
Job card
Job card No.: TR-03-004-017-001/159 Family Id: 159
Name of Head of Household: Subodh Chakrobarty
Name of Father/Husband: Rajendra Chakrobarty
Category: OTH
Date of Registration: 5/16/2008
Whether BPL Family: NO Family Id: 159
Epic No.:
Details of the Applicants of the household willing to work
S.No Name of Applicant Gender Age Bank/Postoffice
1 Subodh Chakrobarty Male 35 Tripura Gramin Bank
2 Laxmana Chakrobarty Female 30 Tripura Gramin Bank
3 Animesh Chakraborty Male 28
4 Saraswati Chakraborty Female 25 State Bank of India

Signature/Thumb impression of Applicant
Seal & Signature of Registering Authority

Requested Period of Employment

S.No Demand Id Name of Applicant Month & Date from which employment requested No of Days
1 92341 Laxmana Chakrobarty 26/07/2017~~31/07/2017~~6 6
2 110822 03/08/2017~~08/08/2017~~6 6
3 135341 12/08/2017~~17/08/2017~~6 6
4 238912 05/09/2017~~10/09/2017~~6 6
5 352611 01/01/2018~~06/01/2018~~6 6
6 407363 15/01/2018~~20/01/2018~~6 6
7 38137 28/05/2018~~02/06/2018~~6 6
8 72887 18/06/2018~~23/06/2018~~6 6
9 117443 05/07/2018~~11/07/2018~~7 6
10 158921 23/07/2018~~28/07/2018~~6 6
11 228083 13/08/2018~~24/08/2018~~12 12
12 274707 31/08/2018~~05/09/2018~~6 6
13 342398 23/09/2018~~06/10/2018~~14 12
14 459803 23/11/2018~~28/11/2018~~6 6
15 659723 04/02/2019~~15/02/2019~~12 12
16 687541 16/02/2019~~21/02/2019~~6 6
17 2402 03/05/2019~~08/05/2019~~6 6
18 18235 12/05/2019~~17/05/2019~~6 6
19 69609 29/05/2019~~03/06/2019~~6 6
20 166023 18/06/2019~~23/06/2019~~6 6
21 233481 30/06/2019~~05/07/2019~~6 6
22 295757 17/07/2019~~22/07/2019~~6 6
23 416777 29/08/2019~~03/09/2019~~6 6
24 449273 05/09/2019~~10/09/2019~~6 6
25 502306 13/09/2019~~24/09/2019~~12 12
26 577321 24/10/2019~~29/10/2019~~6 6
27 656243 09/12/2019~~14/12/2019~~6 6
28 688160 19/12/2019~~24/12/2019~~6 6
29 739714 01/01/2020~~06/01/2020~~6 6
30 816377 08/02/2020~~13/02/2020~~6 6
31 850263 19/02/2020~~24/02/2020~~6 6
32 850273 Subodh Chakrobarty 19/02/2020~~22/02/2020~~4 4
33 74197 Laxmana Chakrobarty 22/05/2020~~27/05/2020~~6 6
34 115933 03/06/2020~~08/06/2020~~6 6
35 172756 20/06/2020~~25/06/2020~~6 6
36 232298 03/07/2020~~14/07/2020~~12 12
37 309793 19/07/2020~~30/07/2020~~12 12
38 341983 Saraswati Chakraborty 25/07/2020~~30/07/2020~~6 6
39 383436 Animesh Chakraborty 07/08/2020~~12/08/2020~~6 6
40 383322 Laxmana Chakrobarty 07/08/2020~~12/08/2020~~6 6
41 553382 21/09/2020~~26/09/2020~~6 6
42 553383 Saraswati Chakraborty 21/09/2020~~26/09/2020~~6 6
43 589176 Laxmana Chakrobarty 28/09/2020~~09/10/2020~~12 12
44 762473 25/11/2020~~06/12/2020~~12 12
45 866294 Saraswati Chakraborty 24/12/2020~~29/12/2020~~6 6
46 904905 05/01/2021~~10/01/2021~~6 6
47 50568 Laxmana Chakrobarty 16/05/2021~~21/05/2021~~6 6
48 73408 22/05/2021~~27/05/2021~~6 6
49 104805 31/05/2021~~05/06/2021~~6 6
50 156099 14/06/2021~~19/06/2021~~6 6
51 292303 10/07/2021~~15/07/2021~~6 6
52 404274 31/07/2021~~05/08/2021~~6 6
53 404275 Saraswati Chakraborty 31/07/2021~~05/08/2021~~6 6
54 446964 Laxmana Chakrobarty 11/08/2021~~16/08/2021~~6 6
55 485119 19/08/2021~~24/08/2021~~6 6
56 604263 12/09/2021~~17/09/2021~~6 6
57 604165 Saraswati Chakraborty 12/09/2021~~17/09/2021~~6 6
58 662203 Laxmana Chakrobarty 22/09/2021~~27/09/2021~~6 6
59 716902 30/09/2021~~05/10/2021~~6 6
60 716961 Saraswati Chakraborty 30/09/2021~~05/10/2021~~6 6
61 767077 Laxmana Chakrobarty 27/10/2021~~01/11/2021~~6 6
62 974082 Subodh Chakrobarty 20/12/2021~~29/12/2021~~10 10
63 15206 13/04/2022~~27/04/2022~~15 15
64 37270 30/04/2022~~19/05/2022~~20 20
65 87588 01/06/2022~~30/06/2022~~30 30
66 185864 01/07/2022~~30/07/2022~~30 30
67 144847 Laxmana Chakrobarty 19/05/2023~~30/05/2023~~12 12
68 260105 09/06/2023~~14/06/2023~~6 6
69 300766 18/06/2023~~23/06/2023~~6 6
70 351922 02/07/2023~~08/07/2023~~7 6
71 381759 09/07/2023~~14/07/2023~~6 6
72 427457 15/07/2023~~20/07/2023~~6 6
73 478149 24/07/2023~~29/07/2023~~6 6
74 520745 02/08/2023~~07/08/2023~~6 6
75 586476 16/08/2023~~21/08/2023~~6 6
76 613818 22/08/2023~~27/08/2023~~6 6
77 681696 06/09/2023~~11/09/2023~~6 6
