
Job card No.: TR-03-004-017-005/155 Family Id: 155
Name of Head of Household: Sabirti Deb
: LtDilip Deb
Category: OTH
Date of Registration: 5/16/2008
Panchayat: Ratiabari
: NO Family Id: 155
S.No Name of Applicant Age Bank/Postoffice
1 Sabirti Deb Female 46 Tripura Gramin Bank


S.No Name of Applicant
1 2550 Sabirti Deb 04/04/2024~~16/04/2024~~13 13
2 168683 27/06/2024~~02/07/2024~~6 6
3 221386 04/07/2024~~09/07/2024~~6 6
4 249495 10/07/2024~~15/07/2024~~6 6
5 296777 17/07/2024~~22/07/2024~~6 6
6 326146 24/07/2024~~29/07/2024~~6 6
7 435727 05/09/2024~~10/09/2024~~6 6
8 466203 11/09/2024~~16/09/2024~~6 6
9 545596 24/09/2024~~29/09/2024~~6 6
10 656722 05/11/2024~~07/11/2024~~3 3
11 667702 08/11/2024~~10/11/2024~~3 3
12 147032 21/05/2023~~26/05/2023~~6 6
13 208117 02/06/2023~~07/06/2023~~6 6
14 283640 17/06/2023~~22/06/2023~~6 6
15 395741 12/07/2023~~17/07/2023~~6 6
16 436411 18/07/2023~~22/07/2023~~5 5
17 588197 16/08/2023~~30/08/2023~~15 15
18 787941 04/10/2023~~18/10/2023~~15 15
19 880316 05/12/2023~~19/12/2023~~15 15
20 961172 05/02/2024~~19/02/2024~~15 15
21 972942 21/02/2024~~06/03/2024~~15 15
22 982224 07/03/2024~~13/03/2024~~7 7
23 483374 16/09/2022~~21/09/2022~~6 6
24 514053 23/09/2022~~28/09/2022~~6 6
25 800616 23/12/2022~~28/12/2022~~6 6
26 828932 01/01/2023~~06/01/2023~~6 6
27 914433 03/02/2023~~07/02/2023~~5 5
28 938410 12/03/2023~~19/03/2023~~8 8
29 972993 20/03/2023~~25/03/2023~~6 6
30 994130 26/03/2023~~30/03/2023~~5 5
31 240216 01/07/2021~~06/07/2021~~6 6
32 417215 04/08/2021~~09/08/2021~~6 6
33 593388 09/09/2021~~20/09/2021~~12 12
34 656996 21/09/2021~~02/10/2021~~12 12
35 868856 23/11/2021~~28/11/2021~~6 6
36 1015659 01/01/2022~~06/01/2022~~6 6
37 1166775 19/02/2022~~24/02/2022~~6 6
38 1251514 23/03/2022~~28/03/2022~~6 6
39 36544 11/05/2020~~16/05/2020~~6 6
40 176573 19/06/2020~~24/06/2020~~6 6
41 217351 30/06/2020~~05/07/2020~~6 6
42 262119 09/07/2020~~14/07/2020~~6 6
43 388172 07/08/2020~~12/08/2020~~6 6
44 553454 19/09/2020~~24/09/2020~~6 6
45 561181 25/09/2020~~30/09/2020~~6 6
46 633343 08/10/2020~~13/10/2020~~6 6
47 788623 03/12/2020~~08/12/2020~~6 6
48 845461 21/12/2020~~26/12/2020~~6 6
49 1153647 18/03/2021~~21/03/2021~~4 4
50 1188161 24/03/2021~~29/03/2021~~6 6

S.No Name of Applicant Work Name
1 2550 Sabirti Deb 04/04/2024~~16/04/2024~~13 13 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. TR147678489 (3003004033/IF/IAY/331695)
2 168683 27/06/2024~~02/07/2024~~6 6 Land leveling of waste land in favour of Pulin Dey S/o-Khagendra (3003004033/IF/9422703884)
3 221386 04/07/2024~~09/07/2024~~6 6 Excavation of katcha channel from A A Road to Rinku Nath House via Ratiabari GP (3003004033/IC/9422514691)
4 249495 10/07/2024~~15/07/2024~~6 6 Excavation of katcha channel from Palash Datta house to Manindra Nath house (3003004033/IC/9422514690)
5 296777 17/07/2024~~22/07/2024~~6 6 Excavation of katcha channel from Shibvu Dey Land to Parimal Deb House (3003004033/IC/9422514670)
6 326146 24/07/2024~~29/07/2024~~6 6 Flood Diversion channel from Vivekananda Road to Benu Rani Das (3003004033/IC/9422514669)
