
Job card
Job card No.: JK-09-007-016-003/422 Family Id: 422
Name of Head of Household: Chander Mohan
Name of Father/Husband: Brij Lal
Category: OTH
Date of Registration: 6/5/2020
Panchayat: KALANI
Whether BPL Family: NO Family Id: 422
Epic No.:
Details of the Applicants of the household willing
S.No Name of Applicant Gender Age Bank/Postoffice

Signature/Thumb impression of Applicant
Seal & Signature of Registering Authority

Requested Period of Employment

S.No Demand Id Name of Applicant Month & Date from which employment requested No of Days
1 105184 GIRJA DEVI 30/09/2024~~13/10/2024~~14 14
2 119623 15/10/2024~~28/10/2024~~14 14
3 139217 30/10/2024~~12/11/2024~~14 14
4 166050 13/11/2024~~19/11/2024~~7 7
5 188139 21/11/2024~~22/11/2024~~2 2
6 421458 17/01/2025~~30/01/2025~~14 14
7 481835 31/01/2025~~13/02/2025~~14 14
8 556272 14/02/2025~~20/02/2025~~7 7
9 49806 13/09/2023~~10/10/2023~~28 24
10 80430 12/10/2023~~25/10/2023~~14 12
11 117455 08/11/2023~~05/12/2023~~28 24
12 222342 16/12/2023~~29/12/2023~~14 12
13 274424 30/12/2023~~12/01/2024~~14 12
14 95047 29/10/2022~~29/10/2022~~1 1
15 119199 27/11/2022~~24/12/2022~~28 24
16 178040 25/12/2022~~07/01/2023~~14 12
17 234005 16/01/2023~~29/01/2023~~14 12
18 259832 30/01/2023~~12/02/2023~~14 12
19 284297 23/12/2021~~29/12/2021~~7 6
20 357705 03/02/2022~~02/03/2022~~28 24
21 455107 03/03/2022~~30/03/2022~~28 24
22 289031 09/01/2021~~05/02/2021~~28 24
23 343067 07/02/2021~~06/03/2021~~28 24

Period and Work on which Employment Offered

S.No Demand Id Name of Applicant Month & Date from which employment requested No of Days Work Name
1 105184 GIRJA DEVI 30/09/2024~~13/10/2024~~14 14 Constt of stone graded bund nlo Romesh kumar (1409007016/LD/8808617723)
2 119623 15/10/2024~~28/10/2024~~14 14 Constt of stone graded bund nlo Romesh kumar (1409007016/LD/8808617723)
3 139217 30/10/2024~~12/11/2024~~14 14 Constt of stone graded bund nlo Romesh kumar (1409007016/LD/8808617723)
4 166050 13/11/2024~~19/11/2024~~7 7 Constt of stone graded bund nlo Romesh kumar (1409007016/LD/8808617723)
5 188139 21/11/2024~~22/11/2024~~2 2 Constt of stone graded bund nlo Romesh kumar (1409007016/LD/8808617723)
6 421458 17/01/2025~~30/01/2025~~14 14 B/ wall nlo parvez (1409007016/LD/8808632000)
7 481835 31/01/2025~~13/02/2025~~14 14 B/ wall nlo parvez (1409007016/LD/8808632000)
8 556272 14/02/2025~~20/02/2025~~7 7 B/ wall nlo parvez (1409007016/LD/8808632000)
9 49806 13/09/2023~~10/10/2023~~28 24 p /work nlo angrez kumar wn 3 (1409007016/FP/8808577409)
10 80430 12/10/2023~~25/10/2023~~14 12 p /work nlo angrez kumar wn 3 (1409007016/FP/8808577409)
11 117455 08/11/2023~~05/12/2023~~28 24 l lev with p/wall nlo ravinder kumar wn 3 (1409007016/LD/8808579468)
12 222342 16/12/2023~~29/12/2023~~14 12 l lev with p/wall nlo ravinder kumar wn 3 (1409007016/LD/8808579468)
13 274424 30/12/2023~~12/01/2024~~14 12 l lev with p/wall nlo ravinder kumar wn 3 (1409007016/LD/8808579468)
14 95047 29/10/2022~~29/10/2022~~1 1 L/Lev/P/Work NLO Chander Mohan Ward no 3 (1409007016/LD/8808562035)
15 119199 27/11/2022~~24/12/2022~~28 24 L/Lev/P/Work NLO Chander Mohan Ward no 3 (1409007016/LD/8808562035)
16 178040 25/12/2022~~07/01/2023~~14 12 L/Lev/P/Work NLO Chander Mohan Ward no 3 (1409007016/LD/8808562035)
17 234005 16/01/2023~~29/01/2023~~14 12 L/Lev/P/Work NLO Chander Mohan Ward no 3 (1409007016/LD/8808562035)
18 259832 30/01/2023~~12/02/2023~~14 12 L/Lev/P/Work NLO Chander Mohan Ward no 3 (1409007016/LD/8808562035)
19 284297 23/12/2021~~29/12/2021~~7 6 P/PATH FROM SATNARYAN MANDIR TOWARDS HO RISHI KUMAR (1409007016/RC/8808591641)
20 357705 03/02/2022~~02/03/2022~~28 24 L/LEV./P/P/WORK NLO OMRAJ AND RAJESH KUMAR (1409007016/LD/8808552852)
21 455107 03/03/2022~~30/03/2022~~28 24 L/LEV./P/P/WORK NLO OMRAJ AND RAJESH KUMAR (1409007016/LD/8808552852)
22 289031 09/01/2021~~05/02/2021~~28 24 P/Path FMR towards Anganwadi centre (1409007016/RC/8808571700)
23 343067 07/02/2021~~06/03/2021~~28 24 P/Path FMR towards Anganwadi centre (1409007016/RC/8808571700)

