Govt. of India
Ministry of Rural Development
Department of Rural Development
The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 09-Feb-2025 04:57:14 PM 
R6.24 Monitoring Report for Asset Id (Part-B)

Block : ASSAR Panchayat : BALANDPUR

S No. Primary Assets Secondary Assets
Asset Id Asset Name Shared with NRSC Work Code Work Name Work Type Shared with NRSC
1 14000008908 p path muslamaan mohalla 1 Y 1409015002/RC/109129 Constt. of P/Path Muslman Mohalla Earthern road Y
2 14000009012 IHHL 5 units Y 1409015002/RS/9908 Consstt. of IHHL 5 units Individual Household Latrines Y
3 14000040207 Lane drain Y 1409015002/RC/155679 L/drain at Bhagat mohalla Gowari Cement Concrete Y
4 14000040254 Khul traman Nallah Y 1409015002/IC/44002 Improvement of Khul Traman Nallah to Dadri Lift Irrigation Y
5 14000040265 Khul Nallah Y 1409015002/IC/37559 khul nallah to shall mohalla Construction of Canal, Distributary and Minor Y
6 14000042069 Water C Drain Y 1409015002/WC/33648 WCD at Butt Mohalla Feeder Channel Y
7 14000042078 Water C Drain Y 1409015002/WC/25917 W C D REGAR Feeder Channel Y
8 14000042085 Lane drain Y 1409015002/RC/153423 L/Drain at Lilote Bhagat Mohalla Cement Concrete Y
9 14000042097 Land Protection Y 1409015002/LD/43044 LAND PROTECTION AT WARD NO 1 Development of Waste Land Y
10 14000042105 Park at Darosh Y 1409015002/LD/56299 Park at Darosh Reclamation of Land Y
11 14000042122 Protection work Y 1409015002/LD/58046 P/ Work at Hali Mohalla Reclamation of Land Y
12 14000042135 Pacca Path Y 1409015002/RC/131805 P/P REGHAI SCHOOL Cement Concrete Y
13 14000042164 Lane drain Y 1409015002/RC/151859 L/ drain at Kharounty mandir mohalla to MS Cement Concrete Y
14 14000042179 Land Protection Y 1409015002/LD/43029 LAND PROTECTION AT LILOHATE Development of Waste Land Y
15 14000050303 Lane drain Y 1409015002/RC/147977 Constt of lane drain Blandpur B to A Cement Concrete Y
16 14000050333 Lane drain Y 1409015002/RC/147979 Constt of Lane drain Blundpur B Cement Concrete Y
17 14000050350 C Path at Banhal to Bulandpur Y 1409015002/RC/131827 C/P BANHAL TO BALANDPUR Bitumen Top Y
18 14000050371 WHT at Ser Mohalla Y 1409015002/WC/25857 WHT AT SER MOHALLA Water Absorption Trench Y
19 14000050384 Pond at Lilhote Y 1409015002/WC/33271 Pond at Lilhote Farm Pond Y
20 14000050477 wcd Chiroon Mohalla Y 1409015002/WC/25846 Constt. of WCD Chiroon Mohalla Water Absorption Trench Y
21 14000050501 W C D Achar Y 1409015002/WC/29264 WCD ACHAR Sunken Pond Y
22 14000050521 Pond at Darba Mohalla Y 1409015002/WC/33273 Pond at Darba Mohalla Farm Pond Y
23 14000050582 WHT at Kankoli Y 1409015002/WC/32937 WHT at Kankoli Farm Pond Y
24 14000131650 Pacca Path Y 1409015002/RC/131807 P/P TARAMAN II Cement Concrete Y
25 14000131652 Pacca Path Y 1409015002/RC/131803 P/P LILHOTE Cement Concrete Y
26 14000131654 Protection Work Y 1409015002/FP/89902 P/WORK AT CHANTAN MOHALLA Spurs and Torrent Control Measures Y
27 14000131655 Pacca Path Y 1409015002/RC/131823 P/P THANWAL MOHALLA. II PART Cement Concrete Y
28 14000131757 Water C Drain Y 1409015002/WC/29263 wcd Rori Goot Sunken Pond Y
29 14000131758 Lane Drain Y 1409015002/RC/147980 Constt of Lane drain Chakker to Champari Cement Concrete Y
30 14000140163 protection work Y 1409015002/LD/29251 P/Work at Hall Mohalla Earthen Bunding Y
31 14000146210 Water C Drain Y 1409015002/FP/71084 WCD at Reghar Construction of Storm Water Drains Y
32 14000146217 protection work Y 1409015002/FP/71423 P/Work NHO Bansi Lal Reghar Cross Bund Y
33 14000146225 Improvement of Khul Traman Y 1409015002/IC/4720 Improment of Khul Traman Construction of Canal, Distributary and Minor Y
34 14000146234 Park at Kharonthy Y 1409015002/LD/18782 PARK AT KHARONTY Reclamation of Land Y
35 14000146239 Park at Chiroon Y 1409015002/LD/35892 Park at Chiroon Reclamation of Land Y
36 14000146258 P/path Kankoli to camp ground Y 1409015002/RC/58620 p/p kankoli to camp ground Cement concrete Y
37 14000146263 Lane drain Y 1409015002/RC/156129 L/ Drain at Reghar Mohalla Cement Concrete Y
38 14000146276 Water H Tank Y 1409015002/WC/25914 WHT AT SC MOHALLA Water Absorption Trench Y
39 14000177673 WHT at Gali Y 1409015002/WC/25930 WHT AT GALI Staggered Trench Y
40 14000177677 Pond/WHT at Kharonty Y 1409015002/WC/29270 POND/WHT AT KHARONTY Sunken Pond Y
41 14000177684 Pond/WHT at Kharonty Y 1409015002/IC/37568 Khul at Thandapani Community Well for Irrigation Y
42 14000177980 Pond Ser Mohalla Y 1409015002/WC/19728 Pond Ser Mohalla Lilhote Sunken Pond Y
43 14000177983 Khul Achar Y 1409015002/IC/192 Constt. of Khul Achar Construction of Canal, Distributary and Minor Y
44 14000177986 Pond at Chakker Y 1409015002/WC/4540 Constt. of POnd Chakker Feeder Channel Y
45 14000177992 Pacca Path Y 1409015002/RC/59459 P/P KUNKUND Cement concrete Y
46 14000177994 Pacca Path Y 1409015002/RC/104712 P/Path at Thakur Mohalla Lilote Cement concrete Y
47 14000177997 Park at Kalka Mandir Y 1409015002/LD/35175 constt. of Park at Kalkal Mandir Reclamation of Land Y
48 14000214909 P/ path Darba to Lilhote Y 1409015002/RC/67669 p/path Darba to Liloth Cement concrete Y
49 14000214921 P/ path Chiroon Y 1409015002/RC/93431 P/Path at Chiroon Cement concrete Y
50 14000214932 P/path Khunkhad Y 1409015002/RC/90999 P/Path Khunkhad Cement concrete Y
51 14000214939 P/ path Darba Y 1409015002/RC/90618 Const of P/Path at Darba(Lilote) Cement concrete Y
52 14000214950 P/ path Achar Y 1409015002/RC/67852 p/path Achar Cement concrete Y
53 14000214957 P/ path Thakur Mohalla Y 1409015002/RC/59643 p/p thakur mohalla Cement concrete Y
54 14000219209 C/ path Shampni to Talai Y 1409015002/RC/96529 C/Path Shampni to Talai Earthern road Y
55 14000219222 Cattle pond at Lilhote Y 1409015002/WC/33272 Cattle pond at lilhote Farm Pond Y
56 14000219228 WCD at Satyas Kut Y 1409015002/WC/22700 Constt. of WCD drain at Satyas Kut Feeder Channel Y
57 14000219233 Pond at Kanthal Lilhote Y 1409015002/WC/19727 Pond at Kanthal Lilothe Feeder Channel Y
58 14000219245 Pond at Talai Kharonthi Y 1409015002/WC/20412 Pond at Talai Kharonthi Box Trenches Y
59 14000219251 Pond at Kankloi Y 1409015002/WC/15347 Pond at Kankoli Farm Pond Y
60 14000219261 P/ work NHO Ab gani / Shib Lal Y 1409015002/FP/75123 P/Work NHO Ab. Gani/Shib Lal Cross Bund Y
61 14000219270 P/ pork Kanthal Lilhote Y 1409015002/FP/39165 P/work Kanthal Liloth Drainage in Water Logged Areas Y
62 14000219277 P/ work Kankoli Y 1409015002/FP/71708 P/Work at Kankoli Cross Bund Y
63 14000219292 P/ path Masjid Moh to NHO Firdous Ahmed Y 1409015002/RC/91141 P/Path Masjid Mohalla to NHO Firdous Ahmed Cement concrete Y
64 14000219297 Khul Achar Thandapani Y 1409015002/IC/30295 Constt. of Khul at Achar Thandapani Lift Irrigation Y
65 14000219302 Khul at upper Kanderi Y 1409015002/IC/16740 KHUL AT UPPER KANDEER Lining of Canals Y
66 14000219307 Khul Gansali Y 1409015002/IC/19459 Khul Gansali Lift Irrigation Y
67 14000219312 Khul at Mansalla Y 1409015002/IC/20327 Khul at Mansala Lift Irrigation Y
68 14000219318 P/ work NHO Pritam Singh Y 1409015002/FP/63153 P/Work NHO Pritam Singh Strengthening of Embankment Y
69 14000219325 L/ protection at Kathal Y 1409015002/LD/43032 LAND PROTECTION AT KATHAL Development of Waste Land Y
70 14000219332 Dev of School ground Reghar Y 1409015002/LD/4586 Land Dev. School Ground Regard Land Leveling Y
71 14000219336 Park at Balandpur Y 1409015002/LD/4916 Constt. of Park at Balandpur Land Leveling Y
72 14000219340 Park at Kharonthy Y 1409015002/LD/35661 Constt. of Park at Khrounty P art II Others
73 14000219347 P/ work at Lilhote Y 1409015002/LD/36485 Constt. of P/ Work at Lilote Development of Waste Land Y
74 14000219351 P/ work NHO Suram Chand Manshalla Y 1409015002/LD/29460 P/Work NHO Suram Chand Manshalla Reclamation of Land Y
75 14000219355 Park at Lilhote Y 1409015002/LD/29065 Const. of Park at Lilote Land Leveling Y
76 14000219361 P/ path Kandi Dugri Y 1409015002/RC/93362 P/Path Kandi Dugri Cement concrete Y
77 14000219366 P/ path Kantal Y 1409015002/RC/91002 P/Path Kantal Cement concrete Y
78 14000219372 P/ path upper Lilhote Y 1409015002/RC/90608 P/Path upper Lilhote Cross Drainage Y
79 14000219375 P/ path uper Kanderi Y 1409015002/RC/71043 P Path at Upper Kandari Cement concrete Y
80 14000219383 P/ path Grarah Soldu Shilori Y 1409015002/RC/91142 P/Path Grarah/Soldu/Shillory Cement concrete Y
81 14000219392 P/ path Kanthal Lilhote Y 1409015002/RC/68047 P/Path Kanthal (Liloth) Cement concrete Y
82 14000219397 P/ path Gali to Batra Y 1409015002/RC/68033 P/Path Gali to Batra Cement concrete Y
83 14000219399 P/ path upper Lilhote Y 1409015002/RC/67893 P/Path Upper Liloth Cement concrete Y
84 14000219404 P/ path Dogra Moh Y 1409015002/RC/90609 P/Path Dogra Mohalla Cement concrete Y
