
Job card No.: JK-09-009-032-001/68 Family Id: 68
Name of Head of Household: Rubeena Begum
: Mohd Aslam
Category: ST
Date of Registration: 2/12/2006
Panchayat: Dhadhkhie-B
: NO Family Id: 68
S.No Name of Applicant Age Bank/Postoffice
1 Rubina Begum Female 33
2 Sakeena Begum Female 45
3 Shabir Ahmed Male 20
4 Rubeena Begum Female 33 JK BANK
5 Sakinah Female 45
6 Ruksana Begum Female 33 JK BANK


S.No Name of Applicant
1 137571 Rubeena Begum 30/10/2024~~09/11/2024~~11 11
2 180463 19/11/2024~~26/11/2024~~8 8
3 216390 27/11/2024~~06/12/2024~~10 10
4 216391 Ruksana Begum 27/11/2024~~06/12/2024~~10 10
5 277158 Rubeena Begum 12/12/2024~~21/12/2024~~10 10
6 277159 Ruksana Begum 12/12/2024~~21/12/2024~~10 10
7 399945 11/01/2025~~25/01/2025~~15 15
8 473985 29/01/2025~~12/02/2025~~15 15
9 549664 Rubeena Begum 13/02/2025~~23/02/2025~~11 11
10 118248 08/11/2023~~24/11/2023~~17 15
11 118249 Ruksana Begum 08/11/2023~~24/11/2023~~17 15
12 160269 Rubeena Begum 27/11/2023~~13/12/2023~~17 15
13 212599 14/12/2023~~30/12/2023~~17 15
14 212600 Ruksana Begum 14/12/2023~~28/12/2023~~15 13
15 451727 Rubeena Begum 04/03/2024~~20/03/2024~~17 17
16 77712 09/10/2022~~20/10/2022~~12 11
17 148143 14/12/2022~~12/01/2023~~30 26
18 148144 Ruksana Begum 14/12/2022~~12/01/2023~~30 26
19 268229 Rubeena Begum 02/02/2023~~15/02/2023~~14 12
20 324228 19/02/2023~~04/03/2023~~14 12
21 384648 07/03/2023~~31/03/2023~~25 22
22 24480 17/07/2021~~15/08/2021~~30 26
23 63375 21/08/2021~~04/09/2021~~15 13
24 362304 04/02/2022~~05/03/2022~~30 26
25 351503 Ruksana Begum 10/02/2021~~11/03/2021~~30 26
26 457748 13/03/2021~~29/03/2021~~17 15

S.No Name of Applicant Work Name
1 137571 Rubeena Begum 30/10/2024~~09/11/2024~~11 11 Constt. Of cattle Pond 6No Phate, Dhadked Moh. W/No1 Pyt DhadakieB (1409009032/WC/8808541190)
2 180463 19/11/2024~~26/11/2024~~8 8 Constt. Of cattle Pond 6No Phate, Dhadked Moh. W/No1 Pyt DhadakieB (1409009032/WC/8808541190)
3 216390 27/11/2024~~06/12/2024~~10 10 Constt. Of cattle Pond 6No Phate, Dhadked Moh. W/No1 Pyt DhadakieB (1409009032/WC/8808541190)
4 216391 Ruksana Begum 27/11/2024~~06/12/2024~~10 10 Constt. Of cattle Pond 6No Phate, Dhadked Moh. W/No1 Pyt DhadakieB (1409009032/WC/8808541190)
5 277158 Rubeena Begum 12/12/2024~~21/12/2024~~10 10 Constt. Of cattle Pond 6No Phate, Dhadked Moh. W/No1 Pyt DhadakieB (1409009032/WC/8808541190)
6 277159 Ruksana Begum 12/12/2024~~21/12/2024~~10 10 Constt. Of cattle Pond 6No Phate, Dhadked Moh. W/No1 Pyt DhadakieB (1409009032/WC/8808541190)
7 399945 11/01/2025~~25/01/2025~~15 15 Constt. of Stone Graded Bund /Path Khatna Moh. W/No5 Pyt DhadakieB (1409009032/LD/8808631909)
8 473985 29/01/2025~~12/02/2025~~15 15 Constt. of Stone Graded Bund /Path Khatna Moh. W/No5 Pyt DhadakieB (1409009032/LD/8808631909)
9 549664 Rubeena Begum 13/02/2025~~23/02/2025~~11 11 Constt. of Stone Graded Bund /Path Khatna Moh. W/No5 Pyt DhadakieB (1409009032/LD/8808631909)
10 118248 08/11/2023~~24/11/2023~~17 15 Constt. Of Drain /CWD/Band Basha towards Khatari W/No5 . Pyt. Dhadakie-B (1409009032/RC/8808646338)
11 118249 Ruksana Begum 08/11/2023~~24/11/2023~~17 15 Constt. Of Drain /CWD/Band Basha towards Khatari W/No5 . Pyt. Dhadakie-B (1409009032/RC/8808646338)
