S No. |
Primary Assets |
Secondary Assets |
Asset Id |
Asset Name |
Shared with NRSC |
Work Code |
Work Name |
Work Type |
Shared with NRSC |
1 |
14000014463 |
Pacca Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/103256 |
Construction of Pacca Path NHO Saidullah to Eidgah |
Cement Concrete |
Y |
2 |
14000014464 |
Land Leveling |
Y |
1409005006/FP/118041 |
Constt. of Land Leveling Ashiq Hussain Mohd Ayoub talib Hussain |
Desilting |
Y |
3 |
14000016907 |
Pacca Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/123604 |
Constt. of P/Path HO Riaz Ahmed to Bandral |
Cement Concrete |
Y |
4 |
14000016909 |
Protection work |
Y |
1409005006/FP/91354 |
Constt. of P/Work R/Wall NHO John Mohd |
Desilting |
Y |
5 |
14000016911 |
Water C Drain |
Y |
1409005006/WC/31216 |
Constt. of WCD at Ghar to Baggin via Kabrstan |
Earthen Bunding |
Y |
6 |
14000016912 |
Protection work |
Y |
1409005006/FP/91361 |
Constt. of P/Work Graveyard Baddraman |
Desilting |
Y |
7 |
14000016914 |
Pacca Path R Wall |
Y |
1409005006/RC/143119 |
Constt. of P/Path R/Wall Store to Bandral Mohalla |
Cement Concrete |
Y |
8 |
14000016916 |
Pacca Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/123595 |
Constt. of P/Path Zubaida Begum to HO Mohd Sharief ward No-06 |
Cement Concrete |
Y |
9 |
14000016923 |
Protection work |
Y |
1409005006/FP/91366 |
Constt. of P/Work Graveyard Near Masjid Sharief Baddraman |
Desilting |
Y |
10 |
14000016925 |
Lain Drain |
Y |
1409005006/WC/31532 |
Constt. of L/Drain Eidgah to Sandoor Singh ward No-06 |
Earthen Gully Plug |
Y |
11 |
14000016926 |
Pacca Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/143863 |
Constt. of P/Path Fathri to Khul Masjid Sharief |
Cement Concrete |
Y |
12 |
14000016927 |
Pacca Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/152968 |
Constt. of P/Path Lower Koul to Javed to Shoket Ali |
Cement Concrete |
Y |
13 |
14000016929 |
Protection |
Y |
1409005006/FP/91330 |
Constt. of P/Work Graveyard Gawari ward no. 01 |
Diversion Channel |
Y |
14 |
14000017127 |
Protection Work |
Y |
1409005006/FP/91359 |
Constt. of P/Work Farooq Ahmed Sooli Phat |
Desilting |
Y |
15 |
14000017129 |
Protection Work |
Y |
1409005006/FP/91371 |
Constt. of P/Work Graveyard NHO Bashir Ahmed |
Desilting |
Y |
16 |
14000045345 |
Protection work |
Y |
1409005006/FP/91374 |
Constt. of P/Work NLO Shokat Ali and Zakir Hussain |
Desilting |
Y |
17 |
14000045351 |
Pacca Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/152757 |
Constt. of P/Path HO Javed to HO Sajad Ahmed |
Cement Concrete |
Y |
18 |
14000045354 |
Protection work |
Y |
1409005006/FP/91357 |
Constt. of P/Work Near PS Baddraman |
Diversion Channel |
Y |
19 |
14000122224 |
Protection work |
Y |
1409005006/FP/55620 |
Construction of P.Work Near Masjid Sharief Gowari ward no-1 |
Desilting |
Y |
20 |
14000122225 |
Protection work |
Y |
1409005006/FP/71580 |
Construction of Protection work NLo Gh. Rasool to Ab. Qayoom |
Desilting |
Y |
21 |
14000122226 |
Protection work |
Y |
1409005006/FP/71581 |
Construction of Protection work land Leveling ward no. 3 |
Desilting |
Y |
22 |
14000122227 |
Protection work |
Y |
1409005006/FP/71582 |
Construction of Protection work L. Leveling wrd No. ( 3) |
Desilting |
Y |
23 |
14000123002 |
Pacca Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/123598 |
Constt. of P/Path HO Shokat Ali to Habibullah |
Cement Concrete |
Y |
24 |
14000158964 |
Pacca Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/86798 |
Constt. of P/Path Ab. Khalaq to Habibullah |
Cement concrete |
Y |
25 |
14000158966 |
Pacca Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/86315 |
Constt. of P/Path Bashret Ali to Khool Dar |
Cement concrete |
Y |
26 |
14000158968 |
Pacca Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/87453 |
Constt. of P.Path Mohd Mohd Shaffi to Mohd Sharief |
Cement concrete |
Y |
27 |
14000158973 |
Pacca Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/85998 |
Constt. of P/Path NHO Altaf to Eidgah |
Cement concrete |
Y |
28 |
14000158974 |
Pacca Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/87023 |
Constt. of P.Path NHO Sndhor Singh to Eidgah |
Cement concrete |
Y |
29 |
14000158975 |
WC Drain |
Y |
1409005006/WC/22233 |
Construction of WC Drain Masjid Sharief to Dramri |
Earthen Bunding |
Y |
30 |
14000158978 |
WC Drain |
Y |
1409005006/WC/19427 |
Construction of WC Drain NHO Mohd Yousf to Liaqat Ali |
Artificial Recharge of Well Through Sand Filter |
Y |
31 |
14000158980 |
WC Drain |
Y |
1409005006/WC/22045 |
Construction of WC Drain NLO Liyakat ALi to Fatri |
Contour Bunds |
Y |
32 |
14000158982 |
WC Drain |
Y |
1409005006/WC/22155 |
Construction of WC Drian NLO Ab. Hamid |
Continuous Contour Trench |
Y |
33 |
14000158984 |
Y |
1409005006/WC/20377 |
Construction of WHT at Muswa NLO Kuldeep Singh |
Artificial Recharge of Well Through Sand Filter |
Y |
34 |
14000158987 |
Y |
1409005006/WC/20743 |
Construction of WHT at NLO Mohd Hanif Lone |
Farm Pond |
Y |
35 |
14000158988 |
Community Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/94099 |
Construction of C.Path Nahir to NHO Hafiz |
Earthern road |
Y |
36 |
14000158989 |
Pacca Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/86799 |
Construction of P/Path Bhatt Moh. to P/S School |
Cement concrete |
Y |
37 |
14000158991 |
Pacca Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/87916 |
Construction of P.Path Lohar Mohalla to Ab. Jabar |
Cement concrete |
Y |
38 |
14000194237 |
Land Leveling |
Y |
1409005006/FP/91372 |
Constt. of P/Work land Leveling 02 Nos. Benificiary HO Mohd Irfan , Abdul Qayoom, Nisar Ahmed Riaz |
Desilting |
Y |
39 |
14000194238 |
Protection work |
Y |
1409005006/FP/71579 |
Construction of Protection work NLO Khalid akther altaf yousif |
Desilting |
Y |
40 |
14000194239 |
Protection work |
Y |
1409005006/FP/69581 |
Construction of Protection work at Gowri |
Desilting |
Y |
41 |
14000194240 |
Protection work |
Y |
1409005006/FP/69580 |
Construction of Protection work NLO Roshan Din |
Desilting |
Y |
42 |
14000194241 |
Protection work |
Y |
1409005006/FP/66929 |
Construction of Protection work Masjid Nali |
Desilting |
Y |
43 |
14000194242 |
Protection work |
Y |
1409005006/FP/59550 |
Construction of Protection work NLO Zaker Hussain, Abdul Majied & Nazir Ahmed |
Diversion weir |
Y |
44 |
14000194245 |
Protection work |
Y |
1409005006/FP/58954 |
Construction of Protection Work NLO Mukthyar Ahmed Manzoor Ahmed |
Desilting |
Y |
45 |
14000194246 |
Protection work |
Y |
1409005006/FP/58253 |
Construction of Protection Work NHO Naseen Ahmed S/o Mohamdu |
Desilting |
Y |
46 |
14000194247 |
Protection work |
Y |
1409005006/FP/34233 |
Constt. of P/Work NHO Mubin Sheikh |
Strengthening of Embankment |
Y |
47 |
14000194248 |
Protection work |
Y |
1409005006/LD/9279 |
Constt. of P/Work at Dewal |
Earthen Bunding |
Y |
48 |
14000194249 |
Protection work |
Y |
1409005006/LD/18014 |
Constt. of P/Work Thamal Ward No-4 |
Land Leveling |
Y |
49 |
14000194250 |
Protection work |
Y |
1409005006/FP/38208 |
Constt. of P/Work Eid Gah Gurmul |
Desilting |
Y |
50 |
14000194251 |
Protection work |
Y |
1409005006/FP/64641 |
Construction of Protection work NLO Shabir, Mohd Sharief Gulab Din, Ab. Jabar |
Desilting |
Y |
51 |
14000194252 |
Protection work |
Y |
1409005006/FP/67817 |
Construction of Protection work NHO Ab. Majeed Sheikh |
Desilting |
Y |
52 |
14000194253 |
Protection work |
Y |
1409005006/FP/75157 |
Construction of Protection work NLO Lakait Ali Gh. Nabi, Mohd Sharief ,Noor Din |
Desilting |
Y |
53 |
14000194254 |
Pacca Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/97048 |
Construction of Pacca Path Shah Gali to Chali |
Cement concrete |
Y |
54 |
14000194255 |
Pacca Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/95317 |
Construction of Pacca Path NHO Abdul Latief to Mushtaq Ahmed |
Cement concrete |
Y |
55 |
14000194256 |
Pacca Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/152758 |
Constt. of P/Path Zaffer to Pervaiz Ahmed |
Cement Concrete |
Y |
56 |
14000194258 |
Pacca Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/123592 |
Consttt. of P/Path at Gowari HO Gh Mohd to HO Alya |
Cement Concrete |
Y |
57 |
14000194259 |
Pacca Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/123602 |
Constt. of P/Path at Gaddi to HO Rehmtullah |
Cement Concrete |
Y |
58 |
14000194260 |
Pacca Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/123606 |
Constt. of P/Path at HO Shamshad to Mohd Shafi ward no. 06 |
Cement Concrete |
Y |
59 |
14000194261 |
Community Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/22901 |
Constt. of C/Path Gurmul To Gala Dhar |
Earthern road |
Y |
60 |
14000194265 |
WC Drain |
Y |
1409005006/WC/14778 |
Constt. of WC Drain Shah Gali to Keet Nali |
Water Absorption Trench |
Y |
61 |
14000194267 |
Khul |
Y |
1409005006/IC/27125 |
Construction of Khul Batararra to Dragha |
Construction of Canal, Distributary and Minor |
Y |
62 |
14000194269 |
Protection work |
Y |
1409005006/FP/63702 |
Construction of Protection work NLO Muktiar Ahmed and Zobia Begum |
Desilting |
Y |
63 |
14000194273 |
Protection work |
Y |
1409005006/FP/64642 |
Construction of Protection work war No.2 4 Nos Beneficris atta modh Zobar Ahmed Noor Ahmed |
Desilting |
Y |
64 |
14000194283 |
Protection work |
Y |
1409005006/FP/91360 |
Constt. of P/Work Ward No.03 Kool |
Desilting |
Y |
65 |
14000194287 |
Protection work |
Y |
1409005006/FP/55308 |
Constt. of P/Work NLO Tanveer Ahmed |
Desilting |
Y |
66 |
14000194289 |
Protection work |
Y |
1409005006/FP/67816 |
Construction of Protection work NHO khurshid Ahmed Amanullah |
Desilting |
Y |
67 |
14000194293 |
Protection work |
Y |
1409005006/FP/55307 |
Constt. of P/Work NHO Ghulam Mohd Bhatt |
Desilting |
Y |
68 |
14000194299 |
Protection work |
Y |
1409005006/FP/61176 |
Construction of Protection work NLO Mohd Ayoub to Mohd Sharief |
Desilting |
Y |
69 |
14000194304 |
Protection work |
Y |
1409005006/FP/40693 |
Constt. of P.Wor at Graveyard Nali |
Chaur Renovation |
Y |
70 |
14000194315 |
Pacca Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/36474 |
Constt. of Semi P/Path Attaullah to Masjid Sharief |
Cement concrete |
Y |
71 |
14000194317 |
Pacca Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/69445 |
Constt. of P.Path Farooq Ahmed to Habibullah |
Cement concrete |
Y |
72 |
14000230020 |
P/Work |
Y |
1409005006/FP/69582 |
Construction of Protection work 3 No. beneficries ward No. (5) |
Desilting |
Y |
73 |
14000230021 |
Protection work |
Y |
1409005006/FP/67819 |
Construction of Protection work L.Lev. Gh. Hussain, Mohd Shaffi |
Desilting |
Y |
74 |
14000230022 |
Protection work |
Y |
1409005006/FP/67818 |
Construction of P.work Land Leveling Gulzar Ahmed Mohd Shafi, to Javeed Ahmed |
Desilting |
Y |
75 |
14000230023 |
Protection work |
Y |
1409005006/FP/63705 |
Construction of Protection work NLO Yaseen |
Diversion Channel |
Y |
76 |
14000230024 |
Protection work |
Y |
1409005006/FP/63704 |
Construction of Protection work NLO Mohd Sharief Sarfaraz Ali |
Desilting |
Y |
77 |
14000230025 |
Protection work |
Y |
1409005006/FP/63703 |
Construction of Protection work Land Leveling Mohd Sharief Riaz Ahmed Zargar |
Desilting |
Y |
78 |
14000230026 |
Protection work |
Y |
1409005006/FP/63701 |
Construction of Protection work Land Leveling Amrik Singh, Jaswant Singh, Kalyan Singh |
Desilting |
Y |
79 |
14000230027 |
Protection work |
Y |
1409005006/FP/62102 |
Construction of Protection work NHO Abdul Latief Loan |
Desilting |
Y |
80 |
14000230028 |
Protection work |
Y |
1409005006/FP/60998 |
Construction of Protection work Graveyad NLO Nazam Din |
Desilting |
Y |
81 |
14000230029 |
Protection work |
Y |
1409005006/FP/59549 |
Construction of Protection work at Phat Mohalla |
Diversion Channel |
Y |
82 |
14000230030 |
Pacca Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/95320 |
Construction of Pacca Path NHO Abdul Hamid |
Cement concrete |
Y |
83 |
14000230031 |
Pacca Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/94100 |
Construction of Pacca Path Masjid Sharief to Ab. Reheem |
Cement concrete |
Y |
84 |
14000230033 |
Pacca Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/93622 |
Construction of Pacca Path NHO Shokat Ali to Mohd Sharief |
Cement concrete |
Y |
85 |
14000230034 |
B/Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/67006 |
Constt. of B/Path Sooli Phat to Kotwal |
Cement concrete |
Y |
86 |
14000230036 |
Pacca Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/95319 |
Construction of Pacca Path Maral to Bashir Ahmed |
Cement concrete |
Y |
87 |
14000230037 |
Pacca Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/155561 |
Constt. of P/path NHO Liyaqat ALi Brandwal |
Cement Concrete |
Y |
88 |
14000230038 |
C/Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/22784 |
Constt. of C/Path Chowkwal To Gala Dhar |
Earthern road |
Y |
89 |
14000230040 |
Protection work |
Y |
1409005006/RC/105145 |
Construction of Protection work Near Masjid Sharief Mohalla Phatt |
Cement Concrete |
Y |
90 |
14000230041 |
Pacca Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/25591 |
Constt. of P/path At School to Neli |
Cement concrete |
Y |
91 |
14000254295 |
Pacca Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/123605 |
Constt. of P/Path HO Mohd amin Shah to Axholi |
Cement Concrete |
Y |
92 |
14000254299 |
Pacca Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/173199 |
Constt. of P.Path Baddram Upper Near Masjid Sharief |
Cement Concrete |
Y |
93 |
14000254302 |
Drain Pultry Form |
Y |
1409005006/RC/180164 |
Construction of Drain Poultry form to ward No.03 via Drumri |
Cement Concrete |
Y |
94 |
14000254304 |
Pacca Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/180165 |
Construction of Pacca Path Thumal to karmail Dak |
Cement Concrete |
Y |
95 |
14000265787 |
Protection work |
Y |
1409005006/FP/132249 |
Constt. of P Work NLo Saib Din at Dewal |
Desilting |
Y |
96 |
14000265789 |
Protection work |
Y |
1409005006/FP/132252 |
Constt. of P Work Mukthyar Shah |
Deepening and Repair of Flood Channels |
Y |
97 |
14000265790 |
Protection work |
Y |
1409005006/FP/132253 |
Constt. of P Work NLO Khurshid Ahmed |
Desilting |
Y |
98 |
14000265791 |
Protection work |
Y |
1409005006/FP/132256 |
Constt. of P Work NLO manzoor Ahmed |
Desilting |
Y |
99 |
14000265792 |
Protection work |
Y |
1409005006/FP/132879 |
Constt. of P Work at Brindwal |
Desilting |
Y |
100 |
14000265794 |
Protection work |
Y |
1409005006/FP/135093 |
Constt. of Protection work NLO Sajad Ahmed |
Desilting |
Y |
101 |
14000265795 |
Pacca Path |
Y |
1409005006/IC/50066 |
Constt. of P/Path PS Kool Drumri |
Lift Irrigation |
Y |
102 |
14000265801 |
Pacca Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/173201 |
Constt. of P/Path Sooli Upper & Lower |
Cement Concrete |
Y |
103 |
14000265803 |
Pacca Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/174623 |
Constt. of P.Path HO Hadaytullah to HO Imtiaz Ahmed Gurmul |
Cement Concrete |
Y |
104 |
14000272904 |
Protection work |
Y |
1409005006/FP/62101 |
Construction of Protection work NLO Abdullah |
Chaur Renovation |
Y |
105 |
14000272905 |
P/Work |
Y |
1409005006/FP/13475 |
Constt. of P/ work at Chokwal |
Strengthening of Embankment |
Y |
106 |
14000272906 |
P/Work |
Y |
1409005006/FP/13695 |
Constt. of P/Work at Mandir Darwal |
Strengthening of Embankment |
Y |
107 |
14000272907 |
Dev. of Spring |
Y |
1409005006/FP/13787 |
Constt. of Dev. Of Spring at Baddraman |
Strengthening of Embankment |
Y |
108 |
14000272908 |
Pacca Pond |
Y |
1409005006/FP/18822 |
Constt. of P/Pond Sarru Ward No.1 |
Strengthening of Embankment |
Y |
109 |
14000272909 |
Protection work |
Y |
1409005006/FP/19893 |
Constt. of P/Work Nali Ward No.2 |
Strengthening of Embankment |
Y |
110 |
14000272910 |
Protection work |
Y |
1409005006/FP/22517 |
Constt. of P/Work at Thamal |
Strengthening of Embankment |
Y |
111 |
14000272911 |
Protection work |
Y |
1409005006/FP/23535 |
Constt. of P/Work at Khoul |
Desilting |
Y |
112 |
14000272912 |
