
Job card
Job card No.: JK-09-008-011-002/596 Family Id: 596
Name of Head of Household: POOJA DEVI
Name of Father/Husband: HUSHYAR SINGH
Category: OTH
Date of Registration: 1/1/2019
Panchayat: KANSOO
Whether BPL Family: NO Family Id: 596
Epic No.:
Details of the Applicants of the household willing
S.No Name of Applicant Gender Age Bank/Postoffice

Signature/Thumb impression of Applicant
Seal & Signature of Registering Authority

Requested Period of Employment

S.No Demand Id Name of Applicant Month & Date from which employment requested No of Days
1 477417 POOJA DEVI 30/01/2025~~12/02/2025~~14 14
2 216791 14/12/2023~~12/01/2024~~30 26
3 324147 15/01/2024~~06/02/2024~~23 20
4 380711 08/02/2024~~01/03/2024~~23 20
5 451840 04/03/2024~~20/03/2024~~17 17
6 298328 30/12/2021~~26/01/2022~~28 24
7 401554 14/02/2022~~14/03/2022~~29 25
8 498890 15/03/2022~~30/03/2022~~16 14
9 40245 18/06/2020~~25/06/2020~~8 7
10 72953 09/07/2020~~07/08/2020~~30 26
11 113728 12/08/2020~~22/08/2020~~11 10
12 208395 06/11/2020~~28/11/2020~~23 20

Period and Work on which Employment Offered

S.No Demand Id Name of Applicant Month & Date from which employment requested No of Days Work Name
1 477417 POOJA DEVI 30/01/2025~~12/02/2025~~14 14 Const.of Stone Graded Bund at Shukhaaru (1409008011/LD/8808615163)
2 216791 14/12/2023~~12/01/2024~~30 26 Constt.of L/Levelling Chawran and ST Basti Kanoo (1409008011/LD/GIS/278963)
3 324147 15/01/2024~~06/02/2024~~23 20 Constt.of L/Levelling Chawran and ST Basti Kanoo (1409008011/LD/GIS/278963)
4 380711 08/02/2024~~01/03/2024~~23 20 Constt.of L/Levelling Chawran and ST Basti Kanoo (1409008011/LD/GIS/278963)
5 451840 04/03/2024~~20/03/2024~~17 17 Constt.of L/Levelling Chawran and ST Basti Kanoo (1409008011/LD/GIS/278963)
6 298328 30/12/2021~~26/01/2022~~28 24 Constt.of Check Dam at Moonah SC Basti (1409008011/FP/8808552252)
7 401554 14/02/2022~~14/03/2022~~29 25 Constt.of WHT at Chowarn (1409008011/WC/8808520662)
8 498890 15/03/2022~~30/03/2022~~16 14 Constt.of WHT at Chowarn (1409008011/WC/8808520662)
9 40245 18/06/2020~~25/06/2020~~8 7 Constt.of P/work Churan (1409008011/FP/8808532136)
10 72953 09/07/2020~~07/08/2020~~30 26 Constt.of P/work Churan (1409008011/FP/8808532136)
11 113728 12/08/2020~~22/08/2020~~11 10 Constt.of P/work Churan (1409008011/FP/8808532136)
12 208395 06/11/2020~~28/11/2020~~23 20 Constt.of P/work Churan (1409008011/FP/8808532136)

