001/FP/40885 CONSTT. OF LAND LAVELLING BEHJAL Cross Bund Y
218 14000200943 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016001/RC/97901 Constt. of C/Path Teli Mohallah to HO Shabir Ahmed Kankar Road Y
219 14000200951 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016001/RC/97929 constt. of P/Path hS Baari toLone Mihallah Cement concrete Y
220 14000200966 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016001/RC/98000 constt. of P/Path PMGSY road to gokhare Masjid Cement concrete Y
221 14000200975 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016001/RC/104968 Construction of C/Path Kari to SC Mohalla Kankar Road Y
222 14000200992 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016001/RC/109452 CONSTT. OF WC DRAIN AT CHAB NHO SAJAD Cross Drainage Y
223 14000201009 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016001/RC/109453 CONSTT. OF C/PATH DUGRI NALLI TO CHAKRU Earthern road Y
224 14000201018 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016001/RC/109454 CONSTT. OF W C DRAIN AT DUM Earthern road Y
225 14000201029 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016001/RC/112331 P/path at Manhas Mohalla Part ii Cement concrete Y
226 14000201086 FLOOD CONTROL Y 1409016001/FP/86823 CONSTT. OF P/WORK NHO GH MOHD Bio Drainage Y
227 14000201099 FLOOD CONTROL Y 1409016001/FP/86826 CONSTT. OF P/WORK NHO DOULAT SINGH Construction of Intermediate and Link Drains Y
228 14000249230 R Wall ILO Ab Hamid Y 1409016001/FP/124909 R Wall ILO Ab Hamid Drainage in Water Logged Areas Y
229 14000249468 CONSTT. OF RCC CULVERT AT GUKARI Y 1409016001/FP/125153 CONSTT. OF RCC CULVERT AT GUKARI Strengthening of Embankment Y
231 14000249490 WCD AT DAN BANJER Y 1409016001/FP/126373 WCD AT DAN BANJER Bio Drainage Y
232 14000249497 CONSTT. OF P/WORK NHO MOHD YASIN Y 1409016001/FP/129100 CONSTT. OF P/WORK NHO MOHD YASIN Strengthening of Embankment Y
233 14000249515 CONSTT. OF P/WORK NLO MOHD IQBAL Y 1409016001/FP/130002 CONSTT. OF P/WORK NLO MOHD IQBAL Strengthening of Embankment Y
234 14000249529 P/WORK NHO MOHD YOUNAS Y 1409016001/FP/132988 P/WORK NHO MOHD YOUNAS Diversion Channel Y
235 14000249536 P/WORK NHO DAULAT SINGH Y 1409016001/FP/132989 P/WORK NHO DAULAT SINGH Diversion Channel Y
236 14000249548 P/WORK NHO GH MOHI DIN Y 1409016001/FP/132991 P/WORK NHO GH MOHI DIN Diversion Channel Y
237 14000249557 P/WORK NHO SHAH MOHD Y 1409016001/FP/132990 P/WORK NHO SHAH MOHD Diversion Channel Y
238 14000249565 P/WORK NHO JAVAID HUSSIAN Y 1409016001/FP/132992 P/WORK NHO JAVAID HUSSIAN Diversion Channel Y
239 14000249573 P/WORK NHO MEHJOOR AHMED Y 1409016001/FP/132993 P/WORK NHO MEHJOOR AHMED Diversion Channel Y
240 14000249580 P/WORK NHO MOHD ASHRAF S/O KUTUB DIN Y 1409016001/FP/132994 P/WORK NHO MOHD ASHRAF S/O KUTUB DIN Diversion Channel Y
241 14000249590 P/WORK NHO MOHD ASHRAF S/O SUNNA WANI Y 1409016001/FP/132995 P/WORK NHO MOHD ASHRAF S/O SUNNA WANI Diversion Channel Y
242 14000249597 WCD DRAIN AT MADRASSA Y 1409016001/FP/132997 WCD DRAIN AT MADRASSA Diversion Channel Y
243 14000249609 P/WORK NHO RAVINDER SINGH Y 1409016001/FP/134408 P/WORK NHO RAVINDER SINGH Diversion Channel Y
244 14000249611 P/WORK NLO GH ABASS Y 1409016001/FP/134726 P/WORK NLO GH ABASS Diversion Channel Y
245 14000249614 CONSTT. OF SCHOOL GROUND AT PS KUMARI Y 1409016008/FP/125119 CONSTT. OF SCHOOL GROUND AT PS KUMARI Strengthening of Embankment Y
246 14000249619 CONSTT. OF LAND DEV. ILO GH. MOHD Y 1409016001/LD/60882 CONSTT. OF LAND DEV. ILO GH. MOHD Land Leveling Y
248 14000249630 PARK BALANCE AT CHAB Y 1409016001/LD/61379 PARK BALANCE AT CHAB Earthen Bunding Y
249 14000249633 LAND DEV ILO GAMBIR SINGH Y 1409016001/LD/61777 LAND DEV ILO GAMBIR SINGH Earthen Bunding Y
250 14000249635 L/Drain NHI Raiz Ahmed Y 1409016001/RC/172571 L/Drain NHI Raiz Ahmed Cement Concrete Y
251 14000249642 P/Path PMGSY Road to Manhas Mohalla Y 1409016001/RC/172578 P/Path PMGSY Road to Manhas Mohalla Cement Concrete Y
252 14000249644 P/PATH NHO TARIQ AHMED Y 1409016001/RC/185965 P/PATH NHO TARIQ AHMED Cement Concrete Y
253 14000249647 P/PATH KUDHELY NALA TO MOHD SHARE Y 1409016001/RC/186451 P/PATH KUDHELY NALA TO MOHD SHARE Cement Concrete Y
254 14000249653 C/PATH PMGSY ROAD TO HO GH MOHD Y 1409016001/RC/193346 C/PATH PMGSY ROAD TO HO GH MOHD Cement Concrete Y
255 14000249884 P/WORK NHO MOHD YASIR Y 1409016001/FP/131418 P/WORK NHO MOHD YASIR Diversion Channel Y
256 14000249890 P/WORK AT GURY Y 1409016001/FP/131447 P/WORK AT GURY Diversion Channel Y
257 14000249897 JEEP ROAD BARRI TO RANKA KERI Y 1409016001/RC/176193 JEEP ROAD BARRI TO RANKA KERI Gravel Road Y
258 14000278177 DRAIN MSAJID BARRI TO MINDAN PULL Y 1409016001/FP/125488 DRAIN MSAJID BARRI TO MINDAN PULL Drainage in Water Logged Areas Y
259 14000278181 CONSTT. OF P/WORK AT MINDAN Y 1409016001/FP/129623 CONSTT. OF P/WORK AT MINDAN Strengthening of Embankment Y
260 14000331649 P/PATH MASJID TO HOSPITAL Y 1409016001/RC/208912 P/PATH MASJID TO HOSPITAL Cross Drainage Y
261 14000331651 P/PATH HOSPITAL TO NHO DOULAT SINGH Y 1409016001/RC/201675 P/PATH HOSPITAL TO NHO DOULAT SINGH Cement Concrete Y
262 14000331653 P/PATH NHO AB GANI Y 1409016001/RC/202017 P/PATH NHO AB GANI Cement Concrete Y
263 14000331654 L/Drain Shiv Mandir Chinar Mohalla Y 1409016001/RC/202136 L/Drain Shiv Mandir Chinar Mohalla Cement Concrete Y
264 14000331655 P/PATH PMGSY ROAD TO HO YASIN Y 1409016001/RC/202019 P/PATH PMGSY ROAD TO HO YASIN Cement Concrete Y
265 14000331656 P/PATH AT SHIV MANDIR Y 1409016001/RC/202015 P/PATH AT SHIV MANDIR Cement Concrete Y
266 14000331660 P/PATH AT GOKHRI Y 1409016001/RC/203910 P/PATH AT GOKHRI Cement Concrete Y
267 14000331661 PARK AT CHANDI MATA MANDIR Y 1409016001/LD/63600 PARK AT CHANDI MATA MANDIR Earthen Bunding Y
268 14000331663 KHUL BHAWANI NALLA DUM TO MINDAN Y 1409016001/IC/57273 KHUL BHAWANI NALLA DUM TO MINDAN Lift Irrigation Y
269 14000331664 Kul at Draga Y 1409016001/IC/57413 Kul at Draga Lift Irrigation Y
270 14000331666 Drain RCC at Gokhri ILO GH Mohd Y 1409016001/FP/138811 Drain RCC at Gokhri ILO GH Mohd Diversion Channel Y
271 14000333714 P/PATH PS KUMARTHI NHO NAIB CHAND Y 1409016001/RC/203930 P/PATH PS KUMARTHI NHO NAIB CHAND Cement Concrete Y
272 14000333715 P/PATH AT DUGG MOHALLA Y 1409016001/RC/203917 P/PATH AT DUGG MOHALLA Cement Concrete Y
273 14000333719 P/PATH AT BARRI Y 1409016001/RC/208911 P/PATH AT BARRI Cement Concrete Y
274 14000333722 P/PATH BHWANI NALLAH TO MOHALLA Y 1409016001/RC/205752 P/PATH BHWANI NALLAH TO MOHALLA Cement Concrete Y
276 14000333725 WCD AT MINDAN Y 1409016001/FP/139622 WCD AT MINDAN Diversion Channel Y
277 14000333727 WCD AT KHARI MOHALLA Y 1409016001/FP/139285 WCD AT KHARI MOHALLA Diversion Channel Y
278 14000333728 P/Path Gowari NHO Mohd Ashraf Y 1409016001/RC/201676 P/Path Gowari NHO Mohd Ashraf Cement Concrete Y
279 14000338034 P/WORK HD WANI Y 1409016001/FP/132998 P/WORK HD WANI Diversion Channel Y
280 14000338036 IHHL NHO SHAISTA BEGUM Y 1409016001/RS/15756 IHHL NHO SHAISTA BEGUM Individual Household Latrines Y
281 14000338039 IHHL NHO BANSI LAL Y 1409016001/RS/16297 IHHL NHO BANSI LAL Individual Household Latrines Y
282 14000422425 P/WORK Y 1409016001/FP/99493 P/Work NHO Mohd Hanif Gokhri Construction of Intermediate and Link Drains Y
283 14000422426 RURAL CONNECTIVITY Y 1409016001/RC/138068 C/Path with drainage FHO Daulat Singh to Suram Chand Earthern road Y
284 14000422427 RURAL SANITATION Y 1409016001/RS/7800 CONSTT. OF NBA UNITS AT BARI Soakage Channel/Pit Y
285 14000422428 RURAL SANITATION Y 1409016001/RS/986 CONST. OF 10 NO OF IHHL AT BARI Individual Household Latrines Y
286 14000422429 RURAL SANITATION Y 1409016001/RS/987 CONST OF 10 NO OF IHHL AT BARI Individual Household Latrines Y
287 14000422430 RURAL SANITATION Y 1409016001/RS/989 CONST OF 10 NO. OF IHHL AT BARI Individual Household Latrines Y
288 14000424550 P/WORK Y 1409016001/DP/7572 CONSTT. OF P/WOR AT KABRASTAN GOWARI PYT. BARI Land Development Y
289 14000424551 P/WORK Y 1409016001/OP/8808460952 Constt. of Land Lavelingh Dam Gowari Complete
290 14000424552 P/WORK Y 1409016001/OP/8808460676 Constt. of WCD at Behgal Complete
291 14000424553 P/WORK Y 1409016001/OP/8808460680 Constt. of P/Work at Hathakldi Complete
292 14000424554 P/WORK Y 1409016001/OP/8808460677 Constt. of Land Laveling at Gokhri Complete
293 14000424555 P/WORK Y 1409016001/OP/8808460679 Constt. of Land Lavelingh at Chabba Complete
294 14000424556 P/WORK Y 1409016001/OP/8808460951 Constt. of WCD at Khani Complete
295 14000424557 P/WORK Y 1409016001/OP/8808460950 Constt. of Land Lavelingh at Bangol Basti Complete
296 14000442160 1409016001/IF/IAY/25513 Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/25513 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1138650 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
297 14000446805 P/PATH MINDAN TO PMGSY ROAD Y 1409016001/RC/203927 P/PATH MINDAN TO PMGSY ROAD Constr of Interlocking block/tiles Roads for Comm Y