Protection work |
Y |
1409005006/RC/96313 |
Construction of Protection work NLO Hafiz Ahmed Bashir Ahmed |
Bitumen Top |
Y |
113 |
14000272913 |
Pacca Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/95318 |
Construction of Pacca Path Balance work Proper Gowari NHO Masjid to Bashir Ahmed |
Cement concrete |
Y |
114 |
14000272914 |
Pacca Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/89878 |
Construction of Pacca Path PS to Dramari via Mohd Hussain |
Cement concrete |
Y |
115 |
14000272915 |
C/Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/21172C |
Constt. of C/Path Behari To Dhandal |
Earthern road |
Y |
116 |
14000272916 |
C/Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/25145 |
Constt. of C/Path NHO of Kiran Singh to Gul Mohd |
Earthern road |
Y |
117 |
14000272917 |
Pacca Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/25622 |
Constt. of P/Path At Gh. Hussain to Upper Khool Gurmul |
Cement concrete |
Y |
118 |
14000272918 |
Pacca Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/25627 |
Constt. of P/Path at Nali |
Cement concrete |
Y |
119 |
14000272919 |
Pacca Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/152961 |
Constt. of P/Path Khol to Panchayat Ghar |
Cement Concrete |
Y |
120 |
14000272920 |
Pacca Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/25134 |
Constt. of P/Path Chakkra |
Cement concrete |
Y |
121 |
14000272921 |
Pacca Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/35883 |
Constt. of P/Path Masjid to NHO Bashir Ahmed Ward |
Cement concrete |
Y |
122 |
14000272922 |
Pacca Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/38284 |
Constt. of P/Path Nehar to Buddraman ward No.5 |
Cement concrete |
Y |
123 |
14000272923 |
Pacca Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/42621 |
Constt. of P/Path Masjid Neel to Dhak Khoul Thamal |
Cement concrete |
Y |
124 |
14000272924 |
Pacca Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/68502 |
Constt. of P.Path Mohd Yaseen to HO Ab. Majid |
Cement concrete |
Y |
125 |
14000272925 |
Pacca Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/59031 |
Constt. of P/Path NHO Kuldeep To Shamshad Ahmed |
Cement concrete |
Y |
126 |
14000272926 |
Pacca Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/59431 |
Constt. of p/Path masjid Sharief to Riaz Ahmed |
Cement concrete |
Y |
127 |
14000272927 |
Pacca Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/35877 |
Constt. of P/Path Phatri to Masjid in Ward No.4 |
Cement concrete |
Y |
128 |
14000272928 |
Pacca Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/55841 |
Constt. of P/Path NHO Saib Din to Naseen Ahmed |
Cement concrete |
Y |
129 |
14000272929 |
Pacca Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/39114 |
Constt. of P/Path Sarli to NHO Kabal Singh Ward No |
Cement concrete |
Y |
130 |
14000272930 |
Pacca Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/56611 |
Constt. of P/Path at Brandwal |
Cement concrete |
Y |
131 |
14000272931 |
Pacca Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/66616 |
Constt. of B/Path Khaldi Nallah to Bashir Ahmed |
Cross Drainage |
Y |
132 |
14000272932 |
Pacca Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/60610 |
Constt. of P/Path Masjid Sharief to Riaz Ahmed |
Cement concrete |
Y |
133 |
14000272933 |
Pacca Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/44080 |
Constt. of B/Path Phat to Moswa |
Cement concrete |
Y |
134 |
14000272934 |
Pacca Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/60613 |
Constt. of P/Path NHO Mohd Sharief to Sheena Begum |
Cement concrete |
Y |
135 |
14000272935 |
Pacca Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/59432 |
Constt. of P/Path Maral to Masjid Via Phatri |
Cement concrete |
Y |
136 |
14000304126 |
Pacca Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/123608 |
Constt. of P/Path Ho Mohd Yasin to Masjid Shairef |
Cement Concrete |
Y |
137 |
14000304128 |
Pacca Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/143864 |
Constt. of P/Path Pyt. Ghar to Nali ward No. 02 |
Cement Concrete |
Y |
138 |
14000304129 |
Pacca Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/24777 |
Constt. of P/Path at Chanka |
Cement concrete |
Y |
139 |
14000304131 |
Pacca Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/60615 |
Constt. of P/Path Upper Nali |
Cement concrete |
Y |
140 |
14000340468 |
Work NLO Pervez Ahmed |
Y |
1409005006/FP/132257 |
Constt. of P Work NLO Pervez Ahmed |
Desilting |
Y |
141 |
14000340469 |
Work NLO Shabir Ahmed |
Y |
1409005006/FP/132251 |
Constt. of P Work NLO Shabir Ahmed |
Desilting |
Y |
142 |
14000389986 |
Gowari |
Y |
1409005006/FP/24545 |
Constt. of P/Work at Gowari |
Desilting |
Y |
143 |
14000389987 |
PS Badraman |
Y |
1409005006/FP/31289 |
Constt. of P/Work PS Buddraman |
Strengthening of Embankment |
Y |
144 |
14000389988 |
P/Work NHO Nawab DIn |
Y |
1409005006/FP/31750 |
Constt. of P/Work NHO Nawab Din |
Cross Bund |
Y |
145 |
14000389989 |
P/Work Nali |
Y |
1409005006/FP/40691 |
Constt. of P.work at Nali |
Spurs and Torrent Control Measures |
Y |
146 |
14000389990 |
Protection work Graveyard AB Rehman |
Y |
1409005006/FP/55066 |
Constt. of P/Work Graveyard NLO Ab Rehman to Sab Din |
Diversion Channel |
Y |
147 |
14000389991 |
Protection work |
Y |
1409005006/FP/55621 |
Construction of P.Work Gh. Nabi |
Desilting |
Y |
148 |
14000389992 |
Khul |
Y |
1409005006/IC/1391 |
Constt. of Khoul Lahri Nallah To Upper Bheri |
Construction of Canal, Distributary and Minor |
Y |
149 |
14000389993 |
Protection work |
Y |
1409005006/LD/11110 |
Constt. of P/Work at Nali |
Land Leveling |
Y |
150 |
14000389994 |
Protection work |
Y |
1409005006/LD/17927 |
Constt. of p/Work at Mohalla Gowari |
Land Leveling |
Y |
151 |
14000389995 |
Protection work |
Y |
1409005006/LD/19931 |
Constt. of P/work NHO Mubashir Hussain |
Earthen Bunding |
Y |
152 |
14000389996 |
Land Leveling |
Y |
1409005006/LD/20829 |
Constt. of L..Leveling NLO Rehmtullah |
Development of Waste Land |
Y |
153 |
14000389997 |
Dev Of Land |
Y |
1409005006/LD/21122 |
Constt. of Dev. of Land at Khul |
Reclamation of Land |
Y |
154 |
14000389998 |
Development of Land |
Y |
1409005006/LD/21803 |
Constt. of Dev. of Land at Gowari |
Development of Waste Land |
Y |
155 |
14000389999 |
Parak at Eidgah |
Y |
1409005006/LD/4331 |
Constt. of park at Eidgah Dandal |
Land Leveling |
Y |
156 |
14000390000 |
Individual land leveling |
Y |
1409005006/LD/9118 |
Constt. of Individual Land Leveling Buddraman Ward No.5 |
Land Leveling |
Y |
157 |
14000390001 |
P/Work Near Graveyard |
Y |
1409005006/LD/9119 |
Constt. of P/Work at Nr. Graveyard Gwari Ward No. |
Land Leveling |
Y |
158 |
14000390002 |
P/Work Masjid Phat |
Y |
1409005006/LD/9278 |
Constt. of p/Work Msjid Phat Ward No.5 |
Land Leveling |
Y |
159 |
14000390003 |
C/Path Soli to bai Dhar |
Y |
1409005006/RC/22885 |
Constt. of C/Path Soli to Bhai Dhar |
Earthern road |
Y |
160 |
14000390004 |
C/Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/25163 |
Constt. of C/Path Dewal NHO Mohd. Akbar |
Earthern road |
Y |
161 |
14000390005 |
Balance P/Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/39914 |
Constt. of Balance work P/Path at Nali |
Cement concrete |
Y |
162 |
14000390006 |
P/Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/66570 |
Constt. of P/Path Loharka to NHO Ab. Khaliq |
Cement concrete |
Y |
163 |
14000390007 |
P/Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/67131 |
Constt. of P/path at Kharka to NHO Farid Ahmed |
Cement concrete |
Y |
164 |
14000390008 |
P/Path Lain Drain |
Y |
1409005006/RC/69229 |
Constt. of P.Path . L .Drain Masjid Dramri |
Cement concrete |
Y |
165 |
14000390009 |
P/Path |
Y |
1409005006/RC/70763 |
Constt. of P.Path Mohalla Grammri |
Cement concrete |
Y |
166 |
14000406442 |
Y |
1409005006/RC/177969 |
Constt. of P/path From HO Gulzar Ahmed to HO Javed |
Repair & maint of Gravel Road Roads for Comm |
Y |
167 |
14000406443 |
Y |
1409005006/RC/188195 |
Constt. of Pacca Path HO Riaz Ahmed to Bandral Part-II |
Cement Concrete |
Y |
168 |
14000406444 |
Y |
1409005006/RC/184415 |
Constt. of C Path Brandwal to Nehar |
Cement Concrete |
Y |
169 |
14000406445 |
Y |
1409005006/RC/173200 |
Constt. of P/Path eidgah to old Masjid Sharief |
Cement Concrete |
Y |
170 |
14000406446 |
Y |
1409005006/LD/60657 |
Construction of Development of School Ground at Dewal |
Land Leveling |
Y |
171 |
14000406447 |
Y |
1409005006/LD/59762 |
Constt. of Fencing Graveyard Ballie & Drala |
Land Leveling |
Y |
172 |
14000406448 |
Y |
1409005006/IC/51466 |
Constt. of Khul Balrara to Draga |
Lining of distributary Canal for Community |
Y |
173 |
14000406449 |
Y |
1409005006/FP/135095 |
Constt. of Protection work Mohd Yousaf Shah |
Constr of Flood/ Diversion Channel for Community |
Y |
174 |
14000406450 |
Y |
1409005006/FP/133155 |
Constt. of Protection work NLO Mushtaq Ahmed Mohd Akbar |
Constr of Flood/ Diversion Channel for Community |
Y |
175 |
14000406451 |
Y |
1409005006/FP/133154 |
Constt. of Protection work NLO Kafaityllah |
Constr of Flood/ Diversion Channel for Community |
Y |
176 |
14000406452 |
Y |
1409005006/FP/133153 |
Constt. of P Work NLO Mohd Din Mohd Sharief |
Constr of Flood/ Diversion Channel for Community |
Y |
177 |
14000406453 |
Y |
1409005006/FP/133152 |
Constt. of P Work NLO Farooq Ahmed Noor Mohd |
Constr of Flood/ Diversion Channel for Community |
Y |
178 |
14000406454 |
Y |
1409005006/FP/132883 |
Constt. of P Work at ward No.03 Kool |
Desilting |
Y |
179 |
14000406455 |
Y |
1409005006/FP/132882 |
Constt. of P Work Basharat Ali Gowari |
Desilting |
Y |
180 |
14000406456 |
Y |
1409005006/FP/132881 |
Constt. of P Work NLO Alyas Ahmed |
Desilting |
Y |
181 |
14000406457 |
Y |
1409005006/FP/132880 |
Constt. of P Work NLO Ab Latief Loan |
Desilting |
Y |
182 |
14000406458 |
Y |
1409005006/FP/132878 |
Constt. of P Work at Nali NLO AB Hamid |
Constr of Flood/ Diversion Channel for Community |
Y |
183 |
14000406459 |
Y |
1409005006/FP/132259 |
Constt. of P Work at ward No 06 Upper Gwadi |
Constr of Flood/ Diversion Channel for Community |
Y |
184 |
14000406460 |
Y |
1409005006/FP/132258 |
Constt. of P Work NLO Mehnaz Ahmed |
Desilting |
Y |
185 |
14000406463 |
p/work |
Y |
1409005006/FP/125120 |
Constt. of P/Work Nag Mandir Gurmul |
Desilting |
Y |
186 |
14000406464 |
Y |
1409005006/FP/127103 |
Constt. of Flood Protection at Dhandal-A |
Desilting |
Y |
187 |
14000420758 |
Y |
1409005006/WC/8301 |
Constt. of H/Pond Baddraman |
Farm Pond |
Y |
188 |
14000420760 |
Y |
1409005006/WC/8719 |
Constt. H/Pond Brandwal Ward No.3 |
Farm Pond |
Y |
189 |
14000420761 |
Y |
1409005006/WC/12050 |
Constt. of Pond NLO Ab. Hmid |
Diversion Drain |
Y |
190 |
14000420766 |
pond |
Y |
1409005006/WC/12932 |
Constt. of Pond at Moswa NLO Mohd Sharief |
Sub Surface Dam |
Y |
191 |
14000420767 |
pond |
Y |
1409005006/WC/14872 |
Constt. of Pond at NHO Hafiz Ahmed |
Farm Pond |
Y |
192 |
14000420768 |
Y |
1409005006/WC/15761 |
Constt. of Pond at Jandral NLO Mohd Hanief |
Sunken Pond |
Y |
193 |
14000429173 |
drain |
Y |
1409005006/WC/5195 |
Constt. of W/C Drain at upper Dhandal to Lower Dha |
Diversion Drain |
Y |
194 |
14000429175 |
ihhl |
Y |
1409005006/RS/1279 |
Constt. of IHHL at Gwari, Ward No.1 Nali Ward No. |
Individual Household Latrines |
Y |
195 |
14000429185 |
ihhl |
Y |
1409005006/RS/1287 |
Constt. of IHHL Ward No.6 NHO Shina Begum, Kabal Singh |
Individual Household Latrines |
Y |
196 |
14000429187 |
ihhl |
Y |
1409005006/RS/1288 |
Constt. of IHHL at Ward No. 6 NHO Hadaytullah, Moh |
Individual Household Latrines |
Y |
197 |
14000429189 |
ihhl |
Y |
1409005006/RS/1357 |
Constt. of IHHL at Khool,Badraman, |
Individual Household Latrines |
Y |
198 |
14000429190 |
ihhl |
Y |
1409005006/RS/1957 |
Constt. of IHHL Nali Dhandal -A |
Individual Household Latrines |
Y |
199 |
14000429192 |
p/path |
Y |
1409005006/RS/4343 |
Constt. of IHHL at Phat NHO Roshan Din S/o Ghulam Qadir |
Individual Household Latrines |
Y |
200 |
14000429194 |
ihhl |
Y |
1409005006/RS/4438 |
Constt. of IHHL at Baddraman NHO Gulshan Begum |
Individual Household Latrines |
Y |
201 |
14000429195 |
ihhl |
Y |
1409005006/RS/4439 |
Constt. of IHHL at Baddraman NHO Mohd Ayoob |
Individual Household Latrines |
Y |
202 |
14000429198 |
ihhl |
Y |
1409005006/RS/4595 |
Construction of IHHL at Khoul NHO Khalid Hussain S/o Noor Din |
Individual Household Latrines |
Y |
203 |
14000429200 |
ihhl |
Y |
1409005006/RS/4855 |
Construction of IHHL at Phat NHO Farooq Ahmed S/o Gh. Hussan |
Individual Household Latrines |
Y |
204 |
14000429202 |
ihhl |
Y |
1409005006/RS/5287 |
Construction of IHHL at Baddraman NHO Fatha Sheikh S/o Lala Sheikh |
Individual Household Latrines |
Y |
205 |
14000429203 |
ihhl |
Y |
1409005006/RS/6061 |
Construction of IHHL at Nali NHO Mohamdoo S/o Bimla |
Individual Household Latrines |
Y |
206 |
14000429205 |
ihhl |
Y |
1409005006/RS/6062 |
Construction of IHHL at Baddraman NHo Zubaida Begum Wd/o Gulzar Ahmed |
Individual Household Latrines |
Y |
207 |
14000429207 |
ihhl |
Y |
1409005006/RS/6063 |
Construction of IHHL at Gawari NHO Mohd Shafi S/o Rustam |
Individual Household Latrines |
Y |
208 |
14000429210 |
ihhl |
Y |
1409005006/RS/6250 |
Construction of IHHL at Gram NHO Kirleep Singh S/o Chatter Singh |
Individual Household Latrines |
Y |
209 |
14000429211 |
ihhl |
Y |
1409005006/RS/6522 |
Construction of IHHL at Phat NHO Siraj Din S/o Gh. Qadir |
Individual Household Latrines |
Y |
210 |
14000429213 |
ihhl |
Y |
1409005006/RS/6868 |
Construction of IHHL at Khul NHO Gulab Din S/o Suna Sheikh |
Individual Household Latrines |
Y |
211 |
14000429215 |
ihhl |
Y |
1409005006/RS/6869 |
Construction of IHHL at Khal NHO Mohd Ayoob S/o Lal Din |
Individual Household Latrines |
Y |
212 |
14000429217 |
ihhl |
Y |
1409005006/RS/6870 |
Construction of IHHL at Khal NHO Imtiaz Ahmed S/o Mohd Sadiq |
Individual Household Latrines |
Y |
213 |
14000429220 |
ihhl |
Y |
1409005006/RS/7047 |
Construction of IHHL at Khool NHO Tabu Begum Wd/o Gh. Qadir |
Individual Household Latrines |
Y |
214 |
14000429221 |
ihhl |
Y |
1409005006/RS/7146 |
Construction of IHHL at Khal NHO Roma Bgum wd/o Mohd Hanief |
Individual Household Latrines |
Y |
215 |
14000429222 |
ihhl |
Y |
1409005006/RS/7147 |
Construction of IHHL at Drahla NHO Laykat Ali S/o Mohd Anwar |
Individual Household Latrines |
Y |
216 |
14000429224 |
ihhl |
Y |
1409005006/RS/7148 |
Construction of IHHL at Khul NHO Gh. Mohd S/o Nazam Bhatt |
Individual Household Latrines |
Y |
217 |
14000429225 |
ihhl |
Y |
1409005006/RS/7149 |
Construction of IHHL at at Khul NHO Sameena Begum wd/o Ab. Hamid |
Individual Household Latrines |
Y |
218 |
14000429227 |
ihhl |
Y |
1409005006/RS/7325 |
Construction of IHHL at Baddraman NHO Gulzar Ahmed S/o Gh. Hassan |
Individual Household Latrines |
Y |
219 |
14000429228 |
ihhl |
Y |
1409005006/RS/7336 |
Construction of IHHL at Baddraman NHO Rustam Sheikh S/o lala Sheikhk |
Individual Household Latrines |
Y |
220 |
14000429231 |
ihhl |
Y |
1409005006/RS/7337 |
Construction of IHHL atBaddraman NHO Gh. Mohd S/o Abdullah |
Individual Household Latrines |
Y |
221 |
14000429232 |
ihhl |
Y |
1409005006/RS/7338 |
Construction of IHHL at Baddraman NHO Mohd Sharief S/o Feroz Din |
Individual Household Latrines |
Y |
222 |
14000429234 |
ihhl |
Y |
1409005006/RS/7355 |
Construction of IHHL at Khal NHO Shokat Ali S/o Sab Din |
Individual Household Latrines |
Y |
223 |
14000429236 |
ihhl |
Y |
1409005006/RS/7356 |
Construction of IHHL at Khal NHO Gh.Abass S/o Gh. Hassan |
Individual Household Latrines |
Y |
224 |
14000429239 |
ihhl |
Y |
1409005006/RS/7357 |
Construction of IHHL at Khal NHO Sab Din S/o Gh. Mohd |
Individual Household Latrines |
Y |
225 |
14000429240 |
ihhl |
Y |
1409005006/RS/7551 |
Construction of IHHL at Khool NHO Gh. Nabi S/o Ibrahiem |
Individual Household Latrines |
Y |
226 |
14000429243 |
Y |
1409005006/WC/19296 |
Construction of Pond at Earthyal |
Farm Pond |
Y |
227 |
14000429245 |
Y |
1409005006/WC/19297 |