78 784637 02/10/2023~~07/10/2023~~6 6
79 899534 15/12/2023~~20/12/2023~~6 6
80 919453 25/12/2023~~30/12/2023~~6 6
81 980006 03/03/2024~~08/03/2024~~6 6
82 985209 12/03/2024~~16/03/2024~~5 5
83 178807 26/06/2024~~30/06/2024~~5 5
84 272109 12/07/2024~~17/07/2024~~6 6
85 393323 18/08/2024~~23/08/2024~~6 6
86 448176 08/09/2024~~13/09/2024~~6 6
87 522441 20/09/2024~~25/09/2024~~6 6
88 575441 28/09/2024~~03/10/2024~~6 6

Period and Work on which Employment Offered

S.No Demand Id Name of Applicant Month & Date from which employment requested No of Days Work Name
1 92341 Laxmana Chakrobarty 26/07/2017~~31/07/2017~~6 6 Land Leveling of ROFR degrated land in favour of Pandab Chakma s/o Chitramohan (3003004017/LD/9010245326)
2 110822 03/08/2017~~08/08/2017~~6 6 Land Leveling of ROFR degrated land in favour of Pandab Chakma s/o Chitramohan (3003004017/LD/9010245326)
3 135341 12/08/2017~~17/08/2017~~6 6 Land Leveling of ROFR degrated land in favour of Pandab Chakma s/o Chitramohan (3003004017/LD/9010245326)
4 238912 05/09/2017~~10/09/2017~~6 6 Land Development of ROFR degrated land in favour of Gouri bala Chakma w/o Nanu (3003004017/LD/9010245329)
5 352611 01/01/2018~~06/01/2018~~6 6 Formation of road from Sona Chakma house to Kacharicharra w-6at Sukanta nagar G P. house w-3. (3003004017/RC/9422428781)
6 407363 15/01/2018~~20/01/2018~~6 6 Formation of road from Sona Chakma house to Kacharicharra w-6at Sukanta nagar G P. house w-3. (3003004017/RC/9422428781)
7 38137 28/05/2018~~02/06/2018~~6 6 Land Development of ROFR Degreted Land in favour of Laxmi kumar Chakma S/O Ditiya chandra under su (3003004017/LD/9422444233)
8 72887 18/06/2018~~23/06/2018~~6 6 Agri Land Development (Tilla land) in favour of Akhil Bhowmik S/O- Tarini w-6 at Sukantanagar G P. (3003004017/LD/9422445846)
9 117443 05/07/2018~~11/07/2018~~7 6 Land development of ROFR Degreted land in favour of Joymohan Chakma s/o-Sachindra under sukantanagar (3003004017/LD/9422444231)
10 158921 23/07/2018~~28/07/2018~~6 6 1 sukROFR Degradable land development in favour Prabin Ch Chakma S/O Khagendra Chakma at Sukantanaga (3003004017/LD/9422448666)
11 228083 13/08/2018~~24/08/2018~~12 12 1 Suk Formation of Road from Pratul Sutradhar house to Tatish Dey (3003004017/RC/9422435358)
12 274707 31/08/2018~~05/09/2018~~6 6 1 Suk Formation of Road from Pratul Sutradhar house to Tatish Dey (3003004017/RC/9422435358)
13 342398 23/09/2018~~06/10/2018~~14 12 1 suk Formation of Road from Arun Debnath house to Ratan Das (3003004017/RC/9422435356)
14 459803 23/11/2018~~28/11/2018~~6 6 1 Suk Formation of Road from Banja Ram Chakma house to Kachari Cherra (3003004017/RC/9422435343)
15 659723 04/02/2019~~15/02/2019~~12 12 1 Suk Formation of Road from Banja Ram Chakma house to Kachari Cherra (3003004017/RC/9422435343)
16 687541 16/02/2019~~21/02/2019~~6 6 1 suk Construction of Earthen Graded bundh for Laxmi Kumar Chakma S/o Ditiyo Chandra W-6 (3003004017/FR/2009880520)
17 2402 03/05/2019~~08/05/2019~~6 6 1 suk Constructioin of Earthen Graded bundh for individul in favour of Mangal Mohan Chakma S/o Lt. Rupdan W-6 (3003004017/FR/2009877365)
18 18235 12/05/2019~~17/05/2019~~6 6 1 suk Constructioin of Earthen Graded bundh for individul in favour of Mangal Mohan Chakma S/o Lt. Rupdan W-6 (3003004017/FR/2009877365)
19 69609 29/05/2019~~03/06/2019~~6 6 1 suk Construction of Earthen Graded bundh for Laxmi Kumar Chakma S/o Ditiyo Chandra W-6 (3003004017/FR/2009880520)
20 166023 18/06/2019~~23/06/2019~~6 6 Formation of road from Sonadhan chakma house to Kacchari Cherra W- 6 (3003004017/RC/9422446917)
21 233481 30/06/2019~~05/07/2019~~6 6 Formation of road from Joymohan Chakma House to Padasona W- 6 (3003004017/RC/9422446920)
22 295757 17/07/2019~~22/07/2019~~6 6 Levelling And Shapingof land in fafour biswa das (3003004017/LD/9422463304)
23 416777 29/08/2019~~03/09/2019~~6 6 Formation of road from Nanu chakma House to Basanta Chakma W- 6 (3003004017/RC/9422446914)
24 449273 05/09/2019~~10/09/2019~~6 6 Formation of road from Nanu chakma House to Basanta Chakma W- 6 (3003004017/RC/9422446914)
