Govt. of India
Ministry of Rural Development
Department of Rural Development
The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act Friday, July 26, 2024

Financial Performance Under MGNREGA during the Financial Year 2023-2024

State:TRIPURA (Rs. in Lakhs)
S.No District Opening Balance(OB) Release of
Last FY but
during the
Current FY
Release from
State Fund(*) to
Misc Reciept Total Availabilty Cumulative Expenditure %age Utilization Balance Payment due**
Entered OB Centre State Actual Expenditure Adm.Exp Total On Unskilled Wage On Semi-skilled and Skilled Wage On Material Tax Total
Unskilled Wage Semi-skilled and Skilled Wage Material Tax Rec Exp Non-Rec Exp Total Adm. Exp
1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 14=(4+5+6+7+8+9+10+13)-(11+12) 16 17 18 19 20 21 22=20+21 23=16+17+18+19+22 24=(23/14)*100 25=14-23 26 27 28 29 30=26+27+28+29
Phase I
1 DHALAI -50.78 0 0 0 22080.94 0 22030.16 15173.04 228.83 6034.9 0.13 626.01 0 626.01 22062.91 100.15 -32.75 2.72 0.15 10.84 0 13.71
PhaseI Total -50.78 0 0 0 22080.94 0 22030.16 15173.04 228.83 6034.9 0.13 626.01 0 626.01 22062.91 100.15 -32.75 2.72 0.15 10.84 0 13.71
Phase II
2 SOUTH TRIPURA -36.16 0 0 0 14680.34 0 14644.17 9763.03 295.29 3852.05 0.24 859.39 0 859.39 14769.99 100.86 -125.82 1.87 0.08 57.9 0 59.85
3 WEST TRIPURA -0.01 0 0 0 11507.3 0 11507.29 7767.58 413.94 2752.4 6.55 735.15 0 735.15 11675.62 101.46 -168.33 2.57 0.1 6.32 0.01 9
PhaseII Total -36.18 0 0 0 26187.64 0 26151.46 17530.6 709.23 6604.45 6.79 1594.53 0 1594.53 26445.61 101.12 -294.15 4.44 0.18 64.22 0.01 68.85
Phase III
4 Gomati -51.45 0 0 0 16423.7 0 16372.24 11471.17 114.07 3867.88 0 818.49 0 818.49 16271.62 99.39 100.63 1.39 0.46 33.94 0 35.79
5 Khowai -52.09 0 0 0 13229.68 0 13177.58 9301.42 111.88 3089.72 14.81 574.72 0 574.72 13092.56 99.35 85.03 5.19 0 18.79 0.29 24.27
6 NORTH TRIPURA -20.97 0 0 0 12792.12 0 12771.15 8364.84 219.61 3657.97 2.78 578.74 0 578.74 12823.93 100.41 -52.78 3.39 0.14 370.13 0 373.66
7 Sepahijala 115.62 0 0 0 13521.91 0.04 13637.57 8674.69 121.05 3810.12 0 809.31 0 809.31 13415.17 98.37 222.4 5.93 0.26 5.18 0 11.37
8 Unakoti -7.6 0 0 0 8606.48 0 8598.88 6215.38 51.12 1810.33 0 447.99 0 447.99 8524.81 99.14 74.07 2.69 0 7.53 0 10.22
PhaseIII Total -16.5 0 0 0 64573.89 0.04 64557.42 44027.5 617.72 16236.02 17.59 3229.25 0 3229.25 64128.08 99.33 429.35 18.59 0.86 435.57 0.29 455.31
All District Total -103.45 0 0 0 112842.45 0.04 112739.04 76731.14 1555.78 28875.37 24.5 5449.8 0 5449.8 112636.59 99.91 102.45 25.75 1.19 510.63 0.3 537.87
State Fund 4919.58 0   0 150 -149500.87         59.3 0 59.3 59.3   -149560.17          
Grand Total of State 4816.13 0 0 0 112842.45 150.04 -36761.83 76731.14 1555.78 28875.37 24.5 5509.1 0 5509.1 112695.89 -306.4 -149457.72 25.75 1.19 510.63 0.3 537.87
*Status of State Fund:
                       OB of State Fund= 4919.58277
                       OB of State Fund= 4919.58277
Releases by Centre to State Fund in current FY= 105311.155134
                       Releases by State as State share against centre release in the current FY= 4058.73
                       Misc (if any)= 150
                       Total Availability at State Fund= 114439.467904
                       Refund From SEGF= 0
                       Balance of State Fund= -149560.17
                       Fund in Transit=Rs. 0
These Figures are Cumulatively Display.
Col 3: OB=CB of last FY as per MIS
Col 4: OB=OB entered manually in the MIS
** Payment due means MR,Bills/Vouchers that have been entered but payment date has not been entered in the MIS.
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