Construction of Pond at Patmi Marg NHO Roshan Din |
Farm Pond |
Y |
228 |
14000446915 |
of Dev. of Eidgah |
Y |
1409005006/LD/59761 |
Constt. of Dev. of Eidgah |
Drainage of Waterlogged Land for Community |
Y |
229 |
14000446917 |
of C/Path Gagal to mansoo |
Y |
1409005006/RC/180166 |
Constt. of C/Path Gagal to mansoo |
Repair & maint of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm |
Y |
230 |
14000446918 |
of P Work NLO Nazir Ahmed |
Y |
1409005006/FP/132254 |
Constt. of P Work NLO Nazir Ahmed |
Desilting |
Y |
231 |
14000469928 |
Y |
1409005006/FP/8808489916 |
Renovation of Flood/ Diversion Channel for Comm |
Y |
232 |
14000469929 |
Y |
1409005006/IC/8808486811 |
Construction of Feeder Canal for Community |
Y |
233 |
14000469930 |
Y |
1409005006/LD/8808486946 |
Levelling/shaping of Wasteland Land for Community |
Y |
234 |
14000469931 |
Y |
1409005006/RC/8808493275 |
Construction of Gravel Road Roads for Community |
Y |
235 |
14000469932 |
Y |
1409005006/RC/8808493274 |
Construction of Gravel Road Roads for Community |
Y |
236 |
14000469933 |
Y |
1409005006/RC/8808493273 |
Construction of Gravel Road Roads for Community |
Y |
237 |
14000470788 |
Constt. of Pacca Path NHO Mubeen to PS Buddraman |
Y |
1409005006/RC/218992 |
Constt. of Pacca Path NHO Mubeen to PS Buddraman |
Cement Concrete |
Y |
238 |
14000470801 |
Y |
1409005006/WC/8808484604 |
Coastal Block Plantation - Farm Forestry-Community |
Y |
239 |
14000472988 |
Construction of IAY House -IAY REG. NO. JK1244128 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/8446 |
Construction of IAY House -IAY REG. NO. JK1244128 |
IAY Houses |
Y |
240 |
14000493434 |
Y |
1409005006/WC/8808484606 |
Block Plantation of Forestry-in Fields-Community |
Y |
241 |
14000493435 |
Y |
1409005006/WC/8808484605 |
Block Plantation-Farm Forestry in fields for Comm |
Y |
242 |
14000556527 |
Development of Land Leveling Lower Nali |
Y |
1409005006/LD/8808493632 |
Development of Land Leveling Lower Nali |
Levelling/shaping of Wasteland Land for Community |
Y |
243 |
14000556530 |
Development of Field Bund Land Leveling at Lower Koul |
Y |
1409005006/LD/8808493633 |
Development of Field Bund Land Leveling at Lower Koul |
Levelling/shaping of Wasteland Land for Community |
Y |
244 |
14000556533 |
Constt. of Pond at Bhandral |
Y |
1409005006/WC/8808491158 |
Constt. of Pond at Bhandral |
Repair & Maint of Flood/Diversion Channel for Comm |
Y |
245 |
14000556537 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1218605 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/48866 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1218605 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
246 |
14000556539 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1232832 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/48899 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1232832 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
247 |
14000657042 |
Construction of PMAY- |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/111098 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1252514 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
248 |
14000657043 |
Construction of PMAY- |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/60904 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1230121 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
249 |
14000657044 |
Construction of PMAY- |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/60966 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1080619 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
250 |
14000657045 |
Construction of PMAY- |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/60953 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1253404 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
251 |
14000657046 |
Construction of PMAY- |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/60947 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1208920 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
252 |
14000657047 |
Construction of PMAY- |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/60961 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1048037 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
253 |
14000657049 |
Construction of PMAY- |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/60965 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1250392 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
254 |
14000657050 |
Construction of PMAY- |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/60955 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1264172 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
255 |
14000657051 |
Construction of PMAY- |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/60338 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1218649 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
256 |
14000657052 |
Construction of PMAY- |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/60350 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1049800 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
257 |
14000657053 |
Construction of PMAY- |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/60945 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1250366 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
258 |
14000658161 |
PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/48893 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1026922 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
259 |
14000658162 |
1409005006/IF/IAY/60334 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/60334 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1033630 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
260 |
14000658163 |
1409005006/IF/IAY/60796 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/60796 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1179060 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
261 |
14000680368 |
PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/68582 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1208141 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
262 |
14000680369 |
PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/60714 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1255275 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
263 |
14000683927 |
1409005006/IF/IAY/111590 S.NO. Select Asset Type Asset ID Asset Name Asset Descriptio |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/111590 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1247509 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
264 |
14000686783 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/110759 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1255254 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
265 |
14000686786 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/111010 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1200937 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
266 |
14000686787 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/111680 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1119139 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
267 |
14000686790 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/111682 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1087722 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
268 |
14000686791 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/111697 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1256884 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
269 |
14000686794 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/112631 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1189155 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
270 |
14000686798 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/112745 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1069972 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
271 |
14000686800 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/113075 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1061496 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
272 |
14000686803 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/113452 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1256680 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
273 |
14000686804 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/113515 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1137790 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
274 |
14000686806 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/113546 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1033661 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
275 |
14000686808 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/115559 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1144471 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
276 |
14000686810 |
1409005006/IF/IAY/115588 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/115597 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1206231 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
277 |
14000686811 |
1409005006/IF/IAY/115588 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/115600 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1214387 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
278 |
14000686813 |
1409005006/IF/IAY/115588 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/115648 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1199801 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
279 |
14000686814 |
1409005006/IF/IAY/115588 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/115663 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1256424 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
280 |
14000686815 |
1409005006/IF/IAY/115588 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/115716 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1228898 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
281 |
14000686816 |
1409005006/IF/IAY/115588 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/115734 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1065984 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
282 |
14000686818 |
1409005006/IF/IAY/115588 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/115816 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1154323 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
283 |
14000686821 |
1409005006/IF/IAY/115588 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/115828 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1128709 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
284 |
14000686823 |
1409005006/IF/IAY/115588 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/118378 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1033629 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
285 |
14000686826 |
1409005006/IF/IAY/115588 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/118396 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1074390 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
286 |
14000686829 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/118540 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1248671 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
287 |
14000686830 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/118705 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1019019 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
288 |
14000686832 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/118711 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1227412 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
289 |
14000686834 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/118737 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1104032 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
290 |
14000686836 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/118771 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1259991 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
291 |
14000686838 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/119621 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1174840 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
292 |
14000686863 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/121471 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1214381 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
293 |
14000686864 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/123891 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1203392 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
294 |
14000686865 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/125335 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1082044 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
295 |
14000686866 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/35625 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1259589 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
296 |
14000687631 |
1 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/60709 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1257569 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
297 |
14000687639 |
1 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/113183 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1175190 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
298 |
14000687650 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/113491 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1056582 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
299 |
14000687656 |
PMay House |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/115587 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1204658 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
300 |
14000687658 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/118587 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1177674 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
301 |
14000687660 |
1 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/121539 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1108291 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
302 |
14000687663 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/48902 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1080611 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
303 |
14000687664 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/60333 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1033660 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
304 |
14000687665 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/60341 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1209211 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
305 |
14000687666 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/60342 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1172963 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
306 |
14000687667 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/60353 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1203416 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
307 |
14000687668 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/60363 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1208955 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
308 |
14000687669 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/60723 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1174299 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
309 |
14000687670 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/60785 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1082046 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
310 |
14000687671 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/60946 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1265547 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