25 502306 13/09/2019~~24/09/2019~~12 12 Repair & Maintainance of Road from Bhagat Singh Para Birze to K.N Road via Sishi D/nath Fishery W-6 (3003004017/RC/9422453963)
26 577321 24/10/2019~~29/10/2019~~6 6 Repair & Maintainance of Road from Bhagat Singh Para Birze to K.N Road via Sishi D/nath Fishery W-6 (3003004017/RC/9422453963)
27 656243 09/12/2019~~14/12/2019~~6 6 Repair & Maintainance of Road from Bhagat Singh Para Birze to K.N Road via Sishi D/nath Fishery W-6 (3003004017/RC/9422453963)
28 688160 19/12/2019~~24/12/2019~~6 6 Repair & Maintainance of Road from Manuj Kumar Chakma house to Rabichan Chakma house W-6 (3003004017/RC/9422453962)
29 739714 01/01/2020~~06/01/2020~~6 6 Formation of road from Bagat sing to sashan ghatW- 5 (3003004017/RC/9422446931)
30 816377 08/02/2020~~13/02/2020~~6 6 Formation of road from Bagat sing to sashan ghatW- 5 (3003004017/RC/9422446931)
31 850263 19/02/2020~~24/02/2020~~6 6 Formation of road from Bagat sing to sashan ghatW- 5 (3003004017/RC/9422446931)
32 850273 Subodh Chakrobarty 19/02/2020~~22/02/2020~~4 4 Formation of road from Bagat sing to sashan ghatW- 5 (3003004017/RC/9422446931)
33 74197 Laxmana Chakrobarty 22/05/2020~~27/05/2020~~6 6 Land levelling of Wastland in favour of Suromohan Chakma word-6 (3003004017/LD/9422476219)
34 115933 03/06/2020~~08/06/2020~~6 6 REPAIR MAINTAINANCE OF ROAD FROM PADASUNA CHAKMA HOUSE TO KATCHARICHERRA, WORD-6 (3003004017/RC/9422466624)
35 172756 20/06/2020~~25/06/2020~~6 12 REPAIR MAINTAINANCE OF ROAD FROM PADASUNA CHAKMA HOUSE TO KATCHARICHERRA, WORD-6 (3003004017/RC/9422466624)
36 232298 03/07/2020~~14/07/2020~~12 12 REPAIR MAINTAINANCE OF ROAD FROM PADASUNA CHAKMA HOUSE TO KATCHARICHERRA, WORD-6 (3003004017/RC/9422466624)
37 309793 19/07/2020~~30/07/2020~~12 12 Levelling & Shaping of Waste land in favour of Maya Deb, W/o-Ajit Deb, w-5 (3003004017/LD/9422514863)
38 341983 Saraswati Chakraborty 25/07/2020~~30/07/2020~~6 6 Levelling & Shaping of Waste land in favour of Maya Deb, W/o-Ajit Deb, w-5 (3003004017/LD/9422514863)
39 383436 Animesh Chakraborty 07/08/2020~~12/08/2020~~6 6 Levelling & Shaping of Waste land in favour of Maya Deb, W/o-Ajit Deb, w-5 (3003004017/LD/9422514863)
40 383322 Laxmana Chakrobarty 07/08/2020~~12/08/2020~~6 6 Levelling & Shaping of Waste land in favour of Maya Deb, W/o-Ajit Deb, w-5 (3003004017/LD/9422514863)
41 553382 21/09/2020~~26/09/2020~~6 6 LEVELLING AND SHAFFING IN FABOUR OF ADHIR CHDRA DATTA , S/O- LT, ASWANI DATTA, W-5 (3003004017/LD/9422501607)
42 553383 Saraswati Chakraborty 21/09/2020~~26/09/2020~~6 6 LEVELLING AND SHAFFING IN FABOUR OF ADHIR CHDRA DATTA , S/O- LT, ASWANI DATTA, W-5 (3003004017/LD/9422501607)
43 589176 Laxmana Chakrobarty 28/09/2020~~09/10/2020~~12 12 LEVELLING AND SHAFFING IN FABOUR OF ADHIR CHDRA DATTA , S/O- LT, ASWANI DATTA, W-5 (3003004017/LD/9422501607)
44 762473 25/11/2020~~06/12/2020~~12 12 LEVELLING AND SHAFFING IN FABOUR OF ADHIR CHDRA DATTA , S/O- LT, ASWANI DATTA, W-5 (3003004017/LD/9422501607)
45 866294 Saraswati Chakraborty 24/12/2020~~29/12/2020~~6 6 Repair & Maintainance of road from Manuj Kr. Chakma house to Arati Rabi Das W-5 (3003004017/RC/9422476776)
46 904905 05/01/2021~~10/01/2021~~6 6 Levelling & Shapping in favour of Chandraban Chakma W/o Mihirbaran Chakraborty W-5 (3003004017/LD/9422532424)
47 50568 Laxmana Chakrobarty 16/05/2021~~21/05/2021~~6 6 Levelling & Shapping of wasteland Agripurpose in favour of Pandab Chakma S/o Chitramohan,W-5 -1/169 (3003004017/LD/9422562279)
48 73408 22/05/2021~~27/05/2021~~6 6 Levelling & Shapping of wasteland Agripurpose in favour of Pandab Chakma S/o Chitramohan,W-5 -1/169 (3003004017/LD/9422562279)
49 104805 31/05/2021~~05/06/2021~~6 6 Levelling & Shapping of wasteland Agripurpose in favour of Pandab Chakma S/o Chitramohan,W-5 -1/169 (3003004017/LD/9422562279)
50 156099 14/06/2021~~19/06/2021~~6 6 Levelling & Shapping of wasteland Agripurpose in favour Community Land of Bhogat Sing Colony, w-5 (3003004017/LD/9422562282)