85 14000219412 C/ path Safan to Bulandpur Y 1409015002/RC/131828 C/P SAFAN TO BALANDPUR Bitumen Top Y
86 14000219415 P/ path Kankoli to Mandir Y 1409015002/RC/106995 P/path from Kankoli to Mandir Bulandpur Cement concrete Y
87 14000219421 P/ path upper Kanderi Y 1409015002/RC/105008 P/Path upper Kanderi Cement concrete Y
88 14000219423 P/ path Kankoli Y 1409015002/RC/131821 P/P KANKOLI Cement Concrete Y
89 14000219428 C/ path lilhote to Thair Y 1409015002/RC/131804 C/P LILHOTE TO THEIR Earthern road Y
90 14000219434 P/ path at Reghar Y 1409015002/RC/105655 Constt. of P/Path at Reghar Cement concrete Y
91 14000219438 P/ path Kunkhad Y 1409015002/RC/131826 P/P KUNKHAND Cement Concrete Y
92 14000219445 C/ path Thandapani to Kharonthi Y 1409015002/RC/160885 C/ Path Thandapani to Kharonti Bitumen Top Y
93 14000225891 P/ work Ward No 5 Y 1409015002/FP/72329 P/work at Ward No.5 Cross Bund Y
94 14000225892 Pond Y 1409015002/WC/13042 POND REGARD Water Absorption Trench Y
95 14000225893 Pond Y 1409015002/WC/13494 POND AT CHIROON Water Absorption Trench Y
96 14000225894 Pond Y 1409015002/WC/15456 Pond at Grerah Blndpur Feeder Channel Y
97 14000225895 Pond WHT Y 1409015002/WC/15816 Pond /WHT Thakur Mohalla Bulandpur Feeder Channel Y
98 14000225896 WCD Thanwal Y 1409015002/WC/9408 WCD THANWAL Diversion Drain Y
99 14000225897 WCD Kankoli Y 1409015002/WC/9407 wcd kankoli to bedwer Diversion Drain Y
100 14000225898 Pond Y 1409015002/WC/8617 Pond at Masrote Farm Pond Y
101 14000225899 Pond Y 1409015002/WC/8608 Pond at Shapani Farm Pond Y
102 14000225900 Pacca Path Y 1409015002/RC/68914 P/Path Kharounty Cement concrete Y
103 14000225901 Pacca Path Y 1409015002/RC/56721 P/P AT TARAMAN Cement concrete Y
104 14000225902 Common Path Y 1409015002/RC/92120 C/Path from Balandpur to Kathote Earthern road Y
105 14000225904 Common Path Y 1409015002/RC/92122 C/Path from Kudi Nalli Odi Nalli Earthern road Y
106 14000225905 Common Path Y 1409015002/RC/91005 C/Path Achar to Shalori Cement concrete Y
107 14000225906 Pacca Path Y 1409015002/RC/58622 p/p upper bland pur Cement concrete Y
108 14000279141 Park at Bulandpur B Y 1409015002/LD/59856 Constt of Park at Bulandpur B Pebble Bunding Y
109 14000279144 Culvert at Soldu Nallah Y 1409015002/RC/173910 Constt of Culvert at Souldu Nallah Cement Concrete Y
110 14000397313 P/Path at Lohar Mohalla Y 1409015002/RC/38678 P/P at Lohar Mohalla Cement concrete Y
111 14000397314 P/Path Kankoli Y 1409015002/RC/40633 P/P KANKOLI Cement concrete Y
112 14000397315 Khull at Nagani to Gowari Traman Y 1409015002/IC/25977 Khull at Nagani to Gowari Traman Construction of Canal, Distributary and Minor Y
113 14000397316 Land Protection at Chakker Shaldoo Achar Y 1409015002/LD/21024 Land Protection at Chakker/Shaldoo Achar Stone Bund Y
114 14000397317 Dev ,of Camp Ground Balandpur Y 1409015002/LD/19424 camp ground balandpur Development of Waste Land Y
115 14000397318 Park at Shampani Y 1409015002/LD/20996 Park at Shampani Reclamation of Land Y
116 14000404180 P/Path Liloth Y 1409015002/RC/25379 Constt.P/Path Liloate Cement concrete Y
117 14000404181 P/Path Dogra Mohalla Lilhote Y 1409015002/RC/38680 P/Path Dogra Mohala Lilhote Cement concrete Y
118 14000404182 P/Path Balndpur Y 1409015002/RC/40549 pacca path baland pur Cement concrete Y
119 14000404183 P/Path Gowari balndpur Y 1409015002/RC/40556 P/P GOWARI BALANDPUR Cement concrete Y
120 14000404184 P/Path Shilory Y 1409015002/RC/40628 P/P SHILORY Cement concrete Y
121 14000404185 P/Path Manashalla Y 1409015002/RC/56888 p/p MANSHALLA Cement concrete Y
122 14000404186 P/Path chakker to Kakella Y 1409015002/RC/57753 P/P AT CHAKAR TO KKELA Cement concrete Y
123 14000404187 P/Path Thanwal Y 1409015002/RC/58619 p/p thanwal Cement concrete Y
124 14000404188 P/Path at Anosha Y 1409015002/RC/69021 P/Path at Ansoha Cement concrete Y
125 14000404189 P/Path at Ladi Reghar Y 1409015002/RC/92899 P/Path at Ladi Reghar Cement concrete Y
126 14000404190 WCD Baryan Mohalla Y 1409015002/FP/13643 Constt. of WCD at Bryan Moahra Strengthening of Embankment Y
127 14000404191 P/Work at Kharounty Y 1409015002/FP/14619 Constt. of P/Work at Kharonthy Cement lining Y
128 14000404192 P/Work Lohar Mohalla Y 1409015002/FP/33385 p/w lohar mohalla Strengthening of Embankment Y
129 14000404193 P/Work Chitran Mohalla Y 1409015002/FP/39163 P/Work Chithran Mohalla Diversion Channel Y
130 14000404194 wcd at Batta Y 1409015002/FP/58674 WCD at Batta Bio Drainage Y
131 14000404195 WCD Kunkhad Y 1409015002/FP/BAL02 Constt. of W.C.Drain Khunikhand Desilting Y
132 14000404196 WCD Maqool Dal Y 1409015002/FP/58870 WCD Maqool Dal Drainage in Water Logged Areas Y
133 14000404197 P/W at Baniyal Y 1409015002/FP/60968 P/W at Baniyal Cross Bund Y
134 14000404198 Camp Ground Balandpur Y 1409015002/LD/10162 camp ground balandpur Pebble Bunding Y
135 14000404199 P/Work at Kakela Y 1409015002/LD/20520 P/Work at Kakala Stone Bund Y
136 14000404200 P/Work Lohar Mohalla/Baryain Mohalla Y 1409015002/LD/21045 P/Work Lohar Mohalla/Baryain Mohalla Stone Bund Y
137 14000404201 imp. of Khull Gansali Y 1409015002/IC/1511 Imp. of Khull Gansali Construction of Canal, Distributary and Minor Y
138 14000404202 Khull danyal Y 1409015002/IC/504 Constt. of Khull danyal Construction of Canal, Distributary and Minor Y
139 14000406758 Dev of Spring at Lilote Y 1409015002/DW/150 Dev. of Spring at Liloth Recharge Pits Y
140 14000406760 Dev of Spring at Maqol Dal Y 1409015002/DW/482 Dev. of Spring at Maqol Dal Recharge Pits Y
141 14000406763 Prot work at Lohar Mohalla Bulandpur Y 1409015002/FP/12035 Constt. of prot work at lohar mohalla balandpur Cross Bund Y
142 14000406764 P/Work at Masrote Y 1409015002/FP/14073 Constt. of P/Work at Masrot Strengthening of Embankment Y
143 14000406765 Land prot. at Shampni Y 1409015002/FP/21235 land prot. shapani Cross Bund Y
144 14000406767 P/Work at Manshala Y 1409015002/FP/35073 p/w mansala Diversion weir Y
145 14000406768 P/Work at Kharounty Y 1409015002/FP/40195 P/work at Kharounty Cross Bund Y
146 14000406769 WCD at Kudsoo Y 1409015002/FP/71709 WCD at Kudsoo Construction of Storm Water Drains Y
147 14000406771 WCD at Chounry Y 1409015002/FP/BAL01 Constt. of W.C.Drain at Chourly Diversion weir Y
148 14000406772 Imp. of Khull Banjer to Gali Y 1409015002/IC/11405 IMPROVEMENT OF KHUL BANJER TO GALI Construction of Canal, Distributary and Minor Y
149 14000406774 WCD at Regard Y 1409015002/IC/1537 Constt. of WCD At Regard Construction of Canal, Distributary and Minor Y
150 14000406775 constt of Khull urban pani Y 1409015002/IC/1640 Constt. of Khul Irban Pani Construction of Canal, Distributary and Minor Y
151 14000406777 Park at Bulandpur Y 1409015002/LD/10139 park at baland pur Land Leveling Y
152 14000406780 Park Kanda Dugri Y 1409015002/LD/20997 Park at Kada Dugri Reclamation of Land Y
153 14000406812 Dev of Park Kankoli Y 1409015002/LD/21855 Dev. of Park Kankoli Bulandpur Land Leveling Y
154 14000406813 P/Work At NHO Shib Ram Y 1409015002/LD/29062 P/Work at NHO Shib Ram Lilote Reclamation of Land Y
155 14000406815 P/Work at Kharounty Y 1409015002/LD/29248 P/Work at Kharounty Stone Bund Y
156 14000406816 Land Leveling at Ladi Traman Y 1409015002/LD/3360 Constt. ofLand levelling at Ladhi Traman Land Leveling Y
157 14000406818 LandPark near Smad Y 1409015002/LD/33768 Constt. of Park near smad Others
158 14000406819 Cow shed at lilhote Y 1409015002/OP/8808465891 constt. of Cow Shed at lilhote Cow Shed
159 14000406821 C/Path from Lilote to Mout Nali Y 1409015002/RC/104457 C/Path from lilote to Mout Nali Earthern road Y
160 14000406823 C/PAth Kanderi to Upper Kanderi Y 1409015002/RC/24672 Constt. of C/Path Kandari to Upper Kander Earthern road Y
161 14000406824 C/Path Balandpur to Lilote Y 1409015002/RC/26251 Constt. of C/path Bulandpur to Lilote Earthern road Y
162 14000406825 C/Path Kharounty to Losiyal Y 1409015002/RC/26850 Constt. of C/Path Kharounty to Losiyal Earthern road Y
163 14000406827 C/Path reghar to Bulandpur Y 1409015002/RC/27141 Constt.ofC/Path Regard to Bulandpur Earthern road Y
164 14000406828 c/path Traman to Masrote Y 1409015002/RC/34399 C/path Traman To Masrot Earthern road Y
165 14000406829 P/Path Achar Y 1409015002/RC/38681 P/P Acher Cement concrete Y
166 14000406830 C/Path Champari to Marri Y 1409015002/RC/38696 C/Path Champari to Mari Earthern road Y
167 14000406831 C/PAth Regar to Shamshanghat Y 1409015002/RC/38707 C/Path Regard to Shamshan Ghat Earthern road Y
168 14000406832 C/PAth Kharounty to Kunkhad Y 1409015002/RC/38740 C/Path Kharounthy to Kunkhad Earthern road Y
169 14000406833 C/PAth Kankoli to Reghar Y 1409015002/RC/38803 Constt. of C/Path Kankoli to Regard Earthern road Y
