State : MANIPURAs on 13-10-2024
Total No. of Districts16
Total No. of Blocks70
Total No. of GPs3,150
I Job Card
Total No. of JobCards issued[In Lakhs]6.14
Total No. of Workers[In Lakhs]9.16
Total No. of Active Job Cards[In Lakhs]5.88
Total No. of Active Workers[In Lakhs]6.78
(i)SC worker against active workers[%]2.6
(ii)ST worker against active workers[%]41.88
II ProgressFY 2024-2025FY 2023-2024FY 2022-2023FY 2021-2022FY 2020-2021 View Graph
Approved Labour Budget[In Lakhs] 250250250330335
Persondays of Central Liability so far[In Lakhs] 80.31150.6974.62303.31330.52
% of Total LB32.1360.2829.8591.9198.66
% as per Proportionate LB 36.74     
SC persondays % as of total persondays1.
ST persondays % as of total persondays57.7452.5968.5641.0541.48
Women Persondays out of Total (%) 53.8252.7350.8852.5852.03
Average days of employment provided per Household 20.9330.9720.7654.560.4
Average Wage rate per day per person(Rs.)271.17259.91250.94250.97237.87
Total No of HHs completed 100 Days of Wage Employment1277641,8594,365
Total Households Worked[In Lakhs]3.844.873.595.575.47
Total Individuals Worked[In Lakhs]3.965.133.785.946.04
Differently abled persons worked14621880134321401986
III Works
Number of GPs with NIL exp1,858400394321308
Total No. of Works Takenup (New+Spill Over)[In Lakhs]0.280.310.220.270.28
Number of Ongoing Works[In Lakhs]
Number of Completed Works4,5359,4001,82710,00115,533
% of NRM Exp. in MWC BlocksNaNNaNNaNNaNNaN
% of Category B Works2.52.843.595.086.2
% of Expenditure on Agriculture & Agriculture Allied Works53.1736.1544.8748.440
IV Financial Progress
Total center Release[In Lakhs]28606.26075649.6233308.7473756.92 
Total Availability[In Lakhs]28606.2648636.61138145.5102811.6384539.82 
Percentage Utilization104.85136.5558.2389.95124.51
Total Exp(Rs. in Lakhs.)29,994.766,415.2280,445.0892,479.121,05,264.03
Wages(Rs. In Lakhs)25,099.8625,826.5770,454.0463,354.4259,612.66
Material and skilled Wages(Rs. In Lakhs)3,302.939,337.777,039.9626,466.5941,204.24
Total Adm Expenditure (Rs. in Lakhs.)1,591.951,250.892,951.082,658.114,447.13
Admin Exp(%)5.311.883.672.874.22
Average Cost Per Day Per Person(In Rs.)363.7590.12304.68290.14336
% of Total Expenditure through EFMS99.9999.9381.6570.2767.46
% payments gererated within 15 days57.4417.916.571.439.88