51 292303 10/07/2021~~15/07/2021~~6 6 Levelling & Shapping of wasteland Agripurpose in favour Community Land of Bhogat Sing Colony, w-5 (3003004017/LD/9422562282)
52 404274 31/07/2021~~05/08/2021~~6 6 Levelling & Shapping of wasteland Agripurpose in favour Community Land of Bhogat Sing Colony, w-5 (3003004017/LD/9422562282)
53 404275 Saraswati Chakraborty 31/07/2021~~05/08/2021~~6 6 Levelling & Shapping of wasteland Agripurpose in favour Community Land of Bhogat Sing Colony, w-5 (3003004017/LD/9422562282)
54 446964 Laxmana Chakrobarty 11/08/2021~~16/08/2021~~6 6 Levelling & Shapping of Waste land Agripurpose in favour of Pranay Ch. Deb S/o Pravat, W-5, Job-3/46 (3003004017/LD/9422572883)
55 485119 19/08/2021~~24/08/2021~~6 6 Levelling & Shapping of Waste land Agripurpose in favour of Pranay Ch. Deb S/o Pravat, W-5, Job-3/46 (3003004017/LD/9422572883)
56 604263 12/09/2021~~17/09/2021~~6 6 Levelling & Shapping of wasteland Agriculture in favour of Anju Goswami W/O Bishnupada W-5 job-1/135 (3003004017/LD/9422546431)
57 604165 Saraswati Chakraborty 12/09/2021~~17/09/2021~~6 6 Levelling & Shapping of wasteland Agriculture in favour of Anju Goswami W/O Bishnupada W-5 job-1/135 (3003004017/LD/9422546431)
58 662203 Laxmana Chakrobarty 22/09/2021~~27/09/2021~~6 6 Levelling & Shapping of wasteland Agripurpose in favour of Asha Rani Deb W/o Horibal Deb W5, Job-117 (3003004017/LD/9422578204)
59 716902 30/09/2021~~05/10/2021~~6 6 Levelling & Shapping of wasteland Agripurpose in favour of Asha Rani Deb W/o Horibal Deb W5, Job-117 (3003004017/LD/9422578204)
60 716961 Saraswati Chakraborty 30/09/2021~~05/10/2021~~6 6 Levelling & Shapping of wasteland Agripurpose in favour of Asha Rani Deb W/o Horibal Deb W5, Job-117 (3003004017/LD/9422578204)
61 767077 Laxmana Chakrobarty 27/10/2021~~01/11/2021~~6 6 Levelling & Shapping of wasteland Agripurpose in favour of Asha Rani Deb W/o Horibal Deb W5, Job-117 (3003004017/LD/9422578204)
62 974082 Subodh Chakrobarty 20/12/2021~~29/12/2021~~10 10 Const. of Compost PIT at diffenent place in favour of Anita Das, Subodh Chakraborty, Shilpi Das, w-5 (3003004017/IF/9422507555)
63 15206 13/04/2022~~27/04/2022~~15 15 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. TR1399279 (3003004017/IF/IAY/214858)
64 37270 30/04/2022~~19/05/2022~~20 20 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. TR1399279 (3003004017/IF/IAY/214858)
65 87588 01/06/2022~~30/06/2022~~30 30 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. TR1399279 (3003004017/IF/IAY/214858)
66 185864 01/07/2022~~30/07/2022~~30 30 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. TR1399279 (3003004017/IF/IAY/214858)
67 144847 Laxmana Chakrobarty 19/05/2023~~30/05/2023~~12 12 Construction of Teracing in favour of Jarannya Chakma, W-6, Job-1/168 (3003004017/IF/9422686373)
68 260105 09/06/2023~~14/06/2023~~6 6 Levelling & Shapping of Waste land Agripurpose in favour of Akhil Bhowmik W-6, Job-1/89 (3003004017/IF/9422686381)
69 300766 18/06/2023~~23/06/2023~~6 6 Repair & Maintainance of Bagath Sing Bridze to Sashan Ghat, W-5 (3003004017/RC/9422522551)
70 351922 02/07/2023~~08/07/2023~~7 6 Excavation of oneside Lunga Bundha in favour of Mangal Mohan Chakma S/o Rupdhan Chakma,W-6 Job-1/189 (3003004017/IF/9422693478)
71 381759 09/07/2023~~14/07/2023~~6 6 Construction of Teracing in favour of Dhanna Chakma, W-6, Job-1/20 (3003004017/IF/9422686379)
72 427457 15/07/2023~~20/07/2023~~6 6 Construction of Teracing in favour Ruplata Chakma, W-6, Job-12/206 (3003004017/IF/9422686380)
73 478149 24/07/2023~~29/07/2023~~6 6 Repair & Maintainance of road from from Bancharam Chakma land to Basanta Chakma Bagan,W-6, L-420 mtr (3003004017/RC/9422522416)
74 520745 02/08/2023~~07/08/2023~~6 6 Repair & Maintainance of road from from Bancharam Chakma land to Basanta Chakma Bagan,W-6, L-420 mtr (3003004017/RC/9422522416)
75 586476 16/08/2023~~21/08/2023~~6 6 Levelling & Shapping of Weast Land Agriland in Favour of Dipak Chanda S/o Lt. Kripesh W-5, 1/119 (3003004017/IF/9422709469)