298 14000446806 P/PATH AT BUTT MOHALLA Y 1409016001/RC/203929 P/PATH AT BUTT MOHALLA Constr of Interlocking block/tiles Roads for Comm Y
300 14000446810 P/Path Gouri to House of Kubir Ahmed Y 1409016001/RC/202288 P/Path Gouri to House of Kubir Ahmed Constr of Interlocking block/tiles Roads for Comm Y
301 14000446812 CHECH DAM LONE MOHALLA Y 1409016001/FP/139284 CHECH DAM LONE MOHALLA Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
302 14000446814 NALLA BINDING AT BHAGAL NALLI Y 1409016001/FP/139300 NALLA BINDING AT BHAGAL NALLI Diversion Channel Y
303 14000446815 WCD AT DUGRI Y 1409016001/FP/143393 WCD AT DUGRI Diversion Channel Y
304 14000446816 NALLA BINDING AT NALLA GOWARI Y 1409016001/FP/143394 NALLA BINDING AT NALLA GOWARI Diversion Channel Y
305 14000456025 pmay Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/24043 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1059298 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
306 14000469995 NALLA BINDING AT KUT Y 1409016001/FP/139289 NALLA BINDING AT KUT Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
307 14000469996 CHECK DAM LONE MOHALLA Y 1409016001/FP/143392 CHECK DAM LONE MOHALLA Diversion Channel Y
308 14000469997 NALLA BINDING DAM NALLA Y 1409016001/FP/143395 NALLA BINDING DAM NALLA Diversion Channel Y
309 14000469998 Nalla Binding at Charad Nalla Y 1409016001/FP/152679 Nalla Binding at Charad Nalla Diversion Channel Y
310 14000469999 Platform shamshanghat balance at kum Y 1409016001/FP/8808490623 Platform shamshanghat balance at kumari Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
311 14000470000 Nalla binding at shaikh nalla Y 1409016001/FP/8808490624 Nalla binding at shaikh nalla Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
312 14000470001 P/WORK NHO GH MOHI UD DIN Y 1409016001/FP/8808495375 P/WORK NHO GH MOHI UD DIN Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
313 14000470002 R/Wall at Braw Y 1409016001/FP/8808505678 R/Wall at Braw Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
314 14000470003 KUL BHAWANI NALLA TO CHABA Y 1409016001/IC/50370 KUL BHAWANI NALLA TO CHABA Community Well for Irrigation Y
315 14000470004 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1127999 Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/30336 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1127999 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
316 14000470005 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1127999 Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/30340 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1139437 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
317 14000470006 Platform of Shamshanghat barri Y 1409016001/LD/66744 Platform of Shamshanghat barri Earthen Bunding Y
318 14000470007 P/PATH BHAWANI TO HS BARRI Y 1409016001/RC/203915 P/PATH BHAWANI TO HS BARRI Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
319 14000470008 P/Path at Banjer Y 1409016001/RC/224367 P/Path at Banjer Cement Concrete Y
320 14000470009 P/Path Mindan to Sheikh Mohalla Work Start Date Y 1409016001/RC/224370 P/Path Mindan to Sheikh Mohalla Cement Concrete Y
321 14000470010 P/PATH TOWARDS HO HANEF/SHABIR Y 1409016001/RC/230645 P/PATH TOWARDS HO HANEF/SHABIR Cement Concrete Y
322 14000470011 P/Path at U/Banjar Y 1409016001/RC/233622 P/Path at U/Banjar Cement Concrete Y
323 14000470012 L/Drain at Mindan Y 1409016001/RC/233667 L/Drain at Mindan Cement Concrete Y
324 14000470013 P/ Path at Kumari Sayari Mohalla Y 1409016001/RC/233671 P/ Path at Kumari Sayari Mohalla Cement Concrete Y
325 14000470014 P/Path Lohar Mohalla Y 1409016001/RC/233677 P/Path Lohar Mohalla Cement Concrete Y
326 14000470015 P/PATH MAIN ROAD TO MADRASSA Y 1409016001/RC/8808492167 P/PATH MAIN ROAD TO MADRASSA Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
327 14000470016 P/PATH MINDAN TO KUT Y 1409016001/RC/8808492168 P/PATH MINDAN TO KUT Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
328 14000470017 P/PATH MINDAN TO KUT Y 1409016001/RC/8808492170 P/PATH LONE MOHALLA UPPER Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
329 14000470018 RCC Culvert B/Work at Brah Gokhri Y 1409016001/RC/8808494833 RCC Culvert B/Work at Brah Gokhri Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
330 14000470019 L/DRAIN MAIN ROAD TO MANHAS MOHALL Y 1409016001/RC/8808500102 L/DRAIN MAIN ROAD TO MANHAS MOHALL Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
331 14000470020 CSC AT LONE MOHALLA Y 1409016001/RS/16607 CSC AT LONE MOHALLA Soakage Channel/Pit Y
332 14000476081 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1131713 Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/26712 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1134662 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
333 14000478593 PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1094135 Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/28316 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1094135 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
334 14000488376 LAND DEV AT W NO 1 Y 1409016001/FP/8808495372 LAND DEV AT W NO 1 Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
335 14000488378 LAND DEV AT DANDIL BAGGAR MOHALLA Y 1409016001/FP/8808495374 LAND DEV AT DANDIL BAGGAR MOHALLA Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
336 14000488380 P/WORK LONE MOHALLA LOWER Y 1409016001/FP/8808495376 P/WORK LONE MOHALLA LOWER Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
337 14000488381 P/WORK AT KHANDI MOHALLA NHO AB QYOUM Y 1409016001/FP/8808495377 P/WORK AT KHANDI MOHALLA NHO AB QYOUM Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
338 14000488388 P/PATH SHIV MANDIR TO MAIN ROAD Y 1409016001/RC/8808492166 P/PATH SHIV MANDIR TO MAIN ROAD Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
339 14000488390 DEV OF SPRING AT BANJER Y 1409016001/WH/16169 DEV OF SPRING AT BANJER Renovation of Fisheries Ponds for Community Y
340 14000511019 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1099242 Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/48974 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1099242 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
341 14000511020 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individual Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/48975 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1133016 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
342 14000511021 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individual Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/49033 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1055811 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
343 14000511022 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individual Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/49032 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1236442 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
344 14000511023 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individual Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/49044 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1123604 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
345 14000511024 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individual Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/51078 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1227466 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
346 14000511025 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individual Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/51084 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1019835 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
347 14000511026 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/49038 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1059678 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
348 14000511029 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/49042 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1077344 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
349 14000511030 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/51091 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1218525 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
350 14000511031 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/51090 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1188654 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
351 14000511032 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/48978 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1065309 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
352 14000511033 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/48983 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1074788 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