311 |
14000687672 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/89351 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1207898 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
312 |
14000689700 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/48844 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1144487 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
313 |
14000692348 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/118361 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1244193 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
314 |
14000692349 |
JK1204667 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/118338 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1204667 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
315 |
14000692350 |
~ Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/112623 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1204011 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
316 |
14000692351 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/110868 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1042325 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
317 |
14000693372 |
Work Code 1409005006/FP/GIS/95447 ~~~~ Const of Nalla Binding at Baddraman |
Y |
1409005006/FP/GIS/95447 |
Const of Nalla Binding at Baddraman |
Construction of Embankment for community |
Y |
318 |
14000693373 |
1409005006/FP/GIS/95306 |
Y |
1409005006/FP/GIS/95306 |
Const of Drain from Nall to Tarakhri |
Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm |
Y |
319 |
14000693374 |
Work Code 1409005006/FP/GIS/77094 ~~~~ Const of Stone periphera/dev.of wastland nlo gulshan ahmed |
Y |
1409005006/FP/GIS/77094 |
Const of Stone periphera/dev.of wastland nlo gulshan ahmed |
Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm |
Y |
320 |
14000693375 |
Work Code 1409005006/FP/GIS/73337 ~~~~ Constt of Field Bund NLO Reyaz Ahmed |
Y |
1409005006/FP/GIS/73337 |
Constt of Field Bund NLO Reyaz Ahmed |
Construction of Embankment for community |
Y |
321 |
14000693376 |
Work Code 1409005006/FP/GIS/24841 ~~~~ Consst. Of P/ work NHO Mokhtiyar Ahmed W.No.6 |
Y |
1409005006/FP/GIS/24841 |
Consst. Of P/ work NHO Mokhtiyar Ahmed W.No.6 |
Constr of Flood/ Diversion Channel for Community |
Y |
322 |
14000693377 |
Work Code 1409005006/FP/GIS/24840 ~~~~ Constt. Of P/work NLO Mohd Aohraf W.No.6 |
Y |
1409005006/FP/GIS/24840 |
Constt. Of P/work NLO Mohd Aohraf W.No.6 |
Constr of Flood/ Diversion Channel for Community |
Y |
323 |
14000693378 |
Work Code 1409005006/FP/GIS/24838 ~~~~ Constt. Of R/Wall at Graveyard Dabral W.No 2 |
Y |
1409005006/FP/GIS/24837 |
Field bund at moral Nalla NLO Ab. Majeed |
Constr of Flood/ Diversion Channel for Community |
Y |
324 |
14000693379 |
Work Code 1409005006/FP/GIS/24838 ~~~~ Constt. Of R/Wall at Graveyard Dabral W.No 2 |
Y |
1409005006/FP/GIS/24834 |
Constt. Of P/Work at Batna W.No 3 |
Constr of Flood/ Diversion Channel for Community |
Y |
325 |
14000703725 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individual |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/115804 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1049802 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
326 |
14000705019 |
JK1105079 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/113258 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1105079 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
327 |
14000705020 |
JK1105079 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/8808570615 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit NHO Sajad Ahmed |
Construction of Soak Pit for Individual |
Y |
328 |
14000705021 |
onstt. Of Soakage Pit NHO Mushtaq Ahmed |
Y |
1409005006/IF/8808565526 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit NHO Mushtaq Ahmed |
Construction of Soak Pit for Individual |
Y |
329 |
14000705022 |
onstt. Of Soakage Pit NHO Mushtaq Ahmed |
Y |
1409005006/IF/8808566951 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit NHO Gulzar Ahmed |
Construction of Soak Pit for Individual |
Y |
330 |
14000705023 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit |
Y |
1409005006/IF/8808588221 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit NHO Mohd Dilfraz |
Construction of Soak Pit for Individual |
Y |
331 |
14000705024 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit |
Y |
1409005006/IF/8808565043 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit NHO Farida Begum |
Construction of Soak Pit for Individual |
Y |
332 |
14000705025 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit |
Y |
1409005006/IF/8808592407 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit NHO Sajad Ahmed |
Construction of Soak Pit for Individual |
Y |
333 |
14000705026 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit |
Y |
1409005006/IF/8808592409 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit NHO Lal Din |
Construction of Soak Pit for Individual |
Y |
334 |
14000705027 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1225247 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/119626 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1225247 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
335 |
14000710131 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit |
Y |
1409005006/IF/8808559091 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit NHO Imtiaz Ahmed |
Construction of Soak Pit for Individual |
Y |
336 |
14000710142 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit |
Y |
1409005006/IF/8808566944 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit NHO Mukthyar Ahmed |
Construction of Soak Pit for Individual |
Y |
337 |
14000710161 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/115708 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1139203 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
338 |
14000718915 |
Const of P/Work at Bangwari NHO Riaz Ahmed |
Y |
1409005006/FP/GIS/95451 |
Const of P/Work at Bangwari NHO Riaz Ahmed |
Construction of Embankment for community |
Y |
339 |
14000718916 |
1409005006/FP/GIS/95452 |
Y |
1409005006/FP/GIS/95452 |
Const of P/Work NLO Gh. Mohi ud din |
Construction of Embankment for community |
Y |
340 |
14000718917 |
1409005006/LD/GIS/95044 |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/95044 |
Dev of land at L/Nali nlo Gulabi Begum |
Constr of Stone peripheral Bund for Community |
Y |
341 |
14000718919 |
Dev of land Nlo of Nisar Ahmed |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/95046 |
Dev of land Nlo of Nisar Ahmed |
Constr of Stone peripheral Bund for Community |
Y |
342 |
14000718920 |
onst of Land Leveling NLO Amreek Singh at Nal |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/95075 |
Const of Land Leveling NLO Amreek Singh at Nal |
Constr of Stone peripheral Bund for Community |
Y |
343 |
14000718922 |
Const of Fieldbund Nlo Mushtaq Ah. |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/95094 |
Const of Fieldbund Nlo Mushtaq Ah. |
Constr of Stone peripheral Bund for Community |
Y |
344 |
14000718923 |
1409005006/LD/GIS/95101 |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/95101 |
Const of Fieldbund nlo Mohsin Ah. |
Constr of Stone peripheral Bund for Community |
Y |
345 |
14000718924 |
Dev of Wasteland/Fallow Land North Kool W. No 3 |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/95292 |
Dev of Wasteland/Fallow Land North Kool W. No 3 |
Development of Fallow Land for Community |
Y |
346 |
14000718925 |
Constt of WHT at Gasla |
Y |
1409005006/WC/GIS/94795 |
Constt of WHT at Gasla |
Construction of Community Water Harvesting Ponds |
Y |
347 |
14000718926 |
Const of WHT at Marg NLO Shabir Ahmed |
Y |
1409005006/WC/GIS/95003 |
Const of WHT at Marg NLO Shabir Ahmed |
Construction of Community Water Harvesting Ponds |
Y |
348 |
14000719986 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit NHO Imam Din |
Y |
1409005006/IF/GIS/195173 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit NHO Imam Din |
Construction of Soak Pit for Individual |
Y |
349 |
14000719987 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit NHO Imam Din |
Y |
1409005006/IF/8808588227 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit NHO Ashfaq Ahmed |
Construction of Soak Pit for Individual |
Y |
350 |
14000719988 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit |
Y |
1409005006/IF/8808592402 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit NHO Parveena Begum |
Construction of Soak Pit for Individual |
Y |
351 |
14000719989 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit |
Y |
1409005006/IF/GIS/195145 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit NHO Ghulam Mohd |
Construction of Soak Pit for Individual |
Y |
352 |
14000719990 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit |
Y |
1409005006/IF/8808654639 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit NHO Farooq Ahmed |
Construction of Soak Pit for Individual |
Y |
353 |
14000719991 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit |
Y |
1409005006/IF/GIS/195331 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit NHO Riyaz Ahmed |
Construction of Soak Pit for Individual |
Y |
354 |
14000719992 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit |
Y |
1409005006/IF/GIS/195165 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit NHO Sadam Hussian |
Construction of Soak Pit for Individual |
Y |
355 |
14000719993 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit |
Y |
1409005006/IF/GIS/195212 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit NHO Manzoor Ahmed |
Construction of Soak Pit for Individual |
Y |
356 |
14000720015 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit |
Y |
1409005006/IF/GIS/195154 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit NHO Mohd Shareef |
Construction of Soak Pit for Individual |
Y |
357 |
14000722805 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit |
Y |
1409005006/IF/8808565566 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit NHO Gulshana Begum |
Construction of Soak Pit for Individual |
Y |
358 |
14000722811 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit |
Y |
1409005006/IF/8808653614 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit NHO Tanveer Ahmed |
Construction of Soak Pit for Individual |
Y |
359 |
14000722813 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit |
Y |
1409005006/IF/GIS/195185 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit NHO AMINA BEGUM |
Construction of Soak Pit for Individual |
Y |
360 |
14000722818 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit |
Y |
1409005006/IF/8808654668 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit NHO Sajad Ahmed |
Construction of Soak Pit for Individual |
Y |
361 |
14000722821 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit |
Y |
1409005006/IF/GIS/195418 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit NHO Shabir Ahmed |
Construction of Soak Pit for Individual |
Y |
362 |
14000722823 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit |
Y |
1409005006/IF/8808654657 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit NHO Shokat Ali |
Construction of Soak Pit for Individual |
Y |
363 |
14000725950 |
1409005006/IF/IAY/60810 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/60810 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1179051 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
364 |
14000739683 |
1409005006/IF/IAY/115588 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/115588 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1049847 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
365 |
14000745055 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individual |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/111166 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1200675 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
366 |
14000745056 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/112068 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1258101 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
367 |
14000745760 |
1409005006/IF/IAY/110823 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/110823 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1066507 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
368 |
14000745764 |
1409005006/IF/IAY/115786 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/115786 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1260000 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
369 |
14000745765 |
1409005006/IF/IAY/118386 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/118386 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1136833 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
370 |
14000745766 |
1409005006/IF/IAY/118694 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/118694 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1259600 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
371 |
14000745767 |
1409005006/IF/IAY/118698 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/118698 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1232906 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
372 |
14000745768 |
1409005006/IF/IAY/118732 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/118732 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1258713 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
373 |
14000745769 |
1409005006/IF/IAY/119545 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/119545 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1203647 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
374 |
14000758984 |
1409005006/WC/GIS/184548 |
Y |
1409005006/WC/GIS/184548 |
Soakage Pit NHO Zaffarullah |
Construction of Recharge Pits for Community |
Y |
375 |
14000767688 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit |
Y |
1409005006/IF/GIS/195320 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit NHO Shayar Hussain |
Construction of Soak Pit for Individual |
Y |
376 |
14000767695 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit |
Y |
1409005006/IF/8808650721 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit NHO Irfan Ahmed |
Construction of Soak Pit for Individual |
Y |
377 |
14000767867 |
Constt. of Field bund at Nagal |
Y |
1409005006/FP/GIS/77095 |
Dev of wastland at banjer nlo altaf and mujeeb |
Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm |
Y |
378 |
14000767873 |
Constt. of Field bund at Nagal |
Y |
1409005006/FP/GIS/24839 |
Constt. Of field bund Gowari W.No 1 |
Constr of Flood/ Diversion Channel for Community |
Y |
379 |
14000767876 |
Constt. of Field bund at Nagal |
Y |
1409005006/FP/GIS/24836 |
Constt. Of P/Work at Phat Mohalla |
Constr of Flood/ Diversion Channel for Community |
Y |
380 |
14000767883 |
Constt. of Field bund at Nagal |
Y |
1409005006/FP/GIS/24838 |
Constt. Of R/Wall at Graveyard Dabral W.No 2 |
Constr of Flood/ Diversion Channel for Community |
Y |
381 |
14000767918 |
Constt. of Field bund at Nagal |
Y |
1409005006/FP/GIS/133603 |
Constt of P/Work at Gwari NLO Irshad Ahmed |
Construction of Embankment for community |
Y |
382 |
14000767989 |
1409005006/RS/8808507505 |
Y |
1409005006/IC/GIS/76380 |
Constt of Irrigation Canal From Ochra to Marg |
Construction of distributary Canal for Community |
Y |
383 |
14000767998 |
1409005006/RS/8808507505 |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/77018 |
Development of land at lari nlo ranjeet singh |
Constr of Earthen contour Bund for Community |
Y |
384 |
14000768002 |
1409005006/RS/8808507505 |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/77022 |
Developement of landlevelling at upper gawari |
Constr of Earthen contour Bund for Community |
Y |
385 |
14000768013 |
1409005006/RS/8808507505 |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/24829 |
Constt of Waste Land Dev NLO Kafaitulla Ward No 3 |