76 613818 22/08/2023~~27/08/2023~~6 6 Levelling & Shapping of Weast Land Agriland in Favour of Dipak Chanda S/o Lt. Kripesh W-5, 1/119 (3003004017/IF/9422709469)
77 681696 06/09/2023~~11/09/2023~~6 6 Excavation of one Side Bundh in favour of Chandraban Chakma, W-5, Job-1/121 (3003004017/IF/9422686384)
78 784637 02/10/2023~~07/10/2023~~6 6 Excavation of one Side Bundh in favour of Chandraban Chakma, W-5, Job-1/121 (3003004017/IF/9422686384)
79 899534 15/12/2023~~20/12/2023~~6 6 Levelling & Shapping of Weast Land Agriland in favour of Balaram Chakma S/o Kinacha, W-6 Job-1/22 (3003004017/IF/9422709556)
80 919453 25/12/2023~~30/12/2023~~6 6 Levelling & Shapping of Weast Land Agriland in favour of Balaram Chakma S/o Kinacha, W-6 Job-1/22 (3003004017/IF/9422709556)
81 980006 03/03/2024~~08/03/2024~~6 6 Excavation of one Side Bundh in favour of Bidhan Chandra Chanda, W-5, Job-1/149 (3003004017/IF/9422686385)
82 985209 12/03/2024~~16/03/2024~~5 5 Excavation of one Side Bundh in favour of Bidhan Chandra Chanda, W-5, Job-1/149 (3003004017/IF/9422686385)
83 178807 26/06/2024~~30/06/2024~~5 5 Connectivity of Earthen Road from Sonadhan Chakma house to Kacharicherra (3003004017/RC/9422534159)
84 272109 12/07/2024~~17/07/2024~~6 6 Connectivity of Earthen Road from Sonadhan Chakma house to Kacharicherra (3003004017/RC/9422534159)
85 393323 18/08/2024~~23/08/2024~~6 6 Connectivity of Earthen Road from near Buddha Mandir to Bhagatsing Para (3003004017/RC/9422534156)
86 448176 08/09/2024~~13/09/2024~~6 6 Connectivity of Earthen Road from near Buddha Mandir to Bhagatsing Para (3003004017/RC/9422534156)
87 522441 20/09/2024~~25/09/2024~~6 6 Connectivity of Earthen Road from near Buddha Mandir to Bhagatsing Para (3003004017/RC/9422534156)
88 575441 28/09/2024~~03/10/2024~~6 6 Connectivity of Earthen Road from near Buddha Mandir to Bhagatsing Para (3003004017/RC/9422534156)

Period and Work on which Employment Given

S.No Name of Applicant Month & Date from which employment requested No of Days Work Name MSR No. Total Amount of Work Done Payment Due
1 Laxmana Chakrobarty 26/07/2017 6 Land Leveling of ROFR degrated land in favour of Pandab Chakma s/o Chitramohan (3003004017/LD/9010245326) 3264 1050 0
2 Laxmana Chakrobarty 03/08/2017 6 Land Leveling of ROFR degrated land in favour of Pandab Chakma s/o Chitramohan (3003004017/LD/9010245326) 4101 1050 0
3 Laxmana Chakrobarty 12/08/2017 6 Land Leveling of ROFR degrated land in favour of Pandab Chakma s/o Chitramohan (3003004017/LD/9010245326) 4829 1050 0
Sub Total FY 1718 18 3150 0
4 Laxmana Chakrobarty 28/05/2018 5 Land Development of ROFR Degreted Land in favour of Laxmi kumar Chakma S/O Ditiya chandra under su (3003004017/LD/9422444233) 2226 835 0
5 Laxmana Chakrobarty 18/06/2018 6 Agri Land Development (Tilla land) in favour of Akhil Bhowmik S/O- Tarini w-6 at Sukantanagar G P. (3003004017/LD/9422445846) 3561 1002 0
6 Laxmana Chakrobarty 05/07/2018 6 Land development of ROFR Degreted land in favour of Joymohan Chakma s/o-Sachindra under sukantanagar (3003004017/LD/9422444231) 4586 1002 0
7 Laxmana Chakrobarty 23/07/2018 6 1 sukROFR Degradable land development in favour Prabin Ch Chakma S/O Khagendra Chakma at Sukantanaga (3003004017/LD/9422448666) 5555 1002 0
8 Laxmana Chakrobarty 13/08/2018 9 1 Suk Formation of Road from Pratul Sutradhar house to Tatish Dey (3003004017/RC/9422435358) 7091 1503 0
9 Laxmana Chakrobarty 31/08/2018 6 1 Suk Formation of Road from Pratul Sutradhar house to Tatish Dey (3003004017/RC/9422435358) 8496 1002 0
10 Laxmana Chakrobarty 23/09/2018 12 1 suk Formation of Road from Arun Debnath house to Ratan Das (3003004017/RC/9422435356) 10417 2004 0
11 Laxmana Chakrobarty 23/11/2018 6 1 Suk Formation of Road from Banja Ram Chakma house to Kachari Cherra (3003004017/RC/9422435343) 13780 1002 0
12 Laxmana Chakrobarty 04/02/2019 9 1 Suk Formation of Road from Banja Ram Chakma house to Kachari Cherra (3003004017/RC/9422435343) 18726 1512 0
13 Laxmana Chakrobarty 16/02/2019 6 1 suk Construction of Earthen Graded bundh for Laxmi Kumar Chakma S/o Ditiyo Chandra W-6 (3003004017/FR/2009880520) 19961 1008 0