353 14000511034 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/48990 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1207796 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
354 14000511035 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/48991 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1066611 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
355 14000511037 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/48996 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1137522 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
356 14000511038 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/49003 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1074778 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
357 14000511040 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/49000 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1007721 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
358 14000511041 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/49013 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1079939 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
359 14000511043 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/49017 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1204396 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
360 14000511045 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/49016 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1055779 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
361 14000511047 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/49021 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1093876 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
362 14000511050 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/48999 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1157985 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
363 14000511051 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/49019 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1219375 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
364 14000511052 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/49023 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1122115 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
365 14000511053 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/49025 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1075077 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
366 14000511054 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/49010 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1066588 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
367 14000511055 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/49031 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1134152 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
368 14000511056 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/48994 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1141193 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
369 14000522170 L/Levelling ILO Mohd Yaseen Tali Mohalla W.No.5 Y 1409016001/LD/8808496021 L/Levelling ILO Mohd Yaseen Tali Mohalla W.No.5 Construction of Earthen graded Bund for Community Y
370 14000522172 L/Levelling at Kutro W.No.6 Y 1409016001/LD/8808496024 L/Levelling at Kutro W.No.6 Constr of Stone peripheral Bund for Community Y
371 14000522174 Stone graded Bund at Bra W.No.7 Y 1409016001/FP/8808510230 Stone graded Bund at Bra W.No.7 Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
372 14000522220 Stone Graded Bund NHO Zubar Ahmed Wno.3 Y 1409016001/FP/8808510232 Stone Graded Bund NHO Zubar Ahmed Wno.3 Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
373 14000522221 Stone Graded Bund at Gokhri NHO Saidulla W.No.7 Y 1409016001/FP/8808510229 Stone Graded Bund at Gokhri NHO Saidulla W.No.7 Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
374 14000522222 Flood Diversion Channel at Phat Gowari W No 4 Y 1409016001/FP/8808518393 Flood Diversion Channel at Phat Gowari W No 4 Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
375 14000522223 Khandi to Kumari via Saraji W No 6 Y 1409016001/FP/8808518394 Khandi to Kumari via Saraji W No 6 Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
376 14000522227 L/Levelling At Sui P-2 W.No.1 Y 1409016001/LD/8808496015 L/Levelling At Sui P-2 W.No.1 Constr of Pebble peripheral Bund for Community Y
377 14000522232 Concrete Road at Main Road Gokhri W No 7 Y 1409016001/RC/8808529448 Concrete Road at Main Road Gokhri W No 7 Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
378 14000549986 Stone Graded Bund at Khandi Mohalla W.No. 2 Y 1409016001/FP/8808510227 Stone Graded Bund at Khandi Mohalla W.No. 2 Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
379 14000549987 Stone Graded Bund at SC Basti W.No.3 Y 1409016001/FP/8808510228 Stone Graded Bund at SC Basti W.No.3 Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
380 14000549988 Stone Graded Bund NHO Ashiq Hussain W.No.5 Y 1409016001/FP/8808510231 Stone Graded Bund NHO Ashiq Hussain W.No.5 Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
381 14000549989 Stone graded band at Gokhri W.No.7 Y 1409016001/FP/GIS/13300 Stone graded band at Gokhri W.No.7 Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm
382 14000549990 Stone graded band at Dam w.No.2 Y 1409016001/FP/GIS/13281 Stone graded band at Dam w.No.2 Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm
383 14000549991 Stone graded band at NHO Sarishta Devi W.No.3 Y 1409016001/FP/GIS/13284 Stone graded band at NHO Sarishta Devi W.No.3 Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
384 14000549992 Stone graded band at NHO Anyatulla w.No.3 Y 1409016001/FP/GIS/13285 Stone graded band at NHO Anyatulla w.No.3 Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm
385 14000549993 Stone graded band at Upper Khamaldi w.No.4 Y 1409016001/FP/GIS/13288 Stone graded band at Upper Khamaldi w.No.4 Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
386 14000549994 Stone graded band at Hathkaleri w.No. 4 Y 1409016001/FP/GIS/13290 Stone graded band at Hathkaleri w.No. 4 Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm
387 14000549995 Stone graded band at Lone Mohall gwari W.No.5 Y 1409016001/FP/GIS/13292 Stone graded band at Lone Mohall gwari W.No.5 Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm
388 14000549996 Stone graded band at NSO Naresh Kumar w.No.6 Y 1409016001/FP/GIS/13294 Stone graded band at NSO Naresh Kumar w.No.6 Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
389 14000549997 stone graded band at Dug Shaikh Mohalla W.No.7 Y 1409016001/FP/GIS/13295 stone graded band at Dug Shaikh Mohalla W.No.7 Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
390 14000549998 stone graded band at RCC Culvert Gugkri Y 1409016001/FP/GIS/13299 stone graded band at RCC Culvert Gugkri Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
391 14000549999 Stone graded band at Upper Banjer Y 1409016001/FP/GIS/13301 Stone graded band at Upper Banjer Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
392 14000550000 Stone graded band at Gurangal W.No. 4 Y 1409016001/FP/GIS/13303 Stone graded band at Gurangal W.No. 4 Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
393 14000550001 Flood dirversion at Gokhri w.No.7 Y 1409016001/FP/GIS/13327 Flood dirversion at Gokhri w.No.7 Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
394 14000550002 Stone Grand Bund at Mindan Y 1409016001/FP/GIS/14331 Stone Grand Bund at Mindan Construction of Embankment for community Y
395 14000550003 Stone Graded Bund at Grungal Dugri Y 1409016001/FP/GIS/14332 Stone Graded Bund at Grungal Dugri Construction of Embankment for community
396 14000550004 Stone Graded Bund at Gowari Y 1409016001/FP/GIS/14334 Stone Graded Bund at Gowari Construction of Embankment for community Y
397 14000550005 Pmay House Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/94509 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1068030 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
398 14000550006 Pmay House Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/94523 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1134649 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
399 14000550007 L/Levelling At Lumbukut W.No.4 Y 1409016001/LD/8808496013 L/Levelling At Lumbukut W.No.4 Constr of Pebble peripheral Bund for Community Y
400 14000550008 L/Dev at kumari W.No.6 Y 1409016001/LD/8808496014 L/Dev at kumari W.No.6 Constr of Pebble peripheral Bund for Community Y
401 14000550010 L/Levelling At Butt Mohalla W.No. 4 Y 1409016001/LD/8808496016 L/Levelling At Butt Mohalla W.No. 4 Constr of Earthen contour Bund for Community Y
402 14000550011 L/Levelling at Masjid Mohalla W.No.2 Y 1409016001/LD/8808496017 L/Levelling at Masjid Mohalla W.No.2 Constr of Stone peripheral Bund for Community Y
403 14000550012 L/Levelling at Gwari ILO Ghulam Mohd Y 1409016001/LD/8808496019 L/Levelling at Gwari ILO Ghulam Mohd Constr of Earthen peripheral Bund for Community Y
