Govt. of India
Ministry of Rural Development
Department of Rural Development
The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act Friday, July 26, 2024

Financial Performance Under MGNREGA during the Financial Year 2023-2024

State:UTTRANCHAL (Rs. in Lakhs)
S.No District Opening Balance(OB) Release of
Last FY but
during the
Current FY
Release from
State Fund(*) to
Misc Reciept Total Availabilty Cumulative Expenditure %age Utilization Balance Payment due**
Entered OB Centre State Actual Expenditure Adm.Exp Total On Unskilled Wage On Semi-skilled and Skilled Wage On Material Tax Total
Unskilled Wage Semi-skilled and Skilled Wage Material Tax Rec Exp Non-Rec Exp Total Adm. Exp
1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 14=(4+5+6+7+8+9+10+13)-(11+12) 16 17 18 19 20 21 22=20+21 23=16+17+18+19+22 24=(23/14)*100 25=14-23 26 27 28 29 30=26+27+28+29
Phase I
1 CHAMOLI 0 0 0 0 6324.81 0 6324.81 4765.29 424.46 780.83 3.47 331.87 1.64 333.51 6307.56 99.73 17.24 4 155.25 469.58 18.19 647.02
2 CHAMPAWAT -85.27 0 0 0 2575.37 0 2490.1 1789.92 153.94 508.7 0 115.86 2.32 118.18 2570.74 103.24 -80.64 2.05 85.43 441.32 0 528.8
3 TEHRI GARHWAL -34.74 0 0 0 11217.03 0 11182.29 6977.65 280.55 3462.62 59.93 421.34 2.21 423.56 11204.31 100.2 -22.02 1.65 85.04 2236.77 38.07 2361.53
PhaseI Total -120.02 0 0 0 20117.21 0 19997.2 13532.86 858.96 4752.16 63.4 869.07 6.17 875.24 20082.61 100.43 -85.42 7.7 325.72 3147.67 56.26 3537.35
Phase II
4 HARIDWAR -17.61 0 0 0 5904.29 0 5886.68 3351.4 55.51 2324.73 0.14 149.99 3.45 153.44 5885.21 99.98 1.47 17.55 9.98 1406.52 0 1434.05
5 UDAM SINGH NAGAR -9.34 0 0 0 3463.89 2.98 3457.53 2041.26 87.45 1136.33 28.1 161.59 5.48 167.06 3460.2 100.08 -2.67 0 15.4 1170.31 47.23 1232.94
PhaseII Total -26.95 0 0 0 9368.18 2.98 9344.21 5392.65 142.96 3461.07 28.24 311.57 8.93 320.5 9345.41 100.01 -1.2 17.55 25.38 2576.83 47.23 2666.99
Phase III
6 ALMORA 0 0 0 0 4105.3 2.28 4106.89 2472.77 563.2 805.37 0.99 244.85 12.97 257.81 4100.15 99.84 6.74 1.53 126.78 373.08 0.44 501.83
7 BAGESHWAR -34.13 0 0 0 2493.48 0 2459.35 1501.61 274.61 579.45 0 134.28 0 134.28 2489.96 101.24 -30.6 0.54 52.27 323.19 0 376
8 DEHRADUN 0 0 0 0 7187.84 0 7187.84 4720.02 471.54 1821.77 30.82 133.4 0 133.4 7177.55 99.86 10.29 32.14 174.68 1092.97 17.94 1317.73
9 NAINITAL -59.58 0 0 0 3471.9 0 3412.32 1721.22 279.27 1312.6 0.87 153.71 0.03 153.74 3467.7 101.62 -55.38 0.48 28.76 564.48 0.78 594.5
10 PAURI GARHWAL -18.2 0 0 0 6059.18 0 6040.98 3689.78 729.08 1293.34 1.04 334.71 7 341.72 6054.95 100.23 -13.97 1.2 343.66 821.88 0 1166.74
11 PITHORAGARH -193.5 0 0 0 4760.49 0 4566.99 3346.98 260.8 861.32 0.83 282.4 2 284.4 4754.33 104.1 -187.34 0 84.6 607.48 0.63 692.71
12 RUDRA PRAYAG -32.05 0 0 0 4182.52 0 4150.46 2541.14 515.23 886.74 87.1 149.6 0 149.6 4179.81 100.71 -29.35 2.79 90.79 437.05 45.68 576.31
13 UTTAR KASHI 0 0 0 0 10562.13 0 10562.13 6898.15 1142.98 2194.52 0 309.02 4 313.03 10548.68 99.87 13.45 8.72 448.38 1184.66 0 1641.76
PhaseIII Total -337.46 0 0 0 42822.84 2.28 42486.97 26891.67 4236.71 9755.11 121.65 1741.98 26 1767.98 42773.12 100.67 -286.16 47.4 1349.92 5404.79 65.47 6867.58
All District Total -484.43 0 0 0 72308.23 5.26 71828.38 45817.18 5238.63 17968.34 213.28 2922.62 41.1 2963.72 72201.14 100.52 -372.78 72.65 1701.02 11129.29 168.95 13071.91
State Fund 5106.62 0   0 0 -38519.44         115.93 0.62 116.55 116.55   -38635.99          
Grand Total of State 4622.19 0 0 0 72308.23 5.26 33308.94 45817.18 5238.63 17968.34 213.28 3038.55 41.72 3080.27 72317.69 216.76 -39008.77 72.65 1701.02 11129.29 168.95 13071.91
*Status of State Fund:
                       OB of State Fund= 5106.62478
                       OB of State Fund= 5106.62478
Releases by Centre to State Fund in current FY= 55411.10376
                       Releases by State as State share against centre release in the current FY= 4800.4
                       Misc (if any)= 0
                       Total Availability at State Fund= 65318.12854
                       Refund From SEGF= 0
                       Balance of State Fund= -38635.99
                       Fund in Transit=Rs. 0
These Figures are Cumulatively Display.
Col 3: OB=CB of last FY as per MIS
Col 4: OB=OB entered manually in the MIS
** Payment due means MR,Bills/Vouchers that have been entered but payment date has not been entered in the MIS.
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