
Job card
Job card No.: MN-04-003-092-092/49 Family Id: 49
Name of Head of Household: Themneng Khongsai
Name of Father/Husband: (L)Jamsei Khongsai
Category: ST
Date of Registration: 10/20/2007
Panchayat: Sugnu Tribal
Whether BPL Family: NO Family Id: 49
Epic No.:
Details of the Applicants of the household willing to work
S.No Name of Applicant Gender Age Bank/Postoffice
1 Themneng Female 55 State Bank of India
2 Hoinu Female 28
3 Teresa Female 21

Signature/Thumb impression of Applicant
Seal & Signature of Registering Authority

Requested Period of Employment

S.No Demand Id Name of Applicant Month & Date from which employment requested No of Days
1 10721 Themneng 31/07/2021~~31/08/2021~~32 28
2 63903 13/11/2021~~14/12/2021~~32 28
3 3101 24/04/2020~~22/05/2020~~29 25
4 34550 29/06/2020~~12/07/2020~~14 12
5 66248 07/08/2020~~20/08/2020~~14 12
6 95968 10/09/2020~~02/10/2020~~23 20

Period and Work on which Employment Offered

S.No Demand Id Name of Applicant Month & Date from which employment requested No of Days Work Name
1 10721 Themneng 31/07/2021~~31/08/2021~~32 28 Const. of Pond (2004003092/WC/44278)
2 63903 13/11/2021~~14/12/2021~~32 28 Constriction of roadside drainage (2004003092/FP/42866)
3 3101 24/04/2020~~22/05/2020~~29 25 Land Development/ Bench Terracing (2004003092/LD/13312)
4 34550 29/06/2020~~12/07/2020~~14 12 Construction of roadside drainage (2004003092/FP/38896)
5 66248 07/08/2020~~20/08/2020~~14 12 Construction of roadside drainage (2004003092/FP/38896)
6 95968 10/09/2020~~02/10/2020~~23 20 Construction of roadside drainage (2004003092/FP/38896)

Period and Work on which Employment Given

S.No Name of Applicant Month & Date from which employment requested No of Days Work Name MSR No. Total Amount of Work Done Payment Due
1 Themneng 31/07/2021 7 Const. of Pond (2004003092/WC/44278) 235 1757 0
2 Themneng 09/08/2021 6 Const. of Pond (2004003092/WC/44278) 236 1506 0
3 Themneng 16/08/2021 6 Const. of Pond (2004003092/WC/44278) 237 1506 0
4 Themneng 23/08/2021 9 Const. of Pond (2004003092/WC/44278) 238 2259 0
5 Themneng 13/11/2021 8 Constriction of roadside drainage (2004003092/FP/42866) 1110 2008 0
6 Themneng 22/11/2021 6 Constriction of roadside drainage (2004003092/FP/42866) 1113 1506 0
7 Themneng 29/11/2021 6 Constriction of roadside drainage (2004003092/FP/42866) 1114 1506 0
8 Themneng 06/12/2021 9 Constriction of roadside drainage (2004003092/FP/42866) 1115 2169 0
Sub Total FY 2122 57 14217 0
9 Themneng 06/05/2020 10 Land Development/ Bench Terracing (2004003092/LD/13312) 691 2380 0
10 Themneng 17/05/2020 6 Land Development/ Bench Terracing (2004003092/LD/13312) 692 1428 0
11 Themneng 29/06/2020 1 Construction of roadside drainage (2004003092/FP/38896) 1023 238 0
12 Themneng 30/06/2020 6 Construction of roadside drainage (2004003092/FP/38896) 1024 1428 0
13 Themneng 06/07/2020 7 Construction of roadside drainage (2004003092/FP/38896) 1025 1666 0
14 Themneng 07/08/2020 7 Construction of roadside drainage (2004003092/FP/38896) 1026 1666 0
15 Themneng 17/08/2020 4 Construction of roadside drainage (2004003092/FP/38896) 1089 952 0
16 Themneng 11/09/2020 7 Construction of roadside drainage (2004003092/FP/38896) 1543 1666 0
17 Themneng 18/09/2020 7 Construction of roadside drainage (2004003092/FP/38896) 1544 1666 0
18 Themneng 25/09/2020 8 Construction of roadside drainage (2004003092/FP/38896) 1545 1904 0
Sub Total FY 2021 63 14994 0