
Job card
Job card No.: WB-10-027-003-012/244 Family Id: 244
Name of Head of Household: GAUTAM GHOSH
Category: OTH
Date of Registration: 9/30/2020
: NO Family Id: 244
S.No Name of Applicant Age Bank/Postoffice
1 GAUTAM GHOSH Male 40 Punjab National Bank
2 SHAMPA GHOSH Female 34 Bangia Gramin Vikash Bank


S.No Name of Applicant
1 360355 GAUTAM GHOSH 27/05/2022~~11/06/2022~~16 14
2 901889 SHAMPA GHOSH 05/07/2021~~20/07/2021~~16 14
3 1040918 GAUTAM GHOSH 13/07/2021~~28/07/2021~~16 14
4 2950639 29/12/2021~~13/01/2022~~16 14
5 3271700 22/01/2022~~06/02/2022~~16 14
6 3485084 SHAMPA GHOSH 15/02/2022~~02/03/2022~~16 14
7 3506178 GAUTAM GHOSH 17/02/2022~~04/03/2022~~16 14
8 3662246 SHAMPA GHOSH 04/03/2022~~19/03/2022~~16 14
9 3312137 GAUTAM GHOSH 11/11/2020~~26/11/2020~~16 14
10 3312138 SHAMPA GHOSH 11/11/2020~~26/11/2020~~16 14
11 4062552 GAUTAM GHOSH 20/01/2021~~04/02/2021~~16 14
12 4062496 SHAMPA GHOSH 20/01/2021~~04/02/2021~~16 14

S.No Name of Applicant Work Name
1 360355 GAUTAM GHOSH 27/05/2022~~11/06/2022~~16 14 Renovation of Feeder Cannel for Community Timir Ghosh House to Canel under Jalsara Paschim Sansad (3210027003/IC/GIS/2094308)
2 901889 SHAMPA GHOSH 05/07/2021~~20/07/2021~~16 14 Construction of Feeder Cannel for Community Bamun Pukur to Majer Doba under Jalsara Paschim sansad (3210027003/IC/321002040984754)
3 1040918 GAUTAM GHOSH 13/07/2021~~28/07/2021~~16 14 Construction of Feeder Cannel for Community Sajoy Pattra Land to Rabi roy Land under Jalsara Paschi (3210027003/IC/321002040984756)
4 2950639 29/12/2021~~13/01/2022~~16 14 Construction of Farm Ponds for Individuals Swapan Ghosh at Kharia under Jalsara Paschim sansad (3210027003/IF/GIS/1428845)
5 3271700 22/01/2022~~06/02/2022~~16 14 Construction of Farm Ponds for Individuals Nabin Ghosh at Kharia under Jalsara Paschim sansad (3210027003/IF/GIS/1602642)
6 3485084 SHAMPA GHOSH 15/02/2022~~02/03/2022~~16 14 Construction of Farm Ponds for Individuals Tapan Ghosh at Kharia under Jalsara Paschim sansad (3210027003/IF/GIS/1602640)
7 3506178 GAUTAM GHOSH 17/02/2022~~04/03/2022~~16 14 Construction of Fisheries Ponds for Community Kura ara Pukur under Jalsara Paschim sansad (3210027003/WC/GIS/1685923)
8 3662246 SHAMPA GHOSH 04/03/2022~~19/03/2022~~16 14 Block Plantation-Forestry Trees-Fields-Individuals for Jiban Ghosh at kharika under jalsara paschim (3210027003/IF/GIS/1455832)
9 3312137 GAUTAM GHOSH 11/11/2020~~26/11/2020~~16 14 Renovation of Flood Channel for Community Jam tala to Karak Poal S15 (3210027003/FP/320201060555573)
10 3312138 SHAMPA GHOSH 11/11/2020~~26/11/2020~~16 14 Renovation of Flood Channel for Community Jam tala to Karak Poal S15 (3210027003/FP/320201060555573)
11 4062552 GAUTAM GHOSH 20/01/2021~~04/02/2021~~16 14 Farm Pond Timir Ghosh Gokulnagar (3210027003/IF/PP/1447639)
12 4062496 SHAMPA GHOSH 20/01/2021~~04/02/2021~~16 14 Farm Pond Timir Ghosh Gokulnagar (3210027003/IF/PP/1447639)

S.No Name of Applicant Work Name Total Amount of Work Done Payment Due
1 GAUTAM GHOSH 27/05/2022 16 Renovation of Feeder Cannel for Community Timir Ghosh House to Canel under Jalsara Paschim Sansad (3210027003/IC/GIS/2094308) 2889 3568 0
Sub Total FY 2223 16 3568 0
2 SHAMPA GHOSH 05/07/2021 16 Construction of Feeder Cannel for Community Bamun Pukur to Majer Doba under Jalsara Paschim sansad (3210027003/IC/321002040984754) 4034 3408 0
3 GAUTAM GHOSH 13/07/2021 16 Construction of Feeder Cannel for Community Sajoy Pattra Land to Rabi roy Land under Jalsara Paschi (3210027003/IC/321002040984756) 4857 3408 0
4 GAUTAM GHOSH 29/12/2021 16 Construction of Farm Ponds for Individuals Swapan Ghosh at Kharia under Jalsara Paschim sansad (3210027003/IF/GIS/1428845) 26417 3408 0
5 GAUTAM GHOSH 22/01/2022 1 Construction of Farm Ponds for Individuals Nabin Ghosh at Kharia under Jalsara Paschim sansad (3210027003/IF/GIS/1602642) 30129 213 0
6 SHAMPA GHOSH 15/02/2022 16 Construction of Farm Ponds for Individuals Tapan Ghosh at Kharia under Jalsara Paschim sansad (3210027003/IF/GIS/1602640) 32687 3408 0
7 GAUTAM GHOSH 17/02/2022 16 Construction of Fisheries Ponds for Community Kura ara Pukur under Jalsara Paschim sansad (3210027003/WC/GIS/1685923) 32919 3408 0
8 SHAMPA GHOSH 04/03/2022 16 Block Plantation-Forestry Trees-Fields-Individuals for Jiban Ghosh at kharika under jalsara paschim (3210027003/IF/GIS/1455832) 34566 3408 0
Sub Total FY 2122 97 20661 0
9 GAUTAM GHOSH 11/11/2020 16 Renovation of Flood Channel for Community Jam tala to Karak Poal S15 (3210027003/FP/320201060555573) 28241 3264 0
10 SHAMPA GHOSH 11/11/2020 16 Renovation of Flood Channel for Community Jam tala to Karak Poal S15 (3210027003/FP/320201060555573) 28242 3264 0
11 GAUTAM GHOSH 20/01/2021 16 Farm Pond Timir Ghosh Gokulnagar (3210027003/IF/PP/1447639) 37075 3264 0
12 SHAMPA GHOSH 20/01/2021 16 Farm Pond Timir Ghosh Gokulnagar (3210027003/IF/PP/1447639) 37076 3264 0
Sub Total FY 2021 64 13056 0