170 14000406834 c/Path Thandapani to Kharounnty Y 1409015002/RC/40486 c/p thandapani to kharonti Earthern road Y
171 14000406835 P/Path Nalli Mohalla Y 1409015002/RC/59642 p/p nalli mohalla Cement concrete Y
172 14000406836 C/Path Dukhadoo Nalli to Marri Y 1409015002/RC/60738 C/P DUKHADOO NALI TO MARI Earthern road Y
173 14000406837 C/Path Lilote tlo Garani Y 1409015002/RC/67667 C/Path Liloth to Garani Earthern road Y
174 14000406838 C/Path Karsoo to Dabattanall Y 1409015002/RC/67886 C/Path Karsoo to Dabattanall Earthern road Y
175 14000406839 C/Path Nasokhad to Masrote Y 1409015002/RC/68032 C/path Nasokhad to Masrote Earthern road Y
176 14000406840 C/Path champari to Shillory Y 1409015002/RC/68915 Imp. of Comm. Path from Champari to Shillory Earthern road Y
177 14000406841 C/Path Dhani to Odi Nallah Y 1409015002/RC/91143 C/Path Dhani to Odi Nallah Gravel Road Y
178 14000406842 Khul Chilorry Y 1409015002/WC/4480 Khul chilory Diversion Drain Y
179 14000406843 WCD Lilhote Y 1409015002/WC/4481 WCD Lilhote Diversion Drain Y
180 14000406844 WCD MAslote Y 1409015002/WC/5010 WCD Maslote Diversion Drain Y
181 14000406845 Pond at Guth Y 1409015002/WC/5452 Constt. of Pond at Guth Water Absorption Trench Y
182 14000406846 pond at Bulandpur Y 1409015002/WC/5571 Constt. of Pond at Blundpur Farm Pond Y
183 14000406847 WCD agt Nastoo Y 1409015002/WC/6321 WCD Nastoo Diversion Drain Y
184 14000406848 Pond at Bhar Y 1409015002/WC/9042 pond at bhar Feeder Channel Y
185 14000406849 Pond at Sarkari Kut Y 1409015002/WC/9049 pond ay\t sarkari kut Feeder Channel Y
186 14000406850 WHT at Bulandpur Y 1409015002/WC/Achar constt. of WHT at balandpur Water Absorption Trench Y
187 14000406851 WCD at shampani Y 1409015002/WC/shampani Water catchment Drain at Shampani Diversion Drain Y
188 14000406852 Renovation of Khull upper Kanderi Y 1409015002/WH/4333 Renovation of Khul upper Kander Desilting Y
189 14000406853 Renovation of Pond at chakker Y 1409015002/WH/8331 Renovation of Pond at Chakkar Renovation Y
190 14000408306 NBA units Y 1409015002/RS/1413 Constt. of 16Nos of Sanitary Complexes under NBA P Individual Household Latrines Y
191 14000446946 Improvement of Khul at upper Kanderi Y 1409015002/IC/50653 Improvement of Khul at upper Kanderi Lift Irrigation Y
192 14000457272 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1191154 Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/23140 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1191154 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
193 14000457274 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1248954 Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/30380 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1248954 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
194 14000457277 PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1050784 Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/30382 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1050784 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
195 14000457442 PMAY HOUSE OF SH DES RAJ Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/22534 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1047286 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
196 14000494980 WCD at Achar Y 1409015002/FP/8808504816 WCD at Achar Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
197 14000494987 Development of Camp School Ground Bulandpur P I Y 1409015002/LD/60438 Development of Camp School Ground Bulandpur P I Constr of Level Bench Terrace Terrace for Comm Y
198 14000494998 Land Dev at W.No.2 Y 1409015002/LD/8808490174 Land Dev at W.No.2 Construction of Earthen graded Bund for Community Y
199 14000495004 Park at Shiv Mandirn thanwal Dug Y 1409015002/LD/8808490211 Park at Shiv Mandirn thanwal Dug Development of Fallow Land for Community Y
200 14000495021 Pond at Achar Y 1409015002/WC/39606 Pond at Achar Constr of Earthen Check Dam for Community Y
201 14000495025 Pond at Lilote Y 1409015002/WC/8808486505 Pond at Lilote Constr of Water Absorption Trench Trench for Comm Y
202 14000556259 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1166008 Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/30360 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1166008 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
203 14000556260 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1058136 Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/30368 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1058136 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
204 14000557094 L/prot Kunderi Y 1409015002/LD/8808495027 Land Prot NLO Chur singh upper Kanderi Construction of Pebble graded Bund for Community Y
205 14000557121 wcd chiroon Y 1409015002/FP/8808524966 WCD Chiroon Mohalla Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm
206 14000557131 wcd traman Y 1409015002/FP/8808524971 WCD Traman to Nal Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm
207 14000557199 wcd grearh Y 1409015002/FP/8808524974 WCD Grearh Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm
208 14000557216 wcd jurangra Y 1409015002/FP/8808524977 WCd Jurangrah to Nali Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm Y
209 14000557236 wcd kunkud Y 1409015002/FP/8808524978 WCD at Kunkhad Constr of Diversion Storm Water Drain for Comm
210 14000557279 tracter road Y 1409015002/RC/8808507516 Tractor road Kanderi to Blandpur 9th RD(50-500) Construction of Gravel Road Roads for Community Y
211 14000557290 kanderi to bulandpur Y 1409015002/RC/8808507495 Tractor Road Kanderi to Balandpur 8th RD 600-1000 &Km 9th (0-50) Construction of Gravel Road Roads for Community Y
212 14000557308 spring suripani Y 1409015002/WC/8808488846 Dev of Spring Suri Pani Constr of Level Bench Terrace Terrace for Comm
213 14000557362 wht chakker Y 1409015002/WC/8808491190 WHT at chakker Renovtion of Community Ponds for Comm
214 14000557652 p/work reghar Y 1409015002/LD/8808494100 P Work upper Reghar Mohalla Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community
215 14000557654 school ground reghar Y 1409015002/LD/8808495028 Dev of school ground REghar Development of Fallow Land for Community Y
216 14000557656 dugri Y 1409015002/LD/8808494067 Land Protection at Dugri Constr of Stone peripheral Bund for Community
217 14000557658 jamia masjid Y 1409015002/LD/8808495031 Land Prot near Jamia Masjid Balandpur Construction of Pebble graded Bund for Community
218 14000557659 park shampni Y 1409015002/LD/8808495033 Park Shiv Mandir Shampni Development of Fallow Land for Community
219 14000557660 shamshangat kursoo Y 1409015002/LD/8808495035 Land Prot at Shamshanghat Kursoo Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community
220 14000557661 khrounty Y 1409015002/LD/8808495036 Land Dev Kharounty Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community
221 14000557662 achar Y 1409015002/LD/8808510418 P/Work NHO Rattan Lal Achar Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community
222 14000557663 sukhar mohalla Y 1409015002/LD/8808510419 P/Wall Sukhar Mohalla P-11 Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community
223 14000565328 Pond at Kalotha Y 1409015002/WC/8808500942 Cattle pond at Kalotha Renovtion of Community Ponds for Comm Y
224 14000567830 L/Prot Chiroon Y 1409015002/LD/8808520651 L/Prot at Chiroon Mohalla Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
225 14000586091 Khull at W.No 5 Y 1409015002/IC/8808536794 Khull at W.No 5 Construction of minor Canal for Community Y
226 14000586092 C/Path Kakila to Plarni Y 1409015002/RC/8808573066 C/Path Kakila to Plarni Construction of Mitti Murram Roads for Community Y
227 14000586093 C/Path shamshanghat to Gabar Y 1409015002/RC/8808573065 C/Path shamshanghat to Gabar Construction of Mitti Murram Roads for Community Y
228 14000587726 WCD BANJER Y 1409015002/FP/8808529099 WCD at Banjer Traman Constr of Flood/ Diversion Channel for Community Y
229 14000587727 wcd sarkarikut Y 1409015002/FP/8808529101 WCD at Sarkarikut Bhagat Mohalla Constr of Flood/ Diversion Channel for Community Y
230 14000587728 wcd daligut Y 1409015002/FP/8808529100 WCD at Daliguth Constr of Flood/ Diversion Channel for Community Y
231 14000587729 vermicomposed at lohar mohalla Y 1409015002/LD/8808534613 Constt of Vermicomposed at Lowar Mohalla Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
232 14000587730 L/Prot khrounty Y 1409015002/LD/8808531710 L/prot at Khrounty Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
233 14000587731 L/Prot Shuldoo Y 1409015002/LD/8808531709 L/Prot at Suldoo Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
