Deleted on Date 13/07/2024

Job card
Job card No.: JK-09-008-013-001/116 Family Id: 116
Name of Head of Household: Purna Devi
: Jagdish Raj
Category: SC
Date of Registration: 1/1/2014
Panchayat: PANEJA
: NO Family Id: 116
S.No Name of Applicant Age Bank/Postoffice
1 Purna Devi Female 43 JK BANK


S.No Name of Applicant
1 19493 Purna Devi 23/08/2022~~29/08/2022~~7 6
2 28875 04/09/2022~~08/09/2022~~5 5
3 58161 25/09/2022~~29/09/2022~~5 5
4 142498 12/12/2022~~08/01/2023~~28 24
5 236437 17/01/2023~~13/02/2023~~28 24
6 301297 14/02/2023~~13/03/2023~~28 24
7 349180 14/03/2023~~23/03/2023~~10 9
8 389250 11/02/2022~~10/03/2022~~28 24
9 487965 11/03/2022~~24/03/2022~~14 12
10 295836 14/01/2021~~10/02/2021~~28 24
11 352768 11/02/2021~~10/03/2021~~28 24

S.No Name of Applicant Work Name
1 19493 Purna Devi 23/08/2022~~29/08/2022~~7 6 Construction of Soakage pit NHO Purna Devi (1409008024/IF/)
2 28875 04/09/2022~~08/09/2022~~5 5 Construction of Soakage pit NHO Purna Devi (1409008024/IF/)
3 58161 25/09/2022~~29/09/2022~~5 5 Construction of Soakage pit NHO Purna Devi (1409008024/IF/)
4 142498 12/12/2022~~08/01/2023~~28 24 Development of land NLO Vipan Raj (1409008024/LD/GIS/145651)
5 236437 17/01/2023~~13/02/2023~~28 24 Development of land NLO Vipan Raj (1409008024/LD/GIS/145651)
6 301297 14/02/2023~~13/03/2023~~28 24 Development of land NLO Vipan Raj (1409008024/LD/GIS/145651)
7 349180 14/03/2023~~23/03/2023~~10 9 Development of land NLO Vipan Raj (1409008024/LD/GIS/145651)
8 389250 11/02/2022~~10/03/2022~~28 24 Development of Agriculture land near land of Ravi Kumar (1409008024/LD/GIS/129746)
9 487965 11/03/2022~~24/03/2022~~14 12 Development of Agriculture land near land of Ravi Kumar (1409008024/LD/GIS/129746)
10 295836 14/01/2021~~10/02/2021~~28 24 Dev. Of Spring at W.No.7 (1409008024/WC/8808508085)
11 352768 11/02/2021~~10/03/2021~~28 24 Dev. Of Spring at W.No.7 (1409008024/WC/8808508085)

S.No Name of Applicant Work Name Total Amount of Work Done Payment Due
1 Purna Devi 23/08/2022 7 Construction of Soakage pit NHO Purna Devi (1409008024/IF/) 2756 1589 0
2 Purna Devi 25/09/2022 4 Construction of Soakage pit NHO Purna Devi (1409008024/IF/) 9847 908 0
3 Purna Devi 12/12/2022 7 Development of land NLO Vipan Raj (1409008024/LD/GIS/145651) 18679 1589 0
4 Purna Devi 19/12/2022 7 Development of land NLO Vipan Raj (1409008024/LD/GIS/145651) 18681 1589 0
5 Purna Devi 26/12/2022 7 Development of land NLO Vipan Raj (1409008024/LD/GIS/145651) 18683 1589 0
6 Purna Devi 17/01/2023 6 Development of land NLO Vipan Raj (1409008024/LD/GIS/145651) 24011 1362 0
7 Purna Devi 24/01/2023 2 Development of land NLO Vipan Raj (1409008024/LD/GIS/145651) 24838 454 0
8 Purna Devi 27/01/2023 3 Development of land NLO Vipan Raj (1409008024/LD/GIS/145651) 24840 681 0
9 Purna Devi 31/01/2023 7 Development of land NLO Vipan Raj (1409008024/LD/GIS/145651) 24842 1589 0
10 Purna Devi 07/02/2023 7 Development of land NLO Vipan Raj (1409008024/LD/GIS/145651) 24844 1589 0
11 Purna Devi 14/02/2023 12 Development of land NLO Vipan Raj (1409008024/LD/GIS/145651) 30123 2724 0
12 Purna Devi 28/02/2023 10 Development of land NLO Vipan Raj (1409008024/LD/GIS/145651) 30127 2270 0
Sub Total FY 2223 79 17933 0
13 Purna Devi 11/02/2022 7 Development of Agriculture land near land of Ravi Kumar (1409008024/LD/GIS/129746) 19399 1498 0
14 Purna Devi 18/02/2022 6 Development of Agriculture land near land of Ravi Kumar (1409008024/LD/GIS/129746) 19400 1284 0
15 Purna Devi 25/02/2022 5 Development of Agriculture land near land of Ravi Kumar (1409008024/LD/GIS/129746) 19401 1070 0
16 Purna Devi 02/03/2022 9 Development of Agriculture land near land of Ravi Kumar (1409008024/LD/GIS/129746) 19402 1926 0
17 Purna Devi 11/03/2022 7 Development of Agriculture land near land of Ravi Kumar (1409008024/LD/GIS/129746) 26898 1498 0
18 Purna Devi 18/03/2022 1 Development of Agriculture land near land of Ravi Kumar (1409008024/LD/GIS/129746) 26899 214 0
Sub Total FY 2122 35 7490 0
19 Purna Devi 14/01/2021 14 Dev. Of Spring at W.No.7 (1409008024/WC/8808508085) 14276 2856 0
20 Purna Devi 28/01/2021 14 Dev. Of Spring at W.No.7 (1409008024/WC/8808508085) 14277 2856 0
21 Purna Devi 11/02/2021 15 Dev. Of Spring at W.No.7 (1409008024/WC/8808508085) 16900 3060 0
22 Purna Devi 26/02/2021 13 Dev. Of Spring at W.No.7 (1409008024/WC/8808508085) 16902 2652 0
Sub Total FY 2021 56 11424 0