Sub Total FY 1819 71 11872 0
14 Laxmana Chakrobarty 03/05/2019 6 1 suk Constructioin of Earthen Graded bundh for individul in favour of Mangal Mohan Chakma S/o Lt. Rupdan W-6 (3003004017/FR/2009877365) 6 1050 0
15 Laxmana Chakrobarty 12/05/2019 6 1 suk Constructioin of Earthen Graded bundh for individul in favour of Mangal Mohan Chakma S/o Lt. Rupdan W-6 (3003004017/FR/2009877365) 817 1044 0
16 Laxmana Chakrobarty 29/05/2019 6 1 suk Construction of Earthen Graded bundh for Laxmi Kumar Chakma S/o Ditiyo Chandra W-6 (3003004017/FR/2009880520) 1885 1044 0
17 Laxmana Chakrobarty 17/06/2019 6 Formation of road from Sonadhan chakma house to Kacchari Cherra W- 6 (3003004017/RC/9422446917) 4117 1068 0
18 Laxmana Chakrobarty 30/06/2019 6 Formation of road from Joymohan Chakma House to Padasona W- 6 (3003004017/RC/9422446920) 5444 1068 0
19 Laxmana Chakrobarty 17/07/2019 6 Levelling And Shapingof land in fafour biswa das (3003004017/LD/9422463304) 7091 1068 0
20 Laxmana Chakrobarty 29/08/2019 6 Formation of road from Nanu chakma House to Basanta Chakma W- 6 (3003004017/RC/9422446914) 8538 1068 0
21 Laxmana Chakrobarty 05/09/2019 6 Formation of road from Nanu chakma House to Basanta Chakma W- 6 (3003004017/RC/9422446914) 9724 1068 0
22 Laxmana Chakrobarty 13/09/2019 6 Repair & Maintainance of Road from Bhagat Singh Para Birze to K.N Road via Sishi D/nath Fishery W-6 (3003004017/RC/9422453963) 11349 1068 0
23 Laxmana Chakrobarty 19/09/2019 6 Repair & Maintainance of Road from Bhagat Singh Para Birze to K.N Road via Sishi D/nath Fishery W-6 (3003004017/RC/9422453963) 11355 1068 0
24 Laxmana Chakrobarty 24/10/2019 6 Repair & Maintainance of Road from Bhagat Singh Para Birze to K.N Road via Sishi D/nath Fishery W-6 (3003004017/RC/9422453963) 12922 1068 0
25 Laxmana Chakrobarty 09/12/2019 6 Repair & Maintainance of Road from Bhagat Singh Para Birze to K.N Road via Sishi D/nath Fishery W-6 (3003004017/RC/9422453963) 15608 1068 0
26 Laxmana Chakrobarty 19/12/2019 6 Repair & Maintainance of Road from Manuj Kumar Chakma house to Rabichan Chakma house W-6 (3003004017/RC/9422453962) 17137 1008 0
27 Laxmana Chakrobarty 01/01/2020 6 Formation of road from Bagat sing to sashan ghatW- 5 (3003004017/RC/9422446931) 18137 1002 0
28 Laxmana Chakrobarty 08/02/2020 6 Formation of road from Bagat sing to sashan ghatW- 5 (3003004017/RC/9422446931) 18774 1002 0
29 Laxmana Chakrobarty 19/02/2020 6 Formation of road from Bagat sing to sashan ghatW- 5 (3003004017/RC/9422446931) 19131 1008 0
30 Subodh Chakrobarty 19/02/2020 4 Formation of road from Bagat sing to sashan ghatW- 5 (3003004017/RC/9422446931) 19130 672 0
Sub Total FY 1920 100 17442 0
31 Laxmana Chakrobarty 22/05/2020 6 Land levelling of Wastland in favour of Suromohan Chakma word-6 (3003004017/LD/9422476219) 2058 1014 0
32 Laxmana Chakrobarty 03/06/2020 6 REPAIR MAINTAINANCE OF ROAD FROM PADASUNA CHAKMA HOUSE TO KATCHARICHERRA, WORD-6 (3003004017/RC/9422466624) 2512 1014 0
33 Laxmana Chakrobarty 20/06/2020 6 REPAIR MAINTAINANCE OF ROAD FROM PADASUNA CHAKMA HOUSE TO KATCHARICHERRA, WORD-6 (3003004017/RC/9422466624) 3581 1020 0
34 Laxmana Chakrobarty 03/07/2020 12 REPAIR MAINTAINANCE OF ROAD FROM PADASUNA CHAKMA HOUSE TO KATCHARICHERRA, WORD-6 (3003004017/RC/9422466624) 4804 2040 0
35 Laxmana Chakrobarty 19/07/2020 6 Levelling & Shaping of Waste land in favour of Maya Deb, W/o-Ajit Deb, w-5 (3003004017/LD/9422514863) 6526 1020 0
36 Laxmana Chakrobarty 25/07/2020 6 Levelling & Shaping of Waste land in favour of Maya Deb, W/o-Ajit Deb, w-5 (3003004017/LD/9422514863) 6529 1020 0
37 Saraswati Chakraborty 25/07/2020 6 Levelling & Shaping of Waste land in favour of Maya Deb, W/o-Ajit Deb, w-5 (3003004017/LD/9422514863) 7423 1020 0
38 Laxmana Chakrobarty 07/08/2020 6 Levelling & Shaping of Waste land in favour of Maya Deb, W/o-Ajit Deb, w-5 (3003004017/LD/9422514863) 8148 1020 0
39 Laxmana Chakrobarty 21/09/2020 6 LEVELLING AND SHAFFING IN FABOUR OF ADHIR CHDRA DATTA , S/O- LT, ASWANI DATTA, W-5 (3003004017/LD/9422501607) 11422 1020 0