7 435727 05/09/2024~~10/09/2024~~6 6 Mtc.of Rural connectivity road from Vibekananda Road to Chittagangbasti PWD road (3003004033/RC/9422534485)
8 466203 11/09/2024~~16/09/2024~~6 6 Flood Diversion channel from Nitai Nama house to Parimal Debnath house (3003004033/IC/9422496115)
9 545596 24/09/2024~~29/09/2024~~6 6 Land leveling of waste land in favour of Sukriti Nath W/o Harekrishna (3003004033/IF/9422801600)
10 656722 05/11/2024~~07/11/2024~~3 3 Land leveling of waste land in favour of Sukriti Nath W/o Harekrishna (3003004033/IF/9422801600)
11 667702 08/11/2024~~10/11/2024~~3 3 Mtc.of Rural connectivity road from Vibekananda Road to Chittagangbasti PWD road (3003004033/RC/9422534485)
12 147032 21/05/2023~~26/05/2023~~6 6 Mtc.of katcha Channel from Prangopal Mallik house to Anukul Debnath (3003004033/IC/9422490210)
13 208117 02/06/2023~~07/06/2023~~6 6 Agriculture Purpose Land Development in favour of Dipti Das W/o-Ranjit (3003004033/IF/9422678264)
14 283640 17/06/2023~~22/06/2023~~6 6 Land Development of Shibcherra AWC-1 (3003004033/LD/9422668805)
15 395741 12/07/2023~~17/07/2023~~6 6 Land leveling of waste land in favour of Niyati Chakma W/o-Laxmi Mohan (3003004033/IF/9422694886)
16 436411 18/07/2023~~22/07/2023~~5 5 Land leveling of waste land in favour of Niyati Chakma W/o-Laxmi Mohan (3003004033/IF/9422694886)
17 588197 16/08/2023~~30/08/2023~~15 15 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. TR147678489 (3003004033/IF/IAY/331695)
18 787941 04/10/2023~~18/10/2023~~15 15 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. TR147678489 (3003004033/IF/IAY/331695)
19 880316 05/12/2023~~19/12/2023~~15 15 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. TR147678489 (3003004033/IF/IAY/331695)
20 961172 05/02/2024~~19/02/2024~~15 15 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. TR147678489 (3003004033/IF/IAY/331695)
21 972942 21/02/2024~~06/03/2024~~15 15 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. TR147678489 (3003004033/IF/IAY/331695)
22 982224 07/03/2024~~13/03/2024~~7 7 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. TR147678489 (3003004033/IF/IAY/331695)
23 483374 16/09/2022~~21/09/2022~~6 6 MTC of Village internal road from Rina Deb house to Chittagangangbasti road (3003004033/RC/9422500674)
24 514053 23/09/2022~~28/09/2022~~6 6 MTC of Village internal road from Rina Deb house to Chittagangangbasti road (3003004033/RC/9422500674)
25 800616 23/12/2022~~28/12/2022~~6 6 MTC of Village internal road from aa road to Vibekananda road via Ajoy Deb (3003004033/RC/9422500671)
26 828932 01/01/2023~~06/01/2023~~6 6 MTC of Village internal road from aa road to Vibekananda road via Ajoy Deb (3003004033/RC/9422500671)
27 914433 03/02/2023~~07/02/2023~~5 5 Excavation of katcha channel from A.A road to A.A road via Hemendra Chakraborty house (3003004033/IC/9422481654)
28 938410 12/03/2023~~19/03/2023~~8 8 Land levelling of waste land in favour of Benu Rani Das W/O-Rajkumar (3003004033/LD/9422646522)
29 972993 20/03/2023~~25/03/2023~~6 6 Flood Protection bundh from Makhan Nath house to Chandraprabha Bhattacharjee land (3003004033/FP/9010242081)