404 14000550013 L/Levelling at Kumarti NLO Bishan Dass Y 1409016001/LD/8808496020 L/Levelling at Kumarti NLO Bishan Dass Constr of Pebble peripheral Bund for Community Y
405 14000550014 L/Levelling at Fatt ilo Abdul Hamid Y 1409016001/LD/8808496022 L/Levelling at Fatt ilo Abdul Hamid Construction of Earthen graded Bund for Community Y
406 14000550015 L/Levelling at Tali Mohalla WNo1 Y 1409016001/LD/8808496023 L/Levelling at Tali Mohalla WNo1 Construction of Pebble contour Bund for Community Y
407 14000550031 L/Levelling at Sui Y 1409016001/LD/8808496025 L/Levelling at Sui Constr of Pebble peripheral Bund for Community Y
408 14000550033 L/Levelling at Loan Mohalla Lower Part 2 W.No.5 Y 1409016001/LD/8808496026 L/Levelling at Loan Mohalla Lower Part 2 W.No.5 Construction of Earthen graded Bund for Community Y
409 14000550035 L/Levelling at Chab W.No.7 Y 1409016001/LD/8808496028 L/Levelling at Chab W.No.7 Construction of Pebble contour Bund for Community Y
410 14000556315 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1074453 Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/105256 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1074453 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
411 14000556316 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1074453 Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/94491 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1075081 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
412 14000568921 Stone Periphral Bund G/Yard at Khandi Y 1409016001/FP/8808516786 Stone Periphral Bund G/Yard at Khandi Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
413 14000585299 stone graded band NHO Bodh Raj W.No. 6 Y 1409016001/FP/GIS/13297 stone graded band NHO Bodh Raj W.No. 6 Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
414 14000585409 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/111475 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1127184 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
415 14000585410 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/111548 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1141154 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
416 14000585411 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/111678 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1065643 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
417 14000585412 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/111801 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1058911 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
418 14000585413 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/112727 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1139661 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
419 14000585414 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/112956 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1074783 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
420 14000585415 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/113323 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1215043 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
421 14000585416 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/113405 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1075185 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
422 14000585418 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/113341 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1125579 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
423 14000585419 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/113432 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1062331 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
424 14000585420 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/113529 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1222137 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
425 14000585421 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/115659 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1023783 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
426 14000585423 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/69099 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1123271 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
427 14000585424 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/115796 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1128522 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
428 14000585425 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/94339 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1156164 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
429 14000585426 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/94377 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1208906 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
430 14000585428 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/94419 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1224546 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
431 14000585429 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/94467 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1074955 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
432 14000591767 WCD at FLO Ab Gani to Dum Nalla Y 1409016001/FP/8808543935 WCD at FLO Ab Gani to Dum Nalla Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
433 14000591768 Nallah Bunding at Bhawani Kumhari Y 1409016001/FP/8808544433 Nallah Bunding at Bhawani Kumhari Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
434 14000596943 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/94687 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1055711 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
435 14000596944 Khul at Chab Bhwani Nalla to Barri Y 1409016001/IC/8808536928 Khul at Chab Bhwani Nalla to Barri Construction of minor Canal for Community Y
436 14000596946 Dev of Spring at Dungri with Cattle Truff Y 1409016001/IC/8808536929 Dev of Spring at Dungri with Cattle Truff Lining of Feeder Canal for Community Y
437 14000596947 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/94575 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1065667 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
438 14000596948 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/94771 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1074944 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
439 14000596950 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/94785 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1218702 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
440 14000596951 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/94865 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1128699 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
441 14000596952 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/94873 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1122990 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
442 14000596953 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/94885 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1122093 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
443 14000596954 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/95036 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1133112 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
444 14000596955 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/95474 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1220748 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
445 14000691877 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK139259135 Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/168925 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK139259135 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
446 14000715324 Constt. Of Compost Pit at Mindhan Y 1409016001/IF/8808604405 Constt. Of Compost Pit at Mindhan Construction of Compost Pit for Individual Y
447 14000720741 Constt of Sokage Pit ILO Shukar Din Y 1409016001/IF/8808503582 Constt of Sokage Pit ILO Shukar Din Construction of Compost Pit for Individual Y
448 14000720742 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Sony Devi Y 1409016001/IF/8808509667 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Sony Devi Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
449 14000723279 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Ravinder Singh Y 1409016001/IF/8808509705 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Ravinder Singh Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
450 14000723283 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Thaira Begum Y 1409016001/IF/8808509714 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Thaira Begum Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