Constr of Earthen peripheral Bund for Community |
Y |
386 |
14000768018 |
1409005006/RS/8808507505 |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/24828 |
Fencing Graveyard at Mohalla Gwari Loshi Dar |
Constr of Earthen peripheral Bund for Community |
Y |
387 |
14000768020 |
1409005006/RS/8808507505 |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/24827 |
Constt. Of Land leveling Gowari W.No 7 |
Constr of Earthen peripheral Bund for Community |
Y |
388 |
14000768055 |
1409005006/RS/8808507505 |
Y |
1409005006/RC/GIS/76381 |
Constt. Of C/path from phat Mohalla |
Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm |
Y |
389 |
14000768061 |
1409005006/RS/8808507505 |
Y |
1409005006/RC/GIS/71308 |
Constt of C/Path from Gowari to Shakriyal |
Construction of Mitti Murram Roads for Community |
Y |
390 |
14000768063 |
1409005006/RS/8808507505 |
Y |
1409005006/RC/GIS/133610 |
Constt of C/Path from Main Road to House of Manzoor Ahmed |
Construction of Mitti Murram Roads for Community |
Y |
391 |
14000768067 |
1409005006/RS/8808507505 |
Y |
1409005006/RC/8808567696 |
c path shakriyal to zill |
Construction of Mitti Murram Roads for Community |
Y |
392 |
14000768069 |
1409005006/RS/8808507505 |
Y |
1409005006/RC/8808543644 |
Constt. of P/Path main road to loshi dar |
Construction of Gravel Road Roads for Community |
Y |
393 |
14000768072 |
1409005006/RS/8808507505 |
Y |
1409005006/RC/8808542319 |
Constt of C/path Phat Mohalla Upper |
Construction of Mitti Murram Roads for Community |
Y |
394 |
14000801449 |
06/03/2023 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/8808653243 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit NHO Mohd.Younis |
Construction of Soak Pit for Individual |
Y |
395 |
14000819092 |
1409005006/IF/8808588493 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/8808654674 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit NHO Sajad Ahmed |
Construction of Soak Pit for Individual |
Y |
396 |
14000819098 |
1409005006/IF/8808588493 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/GIS/195421 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit NHO Altaf Hussain |
Construction of Soak Pit for Individual |
Y |
397 |
14000819104 |
1409005006/IF/8808588493 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/8808653277 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit NHO Rehmtullah |
Construction of Soak Pit for Individual |
Y |
398 |
14000819108 |
1409005006/IF/8808588493 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/GIS/195434 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit NHO Atta Mohd |
Construction of Soak Pit for Individual |
Y |
399 |
14000819229 |
1409005006/IF/8808588493 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/GIS/195327 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit NHO Rayaz Ahmed |
Construction of Soak Pit for Individual |
Y |
400 |
14000819233 |
1409005006/IF/8808588493 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/8808591162 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit NHO imran ahmed |
Construction of Soak Pit for Individual |
Y |
401 |
14000819245 |
1409005006/IF/8808588493 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/GIS/195143 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit NHO Saidullah |
Construction of Soak Pit for Individual |
Y |
402 |
14000819248 |
1409005006/IF/8808588493 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/GIS/195480 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit NHO Abdul Latief |
Construction of Soak Pit for Individual |
Y |
403 |
14000819250 |
1409005006/IF/8808588493 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/8808592422 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit NHO Ab. Gani |
Construction of Soak Pit for Individual |
Y |
404 |
14000822084 |
v |
Y |
1409005006/FP/GIS/206012 |
Constt of P/Work NHO Ziya-ud-Din W.No 1 |
Renovation of Flood/ Diversion Channel for Comm |
Y |
405 |
14000822131 |
Constt of WCD at Gwari |
Y |
1409005006/FP/GIS/206020 |
Constt of WCD at Gwari |
Renovation of Flood/ Diversion Channel for Comm |
Y |
406 |
14000822141 |
Constt of WHT at Mohalla Gwari |
Y |
1409005006/WC/GIS/155950 |
Constt of WHT at Mohalla Gwari |
Block Plantation in fields-Horticulture-Community |
Y |
407 |
14000822144 |
1409005006/LD/GIS/168960 |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/168960 |
Dev of Land levelling NLO Mohd Younus W.No6 |
Levelling/shaping of Wasteland Land for Community |
Y |
408 |
14000822149 |
Constt of Larabagh NLO Gh. Abbas |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/168977 |
Constt of Larabagh NLO Gh. Abbas |
Levelling/shaping of Wasteland Land for Community |
Y |
409 |
14000822153 |
Constt of C/Path from Sarakawali to Gursani |
Y |
1409005006/RC/GIS/206035 |
Constt of C/Path from Sarakawali to Gursani |
Construction of Mitti Murram Roads for Community |
Y |
410 |
14000822159 |
Constt of P/Work NLO Mohd Sharief |
Y |
1409005006/FP/GIS/206016 |
Constt of P/Work NLO Mohd Sharief |
Renovation of Flood/ Diversion Channel for Comm |
Y |
411 |
14000822161 |
Constt of P/Work at Gram W.No 6 |
Y |
1409005006/FP/GIS/206018 |
Constt of P/Work at Gram W.No 6 |
Renovation of Flood/ Diversion Channel for Comm |
Y |
412 |
14000822167 |
1409005006/FP/GIS/206025 |
Y |
1409005006/FP/GIS/206025 |
Dev of Wasteland at Phat NLO Mushtaq Ah |
Renovation of Flood/ Diversion Channel for Comm |
Y |
413 |
14000822172 |
Dev of Landleveliing NLO Jalal Din |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/169001 |
Dev of Landleveliing NLO Jalal Din |
Levelling/shaping of Wasteland Land for Community |
Y |
414 |
14000823945 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit |
Y |
1409005006/IF/8808570613 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit NHO Mohd Nisar |
Construction of Soak Pit for Individual |
Y |
415 |
14000823947 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit |
Y |
1409005006/IF/8808565045 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit NHO Tariq Hussain |
Construction of Soak Pit for Individual |
Y |
416 |
14000823955 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit |
Y |
1409005006/IF/8808567101 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit NHO Shahnwaz Ahmed |
Construction of Soak Pit for Individual |
Y |
417 |
14000823957 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit |
Y |
1409005006/IF/8808568275 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit NHO Shahida begum |
Construction of Soak Pit for Individual |
Y |
418 |
14000823966 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit |
Y |
1409005006/IF/8808568281 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit NHO Nawaz Ahmed |
Construction of Soak Pit for Individual |
Y |
419 |
14000823972 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit |
Y |
1409005006/IF/8808567106 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit NHO Fardous Ahmed |
Construction of Soak Pit for Individual |
Y |
420 |
14000823973 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit |
Y |
1409005006/IF/8808568269 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit NHO Irshad Ahmed |
Construction of Soak Pit for Individual |
Y |
421 |
14000823975 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit |
Y |
1409005006/IF/GIS/195153 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit NHO Rubina Begum |
Construction of Soak Pit for Individual |
Y |
422 |
14000823977 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit |
Y |
1409005006/IF/8808654627 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit NHO Noor Mohd |
Construction of Soak Pit for Individual |
Y |
423 |
14000823979 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit |
Y |
1409005006/IF/8808570618 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit NHO Noor Mohd |
Construction of Soak Pit for Individual |
Y |
424 |
14000823981 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit |
Y |
1409005006/IF/8808567092 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit NHO Javed Ahmed |
Construction of Soak Pit for Individual |
Y |
425 |
14000823983 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit |
Y |
1409005006/IF/8808565896 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit NHO Iyaz Ahmed |
Construction of Soak Pit for Individual |
Y |
426 |
14000825112 |
JK1200249 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/112025 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1200249 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
427 |
14000825117 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/113517 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1175179 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
428 |
14000825215 |
JK147047442 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/171452 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK147047442 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
429 |
14000825216 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/187504 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK147046810 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
430 |
14000825603 |
13/03/2023 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/8808565037 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit NHO Abadullah |
Construction of Soak Pit for Individual |
Y |
431 |
14000833898 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit |
Y |
1409005006/IF/8808592108 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit NHO Gulzar Ahmed |
Construction of Soak Pit for Individual |
Y |
432 |
14000833923 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit |
Y |
1409005006/IF/8808565055 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit NHO Gurab Din |
Construction of Soak Pit for Individual |
Y |
433 |
14000834113 |
1409005006/LD/GIS/168997 |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/168997 |
Constt of Landlevelling NLO Lal Din |
Levelling/shaping of Wasteland Land for Community |
Y |
434 |
14000834117 |
1409005006/LD/GIS/168965 |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/168965 |
Constt of Land at L/Baddraman |
Levelling/shaping of Wasteland Land for Community |
Y |
435 |
14000834120 |
1409005006/FP/GIS/206044 |
Y |
1409005006/FP/GIS/206044 |
Constt of P/Wall NHO Mohd Ishaq Kool |
Renovation of Flood/ Diversion Channel for Comm |
Y |
436 |
14000834123 |
1409005006/WC/GIS/155939 |
Y |
1409005006/WC/GIS/155939 |
Constt of WHT at Phat |
Block Plantation in fields-Horticulture-Community |
Y |
437 |
14000834125 |
bv |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/168963 |
Dev of Land NLO Gh. Hasan |
Levelling/shaping of Wasteland Land for Community |
Y |
438 |
14000834126 |
v |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/206040 |
Development of Graveyard at Dhrala |
Development of Fallow Land for Community |
Y |
439 |
14000834128 |
1409005006/FP/GIS/206017 |
Y |
1409005006/FP/GIS/206017 |
Constt of P/Work NLO Noor Mohd |
Renovation of Flood/ Diversion Channel for Comm |
Y |
440 |
14000834130 |
1409005006/LD/GIS/168988 |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/168988 |
Dev of Landlevelling NLO Anayatullah W.No2 |
Levelling/shaping of Wasteland Land for Community |
Y |
441 |
14000834133 |
1409005006/LD/GIS/206039 |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/206039 |
Development of Graveyard at Phat Mohalla |
Development of Fallow Land for Community |
Y |
442 |
14000834258 |
1409005006/LD/GIS/95089 |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/95089 |
Dev of Land NLO Mubeen |
Constr of Stone peripheral Bund for Community |
Y |
443 |
14000834268 |
1409005006/WH/GIS/95022 |
Y |
1409005006/WH/GIS/95022 |
Dev of Spring at Ochra |
Renovtion of Community Ponds for Comm |
Y |
444 |
14000834275 |
1409005006/LD/GIS/95284 |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/95284 |
Const of Wasteland/Leveling NLO Irfan ul Haq |
Development of Fallow Land for Community |
Y |
445 |
14000834638 |
1 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/8808588493 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit NHO Javid Ahmed |
Construction of Soak Pit for Individual |
Y |
446 |
14000834641 |
1 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/8808588509 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit NHO Rubina Begum |
Construction of Soak Pit for Individual |
Y |
447 |
14000848626 |
1 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/115614 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1244162 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
448 |
14000848745 |
Construction of Soak Pit for Individual |
Y |
1409005006/IF/8808570603 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit NHO Mohd Sadiq |
Construction of Soak Pit for Individual |
Y |
449 |
14000848753 |
Construction of Soak Pit for Individual |
Y |
1409005006/IF/GIS/195163 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit NHO Shafiqa Begum |
Construction of Soak Pit for Individual |
Y |
450 |
14000860582 |
1409005006/RC/8808515087 |
Y |
1409005006/RC/8808515087 |
Constt. of Mitti Murram Road at Buddraman |
Construction of Mitti Murram Roads for Community |
Y |
451 |
14000860793 |
1409005006/LD/8808510247 |
Y |
1409005006/LD/8808510247 |
Constt.of Field Bund near masjid Sharief |
Constr of Stone peripheral Bund for Community |
Y |
452 |
14000860798 |
1409005006/LD/8808528291 |
Y |
1409005006/LD/8808528291 |
Levelling/shaping of Wasteland Land for Community |
Y |
453 |
14000860801 |
1409005006/LD/GIS/24819 |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/24819 |
Dev. Of Graveyand at lower Baddramn |
Constr of Earthen peripheral Bund for Community |
Y |
454 |
14000861499 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit |
Y |
1409005006/IF/8808570608 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit NHO Riyaz Ahmed |
Construction of Soak Pit for Individual |
Y |
455 |
14000861516 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit |
Y |
1409005006/IF/8808588515 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit NHO Yasir Ahmed |
Construction of Soak Pit for Individual |
Y |
456 |
14000872998 |
https://nregade2.nic.in/netnrega/login.aspx?&level=HomePODBA&state_code=14 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/8808566958 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit NHO Tanveer Ahmed |
Construction of Soak Pit for Individual |
Y |
457 |
14000884509 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit |
Y |
1409005006/IF/8808567114 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit NHO Akther Ahmed |
Construction of Soak Pit for Individual |
Y |
458 |
14000884577 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit |
Y |
1409005006/RS/8808507506 |
Constr of Compost Pit for Community |
Y |
459 |
14000884678 |
Dev of Land NLO Alias Ahmed |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/168962 |
Dev of Land NLO Alias Ahmed |
Levelling/shaping of Wasteland Land for Community |
Y |
460 |
14000884690 |
Development of land NLO Mohd Sadiq at Kool |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/206030 |
Development of land NLO Mohd Sadiq at Kool |
Development of Fallow Land for Community |
Y |
461 |
14000884715 |
Dev of L/Leveling nlo Nisar Ahme |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/95069 |
Dev of L/Leveling nlo Nisar Ahmed |
Constr of Stone peripheral Bund for Community |
Y |
462 |
14000887801 |
1 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/GIS/195204 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit NHO Altaf Hussain |
Construction of Soak Pit for Individual |
Y |
463 |
14000898930 |
27/03/2023 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/GIS/195169 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit NHO Amin Shah |
Construction of Soak Pit for Individual |
Y |
464 |
14000898977 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/171450 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK147046560 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