30 994130 26/03/2023~~30/03/2023~~5 5 Flood Protection bundh from Makhan Nath house to Chandraprabha Bhattacharjee land (3003004033/FP/9010242081)
31 240216 01/07/2021~~06/07/2021~~6 6 Land Levelling of waste land in favour of Laxmi Malakar W/O-Nrirendra Malakar (3003004033/LD/9422554513)
32 417215 04/08/2021~~09/08/2021~~6 6 Land Levelling of waste land in favour of Pulin Dey S/o-Khagendra (3003004033/LD/9422564234)
33 593388 09/09/2021~~20/09/2021~~12 12 Mtc.of Rural connectivity road from Girindra Suklabaidya house to Pranoti Debnath house (3003004033/RC/9422494973)
34 656996 21/09/2021~~02/10/2021~~12 12 Levelling /shapping of wasteland fallow land in favour of Anil Das S/o-Awashini (3003004033/LD/9422577927)
35 868856 23/11/2021~~28/11/2021~~6 6 Land levelling of waste land in favour of Ratiabari gp north side part -11 W/O-5 (3003004033/LD/9422533796)
36 1015659 01/01/2022~~06/01/2022~~6 6 Mtc.of Rural connectivity road from Harekrishna Nath house to Pranoti Debnath house (3003004033/RC/9422497390)
37 1166775 19/02/2022~~24/02/2022~~6 6 Land levelling of wasteland in favour of Harekrishna Nath s/o-Sudhir (3003004033/LD/9422585091)
38 1251514 23/03/2022~~28/03/2022~~6 6 Land levelling of waste land in favour of Ratiabari gp north side part -11 W/O-5 (3003004033/LD/9422533796)
39 36544 11/05/2020~~16/05/2020~~6 6 Repair and mtc of Mitti murram road from Rani Deb house to Chitagangbasti road near FCI (3003004033/RC/9422472940)
40 176573 19/06/2020~~24/06/2020~~6 6 Land lavelling of Wasteland in favour of Joy sankar Das S/O prafulla (3003004033/LD/9422475489)
41 217351 30/06/2020~~05/07/2020~~6 6 Repair and mtc of Mitti murram road from Rani Deb house to Chitagangbasti road near FCI (3003004033/RC/9422472940)
42 262119 09/07/2020~~14/07/2020~~6 6 Land lavelling of wasteland in favour of Ajoy Deb s/o Raman (3003004033/LD/9422490109)
43 388172 07/08/2020~~12/08/2020~~6 6 New Excavation of katcha channel of Kalicharan Debnath to shibcherra (3003004033/IC/9422430710)
44 553454 19/09/2020~~24/09/2020~~6 6 Land levelling of wasteland in favour of Subinoy paul s/o Rajendra (3003004033/LD/9422491730)
45 561181 25/09/2020~~30/09/2020~~6 6 Land levelling of wasteland in favour of Subinoy paul s/o Rajendra (3003004033/LD/9422491730)
46 633343 08/10/2020~~13/10/2020~~6 6 Land levelling of wasteland in favour of Subinoy paul s/o Rajendra (3003004033/LD/9422491730)
47 788623 03/12/2020~~08/12/2020~~6 6 Re- excavation of katcha channel from Subodh das house to Manindra Debnath house (3003004033/IC/9422419030)
48 845461 21/12/2020~~26/12/2020~~6 6 Land Levelling of wasteland in favour of Dipti Das W/O-Nishikanta (3003004033/LD/9422530776)
49 1153647 18/03/2021~~21/03/2021~~4 4 Land Levelling of wasteland in favour of Dipti Das W/O-Nishikanta (3003004033/LD/9422530776)
50 1188161 24/03/2021~~29/03/2021~~6 6 Land Levelling of wasteland in favour of Dipti Das W/O-Nishikanta (3003004033/LD/9422530776)

S.No Name of Applicant Work Name Total Amount of Work Done Payment Due
1 Sabirti Deb 04/04/2024 13 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. TR147678489 (3003004033/IF/IAY/331695) 139 2938 0