Period and Work on which Employment Given

S.No Name of Applicant Month & Date from which employment requested No of Days Work Name MSR No. Total Amount of Work Done Payment Due
1 POOJA DEVI 14/12/2023 1 Constt.of L/Levelling Chawran and ST Basti Kanoo (1409008011/LD/GIS/278963) 15588 244 0
2 POOJA DEVI 28/12/2023 1 Constt.of L/Levelling Chawran and ST Basti Kanoo (1409008011/LD/GIS/278963) 15592 244 0
3 POOJA DEVI 05/01/2024 8 Constt.of L/Levelling Chawran and ST Basti Kanoo (1409008011/LD/GIS/278963) 15594 1952 0
4 POOJA DEVI 15/01/2024 8 Constt.of L/Levelling Chawran and ST Basti Kanoo (1409008011/LD/GIS/278963) 25400 1952 0
5 POOJA DEVI 23/01/2024 3 Constt.of L/Levelling Chawran and ST Basti Kanoo (1409008011/LD/GIS/278963) 25402 732 0
6 POOJA DEVI 08/02/2024 1 Constt.of L/Levelling Chawran and ST Basti Kanoo (1409008011/LD/GIS/278963) 29886 244 0
7 POOJA DEVI 16/02/2024 2 Constt.of L/Levelling Chawran and ST Basti Kanoo (1409008011/LD/GIS/278963) 29892 488 0
8 POOJA DEVI 23/02/2024 4 Constt.of L/Levelling Chawran and ST Basti Kanoo (1409008011/LD/GIS/278963) 29897 976 0
9 POOJA DEVI 04/03/2024 7 Constt.of L/Levelling Chawran and ST Basti Kanoo (1409008011/LD/GIS/278963) 36510 1708 0
10 POOJA DEVI 11/03/2024 1 Constt.of L/Levelling Chawran and ST Basti Kanoo (1409008011/LD/GIS/278963) 36511 244 0
11 POOJA DEVI 12/03/2024 4 Constt.of L/Levelling Chawran and ST Basti Kanoo (1409008011/LD/GIS/278963) 36512 976 0
Sub Total FY 2324 40 9760 0
12 POOJA DEVI 31/12/2021 7 Constt.of Check Dam at Moonah SC Basti (1409008011/FP/8808552252) 15388 1498 0
13 POOJA DEVI 07/01/2022 7 Constt.of Check Dam at Moonah SC Basti (1409008011/FP/8808552252) 15389 1498 0
14 POOJA DEVI 14/01/2022 7 Constt.of Check Dam at Moonah SC Basti (1409008011/FP/8808552252) 15390 1498 0
15 POOJA DEVI 21/01/2022 6 Constt.of Check Dam at Moonah SC Basti (1409008011/FP/8808552252) 15391 1284 0
16 POOJA DEVI 15/02/2022 7 Constt.of WHT at Chowarn (1409008011/WC/8808520662) 21263 1498 0
17 POOJA DEVI 22/02/2022 7 Constt.of WHT at Chowarn (1409008011/WC/8808520662) 21261 1498 0
18 POOJA DEVI 01/03/2022 7 Constt.of WHT at Chowarn (1409008011/WC/8808520662) 21256 1498 0
19 POOJA DEVI 08/03/2022 7 Constt.of WHT at Chowarn (1409008011/WC/8808520662) 21258 1498 0
20 POOJA DEVI 16/03/2022 15 Constt.of WHT at Chowarn (1409008011/WC/8808520662) 27779 3210 0
Sub Total FY 2122 70 14980 0
21 POOJA DEVI 19/06/2020 7 Constt.of P/work Churan (1409008011/FP/8808532136) 1722 1428 0
22 POOJA DEVI 08/07/2020 6 Constt.of P/work Churan (1409008011/FP/8808532136) 3762 1224 0
23 POOJA DEVI 15/07/2020 7 Constt.of P/work Churan (1409008011/FP/8808532136) 3763 1428 0
24 POOJA DEVI 29/07/2020 7 Constt.of P/work Churan (1409008011/FP/8808532136) 5583 1428 0
25 POOJA DEVI 05/08/2020 3 Constt.of P/work Churan (1409008011/FP/8808532136) 5730 612 0
26 POOJA DEVI 12/08/2020 7 Constt.of P/work Churan (1409008011/FP/8808532136) 6731 1428 0
27 POOJA DEVI 19/08/2020 4 Constt.of P/work Churan (1409008011/FP/8808532136) 6732 816 0
28 POOJA DEVI 06/11/2020 15 Constt.of P/work Churan (1409008011/FP/8808532136) 11126 3060 0
29 POOJA DEVI 21/11/2020 8 Constt.of P/work Churan (1409008011/FP/8808532136) 11127 1632 0
Sub Total FY 2021 64 13056 0