12 160269 Rubeena Begum 27/11/2023~~13/12/2023~~17 15 Constt. Of Drain /CWD/Band Basha towards Khatari W/No5 . Pyt. Dhadakie-B (1409009032/RC/8808646338)
13 212599 14/12/2023~~30/12/2023~~17 15 Constt. Of Drain /CWD/Band Basha towards Khatari W/No5 . Pyt. Dhadakie-B (1409009032/RC/8808646338)
14 212600 Ruksana Begum 14/12/2023~~28/12/2023~~15 13 Constt. Of Drain /CWD/Band Basha towards Khatari W/No5 . Pyt. Dhadakie-B (1409009032/RC/8808646338)
15 451727 Rubeena Begum 04/03/2024~~20/03/2024~~17 17 Constt. Of B/Path & Drain /Band Naki to Duda Moh. W/No 7. Pyt. Dhadakie-B (1409009032/RC/8808646337)
16 77712 09/10/2022~~20/10/2022~~12 11 Constt. Of Soakage NHO Farooq Ahmed (1409009032/IF/8808583231)
17 148143 14/12/2022~~12/01/2023~~30 26 Constt. Of P/work NHO Shoker Din W/No5. Pyt. Dhadakie-B (1409009032/LD/8808559781)
18 148144 Ruksana Begum 14/12/2022~~12/01/2023~~30 26 Constt. Of P/work NHO Shoker Din W/No5. Pyt. Dhadakie-B (1409009032/LD/8808559781)
19 268229 Rubeena Begum 02/02/2023~~15/02/2023~~14 12 Constt. Of P/work NHO Shoker Din W/No5. Pyt. Dhadakie-B (1409009032/LD/8808559781)
20 324228 19/02/2023~~04/03/2023~~14 12 Constt. Of P/work NHO Shoker Din W/No5. Pyt. Dhadakie-B (1409009032/LD/8808559781)
21 384648 07/03/2023~~31/03/2023~~25 22 Constt. Of P/work NHO Shoker Din W/No5. Pyt. Dhadakie-B (1409009032/LD/8808559781)
22 24480 17/07/2021~~15/08/2021~~30 26 Constt. of CWD Bacha Kuthayara 2 Parts W/No5 Pyt. Dhadakie-B (1409009032/RC/8808589035)
23 63375 21/08/2021~~04/09/2021~~15 13 Constt. of CWD Bacha Kuthayara 2 Parts W/No5 Pyt. Dhadakie-B (1409009032/RC/8808589035)
24 362304 04/02/2022~~05/03/2022~~30 26 Constt. of L/Dev. Bacha W/No5, Pyt. Dhadakie-B (1409009032/LD/8808552952)
25 351503 Ruksana Begum 10/02/2021~~11/03/2021~~30 26 Constt. of L/Leveling in wards W/No6. Pyt. Dhadakie-B (1409009032/LD/8808532421)
26 457748 13/03/2021~~29/03/2021~~17 15 Constt. of C/Path Din Mohd to Gh Mustafa (1409009032/RC/8808574308)

S.No Name of Applicant Work Name Total Amount of Work Done Payment Due
1 Rubeena Begum 30/10/2024 11 Constt. Of cattle Pond 6No Phate, Dhadked Moh. W/No1 Pyt DhadakieB (1409009032/WC/8808541190) 4734 2849 0
2 Rubeena Begum 19/11/2024 8 Constt. Of cattle Pond 6No Phate, Dhadked Moh. W/No1 Pyt DhadakieB (1409009032/WC/8808541190) 7060 2072 0
3 Rubeena Begum 27/11/2024 9 Constt. Of cattle Pond 6No Phate, Dhadked Moh. W/No1 Pyt DhadakieB (1409009032/WC/8808541190) 9076 2331 0
4 Ruksana Begum 27/11/2024 9 Constt. Of cattle Pond 6No Phate, Dhadked Moh. W/No1 Pyt DhadakieB (1409009032/WC/8808541190) 9076 2331 0
5 Rubeena Begum 12/12/2024 10 Constt. Of cattle Pond 6No Phate, Dhadked Moh. W/No1 Pyt DhadakieB (1409009032/WC/8808541190) 12273 2590 0
6 Ruksana Begum 12/12/2024 10 Constt. Of cattle Pond 6No Phate, Dhadked Moh. W/No1 Pyt DhadakieB (1409009032/WC/8808541190) 12273 2590 0
7 Ruksana Begum 11/01/2025 14 Constt. of Stone Graded Bund /Path Khatna Moh. W/No5 Pyt DhadakieB (1409009032/LD/8808631909) 18049 3626 0
Sub Total FY 2425 71 18389 0