234 14000587732 L/Prot at kursoo Y 1409015002/LD/8808531708 L/Prot at Kudsoo Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
235 14000587733 P/Work at Chakker Y 1409015002/LD/8808531707 P/Work at Chakker Mohalla Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
236 14000587735 P/Work H/O Dev Raj konkali Y 1409015002/LD/8808521706 P/Work H/O Dev Raj Kamkali Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
237 14000587740 P/wall at Massrot Y 1409015002/LD/8808521704 P/Wall at Masrrot Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
238 14000587743 B/wall at Darba Mohalla Y 1409015002/LD/8808521703 B/Wall at Darba Mohalla Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
239 14000587746 P/Work at Upper Kanderi Y 1409015002/LD/8808521702 P/Work at Upper Kandderi Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
240 14000587749 P/Work at sungras Y 1409015002/LD/8808521701 P/Work at Sungras Mohalla Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
241 14000587751 L/Prot at Shampni Y 1409015002/LD/8808521700 L/Prot at Shampni Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
242 14000587754 P/Work at achar Y 1409015002/LD/8808521699 P/Work at Achar Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
243 14000596762 C/Path Achar to Kakeela Y 1409015002/RC/8808555038 C/Path achar to kakila Construction of Mitti Murram Roads for Community Y
244 14000596766 c/path h/o gian chand to dani nallah Y 1409015002/RC/8808555033 C/Path H/O Gain Chand to Dani Nallah Construction of Mitti Murram Roads for Community Y
245 14000596775 Constt of Pond Traman Y 1409015002/WC/8808508494 Constt of pond at Traman Renovtion of Community Ponds for Comm Y
246 14000596779 Pond at Shampani Y 1409015002/WC/8808508495 Pond at Shampni Renovtion of Community Ponds for Comm Y
247 14000596788 Spring at Traman Y 1409015002/WH/48217 Spring at Traman Renovtion of Community Ponds for Comm Y
248 14000596795 PMAY-G Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/67057 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1046740 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
249 14000596797 PMAY-G Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/68285 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1052893 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
250 14000596799 PMAY-G Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/68186 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1175891 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
251 14000596809 Park Shiv Mandir at Patti Y 1409015002/LD/8808521705 Park at Shiv Mandir at Patti Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
252 14000596815 Dev of Shiv Mandir park Manshalla Y 1409015002/LD/8808521693 Dev of Shiv Mandir Park Manshala Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
253 14000596822 P/work H/O Mohd Iqbal Y 1409015002/LD/8808521368 P/Work H/O Mohd Iqbal Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
254 14000596827 p/work at chalory Y 1409015002/LD/8808521139 P/Work at chalory Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
255 14000596830 p/work at lama kut Y 1409015002/LD/8808521138 P/Work at Lama Kut Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
256 14000596833 Graveyard at Kursoo Y 1409015002/LD/8808521137 Graveyard at kursoo Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
257 14000596839 P/Wall H/O Mohd Akram Y 1409015002/LD/8808520649 P/Wall H/O Mohd Akram Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
258 14000596841 P/Wall at Beryan Mohalla Y 1409015002/LD/8808520650 P/Wall at Baryan Mohalla Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
259 14000596855 L/prot Rakwal Mohalla Y 1409015002/LD/8808520648 L/Prot Rakwal Mohalla Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
260 14000596857 P/Work at Mughal Mohalla Y 1409015002/LD/8808520647 P/Work at Mughal Mohalla Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
261 14000596859 P/Work H/O Muni Raj Y 1409015002/LD/8808519140 P/Work HO Muni raj Construction of Earthen graded Bund for Community Y
262 14000596860 L/Prot Chillory Park nag mandir Y 1409015002/LD/8808519138 L/Port Chillory Park Nag Mandir Constr of Stone peripheral Bund for Community Y
263 14000596863 P/work at Kakila Y 1409015002/LD/8808519136 P/Work at Kakila Construction of Earthen graded Bund for Community Y
264 14000596866 l/prot at kantal Y 1409015002/LD/8808519134 L/Prot at Kantal Construction of Earthen graded Bund for Community Y
265 14000596868 p/work h/o Ab.Gani Y 1409015002/LD/8808514869 P/work HO Ab Gani Constr of Stone peripheral Bund for Community Y
266 14000596870 Dev of school ground hss Bulandpur Y 1409015002/LD/8808514858 Dev of School ground HSS Bulandpur Constr of Stone peripheral Bund for Community Y
267 14000596872 Dev of school ground ps kunkud Y 1409015002/LD/8808514857 Dev of School Ground PS Kunkhad Constr of Stone peripheral Bund for Community Y
268 14000596874 l/prot/lev at dandli Y 1409015002/LD/8808514856 L/Prot/dev at Dandli Constr of Earthen peripheral Bund for Community Y
269 14000596902 PMAY-G Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/67425 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1063563 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
270 14000596905 PMAY-G 68261 Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/68261 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK1153185 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
271 14000660357 t Y 1409015002/LD/8808519137 L/Prot Danyal Park Kali Mata Mandir Constr of Stone peripheral Bund for Community Y
272 14000660358 t Y 1409015002/LD/8808519142 Park at Gowari Thakur Mohalla Constr of Stone peripheral Bund for Community Y
273 14000660359 y Y 1409015002/LD/8808521126 Park at nali pani kakila Mandir Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
274 14000660361 t Y 1409015002/LD/8808521141 Park at lower Bag Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
275 14000660367 y Y 1409015002/LD/8808521696 L/Prot of Durga Mata Mandir Park khournty Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
276 14000720050 PMAY G Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/149718 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK114747900 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
277 14000720051 PMAY G Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/160891 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK151216236 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
278 14000720052 PMAY G Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/160803 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK150837347 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
279 14000746655 PMAY G Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/149581 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK113859548 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
280 14000746657 PMAY G Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/149778 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK115946362 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
281 14000746659 PMAY G Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/150273 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK123881804 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
282 14000765834 MGNREGA Y 1409015002/LD/GIS/107478 Land Prot. Nashtu Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
283 14000765835 MGNREGA Y 1409015002/LD/GIS/107479 Land Levelling/Prot. Kabarstaan at Lohwar Mohalla Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
284 14000765837 MGNREGA Y 1409015002/LD/GIS/107486 L/Lev Kala Bagda Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
285 14000765838 MGNREGA Y 1409015002/LD/GIS/129063 Land Prot. / Lev. At Thanwal Patti Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
286 14000765839 MGNREGA Y 1409015002/LD/GIS/129070 B/Wall at Sukhar Mohalla Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
287 14000765840 MGNREGA Y 1409015002/LD/GIS/98044 Land Levelling ILO Mohd Firdoos at Padratror Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
288 14000765843 MGNREGA Y 1409015002/LD/GIS/98125 L/Lev At Darba Mohalla Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
289 14000765845 MGNREGA Y 1409015002/RC/GIS/98032 C/Path Kharounty to Shamshanghat Kursoo Construction of Mitti Murram Roads for Community Y
290 14000822096 Mgnrega Y 1409015002/IF/8808674852 Soakage Pit NHO Kithla Devi Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
291 14000822097 Mgnrega Y 1409015002/IF/8808674840 Soakage Pit NHO Sushma Devi Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
