Govt. of India
Ministry of Rural Development
Department of Rural Development
The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act Saturday, July 27, 2024

Financial Performance Under MGNREGA during the Financial Year 2023-2024

State:UTTAR PRADESH      District:SITAPUR (Rs. in Lakhs)
S.No Block Opening Balance(OB) Release of current year Authorisation of EFMS Misc Reciept Money Refunded by PO to DPC Total Availabilty Cumulative Expenditure Balance Payment due*
Entered OB Actual Expenditure Adm.Exp Total On Unskilled Wage On Semi-skilled and Skilled Wage On Material Tax Total
On Unskilled Wage On Semi-skilled and Skilled Wage On Material Tax Rec Exp Non-Rec Exp Total Adm. Exp
1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9=4+5+6+7-8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16=14+15 17=10+11+12+13+16 18=9-17 19 20 21 22 23=19+20+21+22
1 AILIYA -10.87 0 2398.94 0 0 2388.07 1478.71 116.26 619.85 72.3 112.11 0.9 113.01 2400.13 -12.06 1.17 1.2 573.77 65.13 641.27
2 BEHTA -38.3 0 3451.31 0 0 3413 2846.24 131.41 290.5 31.76 96.77 0 96.77 3396.67 16.33 1.89 1.42 845.66 102.05 951.02
3 BISWAN -35.59 0 2472.66 0 0 2437.07 1716.12 168.64 491.65 30.58 59.3 4.89 64.19 2471.19 -34.12 1.59 1.55 860.48 60.9 924.52
4 GONDLAMAU -7.31 0 1746.64 0 0 1739.34 1144.23 44.76 403.76 45.13 105.41 2.68 108.09 1745.98 -6.64 5.06 1.42 555.93 64.3 626.71
5 HARGAON -26.68 0 2341.6 0 0 2314.92 1732.33 110.89 365.03 42.82 89.77 0 89.77 2340.84 -25.92 5.44 1.16 731.6 89.37 827.57
6 KASMANDA -20.85 0 911.93 0 0 891.08 735.53 43.71 70.92 7.19 54.15 0.31 54.46 911.8 -20.72 0.13 0.89 325.35 40.95 367.32
7 KHAIRABAD -14.36 0 1513.99 0 0 1499.64 910.62 65.74 472.39 0.95 60.19 0.71 60.9 1510.6 -10.97 0.45 2.33 497.44 10.55 510.77
8 LAHARPUR -11.17 0 1654.48 0 0 1643.31 1118.46 112.27 306.87 33.9 81.94 0 81.94 1653.44 -10.12 4.47 0.13 304.15 36.41 345.16
9 MACHHREHTA -22.63 0 2155.44 0 0 2132.81 1244.64 69.34 677.73 71.52 55.07 0 55.07 2118.3 14.51 4.72 2.05 1080.46 131.62 1218.85
10 MAHMUDABAD -17.62 0 1905.23 0 0 1887.61 1048.74 98.37 670.26 21.22 66.29 0 66.29 1904.9 -17.28 0.96 1.02 1009.72 21.6 1033.3
11 MAHOLI -20.66 0 1923.9 0 0 1903.24 1209.58 126.39 454.77 38.45 92.27 0 92.27 1921.47 -18.23 0.31 1.85 394.79 32.03 428.98
12 MISRIKH -32.28 0 2226.74 0 0 2194.46 1237.03 81.91 725.59 79.4 101.6 1.74 103.34 2227.27 -32.81 2.59 1.49 444.61 48.57 497.26
13 PAHALA -44.83 0 3862.95 0 0 3818.13 2493.58 275.89 944.93 44.6 104.95 0 104.95 3863.94 -45.81 0.75 1.07 977.38 1.02 980.22
14 PARSENDI -9.84 0 2373.9 0 0 2364.06 1383.37 166.21 647.83 77.19 103.88 0 103.88 2378.48 -14.41 1.56 1.41 1338.84 158.23 1500.04
15 PISAWAN -35.58 0 1924.46 0 0 1888.88 1256.95 98.54 398.7 50.05 123.44 0 123.44 1927.68 -38.8 2.68 0.56 395.29 51.25 449.78
16 RAMPUR MATHURA -29.47 0 2101.39 0 0 2071.92 1670.97 142.41 174.63 17.9 61.68 0 61.68 2067.59 4.33 1 2.38 891.35 101.96 996.69
17 REUSA -27.92 0 2907.62 0 0 2879.71 2449.21 94.65 212.97 23.59 125.78 0.93 126.72 2907.14 -27.43 0.67 0.44 667.83 86.56 755.5
18 SAKRAN -19.24 0 3453.48 0 0 3434.24 2205.95 147.08 949.24 108.97 43.89 0 43.89 3455.13 -20.89 7.6 1.28 961.42 120.54 1090.84
19 SIDHAULI -6.1 0 739.21 0 0 733.11 477.41 32.62 106 1.65 116.25 0 116.25 733.93 -0.82 0.8 0.17 199.27 19.99 220.23
  Total -431.28 0 42065.87 0 0 41634.59 28359.67 2127.11 8983.63 799.16 1654.74 12.16 1666.9 41936.47 -301.88 43.83 23.83 13055.32 1243.05 14366.03
District level Line Deptt. -2.98 0 72.26 0 0 69.28 25.21 0.42 47.09 0 0 0 0 72.72 -3.44 0.15 0 34.79 0 34.94
DPC EFMS A/C Avail.   0
DPC # 33.89   11.54 0 0 45.43         11.54 0.00 11.54 11.54 33.89          
Grand Total -400.37 0 42149.67 0 0 41749.3 28384.88 2127.53 9030.72 799.16 1666.28 12.16 1678.44 42020.73 -271.43 43.98 23.83 13090.11 1243.05 14400.97
Note :-
These Figures are Cumulatively Display.It Includes Sum of PO,GP and Implementing Agencies.
Col 3: OB=CB of last FY as per MIS
Col 4: OB=OB entered manually in the MIS
* Payment due means MR,Bills/Vouchers that have been entered but payment date has not been entered in the MIS.
* DPC total availability also includes the corpus to Post office and Bank availability.
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