465 |
14000898983 |
1409005006/IF/IAY/171205 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/171205 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146688508 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
466 |
14000898986 |
1409005006/IF/IAY/171200 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/171200 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146683781 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
467 |
14000898998 |
1409005006/WC/GIS/94630 |
Y |
1409005006/WC/GIS/94630 |
Constt of WHT at Dadwa Nalla |
Construction of Community Water Harvesting Ponds |
Y |
468 |
14000900313 |
1 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/8808570626 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit NHO Sher Mohd |
Construction of Soak Pit for Individual |
Y |
469 |
14000904346 |
JK146338423 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/170966 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146338423 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
470 |
14000904348 |
JK146341290 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/170969 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146341290 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
471 |
14000922126 |
1 |
Y |
1409005006/RC/GIS/71310 |
Constt of C/Path from Main Road to NHO Mohd Amin |
Construction of Mitti Murram Roads for Community |
Y |
472 |
14000926698 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/187503 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK147046129 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
473 |
14000926700 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/171605 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK147259386 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
474 |
14000926702 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/171561 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK147216044 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
475 |
14000926704 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/171202 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146685616 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
476 |
14000929175 |
1 |
Y |
1409005006/RC/GIS/206036 |
Constt of P/Path at Phatri |
Construction of Mitti Murram Roads for Community |
Y |
477 |
14000936232 |
Constt of Fieldbund at L/Phat |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/168966 |
Constt of Fieldbund at L/Phat |
Levelling/shaping of Wasteland Land for Community |
Y |
478 |
14000936651 |
1 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/8808567083 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit NHO Sharifa Begum |
Construction of Soak Pit for Individual |
Y |
479 |
14000936966 |
1409005006/LD/GIS/168970 |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/168970 |
Constt of Fieldbund Near CFC Gurmul |
Levelling/shaping of Wasteland Land for Community |
Y |
480 |
14000936980 |
1409005006/LD/GIS/206041 |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/206041 |
Development of Graveyard in W.No 3 |
Development of Fallow Land for Community |
Y |
481 |
14000980058 |
Constt of Land levelling at Gram W.No 6 |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/168961 |
Constt of Land levelling at Gram W.No 6 |
Levelling/shaping of Wasteland Land for Community |
Y |
482 |
14000980061 |
Constt of WCD at Bangoor NHO Manzoor Ah. |
Y |
1409005006/FP/GIS/206021 |
Constt of WCD at Bangoor NHO Manzoor Ah. |
Renovation of Flood/ Diversion Channel for Comm |
Y |
483 |
14000980072 |
1409005006/LD/GIS/168972 |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/168972 |
Constt of Fieldbund NLO Riaz Ah. Batt |
Levelling/shaping of Wasteland Land for Community |
Y |
484 |
14000980082 |
1409005006/LD/GIS/168967 |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/168967 |
Constt of Fieldbund NLO Ali Mohd |
Levelling/shaping of Wasteland Land for Community |
Y |
485 |
14000980088 |
1409005006/LD/GIS/168998 |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/168998 |
Constt of Fieldbund NLO Parvaiz Ahmed |
Levelling/shaping of Wasteland Land for Community |
Y |
486 |
14000990396 |
1 |
Y |
1409005006/FP/GIS/206015 |
Constt of P/Work NHO Sher Mohd |
Renovation of Flood/ Diversion Channel for Comm |
Y |
487 |
14000990401 |
Work Code 1409005006/FP/GIS/206028 ~~~~ Dev of Land NLO Nawaz Ah W.No 2 |
Y |
1409005006/FP/GIS/206028 |
Dev of Land NLO Nawaz Ah W.No 2 |
Renovation of Flood/ Diversion Channel for Comm |
Y |
488 |
14000990408 |
Dev of Land NLO Nisar Ah W.No |
Y |
1409005006/FP/GIS/206027 |
Dev of Land NLO Nisar Ah W.No 2 |
Renovation of Flood/ Diversion Channel for Comm |
Y |
489 |
14000990416 |
Constt of P/Work at U/Gwari |
Y |
1409005006/FP/GIS/206011 |
Constt of P/Work at U/Gwari |
Renovation of Flood/ Diversion Channel for Comm |
Y |
490 |
14000990417 |
Constt of P/Work at U/Gwari |
Y |
1409005006/FP/GIS/206013 |
Constt of P/Work NLO Niaz Ahmed W.No 1 |
Renovation of Flood/ Diversion Channel for Comm |
Y |
491 |
14000990418 |
Constt of P/Work at U/Gwari |
Y |
1409005006/FP/GIS/206014 |
Constt of P/Work Near Graveyard Batli |
Renovation of Flood/ Diversion Channel for Comm |
Y |
492 |
14000990426 |
Constt of P/Work at U/Gwari |
Y |
1409005006/FP/GIS/206022 |
Development of Wasteland NLO Javied Ah. |
Renovation of Flood/ Diversion Channel for Comm |
Y |
493 |
14000990427 |
Constt of P/Work at U/Gwari |
Y |
1409005006/FP/GIS/206026 |
Dev of Land NLO Abid Hussain |
Renovation of Flood/ Diversion Channel for Comm |
Y |
494 |
14000990440 |
Constt of P/Work at U/Gwari |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/168992 |
Constt of Landlevelling at Brindwal NLO Shamim Lone |
Levelling/shaping of Wasteland Land for Community |
Y |
495 |
14000990441 |
Constt of P/Work at U/Gwari |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/168982 |
Constt of Fieldbund NLO Shameem Ah |
Levelling/shaping of Wasteland Land for Community |
Y |
496 |
14000990442 |
cc |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/168975 |
Constt of Landlevelling at Marg |
Levelling/shaping of Wasteland Land for Community |
Y |
497 |
14000990443 |
v |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/168959 |
Dev of Land levelling at Ghal W.No 6 |
Levelling/shaping of Wasteland Land for Community |
Y |
498 |
14000990444 |
m |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/168979 |
Constt of Landlevelling NLO Rehmatullah Sheikh |
Levelling/shaping of Wasteland Land for Community |
Y |
499 |
14000990445 |
m |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/168985 |
Constt of Landlevelling NLO Mehmood Riaz |
Levelling/shaping of Wasteland Land for Community |
Y |
500 |
14000990446 |
v |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/168987 |
Dev of Land NLO Mohd Hanief at Nali |
Levelling/shaping of Wasteland Land for Community |
Y |
501 |
14000990463 |
0 |
Y |
1409005006/RC/GIS/206033 |
Constt of C/Path from HO SabDin to Gohar Nazir |
Construction of Mitti Murram Roads for Community |
Y |
502 |
14000990465 |
0 |
Y |
1409005006/RC/GIS/206037 |
Constt of C/Path at Brendwal |
Construction of Mitti Murram Roads for Community |
Y |
503 |
14000990466 |
0 |
Y |
1409005006/RC/GIS/206042 |
Constt of Drain at Nagla NLO Shahid Lone |
Construction of Mitti Murram Roads for Community |
Y |
504 |
14000992191 |
0 |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/168964 |
Constt of land levelling at U/Baddraman |
Levelling/shaping of Wasteland Land for Community |
Y |
505 |
14000992198 |
0 |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/168994 |
Constt of Fieldbund NLO Nishat Ali |
Levelling/shaping of Wasteland Land for Community |
Y |
506 |
14000992199 |
0 |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/206043 |
Dev of Land NLO Shahnawaz Lone W.No3 |
Development of Fallow Land for Community |
Y |
507 |
14000992200 |
0 |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/206045 |
Dev of Land NLO Mohd Yousuf Batt |
Development of Fallow Land for Community |
Y |
508 |
14000993393 |
0 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/8808565063 |
Constt. Of Soakage Pit NHO Fathma Begum |
Construction of Soak Pit for Individual |
Y |
509 |
14000995390 |
0 |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/168968 |
Constt of Landlevelling at Banger Nagla |
Levelling/shaping of Wasteland Land for Community |
Y |
510 |
14001010487 |
0 |
Y |
1409005006/RC/GIS/206046 |
Constt of WCD NH of Akhtar Hussain W.No 3 |
Construction of Mitti Murram Roads for Community |
Y |
511 |
14001010488 |
0 |
Y |
1409005006/RC/GIS/206047 |
Constt of WCD at Dharakha |
Construction of Mitti Murram Roads for Community |
Y |
512 |
14001031007 |
n |
Y |
1409005006/FP/GIS/206023 |
Development of Wasteland NLO Sadam |
Renovation of Flood/ Diversion Channel for Comm |
Y |
513 |
14001031008 |
b |
Y |
1409005006/FP/GIS/206024 |
Development of Wasteland NLO Adil Qayoom W.No 2 |
Renovation of Flood/ Diversion Channel for Comm |
Y |
514 |
14001031009 |
b |
Y |
1409005006/FP/GIS/206029 |
Dev of Land NLO Imran Ah W.No 3 |
Renovation of Flood/ Diversion Channel for Comm |
Y |
515 |
14001047405 |
1409005006/LD/GIS/168996 |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/168996 |
Dev of Land at Zil NLO Basharat Ali |
Levelling/shaping of Wasteland Land for Community |
Y |
516 |
14001052780 |
1409005006/WC/GIS/95000 |
Y |
1409005006/WC/GIS/95000 |
Const of WHT at Marg |
Construction of Community Water Harvesting Ponds |
Y |
517 |
14001052781 |
1409005006/IC/GIS/95301 |
Y |
1409005006/IC/GIS/95301 |
Const of Zamindari Koul Znagal to Drakha |
Construction of minor Canal for Community |
Y |
518 |
14001061815 |
m |
Y |
1409005006/FP/GIS/133600 |
Constt of P/Work at Baddraman |
Construction of Embankment for community |
Y |
519 |
14001065858 |
j |
Y |
1409005006/WC/GIS/94856 |
Constt of WHT at Marg NLO Ab Latief |
Construction of Community Water Harvesting Ponds |
Y |
520 |
14001066453 |
fj |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/24824 |
Constt. Of Land leveling NLO Riaz Ahmed & Liaqat Ali W.No 4 |
Constr of Earthen peripheral Bund for Community |
Y |
521 |
14001071078 |
0 |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/95049 |
Dev of land at Nagla nlo Kifayatullah WNo 3 |
Constr of Stone peripheral Bund for Community |
Y |
522 |
14001071079 |
ku |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/95296 |
Const of Wasteland/ Leveling at Thamal |
Development of Fallow Land for Community |
Y |
523 |
14001071080 |
mn |
Y |
1409005006/RC/GIS/77089 |
const of cpath from house of basharat to naymutullah |
Constr of Cement Concrete Roads for Comm |
Y |
524 |
14001071081 |
gj |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/95051 |
Dev of Land Leveling at Bagra |
Constr of Stone peripheral Bund for Community |
Y |
525 |
14001071082 |
nn |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/95050 |
Dev of land at U/Dalwa |
Constr of Stone peripheral Bund for Community |
Y |
526 |
14001071083 |
n |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/95047 |
Dev of land NLO of Mohd Hanief WNo 2 |
Constr of Stone peripheral Bund for Community |
Y |
527 |
14001071084 |
ng |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/95053 |
Dev of Land NLO Gh. Hasan W. No 3 |
Constr of Stone peripheral Bund for Community |
Y |
528 |
14001078275 |
H |
Y |
1409005006/FP/GIS/133602 |
Constt of P/Work NLO Nawaz and Others |
Construction of Embankment for community |
Y |
529 |
14001078276 |
H |
Y |
1409005006/FP/GIS/95311 |
Const of Drain at Salari W. No 6 |
Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm |
Y |
530 |
14001081501 |
j |
Y |
1409005006/FP/GIS/95448 |
Const of P/Work at Gwari NLO of Attaullah & Sajad Ahmed |
Construction of Embankment for community |
Y |
531 |
14001108007 |
c |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/292052 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146684090 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
532 |
14001109448 |
v |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/256840 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146682988 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
533 |
14001109449 |
b |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/256890 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146688171 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
534 |
14001109450 |
gt |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/256906 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146688967 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
535 |
14001112370 |
v |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/292054 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146684421 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
536 |
14001112893 |
b |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/95081 |
Dev of Land Leveling at Dalwa Nlo Md. Shafi |
Constr of Stone peripheral Bund for Community |
Y |
537 |
14001112894 |
b |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/95107 |
Const of Fieldbund nlo Kubal Singh |
Constr of Stone peripheral Bund for Community |
Y |
538 |
14001112898 |
b |
Y |
1409005006/RC/GIS/95445 |
Const of C/Path from Primary School to Soli Brindo |
Construction of Mitti Murram Roads for Community |
Y |
539 |
14001112900 |
b |
Y |
1409005006/DP/GIS/320201 |
Construction of Silphalkam at CFC Building Gurmul |
Constr of Masonry/CC Anicut for Community |
Y |
540 |
14001116037 |
b |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/256891 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146688200 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
541 |
14001116040 |
n |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/259131 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK147343652 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
542 |
14001116041 |
b |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/305839 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146796035 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
543 |
14001116059 |
b |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/256859 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146684513 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
544 |
14001116060 |
b |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/258104 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK147047660 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
545 |
14001116064 |
b |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/258668 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK147238281 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
546 |
14001116065 |
b |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/305727 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146684667 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
547 |
14001127635 |
N |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/257203 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146796000 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
548 |
14001127636 |
C |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/256894 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146688302 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
549 |
14001147890 |
v |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/256887 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146688036 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
550 |
14001147891 |
v |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/292058 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146684948 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
551 |
14001147892 |
v |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/292059 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146684976 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
552 |
14001147893 |