8 Rubeena Begum 08/11/2023 16 Constt. Of Drain /CWD/Band Basha towards Khatari W/No5 . Pyt. Dhadakie-B (1409009032/RC/8808646338) 10030 3904 0
9 Ruksana Begum 08/11/2023 16 Constt. Of Drain /CWD/Band Basha towards Khatari W/No5 . Pyt. Dhadakie-B (1409009032/RC/8808646338) 10030 3904 0
10 Rubeena Begum 27/11/2023 16 Constt. Of Drain /CWD/Band Basha towards Khatari W/No5 . Pyt. Dhadakie-B (1409009032/RC/8808646338) 12484 3904 0
11 Rubeena Begum 14/12/2023 15 Constt. Of Drain /CWD/Band Basha towards Khatari W/No5 . Pyt. Dhadakie-B (1409009032/RC/8808646338) 15951 3660 0
12 Ruksana Begum 14/12/2023 14 Constt. Of Drain /CWD/Band Basha towards Khatari W/No5 . Pyt. Dhadakie-B (1409009032/RC/8808646338) 15951 3416 0
13 Rubeena Begum 04/03/2024 15 Constt. Of B/Path & Drain /Band Naki to Duda Moh. W/No 7. Pyt. Dhadakie-B (1409009032/RC/8808646337) 28859 3660 0
Sub Total FY 2324 92 22448 0
14 Rubeena Begum 09/10/2022 6 Constt. Of Soakage NHO Farooq Ahmed (1409009032/IF/8808583231) 11264 1362 0
15 Rubeena Begum 15/10/2022 5 Constt. Of Soakage NHO Farooq Ahmed (1409009032/IF/8808583231) 11265 1135 0
16 Rubeena Begum 14/12/2022 7 Constt. Of P/work NHO Shoker Din W/No5. Pyt. Dhadakie-B (1409009032/LD/8808559781) 14116 1589 0
17 Ruksana Begum 14/12/2022 7 Constt. Of P/work NHO Shoker Din W/No5. Pyt. Dhadakie-B (1409009032/LD/8808559781) 14116 1589 0
18 Rubeena Begum 21/12/2022 8 Constt. Of P/work NHO Shoker Din W/No5. Pyt. Dhadakie-B (1409009032/LD/8808559781) 14118 1816 0
19 Ruksana Begum 21/12/2022 8 Constt. Of P/work NHO Shoker Din W/No5. Pyt. Dhadakie-B (1409009032/LD/8808559781) 14118 1816 0
20 Rubeena Begum 29/12/2022 3 Constt. Of P/work NHO Shoker Din W/No5. Pyt. Dhadakie-B (1409009032/LD/8808559781) 14120 681 0
21 Ruksana Begum 29/12/2022 3 Constt. Of P/work NHO Shoker Din W/No5. Pyt. Dhadakie-B (1409009032/LD/8808559781) 14120 681 0
22 Rubeena Begum 02/02/2023 13 Constt. Of P/work NHO Shoker Din W/No5. Pyt. Dhadakie-B (1409009032/LD/8808559781) 22052 2951 0
23 Rubeena Begum 07/03/2023 11 Constt. Of P/work NHO Shoker Din W/No5. Pyt. Dhadakie-B (1409009032/LD/8808559781) 30374 2497 0
Sub Total FY 2223 71 16117 0
24 Rubeena Begum 17/07/2021 15 Constt. of CWD Bacha Kuthayara 2 Parts W/No5 Pyt. Dhadakie-B (1409009032/RC/8808589035) 165 3210 0
25 Rubeena Begum 01/08/2021 15 Constt. of CWD Bacha Kuthayara 2 Parts W/No5 Pyt. Dhadakie-B (1409009032/RC/8808589035) 169 3210 0
26 Rubeena Begum 21/08/2021 15 Constt. of CWD Bacha Kuthayara 2 Parts W/No5 Pyt. Dhadakie-B (1409009032/RC/8808589035) 1524 3210 0
27 Rubeena Begum 04/02/2022 15 Constt. of L/Dev. Bacha W/No5, Pyt. Dhadakie-B (1409009032/LD/8808552952) 17887 3210 0
28 Rubeena Begum 19/02/2022 15 Constt. of L/Dev. Bacha W/No5, Pyt. Dhadakie-B (1409009032/LD/8808552952) 17889 3210 0
Sub Total FY 2122 75 16050 0
29 Ruksana Begum 10/02/2021 15 Constt. of L/Leveling in wards W/No6. Pyt. Dhadakie-B (1409009032/LD/8808532421) 15494 3060 0
30 Ruksana Begum 25/02/2021 15 Constt. of L/Leveling in wards W/No6. Pyt. Dhadakie-B (1409009032/LD/8808532421) 15499 3060 0
31 Ruksana Begum 14/03/2021 10 Constt. of C/Path Din Mohd to Gh Mustafa (1409009032/RC/8808574308) 22165 2040 0
Sub Total FY 2021 40 8160 0