2 Sabirti Deb 27/06/2024 6 Land leveling of waste land in favour of Pulin Dey S/o-Khagendra (3003004033/IF/9422703884) 7461 1062 0
3 Sabirti Deb 04/07/2024 5 Excavation of katcha channel from A A Road to Rinku Nath House via Ratiabari GP (3003004033/IC/9422514691) 8878 955 0
4 Sabirti Deb 10/07/2024 6 Excavation of katcha channel from Palash Datta house to Manindra Nath house (3003004033/IC/9422514690) 9531 1158 0
5 Sabirti Deb 17/07/2024 6 Excavation of katcha channel from Shibvu Dey Land to Parimal Deb House (3003004033/IC/9422514670) 10578 1152 0
6 Sabirti Deb 24/07/2024 6 Flood Diversion channel from Vivekananda Road to Benu Rani Das (3003004033/IC/9422514669) 11417 1164 0
7 Sabirti Deb 05/09/2024 6 Mtc.of Rural connectivity road from Vibekananda Road to Chittagangbasti PWD road (3003004033/RC/9422534485) 13638 1206 0
8 Sabirti Deb 24/09/2024 6 Land leveling of waste land in favour of Sukriti Nath W/o Harekrishna (3003004033/IF/9422801600) 17100 1200 0
9 Sabirti Deb 05/11/2024 3 Land leveling of waste land in favour of Sukriti Nath W/o Harekrishna (3003004033/IF/9422801600) 19380 591 0
10 Sabirti Deb 08/11/2024 3 Mtc.of Rural connectivity road from Vibekananda Road to Chittagangbasti PWD road (3003004033/RC/9422534485) 19593 591 0
Sub Total FY 2425 60 12017 0
11 Sabirti Deb 21/05/2023 6 Mtc.of katcha Channel from Prangopal Mallik house to Anukul Debnath (3003004033/IC/9422490210) 3525 1050 0
12 Sabirti Deb 02/06/2023 6 Agriculture Purpose Land Development in favour of Dipti Das W/o-Ranjit (3003004033/IF/9422678264) 4952 1032 0
13 Sabirti Deb 17/06/2023 6 Land Development of Shibcherra AWC-1 (3003004033/LD/9422668805) 6892 1038 0
14 Sabirti Deb 16/08/2023 15 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. TR147678489 (3003004033/IF/IAY/331695) 16724 3390 0
15 Sabirti Deb 04/10/2023 15 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. TR147678489 (3003004033/IF/IAY/331695) 26607 3390 0
16 Sabirti Deb 05/12/2023 15 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. TR147678489 (3003004033/IF/IAY/331695) 31373 3390 0
17 Sabirti Deb 05/02/2024 15 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. TR147678489 (3003004033/IF/IAY/331695) 36235 3390 0
18 Sabirti Deb 21/02/2024 15 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. TR147678489 (3003004033/IF/IAY/331695) 36968 3390 0
19 Sabirti Deb 07/03/2024 7 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. TR147678489 (3003004033/IF/IAY/331695) 37736 1582 0
Sub Total FY 2324 100 21652 0
20 Sabirti Deb 23/12/2022 6 MTC of Village internal road from aa road to Vibekananda road via Ajoy Deb (3003004033/RC/9422500671) 36900 1032 0
21 Sabirti Deb 01/01/2023 6 MTC of Village internal road from aa road to Vibekananda road via Ajoy Deb (3003004033/RC/9422500671) 38101 1044 0
22 Sabirti Deb 03/02/2023 5 Excavation of katcha channel from A.A road to A.A road via Hemendra Chakraborty house (3003004033/IC/9422481654) 41136 885 0
23 Sabirti Deb 12/03/2023 8 Land levelling of waste land in favour of Benu Rani Das W/O-Rajkumar (3003004033/LD/9422646522) 42846 1392 0
24 Sabirti Deb 20/03/2023 6 Flood Protection bundh from Makhan Nath house to Chandraprabha Bhattacharjee land (3003004033/FP/9010242081) 44896 1038 0