451 14000723288 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Faizullah Y 1409016001/IF/8808509726 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Faizullah Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
452 14000723292 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Gulam Ali Y 1409016001/IF/8808509732 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Gulam Ali Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
453 14000723297 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Mumtaza Begum Y 1409016001/IF/8808527869 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Mumtaza Begum Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
454 14000723305 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Mohd Akram Y 1409016001/IF/8808527874 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Mohd Akram Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
455 14000723310 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO SUDHERIA DEVI Y 1409016001/IF/8808527878 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO SUDHERIA DEVI Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
456 14000723313 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Ravinder Singh Y 1409016001/IF/8808527888 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Ravinder Singh Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
457 14000723316 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Mohd Sadeeq Y 1409016001/IF/8808527898 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Mohd Sadeeq Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
458 14000723319 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Ab. Latif Y 1409016001/IF/8808527908 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Ab. Latif Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
459 14000723325 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Ashiq Hussain Y 1409016001/IF/8808527923 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Ashiq Hussain Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
460 14000723342 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Tufial Ahmed Y 1409016001/IF/8808527955 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Tufial Ahmed Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
461 14000723348 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Suroya Begum Y 1409016001/IF/8808527976 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Suroya Begum Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
462 14000723350 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Mohd Rafiq Y 1409016001/IF/8808527980 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Mohd Rafiq Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
463 14000723353 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Chuni Lal Y 1409016001/IF/8808527989 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Chuni Lal Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
464 14000723368 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Naru devi Y 1409016001/IF/8808528016 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Naru devi Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
465 14000723374 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Ram Krisha Y 1409016001/IF/8808528018 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Ram Krisha Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
466 14000723384 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Zubair Ahmed Y 1409016001/IF/8808528022 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Zubair Ahmed Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
467 14000723393 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Mohd Yassen Y 1409016001/IF/8808528023 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Mohd Yassen Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
468 14000723399 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Mohd Iqbal Y 1409016001/IF/8808528028 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Mohd Iqbal Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
469 14000723410 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Sheer Singh Y 1409016001/IF/8808528051 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Sheer Singh Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
470 14000723414 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Ab Rashid Y 1409016001/IF/8808528056 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Ab Rashid Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
471 14000723420 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Parshotam Singh Y 1409016001/IF/8808528062 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Parshotam Singh Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
472 14000723423 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Shib Dev Singh Y 1409016001/IF/8808528065 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Shib Dev Singh Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
473 14000723425 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Mohd Hanief Y 1409016001/IF/8808528068 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Mohd Hanief Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
474 14000723431 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Bashir Ahmed Y 1409016001/IF/8808528106 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Bashir Ahmed Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
475 14000723433 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Vijay Kumar Y 1409016001/IF/8808528108 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Vijay Kumar Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
476 14000723450 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Joginder Singh Y 1409016001/IF/8808528123 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Joginder Singh Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
477 14000744078 WCD at Batt Mohalla to Banjol Nali Y 1409016001/FP/8808544432 WCD at Batt Mohalla to Banjol Nali Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
478 14000744079 Nalla Binding at Banjol Y 1409016001/FP/GIS/88644 Nalla Binding at Banjol Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
479 14000744080 Dev. Of Spring at Banjol W.No.4 Y 1409016001/FP/GIS/88647 Dev. Of Spring at Banjol W.No.4 Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
480 14000744081 L/Levelling at Mindan W.No.7 Y 1409016001/LD/8808496018 L/Levelling at Mindan W.No.7 Constr of Earthen peripheral Bund for Community Y
481 14000766543 Constt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808509675 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Gh. mustafa Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
482 14000769338 Constt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808509659 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Yassir Hussian Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
483 14000769348 onstt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808527864 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Jaffer Hussian Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
484 14000769366 onstt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808531575 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO SHAKILA BEGUM Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
485 14000769374 onstt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808531537 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO TARIQ AHMED Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
486 14000769382 onstt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808531515 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO SHAFIA TABSUM Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
487 14000769387 onstt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808531409 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Mohd Israil Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
488 14000769391 onstt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808531388 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Mohan Lal Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
489 14000769392 onstt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808531386 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO SUBASH KUMAR Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
490 14000769394 onstt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808531372 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Ranu Devi Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
491 14000769395 onstt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808531368 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Firdous Ahmed Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
492 14000769398 onstt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808531357 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Ruksana Begum Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