292 14000822099 Mgnrega Y 1409015002/IF/8808674907 Soakage Pit NHO Unesh Kumar Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
293 14000822100 Mgnrega Y 1409015002/IF/8808646780 Soakage Pit NHO Guddu Ram Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
294 14000822102 Mgnrega Y 1409015002/IF/8808674871 Soakage Pit NHO Chur Singh Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
295 14000822103 Mgnrega Y 1409015002/IF/8808646864 Soakage Pit NHO Raghbeer Singh Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
296 14000822114 Mgnrega Y 1409015002/IF/8808674799 Soakage Pit NHO Rakesh Kumar Construction of Compost Pit for Individual Y
297 14000822116 Mgnrega Y 1409015002/IF/8808674903 Soakage Pit NHO Des Raj Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
298 14000822117 Mgnrega Y 1409015002/IF/8808646788 Soakage Pit NHO Gorkh Chand Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
299 14000822125 Mgnrega Y 1409015002/IF/8808646838 Soakage Pit NHO Guddi Devi Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
300 14000822127 Mgnrega Y 1409015002/IF/8808646762 Soakage Pit NHO Rattan Singh Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
301 14000822129 Mgnrega Y 1409015002/IF/8808646857 Soakage Pit NHO Om Parkesh Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
302 14000822132 Mgnrega Y 1409015002/IF/8808640394 Soakage Pit NHO Pinky devi Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
303 14000823559 Mgnrega Y 1409015002/IF/8808619905 Soakage Pit NHO Suresh Kumar Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
304 14000830733 MGNREGA Y 1409015002/IF/8808619932 Soakage Pit NHO Utra Devi Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
305 14000830735 MGNREGA Y 1409015002/IF/8808638525 Soakage Pit NHO Ab.Majeed Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
306 14000830737 MGNREGA Y 1409015002/IF/8808638651 Soakage Pit NHO Ishtaq Ahmed Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
307 14000830738 MGNREGA Y 1409015002/IF/8808625225 Soakage Pit NHO Mohd Akram Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
308 14000830739 MGNREGA Y 1409015002/IF/8808638535 Soakage Pit NHO Imtiaz Ahmed Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
309 14000830741 MGNREGA Y 1409015002/IF/8808638545 Soakage Pit NHO Ab.Gani Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
310 14000830742 MGNREGA Y 1409015002/IF/8808640406 Soakage Pit NHO Shakeel Ahmed Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
311 14000830743 MGNREGA Y 1409015002/IF/8808625210 Soakage Pit NHO Anayat Ulla Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
312 14000872779 mgnrega Y 1409015002/AV/163 Constt of Yatri shed at Bulandpur (A) Crematorium Y
313 14000891069 PMAY Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/160527 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK150138242 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
314 14000891077 PMAY Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/160546 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK150190093 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
315 14000891086 PMAY Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/174208 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK150200051 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
316 14000891096 PMAY Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/187118 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146223426 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
317 14000903535 MGNREGA Y 1409015002/IF/8808646849 Soakage Pit NHO Kirna Devi Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
318 14000904913 MGNREGA Y 1409015002/IF/8808511967 Constt of Soakage Pit NHO Pawan Kumar Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
319 14000904915 MGNREGA Y 1409015002/IF/8808625046 Soakage Pit NHO Bittu Ram Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
320 14000904926 MGNREGA Y 1409015002/IF/8808511738 Constt of Soakage Pit NHO Uttam Chand Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
321 14000904934 MGNREGA Y 1409015002/IF/8808619279 Soakage Pit NHO Satish Kumar Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
322 14000904946 MGNREGA Y 1409015002/IF/8808646795 Soakage Pit NHO Kulbir Singh Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
323 14000904947 MGNREGA Y 1409015002/IF/8808511972 Constt of Soakage Pit NHO Kamlesh Kumar Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
324 14000904949 MGNREGA Y 1409015002/IF/8808511952 Constt of Soakage Pit NHO Amarsain Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
325 14000904962 MGNREGA Y 1409015002/IF/8808511894 Constt of Soakage Pit NHO Chail Singh Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
326 14000914121 wcd Y 1409015002/FP/GIS/95621 WCD at Nalli Mohalla Constr of Flood/ Diversion Channel for Community Y
327 14000920262 WCD at Bhad Y 1409015002/FP/GIS/95622 WCD at Bhad Constr of Flood/ Diversion Channel for Community Y
328 14000920269 FP Y 1409015002/FP/GIS/95625 WCD at Achar Constr of Flood/ Diversion Channel for Community Y
329 14000920328 L/Levelling at Chiroon Y 1409015002/LD/GIS/107473 L/Levelling at Chiroon Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
330 14000920341 ld Y 1409015002/LD/GIS/107476 L/Prot NLO Narin Singh Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
331 14000920346 ld Y 1409015002/LD/GIS/129064 Land Prot. At Dug Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
332 14000920351 1409015002/LD/GIS/98037 Y 1409015002/LD/GIS/98037 Prot wor at NHO Rajinder Singh Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
333 14000920359 ld Y 1409015002/LD/GIS/98040 Prot work NHO Daleep Chand Rankidhad Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
334 14000928800 MGNREGA Y 1409015002/IF/8808511922 Constt of Soakage Pit NHO Naib Cahand Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
335 14000928801 MGNREGA Y 1409015002/IF/8808624920 Soakage Pit NHO Santosh Kumar Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
336 14000928802 MGNREGA Y 1409015002/IF/8808624947 Soakage Pit NHO Daleep Chand Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
337 14000928803 MGNREGA Y 1409015002/IF/8808687048 Soakage Pit NHO Gian Chand Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
338 14000928804 MGNREGA Y 1409015002/IF/8808686976 Soakage Pit NHO Rangil Singh Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
339 14000928805 MGNREGA Y 1409015002/IF/8808512062 Constt of Soakage Pit NHO Sanjeet singh Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
340 14000928806 MGNREGA Y 1409015002/IF/8808512016 Constt of Soakage Pit NHO Jarnail Singh Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
341 14000929687 Rural Sanitation Y 1409015002/RS/8808507616 Constt of Composed Pit at upper Kanderi Constr of Compost Pit for Community Y
342 14000957004 Soak Pits Y 1409015002/IF/8808724005 Const. Of soakage pit NHO Chur Singh Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
343 14000957007 Soak Pits Y 1409015002/IF/8808724004 Const. Of soakage pit NHO Shanker Lal Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
344 14000957009 Soak Pits Y 1409015002/IF/8808724001 Const. Of soakage pit NHO Anita Devi Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
345 14000957041 Soak Pits Y 1409015002/IF/8808619263 Soakage Pit NHO Naresh Kumar,Bansi Lal,Kunj Lal Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
346 14000957042 Soak Pits Y 1409015002/IF/8808619263 Soakage Pit NHO Naresh Kumar,Bansi Lal,Kunj Lal Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
347 14000957043 Soak Pits Y 1409015002/IF/8808619263 Soakage Pit NHO Naresh Kumar,Bansi Lal,Kunj Lal Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
348 14000957044 Soak Pits Y 1409015002/IF/8808619865 Soakage Pit NHO Surinder Singh Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
349 14000957046 Soak Pits Y 1409015002/IF/8808619840 Soak Pit NHO Suneet Ram Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
350 14000957047 Soak Pits Y 1409015002/IF/8808619956 Soakage Pit NHO Suram Chand Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
351 14000957048 Soak Pits Y 1409015002/IF/8808619890 Soakage Pit NHO Dass Ram Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
352 14000959596 NREGA Y 1409015002/IF/8808638498 Soakage Pit NHO Farooq Ahmed Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
353 14000960436 MGNREGA Y 1409015002/IF/8808724007 Const. Of soakage pit NHO Hem Raj Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
354 14000960437 MGNREGA Y 1409015002/IF/8808724006 Const. Of soakage pit NHO Prem Dai Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
