Govt. of India
Ministry of Rural Development
Department of Rural Development
The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act Sunday, February 9, 2025

No. of Muster Rolls and Bills with expenditure for the Financial Year 2023-2024 which are not paid yet

State :TELANGANA District:Sangareddy
S.No Block No. of Muster Roll Amount(Rs. in Lakhs) No. of Material Bills Amount(Rs. in Lakhs) No. of msr/voucher
Amount(Rs. in Lakhs) Total Expenditure(Rs. in Lakhs)
1 AMEENAPUR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 ANDOLE 0 0 124 147.85096 0 0 147.85096
3 GUMMADIDALA 0 0 13 13.11611 0 0 13.11611
4 HATHNOORA 1 0.00717 38 12.28631 0 0 12.29348
5 JHARASANGAM 0 0 4 0.65636 0 0 0.65636
6 JINNARAM 0 0 5 0.80031 0 0 0.80031
7 KALHER 37 0.49357 8 6.31519 41 0.62447 7.43323
8 KANDI 7 0.0627 45 15.31587 13 0.18091 15.55948
9 KANGTI 19 0.16582 24 31.46421 0 0 31.63003
10 KOHIR 135 8E-05 25 39.2287 0 0 39.22878
11 KONDAPUR 65 3E-05 21 12.76858 0 0 12.76861
12 MANOOR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 MOGDAMPALLE 1 0.01151 24 35.82575 0 0 35.83726
14 MUNIPALLI 0 0 32 26.17983 0 0 26.17983
15 NAGALGIDDA 139 1.44921 29 27.64876 0 0 29.09797
16 NARAYANKHED 44 0.7927 19 1.50107 0 0 2.29377
17 NYALKAL 2 0.01213 8 2.42271 0 0 2.43484
18 PATANCHERU 0 0 31 51.12117 0 0 51.12117
19 PULKAL 2 0.02931 33 54.04023 0 0 54.06954
20 RAIKODE 3 0.0174 33 34.97768 0 0 34.99508
21 SADASIVAPET 0 0 27 12.389 0 0 12.389
22 SANGAREDDY 0 0 22 27.29932 0 0 27.29932
23 SIRGAPOOR 6 0.05431 16 1.14463 0 0 1.19894
24 WATPALLE 4 0.0255 9 10.84781 0 0 10.87331
25 ZAHIRABAD 2 0.02071 41 43.73469 1 0.03258 43.78797
Total 467 3.14215 631 608.93523 55 0.83796 612.91534

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