40 Laxmana Chakrobarty 28/09/2020 12 LEVELLING AND SHAFFING IN FABOUR OF ADHIR CHDRA DATTA , S/O- LT, ASWANI DATTA, W-5 (3003004017/LD/9422501607) 12649 2040 0
41 Laxmana Chakrobarty 25/11/2020 12 LEVELLING AND SHAFFING IN FABOUR OF ADHIR CHDRA DATTA , S/O- LT, ASWANI DATTA, W-5 (3003004017/LD/9422501607) 14791 2040 0
42 Saraswati Chakraborty 24/12/2020 6 Repair & Maintainance of road from Manuj Kr. Chakma house to Arati Rabi Das W-5 (3003004017/RC/9422476776) 17245 1008 0
43 Saraswati Chakraborty 05/01/2021 6 Levelling & Shapping in favour of Chandraban Chakma W/o Mihirbaran Chakraborty W-5 (3003004017/LD/9422532424) 18134 1008 0
Sub Total FY 2021 96 16284 0
44 Laxmana Chakrobarty 16/05/2021 6 Levelling & Shapping of wasteland Agripurpose in favour of Pandab Chakma S/o Chitramohan,W-5 -1/169 (3003004017/LD/9422562279) 729 1032 0
45 Laxmana Chakrobarty 22/05/2021 6 Levelling & Shapping of wasteland Agripurpose in favour of Pandab Chakma S/o Chitramohan,W-5 -1/169 (3003004017/LD/9422562279) 1334 1032 0
46 Laxmana Chakrobarty 31/05/2021 5 Levelling & Shapping of wasteland Agripurpose in favour of Pandab Chakma S/o Chitramohan,W-5 -1/169 (3003004017/LD/9422562279) 1913 860 0
47 Laxmana Chakrobarty 14/06/2021 6 Levelling & Shapping of wasteland Agripurpose in favour Community Land of Bhogat Sing Colony, w-5 (3003004017/LD/9422562282) 2574 1038 0
48 Laxmana Chakrobarty 10/07/2021 6 Levelling & Shapping of wasteland Agripurpose in favour Community Land of Bhogat Sing Colony, w-5 (3003004017/LD/9422562282) 4395 1032 0
49 Laxmana Chakrobarty 31/07/2021 6 Levelling & Shapping of wasteland Agripurpose in favour Community Land of Bhogat Sing Colony, w-5 (3003004017/LD/9422562282) 5761 1032 0
50 Saraswati Chakraborty 31/07/2021 6 Levelling & Shapping of wasteland Agripurpose in favour Community Land of Bhogat Sing Colony, w-5 (3003004017/LD/9422562282) 5761 1032 0
51 Laxmana Chakrobarty 11/08/2021 6 Levelling & Shapping of Waste land Agripurpose in favour of Pranay Ch. Deb S/o Pravat, W-5, Job-3/46 (3003004017/LD/9422572883) 6006 1032 0
52 Laxmana Chakrobarty 19/08/2021 6 Levelling & Shapping of Waste land Agripurpose in favour of Pranay Ch. Deb S/o Pravat, W-5, Job-3/46 (3003004017/LD/9422572883) 6414 1020 0
53 Laxmana Chakrobarty 12/09/2021 6 Levelling & Shapping of wasteland Agriculture in favour of Anju Goswami W/O Bishnupada W-5 job-1/135 (3003004017/LD/9422546431) 8571 1020 0
54 Saraswati Chakraborty 12/09/2021 6 Levelling & Shapping of wasteland Agriculture in favour of Anju Goswami W/O Bishnupada W-5 job-1/135 (3003004017/LD/9422546431) 8571 1020 0
55 Laxmana Chakrobarty 22/09/2021 6 Levelling & Shapping of wasteland Agripurpose in favour of Asha Rani Deb W/o Horibal Deb W5, Job-117 (3003004017/LD/9422578204) 10049 1020 0
56 Laxmana Chakrobarty 30/09/2021 6 Levelling & Shapping of wasteland Agripurpose in favour of Asha Rani Deb W/o Horibal Deb W5, Job-117 (3003004017/LD/9422578204) 11276 1020 0
57 Saraswati Chakraborty 30/09/2021 6 Levelling & Shapping of wasteland Agripurpose in favour of Asha Rani Deb W/o Horibal Deb W5, Job-117 (3003004017/LD/9422578204) 11276 1020 0
58 Laxmana Chakrobarty 27/10/2021 6 Levelling & Shapping of wasteland Agripurpose in favour of Asha Rani Deb W/o Horibal Deb W5, Job-117 (3003004017/LD/9422578204) 11590 1020 0
59 Subodh Chakrobarty 20/12/2021 10 Const. of Compost PIT at diffenent place in favour of Anita Das, Subodh Chakraborty, Shilpi Das, w-5 (3003004017/IF/9422507555) 15942 2120 0
Sub Total FY 2122 99 17350 0
60 Subodh Chakrobarty 13/04/2022 15 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. TR1399279 (3003004017/IF/IAY/214858) 1153 3180 0
61 Subodh Chakrobarty 30/04/2022 10 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. TR1399279 (3003004017/IF/IAY/214858) 5107 2120 0
62 Subodh Chakrobarty 10/05/2022 10 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. TR1399279 (3003004017/IF/IAY/214858) 5758 2120 0
63 Subodh Chakrobarty 01/06/2022 15 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. TR1399279 (3003004017/IF/IAY/214858) 9421 3180 0