25 Sabirti Deb 26/03/2023 5 Flood Protection bundh from Makhan Nath house to Chandraprabha Bhattacharjee land (3003004033/FP/9010242081) 45821 855 0
Sub Total FY 2223 36 6246 0
26 Sabirti Deb 01/07/2021 5 Land Levelling of waste land in favour of Laxmi Malakar W/O-Nrirendra Malakar (3003004033/LD/9422554513) 3782 885 0
27 Sabirti Deb 04/08/2021 6 Land Levelling of waste land in favour of Pulin Dey S/o-Khagendra (3003004033/LD/9422564234) 5859 1050 0
28 Sabirti Deb 09/09/2021 6 Mtc.of Rural connectivity road from Girindra Suklabaidya house to Pranoti Debnath house (3003004033/RC/9422494973) 8377 1002 0
29 Sabirti Deb 15/09/2021 3 Mtc.of Rural connectivity road from Girindra Suklabaidya house to Pranoti Debnath house (3003004033/RC/9422494973) 8393 501 0
30 Sabirti Deb 21/09/2021 6 Levelling /shapping of wasteland fallow land in favour of Anil Das S/o-Awashini (3003004033/LD/9422577927) 9930 1002 0
31 Sabirti Deb 23/11/2021 6 Land levelling of waste land in favour of Ratiabari gp north side part -11 W/O-5 (3003004033/LD/9422533796) 13629 1026 0
32 Sabirti Deb 01/01/2022 6 Mtc.of Rural connectivity road from Harekrishna Nath house to Pranoti Debnath house (3003004033/RC/9422497390) 16990 1002 0
33 Sabirti Deb 19/02/2022 6 Land levelling of wasteland in favour of Harekrishna Nath s/o-Sudhir (3003004033/LD/9422585091) 21037 1020 0
34 Sabirti Deb 23/03/2022 6 Land levelling of waste land in favour of Ratiabari gp north side part -11 W/O-5 (3003004033/LD/9422533796) 23639 1020 0
Sub Total FY 2122 50 8508 0
35 Sabirti Deb 11/05/2020 6 Repair and mtc of Mitti murram road from Rani Deb house to Chitagangbasti road near FCI (3003004033/RC/9422472940) 1334 1014 0
36 Sabirti Deb 19/06/2020 6 Land lavelling of Wasteland in favour of Joy sankar Das S/O prafulla (3003004033/LD/9422475489) 3622 1020 0
37 Sabirti Deb 30/06/2020 5 Repair and mtc of Mitti murram road from Rani Deb house to Chitagangbasti road near FCI (3003004033/RC/9422472940) 4528 840 0
38 Sabirti Deb 07/08/2020 5 New Excavation of katcha channel of Kalicharan Debnath to shibcherra (3003004033/IC/9422430710) 8330 835 0
39 Sabirti Deb 19/09/2020 6 Land levelling of wasteland in favour of Subinoy paul s/o Rajendra (3003004033/LD/9422491730) 11491 1002 0
40 Sabirti Deb 25/09/2020 6 Land levelling of wasteland in favour of Subinoy paul s/o Rajendra (3003004033/LD/9422491730) 12004 1002 0
41 Sabirti Deb 08/10/2020 6 Land levelling of wasteland in favour of Subinoy paul s/o Rajendra (3003004033/LD/9422491730) 13653 1002 0
42 Sabirti Deb 03/12/2020 5 Re- excavation of katcha channel from Subodh das house to Manindra Debnath house (3003004033/IC/9422419030) 15205 835 0
43 Sabirti Deb 21/12/2020 6 Land Levelling of wasteland in favour of Dipti Das W/O-Nishikanta (3003004033/LD/9422530776) 16449 1002 0
44 Sabirti Deb 18/03/2021 4 Land Levelling of wasteland in favour of Dipti Das W/O-Nishikanta (3003004033/LD/9422530776) 21420 672 0
45 Sabirti Deb 24/03/2021 6 Land Levelling of wasteland in favour of Dipti Das W/O-Nishikanta (3003004033/LD/9422530776) 21844 1002 0
Sub Total FY 2021 61 10226 0