493 14000769401 onstt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808531355 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Nazia Begum Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
494 14000769403 onstt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808531292 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Shaina Begum Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
495 14000769404 onstt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808531284 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Bimla Devi Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
496 14000769407 onstt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808531281 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Sagira Begum Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
497 14000769412 onstt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808531271 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Parveena Begum Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
498 14000769416 onstt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808531259 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Amar Singh Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
499 14000769419 onstt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808531251 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Nirmla Devi Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
500 14000769422 onstt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808531240 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Usha Devi Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
501 14000769425 onstt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808531215 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO ZUBAIR AHMED Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
502 14000769426 onstt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808531203 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO NASEEMA BEGUM Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
503 14000769434 onstt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808529950 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Rajinder singh Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
504 14000769436 onstt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808529944 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Azad Hussian Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
505 14000769438 onstt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808529936 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO lal chand Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
506 14000769441 onstt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808529928 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO BALBIR SINGH Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
507 14000769443 onstt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808529891 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Mohd Shaban Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
508 14000769446 onstt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808529884 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO NARESH KUMAR Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
509 14000769448 onstt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808529877 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO HUSHYAR SINGH Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
510 14000769451 onstt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808529868 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO MOHD IRFAN Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
511 14000769455 onstt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808529777 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Bikram singh Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
512 14000769457 onstt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808529764 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO AZIMA BEGUMA Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
513 14000769461 onstt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808529702 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO NAZIQ HUSSAIN Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
514 14000769467 onstt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808529678 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Mohd Ashraf Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
515 14000769471 onstt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808529648 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Shahied Hussain Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
516 14000769481 onstt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808529644 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO MARIMA BEGUM Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
517 14000769484 onstt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808529769 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO MOHD YOUSAF Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
518 14000769491 onstt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808529628 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO SURAM CHAND Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
519 14000769496 onstt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808529617 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO MOHINI DEVI Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
520 14000769500 onstt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808529612 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO MAJROO Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
521 14000769507 onstt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808528137 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Kaif Ahmed Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
522 14000769510 onstt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808528127 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Qamar Din Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
523 14000769513 onstt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808528125 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Om Paqrkash Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
524 14000769517 onstt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808528124 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Pawan Kumar Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
525 14000769518 onstt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808528118 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Sanjay Kumar Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
526 14000769525 onstt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808528114 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Javeed Iqbal Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
527 14000769527 onstt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808528113 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Sushil Kumar Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
528 14000769532 onstt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808528074 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Mahid Din Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
529 14000769533 onstt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808528060 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Rajeshwar Singh Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
530 14000769535 onstt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808528050 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Mukhtiar Ahmed Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
531 14000769538 onstt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808528024 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Gh. Mohd Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
532 14000769539 onstt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808528021 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Ab. Ganni Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
533 14000769544 onstt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808528008 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO MUSARIT HUSSAIN Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
534 14000769547 onstt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808527978 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Tariq Ahmed Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
535 14000769553 onstt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808527966 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Doulat Singh Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
536 14000769558 onstt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808527914 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Ab. Quyoum Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