64 Subodh Chakrobarty 16/06/2022 15 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. TR1399279 (3003004017/IF/IAY/214858) 11434 3180 0
65 Subodh Chakrobarty 01/07/2022 15 Construction of PMAY-G House for Individuals -PMAY-G REG. NO. TR1399279 (3003004017/IF/IAY/214858) 16534 1590 0
Sub Total FY 2223 80 15370 0
66 Laxmana Chakrobarty 19/05/2023 11 Construction of Teracing in favour of Jarannya Chakma, W-6, Job-1/168 (3003004017/IF/9422686373) 3480 2255 0
67 Laxmana Chakrobarty 09/06/2023 6 Levelling & Shapping of Waste land Agripurpose in favour of Akhil Bhowmik W-6, Job-1/89 (3003004017/IF/9422686381) 6351 1188 0
68 Laxmana Chakrobarty 18/06/2023 5 Repair & Maintainance of Bagath Sing Bridze to Sashan Ghat, W-5 (3003004017/RC/9422522551) 7089 990 0
69 Laxmana Chakrobarty 02/07/2023 6 Excavation of oneside Lunga Bundha in favour of Mangal Mohan Chakma S/o Rupdhan Chakma,W-6 Job-1/189 (3003004017/IF/9422693478) 7860 1134 0
70 Laxmana Chakrobarty 09/07/2023 6 Construction of Teracing in favour of Dhanna Chakma, W-6, Job-1/20 (3003004017/IF/9422686379) 8737 1134 0
71 Laxmana Chakrobarty 15/07/2023 4 Construction of Teracing in favour Ruplata Chakma, W-6, Job-12/206 (3003004017/IF/9422686380) 10127 760 0
72 Laxmana Chakrobarty 20/07/2023 1 Construction of Teracing in favour Ruplata Chakma, W-6, Job-12/206 (3003004017/IF/9422686380) 10133 190 0
73 Laxmana Chakrobarty 24/07/2023 6 Repair & Maintainance of road from from Bancharam Chakma land to Basanta Chakma Bagan,W-6, L-420 mtr (3003004017/RC/9422522416) 11502 1140 0
74 Laxmana Chakrobarty 02/08/2023 6 Repair & Maintainance of road from from Bancharam Chakma land to Basanta Chakma Bagan,W-6, L-420 mtr (3003004017/RC/9422522416) 13443 1146 0
75 Laxmana Chakrobarty 16/08/2023 6 Levelling & Shapping of Weast Land Agriland in Favour of Dipak Chanda S/o Lt. Kripesh W-5, 1/119 (3003004017/IF/9422709469) 16507 1146 0
76 Laxmana Chakrobarty 22/08/2023 6 Levelling & Shapping of Weast Land Agriland in Favour of Dipak Chanda S/o Lt. Kripesh W-5, 1/119 (3003004017/IF/9422709469) 18215 1140 0
77 Laxmana Chakrobarty 06/09/2023 6 Excavation of one Side Bundh in favour of Chandraban Chakma, W-5, Job-1/121 (3003004017/IF/9422686384) 21945 1140 0
78 Laxmana Chakrobarty 02/10/2023 6 Excavation of one Side Bundh in favour of Chandraban Chakma, W-5, Job-1/121 (3003004017/IF/9422686384) 26341 1146 0
79 Laxmana Chakrobarty 15/12/2023 5 Levelling & Shapping of Weast Land Agriland in favour of Balaram Chakma S/o Kinacha, W-6 Job-1/22 (3003004017/IF/9422709556) 32434 974.2 0
80 Laxmana Chakrobarty 25/12/2023 6 Levelling & Shapping of Weast Land Agriland in favour of Balaram Chakma S/o Kinacha, W-6 Job-1/22 (3003004017/IF/9422709556) 33733 1140 0
81 Laxmana Chakrobarty 03/03/2024 6 Excavation of one Side Bundh in favour of Bidhan Chandra Chanda, W-5, Job-1/149 (3003004017/IF/9422686385) 37600 1140 0
82 Laxmana Chakrobarty 12/03/2024 5 Excavation of one Side Bundh in favour of Bidhan Chandra Chanda, W-5, Job-1/149 (3003004017/IF/9422686385) 37910 925 0
Sub Total FY 2324 97 18688.2 0
83 Laxmana Chakrobarty 26/06/2024 3 Connectivity of Earthen Road from Sonadhan Chakma house to Kacharicherra (3003004017/RC/9422534159) 7863 600 0
84 Laxmana Chakrobarty 12/07/2024 6 Connectivity of Earthen Road from Sonadhan Chakma house to Kacharicherra (3003004017/RC/9422534159) 10027 1200 0
85 Laxmana Chakrobarty 18/08/2024 2 Connectivity of Earthen Road from near Buddha Mandir to Bhagatsing Para (3003004017/RC/9422534156) 12659 400 0
86 Laxmana Chakrobarty 08/09/2024 6 Connectivity of Earthen Road from near Buddha Mandir to Bhagatsing Para (3003004017/RC/9422534156) 14042 1200 0
87 Laxmana Chakrobarty 20/09/2024 6 Connectivity of Earthen Road from near Buddha Mandir to Bhagatsing Para (3003004017/RC/9422534156) 16215 1200 0
88 Laxmana Chakrobarty 28/09/2024 5 Connectivity of Earthen Road from near Buddha Mandir to Bhagatsing Para (3003004017/RC/9422534156) 17809 1000 0
Sub Total FY 2425 28 5600 0