355 14000960438 MGNREGA Y 1409015002/IF/8808686954 Soakage Pit NHO Pershotam Kumar Construction of Compost Pit for Individual Y
356 14000960439 MGNREGA Y 1409015002/IF/8808674780 Soakage Pit NHO Bashir Ahmed Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
357 14000960440 MGNREGA Y 1409015002/IF/8808646881 Soakage Pit NHO Prem Nath Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
358 14000960441 MGNREGA Y 1409015002/IF/8808646775 Soakage Pit NHO Santosh Kumar Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
359 14000960442 MGNREGA Y 1409015002/IF/8808646771 Soakage Pit NHO Jugjeet Singh Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
360 14000960443 MGNREGA Y 1409015002/IF/8808638762 Soakage Pit NHO Chain Singh Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
361 14000960444 MGNREGA Y 1409015002/IF/8808638516 Soakage Pit NHO Kursheed Ahmed Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
362 14000960445 MGNREGA Y 1409015002/IF/8808638573 Soakage Pit NHO Ab.Rashid Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
363 14000960446 MGNREGA Y 1409015002/IF/8808638562 Soakage Pit NHO Firdoos Ahmed Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
364 14000960465 NREGA Y 1409015002/IF/8808511983 Constt of Soakage Pit NHO Amia Chand Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
365 14000960466 NREGA Y 1409015002/IF/8808625092 Soakage Pit NHO Roshan Lal Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
366 14000960467 NREGA Y 1409015002/IF/8808625115 Soakage Pit NHO Dharam Pal Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
367 14000960468 NREGA Y 1409015002/IF/8808625308 Soakage Pit NHO Bhag Devi Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
368 14000960469 Nrega Y 1409015002/IF/8808638603 Soakage Pit NHO Bidya Ram Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
369 14000960470 Nrega Y 1409015002/IF/8808638619 Soakage Pit NHO Ranjeet Kumar Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
370 14000960471 NREGA Y 1409015002/IF/8808638676 Soakage Pit NHO Talab Hussain Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
371 14000960472 Nrega Y 1409015002/IF/8808638586 Soakage Pit NHO Ram Raj Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
372 14000963779 nrega Y 1409015002/IF/8808511755 Constt of Soakage Pit NHO Sudesh Kumar Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
373 14000963791 nrega Y 1409015002/IF/8808511933 Constt of Soakage Pit NHO Swami Raj Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
374 14000963794 nrega Y 1409015002/IF/8808625025 Soakage Pit NHO Yog Raj Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
375 14000963797 nrega Y 1409015002/IF/8808625069 Soakage Pit NHO Seetu Devi Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
376 14000963857 nrega Y 1409015002/IF/8808638771 Soakage Pit NHO Bejay lal Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
377 14000963863 nrega Y 1409015002/IF/8808646896 Soakage Pit NHO Saroop Chand Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
378 14001033813 1409015002/LD/8808570846 Y 1409015002/LD/8808570846 L/Prot at kakeela Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
379 14001033820 1409015002/IF/IAY/167952 Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/167952 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK132444146 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
380 14001042318 1409015008/LD/8808567610 Y 1409015002/IF/8808638641 Soakage Pit NHO Bodh Raj Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
381 14001042319 1409015008/LD/8808567610 Y 1409015002/IF/8808638750 Soakage Pit NHO Sham Lal Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
382 14001045604 1409015002/FP/GIS/95620 Y 1409015002/FP/GIS/95620 WCD At Nahas Constr of Flood/ Diversion Channel for Community Y
383 14001045606 1409015002/LD/GIS/107465 Y 1409015002/LD/GIS/107465 Prot Work At Kakila ST Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
384 14001045609 1409015002/LD/GIS/107471 Y 1409015002/LD/GIS/107471 L/Lev At Sarkarikut Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
385 14001045613 1409015002/LD/GIS/107477 Y 1409015002/LD/GIS/107477 L/Levelling NLO Bimal Kumar Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
386 14001045615 1409015002/LD/GIS/107488 Y 1409015002/LD/GIS/107488 Nalla Binding at Shalory Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
387 14001045616 1409015002/LD/GIS/129066 Y 1409015002/LD/GIS/129066 P/ Work at Kakeela Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
388 14001045617 1409015002/LD/GIS/98033 Y 1409015002/LD/GIS/98033 Prot work NHO Sharma Ram Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
389 14001045618 1409015002/LD/GIS/98126 Y 1409015002/LD/GIS/98126 L/Lev at Kanda Dugri Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
390 14001045620 1409015002/RC/GIS/98025 Y 1409015002/RC/GIS/98025 C/Path Kursoo to Bulandpur Construction of Mitti Murram Roads for Community Y
391 14001045621 1409015002/WH/GIS/95630 Y 1409015002/WH/GIS/95630 Dev Of Spring At Bhad Renovtion of Community Ponds for Comm Y
392 14001061086 1409015002/FP/GIS/129059 Y 1409015002/FP/GIS/129059 WCD at Reghar Constr of Flood/ Diversion Channel for Community Y
393 14001061088 1409015002/FP/GIS/95627 Y 1409015002/FP/GIS/95627 WCD at Shampni Constr of Flood/ Diversion Channel for Community Y
394 14001061089 1409015002/LD/GIS/107467 Y 1409015002/LD/GIS/107467 L/Lev At Koli Mohalla Shaldoo Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
395 14001061091 1409015002/LD/GIS/107468 Y 1409015002/LD/GIS/107468 Prot Work At Chakar Mohalla ST Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
396 14001061123 1409015002/LD/GIS/107482 Y 1409015002/LD/GIS/107482 Land Prot. Ramchantal Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
397 14001061140 1409015002/LD/GIS/107481 Y 1409015002/LD/GIS/107481 L/Lev at Achar Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
398 14001061141 1409015002/LD/GIS/107483 Y 1409015002/LD/GIS/107483 Prot work NHO Bishnu Devi Gainshalli Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
399 14001061142 1409015002/LD/GIS/118830 Y 1409015002/LD/GIS/118830 Park at Jawala Mata Mandir Kankali Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
400 14001061143 1409015002/LD/GIS/129067 Y 1409015002/LD/GIS/129067 Land Prot. At Kursoo Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
401 14001061154 1409015002/LD/GIS/129552 Y 1409015002/LD/GIS/129552 Land Prot. At Traman NLO Om Parkash Thakur Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
402 14001062734 MGNREGA Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/160890 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK151201597 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
403 14001062778 MGNREGA Y 1409015002/LD/GIS/98051 Prot work NHO Sharda Devi Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
404 14001062784 MGNREGA Y 1409015008/LD/GIS/107431 Land Levelling at Shampni Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
405 14001080364 mgnrega Y 1409015002/LD/GIS/129824 P/Work at Lusyal Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
406 14001087352 1409015002/LD/GIS/98042 Y 1409015002/LD/GIS/98042 Prot work NHO Romesh Kumar Bulandpur-B Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
407 14001087804 Mgnrega Y 1409015002/IF/8808625011 Soakage Pit NHO Jia Lal Construction of Soak Pit for Individual Y
408 14001120128 1409015002/FP/GIS/95624 Y 1409015002/FP/GIS/95624 WCD at Halt Kundli Dhad Constr of Flood/ Diversion Channel for Community Y
409 14001120132 1409015002/IC/GIS/95628 Y 1409015002/IC/GIS/95628 Khul at Upper Kandari Construction of distributary Canal for Community Y
410 14001120136 1409015002/LD/8808553651 Y 1409015002/LD/8808553651 Land Prot. At Achar Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
411 14001120138 1409015002/LD/GIS/129545 Y 1409015002/LD/GIS/129545 P/work at Thakur Mohalla Lilothe Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
412 14001129113 Ground khunkhad Y 1409015002/IF/GIS/98011 Ramleela Ground at Kunkhad Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
413 14001129535 1409015002/IF/IAY/230426 Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/230426 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK115248877 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
414 14001129564 1409015002/FP/GIS/129554 Y 1409015002/FP/GIS/129554 WCD at Kankoli Constr of Flood/ Diversion Channel for Community Y
415 14001129565 1409015002/LD/GIS/98007 Y 1409015002/LD/GIS/98007 Park at Shiv Mandir Ser Mohalla Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
416 14001129706 1409015002/WH/55570 Y 1409015002/WH/55570 Constt. Of Spring at Lama Kut Renovation of Fisheries Ponds for Community Y