537 14000772634 Cattel Shed at Bada W.No 7 Y 1409016001/LD/GIS/88682 Cattel Shed at Bada W.No 7 Construction of Earthen graded Bund for Community Y
538 14000772637 L/drain PMGSY Road to Kut Nali via Sheikh Mohalla W.No.7 Y 1409016001/RC/GIS/88689 L/drain PMGSY Road to Kut Nali via Sheikh Mohalla W.No.7 Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
539 14000772648 L/dev. At Gowari Mohalla ILO Mohd Ashraf Tariq Ahmed Mohd Iqbal W.No.3 Y 1409016001/LD/GIS/88671 L/dev. At Gowari Mohalla ILO Mohd Ashraf Tariq Ahmed Mohd Iqbal W.No.3 Construction of Earthen graded Bund for Community Y
540 14000772656 1409016001/LD/GIS/88652 Y 1409016001/LD/GIS/88652 P/Work NHO Sarishta Devi W.No.3 Construction of Earthen graded Bund for Community Y
541 14000772660 P/Work Gowari NHO Shabir Ahmed W.No.3 Y 1409016001/LD/GIS/88653 P/Work Gowari NHO Shabir Ahmed W.No.3 Construction of Earthen graded Bund for Community Y
542 14000772669 L/Dev at Barri B Y 1409016001/LD/GIS/88665 L/Dev at Barri B Construction of Earthen graded Bund for Community Y
543 14000772673 LBT at Banjar ILO Mehjor Ahmed W.No.3 Y 1409016001/LD/GIS/88679 LBT at Banjar ILO Mehjor Ahmed W.No.3 Construction of Earthen graded Bund for Community Y
544 14000772679 P/Path at Barri NHO Ab Qayoom to HO Akhter Hussain W.No.2 Y 1409016001/RC/GIS/88686 P/Path at Barri NHO Ab Qayoom to HO Akhter Hussain W.No.2 Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
545 14000772683 P/Path NHO Gh Mohd Barri W.No.2 Y 1409016001/RC/GIS/88691 P/Path NHO Gh Mohd Barri W.No.2 Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
546 14000772686 P/Path to Manhas Mohalla to Khull W.No.6 Y 1409016001/RC/GIS/88693 P/Path to Manhas Mohalla to Khull W.No.6 Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
547 14000772693 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK100032506 Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/165374 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK100032506 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
548 14000772695 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/167426 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK130837876 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
549 14000772700 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/168766 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK138274558 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
550 14000772701 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/168767 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK138274607 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
551 14000772704 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/174811 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK151084995 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
552 14000772706 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/173004 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK149160604 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
553 14000772707 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/192974 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK137968507 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
554 14000783381 Constt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808509689 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Sajad Ahmed Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
555 14000783382 Constt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808509720 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Ghambir Singh Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
556 14000783383 Constt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808527892 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Jadish Raj Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
557 14000783384 Constt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808527936 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Uttam Singh Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
558 14000783386 Constt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808527943 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Nawaz Ahmed Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
559 14000783387 Constt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808527952 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Tanveer Ahmed Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
560 14000783389 Constt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808527996 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Nisata Begum Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
561 14000783390 Constt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808527998 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Sheer Mohd Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
562 14000783391 Constt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808528007 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Syeed-ulla-Butt Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
563 14000783392 Constt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808528012 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Rajinder Kumar Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
564 14000783394 Constt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808528026 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Parkash Raj Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
565 14000783395 Constt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808528031 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Mohd Ayoub Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
566 14000783397 Constt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808528052 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Onkar Singh Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
567 14000783398 Constt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808528053 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Karan Singh Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
568 14000783399 Constt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808528109 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Shoket Ali Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
569 14000783400 Constt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808528221 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Pappu Singh Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
570 14000783402 Constt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808528116 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Daleep Kumar Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
571 14000783403 Constt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808529605 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO mohd Yasir Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
572 14000783404 Constt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808529632 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO RUKSANA BEGUM Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
573 14000783405 Constt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808529661 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO REZWANA BEGUM Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
574 14000783406 Constt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808529668 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO TUBASAM BEGUM Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
575 14000783408 Constt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808529729 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO SHABIR AHMED Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
576 14000783409 Constt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808529737 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO PARVEENA BEGUM Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
577 14000783410 Constt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808529921 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Mohd Sharief Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
578 14000783411 Constt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808531522 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO VINOD KUMAR Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
579 14000783412 Constt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808531426 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO ASHOK KUMAR Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
580 14000783413 Constt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808531195 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO SANDEEP KUMAR Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
581 14000783414 Constt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808529969 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO PARDEEP SINGH Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
