Govt. of India
Ministry of Rural Development
Department of Rural Development
The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 17-Feb-2025 02:10:03 PM 
R8.1.1 FTO Status Report for Financial Year: 2024-2025

S.No Block Total FTO Generated Ist Signatory 2nd Signatory FTO sent to Bank/PFMS FTO Processed by Bank/PFMS Completely FTO Partially Processed by Bank/PFMS FTO Pending for Processing by Bank/PFMS Response from Bank/PFMS
No. of Signed FTO No. of FTO Pending No. of Signed FTO No. of FTO Pending No. of Signed FTO No. of Transaction No. No. of Transaction No. No. of Transaction Processed No. of Transaction Pending No. No. of Transaction No. of Transaction Processed No. of Invalid Account No. of transaction Rejected Total Transactions
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Total 1893 1892 1 1808 84 1808 338359 1605 271287 0 0 0 203 67072 229235 0 42052 271287
1 Akkalkuwa 331 331 0 326 5 326 81321 280 64159 0 0 0 46 17162 53403 0 10756 64159
2 Akrani 274 274 0 236 38 236 51273 214 39006 0 0 0 22 12267 35108 0 3898 39006
3 Nandurbar 338 337 1 333 4 333 71761 304 62972 0 0 0 29 8789 53494 0 9478 62972
4 Navapur 258 258 0 239 19 239 43013 214 34800 0 0 0 25 8213 29870 0 4930 34800
5 Shahada 424 424 0 414 10 414 69566 366 54179 0 0 0 48 15387 44380 0 9799 54179
6 Taloda 268 268 0 260 8 260 21425 227 16171 0 0 0 33 5254 12980 0 3191 16171
Total 1893 1892 1 1808 84 1808 338359 1605 271287 0 0 0 203 67072 229235 0 42052 271287

Download In Excel    Report last Updated on:17/02/2025