v |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/292069 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146688756 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
553 |
14001147894 |
v |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/255555 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146340774 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
554 |
14001147895 |
v |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/259132 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK147343688 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
555 |
14001147896 |
v |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/292146 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK147047571 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
556 |
14001147897 |
v |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/292188 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK147225444 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
557 |
14001147898 |
v |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/306242 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK147047161 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
558 |
14001147899 |
v |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/256867 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146685680 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
559 |
14001147900 |
v |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/256885 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146687826 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
560 |
14001147901 |
v |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/292057 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146684625 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
561 |
14001147902 |
v |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/306245 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK147048003 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
562 |
14001154633 |
b |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/133604 |
Dev of Graveyard at Panyal |
Constr of Stone peripheral Bund for Community |
Y |
563 |
14001154635 |
c |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/133597 |
constt of Landleveling NLO Sarak Ali |
Constr of Stone peripheral Bund for Community |
Y |
564 |
14001154636 |
c |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/133598 |
Constt of Fieldbund Gwari Ward No 1 |
Constr of Stone peripheral Bund for Community |
Y |
565 |
14001154637 |
v |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/95057 |
Const of Stone Periphera Nlo Gh Mohd Shaikh |
Constr of Stone peripheral Bund for Community |
Y |
566 |
14001154638 |
v |
Y |
1409005006/WC/GIS/94994 |
Const of WHT at Brandwal W. No 3 |
Construction of Community Water Harvesting Ponds |
Y |
567 |
14001154640 |
b |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/95096 |
Const of Fieldbund at Banger |
Constr of Stone peripheral Bund for Community |
Y |
568 |
14001154642 |
b |
Y |
1409005006/RC/GIS/95444 |
Const of C/Path from Phat to Gasla |
Construction of Mitti Murram Roads for Community |
Y |
569 |
14001154643 |
b |
Y |
1409005006/WC/GIS/94997 |
Const of WHT at Banger W. No 4 |
Construction of Community Water Harvesting Ponds |
Y |
570 |
14001170807 |
d |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/258096 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK147047230 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
571 |
14001198980 |
Code Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G (1409005006/IF/IAY/256828) |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/256828 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146682331 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
572 |
14001198981 |
1409005006/if/iay/256834 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/256834 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146682557 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
573 |
14001198982 |
1409005006/if/iay/256845 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/256845 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146683326 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
574 |
14001198984 |
1409005006/if/iay/256860 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/256860 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146684740 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
575 |
14001198986 |
1409005006/if/iay/256868 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/256868 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146685863 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
576 |
14001199006 |
1409005006/if/iay/256829 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/256829 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146682370 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
577 |
14001199007 |
1409005006/if/iay/256881 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/256881 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146687571 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
578 |
14001199009 |
1409005006/if/iay/257201 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/257201 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146795888 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
579 |
14001199011 |
1409005006/if/iay/258088 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/258088 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK147046719 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
580 |
14001199012 |
1409005006/if/iay/258106 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/258106 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK147047702 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
581 |
14001199013 |
1409005006/if/iay/258535 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/258535 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK147216390 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
582 |
14001199014 |
1409005006/if/iay/291960 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/291960 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146340860 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
583 |
14001199015 |
1409005006/if/iay/291962 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/291962 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146340943 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
584 |
14001199016 |
1409005006/if/iay/291966 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/291966 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146342476 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
585 |
14001199017 |
1409005006/if/iay/292046 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/292046 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146683357 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
586 |
14001199018 |
1409005006/if/iay/292048 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/292048 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146683533 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
587 |
14001199019 |
1409005006/if/iay/292050 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/292050 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146684021 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
588 |
14001199020 |
1409005006/if/iay/292060 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/292060 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146685505 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
589 |
14001199021 |
1409005006/if/iay/292061 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/292061 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146685587 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
590 |
14001199022 |
1409005006/if/iay/292064 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/292064 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146687312 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
591 |
14001199025 |
1409005006/if/iay/292073 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/292073 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146795922 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
592 |
14001199028 |
1409005006/if/iay/292137 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/292137 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK147046691 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
593 |
14001199030 |
1409005006/if/iay/292145 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/292145 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK147047424 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
594 |
14001199031 |
1409005006/if/iay/292150 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/292150 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK147047780 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
595 |
14001199032 |
1409005006/if/iay/292183 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/292183 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK147216072 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
596 |
14001199035 |
1409005006/if/iay/292217 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/292217 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK147345400 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
597 |
14001199037 |
1409005006/if/iay/323449 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/323449 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK147047394 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
598 |
14001199039 |
1409005006/if/iay/255556 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/255556 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146340815 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
599 |
14001199040 |
1409005006/if/iay/305728 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/305728 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146684759 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
600 |
14001199044 |
1409005006/if/iay/292043 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/292043 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146682462 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
601 |
14001199045 |
1409005006/if/iay/292053 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/292053 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146684176 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
602 |
14001199047 |
1409005006/if/iay/292062 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/292062 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146685635 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
603 |
14001199050 |
1409005006/if/iay/292136 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/292136 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK147046584 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
604 |
14001199051 |
1409005006/if/iay/306439 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/306439 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK147215727 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
605 |
14001199052 |
1409005006/if/iay/292182 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/292182 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK147215610 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
606 |
14001228054 |
c |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/256869 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146685902 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
607 |
14001235462 |
v |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/256832 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146682427 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
608 |
14001235467 |
c |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/260619 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK147837819 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
609 |
14001236248 |
v |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/258090 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK147046932 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
610 |
14001245560 |
c |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/306240 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK147046673 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
611 |
14001263556 |
1409005006/FP/GIS/292936 ~~~~ Constt. Of P/Work NLO Yawer Ahmed W No 07 |
Y |
1409005006/FP/GIS/292936 |
Constt. Of P/Work NLO Yawer Ahmed W No 07 |
Constr of Flood/ Diversion Channel for Community |
Y |
612 |
14001263557 |
1409005006/LD/GIS/280656 ~~~~ Development Of Land NLO Mushtaq Ahmed W No 01 |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/280656 |
Development Of Land NLO Mushtaq Ahmed W No 01 |
Development of Fallow Land for Community |
Y |
613 |
14001263558 |
1409005006/LD/GIS/280721 ~~~~ Land Levelling NLO Mukhtiyar Mohd Qasim & Mohd Younis |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/280721 |
Land Levelling NLO Mukhtiyar Mohd Qasim & Mohd Younis |
Development of Fallow Land for Community |
Y |
614 |
14001263559 |
1409005006/LD/GIS/280777 ~~~~ L/Levelling NLO Saif Din Farooq Ahmed Hakam Din & Gulzar Ahmed W No 05 |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/280777 |
L/Levelling NLO Saif Din Farooq Ahmed Hakam Din & Gulzar Ahmed W No 05 |
Development of Fallow Land for Community |
Y |
615 |
14001263560 |
1409005006/LD/GIS/280792 ~~~~ Development Of Land at Drakha NLO Shahnawaz Ahmed |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/280792 |
Development Of Land at Drakha NLO Shahnawaz Ahmed |
Development of Fallow Land for Community |
Y |
616 |
14001263561 |
1409005006/LD/GIS/280798 ~~~~ Land Levelling at Thamal NLO Mohd Hanief W No 04 |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/280798 |
Land Levelling at Thamal NLO Mohd Hanief W No 04 |
Development of Fallow Land for Community |
Y |
617 |
14001263810 |
b |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/280672 |
Development Of Land NLO Dil Mohd W No 01 |
Development of Fallow Land for Community |
Y |
618 |
14001264091 |
v |
Y |
1409005006/FP/GIS/292947 |
Field Bund at Moswa NLO Mohd Yousuf & Gh Mohi Ud Din |
Constr of Flood/ Diversion Channel for Community |
Y |
619 |
14001282367 |
v |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/258095 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK147047143 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
620 |
14001282369 |
c |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/292189 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK147225514 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
621 |
14001282375 |
c |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/291961 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146340931 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
622 |
14001287254 |
x |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/258536 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK147216482 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
623 |
14001295951 |
v |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/256882 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146687636 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
624 |
14001295952 |
x |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/258110 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK147048210 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
625 |
14001295953 |
v |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/292051 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146684050 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
626 |
14001295954 |
v |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/256893 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146688273 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
627 |
14001295955 |