582 14000783415 Constt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808529958 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO SOHAN SINGH Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
583 14000793730 L/Dev at Khamaldi ILO Porab singh and Uttam Singh Y 1409016001/LD/GIS/128279 L/Dev at Khamaldi ILO Porab singh and Uttam Singh W.No.6 Constr of Earthen peripheral Bund for Community Y
584 14000793735 P/Work at Madinal Kuthal Y 1409016001/LD/GIS/128273 P/Work at Madinal Kuthal Constr of Earthen peripheral Bund for Community Y
585 14000793736 P/Work at Bada W.No.7 Y 1409016001/LD/GIS/128263 P/Work at Bada W.No.7 Constr of Earthen contour Bund for Community Y
586 14000801793 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK14858041 Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/172481 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK148580417 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
587 14000802613 Constt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808527927 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Faheem Hussain Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
588 14000802616 Constt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808527971 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Tanveer Ahmed Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
589 14000802627 Constt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808529516 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO Munider Kumar Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
590 14000802631 Constt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808529851 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO SHAKEELA BEGUM Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
591 14000806180 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/192983 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK138274620 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
592 14000806182 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/192982 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK138274572 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
593 14000806185 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/168924 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK139259088 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
594 14000806187 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/168923 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK139258951 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
595 14000810355 Water Storage at Dum Y 1409016001/LD/GIS/110608 Water Storage at Dum Constr of Earthen peripheral Bund for Community Y
596 14000816650 Constt of Soakage Pit Y 1409016001/IF/8808528037 Constt of Soakage Pit ILO sakina begum Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
597 14000834975 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/168765 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK138274541 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
598 14000834980 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/183193 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK151076217 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
599 14000834982 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/168768 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK138274630 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
600 14000834984 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y 1409016001/IF/IAY/177473 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK137968598 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
601 14000847714 Vermipit at Y 1409016001/LD/GIS/88684 Vermipit at Construction of Earthen graded Bund for Community Y
602 14000847719 LBT ILO Mohd Sadiq Y 1409016001/LD/GIS/88681 LBT ILO Mohd Sadiq Construction of Earthen graded Bund for Community Y
603 14000847726 L/dev. At Banjol W.No.3 Work Start Date Y 1409016001/LD/GIS/88648 L/dev. At Banjol W.No.3 Construction of Earthen graded Bund for Community Y
604 14000847729 L/dev. At banjar Mindan ILO Masror Ahmed W.No.7 Y 1409016001/LD/GIS/88651 L/dev. At banjar Mindan ILO Masror Ahmed W.No.7 Construction of Earthen graded Bund for Community Y
605 14000847732 L/dev. ILO Qasim Din W.No.3 Y 1409016001/LD/GIS/88656 L/dev. ILO Qasim Din W.No.3 Construction of Earthen graded Bund for Community Y
606 14000847735 L/Dev Graveyard at Khani Mohalla Y 1409016001/LD/GIS/88662 L/Dev Graveyard at Khani Mohalla Construction of Earthen graded Bund for Community Y
607 14000847738 LBT ILO barkatullah and Mohd Ashfaq W.No.7 Y 1409016001/LD/GIS/88677 LBT ILO barkatullah and Mohd Ashfaq W.No.7 Construction of Earthen graded Bund for Community Y
608 14000847740 P/Path PMGSY Road to HO Mohd yasin/Ashiq Hussain and Riaz Ahmed W.No.5 Y 1409016001/RC/GIS/88688 P/Path PMGSY Road to HO Mohd yasin/Ashiq Hussain and Riaz Ahmed W.No.5 Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
609 14000847742 P/Path at Chab W.No.7 Y 1409016001/RC/GIS/88692 P/Path at Chab W.No.7 Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
610 14000847748 P/Path at Bhawni Nala to Kut W.No.5 Y 1409016001/RC/GIS/129978 P/Path at Bhawni Nala to Kut W.No.5 Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
611 14000847752 P/Work at Fat Y 1409016001/LD/GIS/88669 P/Work at Fat Construction of Earthen graded Bund for Community Y
612 14000847755 L/Dev ILO Noor Mohd Gowari W.No.3 Y 1409016001/LD/GIS/128283 L/Dev ILO Noor Mohd Gowari W.No.3 Constr of Earthen peripheral Bund for Community Y
613 14000847756 L/dev at Khani Mohalla Work Start Date Y 1409016001/LD/GIS/88660 L/dev at Khani Mohalla Construction of Earthen graded Bund for Community Y
614 14000847763 L/Dev at Banjar Khamaldi Y 1409016001/LD/GIS/88657 L/Dev at Banjar Khamaldi Construction of Earthen graded Bund for Community Y
615 14000859488 1409016001/LD/GIS/13305 Y 1409016001/LD/GIS/13305 Land Dev. At Khani Marwari W.No.1 Constr of Stone peripheral Bund for Community Y
616 14000859490 1409016001/LD/GIS/13307 Y 1409016001/LD/GIS/13307 Land Dev. At Tali Mohalla balanced Wno.1 Constr of Pebble peripheral Bund for Community Y
617 14000859508 1409016001/LD/GIS/13313 Y 1409016001/LD/GIS/13313 Land Dev. At Khandi W.No.5 Constr of Stone peripheral Bund for Community Y
618 14000859517 1409016001/LD/GIS/13320 Y 1409016001/LD/GIS/13320 Land Dev. At bari W.No.2 Constr of Stone peripheral Bund for Community Y
619 14000859540 1409016001/LD/GIS/13324 Y 1409016001/LD/GIS/13324 Park at Banjoot Shiv mandir W.No. 4 Constr of Stone peripheral Bund for Community Y
620 14000859553 1409016001/RC/GIS/13326 Y 1409016001/RC/GIS/13326 Concrat road at nalli to HO Fazulla W.No.5 Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
621 14000859567 1409016001/LD/8808496029 Y 1409016001/LD/8808496029 L/Levelling near land of Uttam Singh W.No.6 Construction of Earthen graded Bund for Community Y
622 14000859581 1409016001/RC/8808529450 Y 1409016001/RC/8808529450 Concrete Road Kut to Masjid Mohalla W No 5 Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
623 14000859585 1409016001/WC/8808490628 Y 1409016001/WC/8808490628 Pond W No 7 at Chab Coast Line Plantation of Forestry Trees for Comm Y
624 14000859591 1409016001/FP/8808518395 Y 1409016001/FP/8808518395 Cattel Shed Doulat Singh Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
625 14000859616 1409016001/RC/8808529449 Y 1409016001/RC/8808529449 L/Drain Gwari to Near Madrassa W No 3 Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
626 14000859619 1409016001/RC/8808529451 Y 1409016001/RC/8808529451 Concrete Road Kumari NHO Balwan Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
627 14000859620 1409016001/RC/8808529453 Y 1409016001/RC/8808529453 Gravel Road Electric Pol to PMGSY Road Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
628 14000859624 1409016001/RC/8808529447 Y 1409016001/RC/8808529447 Gravel Road Sui to HO Shabir Ahmed W NO 1 Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
629 14000859630 1409016001/LD/GIS/14333 Y 1409016001/LD/GIS/14333 L/Dev at Chered Constr of Stone peripheral Bund for Community Y
630 14000859638 1409016001/LD/GIS/22337 Y 1409016001/LD/GIS/22337 L/ Protection ILO Mohd Din and Parveez Ahmed Constr of Earthen peripheral Bund for Community Y
631 14000859641 1409016001/RC/GIS/22412 Y 1409016001/RC/GIS/22412 Concrete road Sui to from NHO Shabir Ahmed Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm Y
632 14000859647 1409016001/LD/GIS/22283 Y 1409016001/LD/GIS/22283 Land Bowhni nallah ILO Ab. Latief /Sayed Hussain Constr of Earthen peripheral Bund for Community Y
633 14000859654 1409016001/LD/GIS/22290 Y 1409016001/LD/GIS/22290 Land Brdah ILO Mohd Hafiz Constr of Earthen peripheral Bund for Community Y
634 14000859659 1409016001/LD/GIS/22292 Y 1409016001/LD/GIS/22292 Land Dev. At Dugrri Ward No7 ILO Faheem Hussain Constr of Earthen peripheral Bund for Community Y
635 14000859675 1409016001/LD/GIS/22295 Y