417 14001130019 1409015016/RS/8808507620 Y 1409015002/IF/8808674913 Soakage Pit NHO Suram Chand Construction of Compost Pit for Individual Y
418 14001131617 JK138235088 Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/185340 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK138235088 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
419 14001131618 1409015002/IF/IAY/231655 Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/231655 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK119972671 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
420 14001131619 1409015002/IF/IAY/231989 Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/231989 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK120922898 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
421 14001131620 1409015002/IF/IAY/257545 Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/257545 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146868854 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
422 14001131621 1409015002/IF/IAY/257559 Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/257559 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146873996 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
423 14001132331 PMAYg Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/150886 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK130344793 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
424 14001132338 1409015002/IF/IAY/154833 Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/154833 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK150972773 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
425 14001155646 WCD Bhatta Y 1409015002/FP/GIS/95623 WCD Bhatta Constr of Flood/ Diversion Channel for Community Y
426 14001155649 WCD at Dhinyal Y 1409015002/FP/GIS/95626 WCD at Dhinyal Constr of Flood/ Diversion Channel for Community Y
427 14001155654 w Y 1409015002/LD/8808553654 P/ Work at Kunkhad Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
428 14001155658 P/ Work at Reghar Y 1409015002/LD/8808553934 P/ Work at Reghar Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
429 14001155661 L/Lev At Sakti Mohalla Y 1409015002/LD/GIS/107426 L/Lev At Sakti Mohalla Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
430 14001155662 Prot Work Bhagat Mohalla Gowari Y 1409015002/LD/GIS/107469 Prot Work Bhagat Mohalla Gowari Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
431 14001155664 Prot work NHO Ranjeet Singh Achar Y 1409015002/LD/GIS/107484 Prot work NHO Ranjeet Singh Achar Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
432 14001155667 t Y 1409015002/LD/GIS/107485 L/Lev At Thakur Mohalla Gowari Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
433 14001155669 w Y 1409015002/LD/GIS/129072 Land Prot. At Gabra Bag Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
434 14001155672 Land Prot. At Reghar Y 1409015002/LD/GIS/129073 Land Prot. At Reghar Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
435 14001155675 P/work at Kantal Y 1409015002/LD/GIS/129547 P/work at Kantal Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
436 14001155676 P/Work at Kharounti NHO Dharam Singh Y 1409015002/LD/GIS/129821 P/Work at Kharounti NHO Dharam Singh Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
437 14001155677 1409015002/LD/GIS/98047 Y 1409015002/LD/GIS/98047 L/Levelling at Dandli Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
438 14001156324 w Y 1409015002/DP/8808484197 Construction of Silphalkam at Govt. P.S. Lilote Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
439 14001156325 w Y 1409015002/DP/8808484201 Construction of Silphalkam at Govt U.P.S. Kharonti Construction of Stone contour Bund for Community Y
440 14001156329 w Y 1409015003/DP/8808484183 Construction of Silphalkam at near Pyt Ghar Bulandpur Construction of Stone contour Bund for Community Y
441 14001156331 w Y 1409015002/WC/8808513081 Pond At Kunkhad Renovtion of Community Ponds for Comm Y
442 14001156334 1409015002/RC/GIS/98020 Y 1409015002/RC/GIS/98020 C/Path at Lower Gali to Banjer Construction of Mitti Murram Roads for Community Y
443 14001192766 1409015002/LD/GIS/129061 Y 1409015002/LD/GIS/129061 Land Prot. Near Land of Ram Charan Achar Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
444 14001227001 1409015002/IF/IAY/229300 Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/229300 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK113859894 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
445 14001227002 1409015002/IF/IAY/229301 Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/229301 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK113875424 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
446 14001227004 1409015002/IF/IAY/229302 Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/229302 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK113875509 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
447 14001227005 1409015002/IF/IAY/229324 Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/229324 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK113910293 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
448 14001227006 1409015002/IF/IAY/247438 Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/247438 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK141253180 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
449 14001236622 PMAY Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/208379 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK114004817 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
450 14001236623 PMAY Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/208751 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146223730 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
451 14001236629 PMAY Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/208752 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146224005 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
452 14001236631 1409015002/IF/IAY/210881 Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/210881 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146225875 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
453 14001236632 1409015002/IF/IAY/230434 Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/230434 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK115256038 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
454 14001236633 1409015002/IF/IAY/247436 Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/247436 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK141253035 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
455 14001236634 1409015002/IF/IAY/257515 Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/257515 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146864050 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
456 14001236635 1409015002/IF/IAY/257779 Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/257779 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146935192 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
457 14001236636 1409015002/IF/IAY/257869 Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/257869 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146960212 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
458 14001236637 1409015002/IF/IAY/259037 Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/259037 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK147327558 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
459 14001236663 pmaay Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/263555 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK148686133 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
460 14001236665 PMAY Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/267338 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK149305644 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
461 14001238291 1409015002/IF/IAY/149719 Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/149719 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK114747973 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
462 14001238292 1409015002/IF/IAY/154837 Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/154837 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK150985005 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
463 14001238293 1409015002/IF/IAY/157510 Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/157510 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK120383893 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