v |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/292067 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146688337 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
628 |
14001295971 |
c |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/256865 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146685479 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
629 |
14001295972 |
c |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/256866 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146685555 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
630 |
14001295973 |
v |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/257202 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146795969 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
631 |
14001297680 |
d |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/256847 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146683389 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
632 |
14001298244 |
v |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/258532 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK147215999 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
633 |
14001298247 |
c |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/256835 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146682624 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
634 |
14001298249 |
d |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/256839 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146682944 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
635 |
14001298252 |
v |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/256904 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146688792 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
636 |
14001298254 |
c |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/257208 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146796283 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
637 |
14001298255 |
cc |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/258091 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK147046951 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
638 |
14001298256 |
c |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/258537 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK147216560 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
639 |
14001298258 |
c |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/292055 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146684455 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
640 |
14001298259 |
c |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/292056 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146684485 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
641 |
14001298261 |
c |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/292065 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146687387 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
642 |
14001298265 |
c |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/292186 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK147216437 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
643 |
14001298321 |
v |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/292141 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK147047079 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
644 |
14001301920 |
s |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/292143 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK147047182 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
645 |
14001302011 |
c |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/258539 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK147216615 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
646 |
14001302012 |
c |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/292197 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK147259485 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
647 |
14001302013 |
c |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/292284 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK147837845 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
648 |
14001302014 |
c |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/256886 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146687864 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
649 |
14001302016 |
c |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/258534 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK147216257 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
650 |
14001303068 |
h |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/256889 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146688142 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
651 |
14001303069 |
1409005006/IF/IAY |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/292045 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146683254 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
652 |
14001303071 |
1409005006/IF/IAY |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/292139 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK147046911 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
653 |
14001303072 |
1409005006/IF/IAY |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/255559 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146341021 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
654 |
14001303073 |
1409005006/IF/IAY |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/292047 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146683426 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
655 |
14001303500 |
c |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/258089 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK147046893 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
656 |
14001303501 |
c |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/258101 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK147047607 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
657 |
14001303504 |
x |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/256855 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146683720 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
658 |
14001303726 |
c |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/234221 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK126507215 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
659 |
14001308521 |
v |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/292184 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK147216211 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
660 |
14001308523 |
v |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/292068 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146688542 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
661 |
14001308527 |
c |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/292049 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146683751 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
662 |
14001308528 |
PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/292134 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK147046212 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
663 |
14001308529 |
PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/292135 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK147046250 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
664 |
14001308544 |
13/09/2024 |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/256888 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146688079 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
665 |
14001308545 |
PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/292066 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146688002 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
666 |
14001308546 |
PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/255550 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146340400 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
667 |
14001308547 |
PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/292151 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK147048420 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
668 |
14001308548 |
PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/323412 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146684925 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
669 |
14001308549 |
PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/257211 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146796420 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
670 |
14001308550 |
PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/258087 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK147046271 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
671 |
14001308551 |
PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/292140 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK147047055 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
672 |
14001308552 |
PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/292076 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146796356 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
673 |
14001310637 |
c |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/258102 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK147047635 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
674 |
14001312823 |
dc |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/280793 |
Development Of Land NLO Mohd Shafi Batt W no 03 |
Development of Fallow Land for Community |
Y |
675 |
14001312825 |
dc |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/280749 |
Land Levelling NLO Talib Shah W No 04 |
Development of Fallow Land for Community |
Y |
676 |
14001312826 |
dc |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/280763 |
Development Of Land NLO Riaz Ahmed W No 04 |
Development of Fallow Land for Community |
Y |
677 |
14001312827 |
cd |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/280729 |
Development Of Land NLO Noor Mohd At Dewal |
Development of Fallow Land for Community |
Y |
678 |
14001312829 |
de |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/280766 |
Development Of Land at khethnali NLO Arshad Batt W No 04 |
Development of Fallow Land for Community |
Y |
679 |
14001312830 |
cd |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/280778 |
Development Of Land at Lower Buddraman NLO Sab Din w No 05 |
Development of Fallow Land for Community |
Y |
680 |
14001312831 |
cd |
Y |
1409005006/FP/GIS/292939 |
Field Bund at Banjer NLO Umar Rahi W No 02 |
Constr of Flood/ Diversion Channel for Community |
Y |
681 |
14001313265 |
x |
Y |
1409005006/RC/GIS/292958 |
Constt. Of C/Path FHO Manzoor Ahmed towards main Road |
Construction of Mitti Murram Roads for Community |
Y |
682 |
14001313268 |
c |
Y |
1409005006/FP/GIS/292940 |
Field Bund Nlo Anaytullah W No 02 |
Constr of Flood/ Diversion Channel for Community |
Y |
683 |
14001313778 |
h |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/280762 |
Development Of Land at Thamal NLO Farooq Ahmed W No 04 |
Development of Fallow Land for Community |
Y |
684 |
14001313779 |
v |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/280790 |
Land Development at Gornak NLO Nawaz Ahmed |
Development of Fallow Land for Community |
Y |
685 |
14001313780 |
v |
Y |
1409005006/FP/GIS/292926 |
Field Bund Nlo Wahid Ahmed & Mohd Yousuf W No 01 |
Constr of Flood/ Diversion Channel for Community |
Y |
686 |
14001313781 |
f |
Y |
1409005006/FP/GIS/292946 |
P/Work at Upper Gowari NLO Gh Nabi at Dalwa |
Constr of Flood/ Diversion Channel for Community |
Y |
687 |
14001318570 |
xjnf |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/256884 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146687786 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
688 |
14001318572 |
gh |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/323369 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146340896 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
689 |
14001340789 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/258107 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK147047966 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
690 |
14001340790 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/292148 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK147047723 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
691 |
14001340791 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/292074 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146795946 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
692 |
14001340793 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/292075 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146796228 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
693 |
14001346136 |
c |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/305719 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146683659 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
694 |
14001352203 |
dqw |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/306441 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK147216112 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
695 |
14001352210 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/257204 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146796147 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
696 |
14001352212 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/258108 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK147048046 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
697 |
14001352215 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/292138 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK147046863 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
698 |
14001352217 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/292142 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK147047094 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
699 |
14001352220 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/256864 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146685455 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
700 |
14001352226 |
PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/256861 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146684783 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
701 |
14001352227 |
PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/291965 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146342055 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
702 |
14001352228 |
PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/258540 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK147216657 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
703 |
14001352229 |
PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/305716 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146682902 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
704 |
14001352230 |
PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/257210 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146796376 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
705 |
14001352232 |
PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
1409005006/IF/IAY/292149 |
Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK147047753 |
Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals |
Y |
706 |
14001372275 |
vf |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/280754 |
Land Levelling at Banjer NLO Riaz W No 04 |
Development of Fallow Land for Community |
Y |
707 |
14001372276 |
fvd |
Y |
1409005006/WC/GIS/351985 |
Renovation of Pond at Dhandal (Marg) |
Construction of Community Water Harvesting Ponds |
Y |
708 |
14001374590 |
c |
Y |
1409005006/LD/GIS/280785 |
Land Levelling NLO Mohd Sharief and Riaz Ahmed W No 03 |
Development of Fallow Land for Community |
Y |