464 14001238294 1409015002/IF/IAY/158027 Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/158027 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK131396042 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
465 14001238295 1409015002/IF/IAY/158172 Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/158172 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK132127174 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
466 14001238296 1409015002/IF/IAY/158173 Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/158173 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK132127274 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
467 14001238297 1409015002/IF/IAY/159628 Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/159628 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK147387361 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
468 14001238298 1409015002/IF/IAY/160770 Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/160770 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK150709453 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
469 14001238299 1409015002/IF/IAY/160798 Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/160798 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK150812214 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
470 14001238300 1409015002/IF/IAY/166007 Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/166007 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK115207843 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
471 14001238301 1409015002/IF/IAY/167605 Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/167605 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK131394892 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
472 14001238302 1409015002/IF/IAY/167850 Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/167850 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK132127550 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
473 14001238304 1409015002/IF/IAY/167851 Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/167851 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK132127648 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
474 14001238305 1409015002/IF/IAY/167852 Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/167852 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK132127725 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
475 14001238306 1409015002/IF/IAY/176760 Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/176760 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK132127405 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
476 14001238307 1409015002/IF/IAY/177447 Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/177447 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK137748481 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
477 14001238374 MGNREGA Y 1409015002/RS/8808507617 Costt of Composed Pit Kunkhad Mohalla Constr of Compost Pit for Community Y
478 14001246099 1409015002/IF/IAY/278229 Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/278229 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK151141355 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
479 14001246100 1409015002/IF/IAY/231994 Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/231994 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK120932053 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
480 14001246101 1409015002/IF/IAY/237857 Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/237857 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK131568076 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
481 14001246102 Ongoing 1409015002/IF/IAY/255113 Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/255113 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146227101 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
482 14001246103 1409015002/IF/IAY/257605 Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/257605 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146887038 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
483 14001246104 1409015002/IF/IAY/258789 Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/258789 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK147268791 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
484 14001246105 2023-2024 Ongoing 1409015002/IF/IAY/266577 Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/266577 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK149224322 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
485 14001250029 Spring Y 1409015002/WH/GIS/95631 Dev. Of Spring at Achar Renovtion of Community Ponds for Comm Y
486 14001250164 1409015002/LD/GIS/107487 Y 1409015002/LD/GIS/107487 Land Levelling ILO Kartar Singh at Kantal Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
487 14001250166 1409015002/LD/GIS/129816 Y 1409015002/LD/GIS/129816 P/ Work at NHO Suneet Ram Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
488 14001251540 1409015002/IF/IAY/259116 Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/259116 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK147339264 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
489 14001251541 1409015002/IF/IAY/266194 Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/266194 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK149182083 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
490 14001251542 1409015002/IF/IAY/267565 Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/267565 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK149334460 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
491 14001251543 1409015002/IF/IAY/267567 Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/267567 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK149334700 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
492 14001251544 1409015002/IF/IAY/273051 Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/273051 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK150120202 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
493 14001251545 1409015002/IF/IAY/275795 Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/275795 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK150586309 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
494 14001251546 1409015002/IF/IAY/276692 Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/276692 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK150792228 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
495 14001263501 1409015002/IF/IAY/304832 Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/304832 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK146226996 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
496 14001280636 1409015002/LD/GIS/107439 Y 1409015002/LD/GIS/107439 Prot work At Graher ST Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
497 14001280641 1409015002/LD/GIS/129551 Y 1409015002/LD/GIS/129551 P/ Work at Draror Kankoli Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
498 14001280643 1409015002/LD/GIS/98055 Y 1409015002/LD/GIS/98055 L/Lev Nali Mohalla Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
499 14001280692 1409015002/LD/GIS/107429 Y 1409015002/LD/GIS/107429 Land Levelling at Khrounty Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
500 14001283057 LD Y 1409015002/LD/GIS/129550 P/ Work at Thanwal Chinthna Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
501 14001305294 Pmay g Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/311343 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK149305496 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
502 14001305295 Pmay g Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/258790 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK147269040 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
503 14001315462 1409015002/WC/8808534633 Y 1409015002/WC/8808534633 Pond near Godsar Nag Mandir Construction of Community Water Harvesting Ponds Y
504 14001337852 L/Dev /Prot at Kanderi Y 1409015002/LD/8808579047 L/Dev /Prot at Kanderi Levelling/shaping of Wasteland Land for Community Y
505 14001345299 PMAYg Y 1409015002/IF/IAY/346366 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. JK149350627 Constr of PMAY-G House for Individuals Y
506 14001359739 kakeela Y 1409015002/LD/8808579082 L/Lev/Prot at Kakella Levelling/shaping of Wasteland Land for Community Y
507 14001361863 1409015002/LD/8808571330 Y 1409015002/LD/8808571330 constt of L/Levellingh at kursoo Construction of Stone graded Bund for Community Y
508 14001380627 1409015002/LD/8808579044 Y 1409015002/LD/8808579044 L/Dev/Prot at Ward No. 1 Levelling/shaping of Wasteland Land for Community Y

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