Period and Work on which Employment Given

S.No Name of Applicant Month & Date from which employment requested No of Days Work Name MSR No. Total Amount of Work Done Payment Due
1 GIRJA DEVI 30/09/2024 5 Constt of stone graded bund nlo Romesh kumar (1409007016/LD/8808617723) 9013 1295 0
2 GIRJA DEVI 07/10/2024 5 Constt of stone graded bund nlo Romesh kumar (1409007016/LD/8808617723) 9760 1295 0
3 GIRJA DEVI 15/10/2024 7 Constt of stone graded bund nlo Romesh kumar (1409007016/LD/8808617723) 10623 1813 0
4 GIRJA DEVI 22/10/2024 6 Constt of stone graded bund nlo Romesh kumar (1409007016/LD/8808617723) 11321 1554 0
5 GIRJA DEVI 30/10/2024 7 Constt of stone graded bund nlo Romesh kumar (1409007016/LD/8808617723) 12028 1813 0
6 GIRJA DEVI 06/11/2024 7 Constt of stone graded bund nlo Romesh kumar (1409007016/LD/8808617723) 12817 1813 0
7 GIRJA DEVI 13/11/2024 7 Constt of stone graded bund nlo Romesh kumar (1409007016/LD/8808617723) 13452 1813 0
8 GIRJA DEVI 21/11/2024 2 Constt of stone graded bund nlo Romesh kumar (1409007016/LD/8808617723) 14195 518 0
9 GIRJA DEVI 17/01/2025 7 B/ wall nlo parvez (1409007016/LD/8808632000) 20100 1803.34 0
10 GIRJA DEVI 24/01/2025 6 B/ wall nlo parvez (1409007016/LD/8808632000) 20946 1553.64 0
11 GIRJA DEVI 31/01/2025 6 B/ wall nlo parvez (1409007016/LD/8808632000) 21685 1553.88 0
Sub Total FY 2425 65 16824.86 0
12 GIRJA DEVI 13/09/2023 7 p /work nlo angrez kumar wn 3 (1409007016/FP/8808577409) 4830 1708 0
13 GIRJA DEVI 20/09/2023 6 p /work nlo angrez kumar wn 3 (1409007016/FP/8808577409) 6146 1464 0
14 GIRJA DEVI 27/09/2023 5 p /work nlo angrez kumar wn 3 (1409007016/FP/8808577409) 6777 1220 0
15 GIRJA DEVI 05/10/2023 6 p /work nlo angrez kumar wn 3 (1409007016/FP/8808577409) 7898 1464 0
16 GIRJA DEVI 12/10/2023 5 p /work nlo angrez kumar wn 3 (1409007016/FP/8808577409) 9237 1220 0
17 GIRJA DEVI 19/10/2023 7 p /work nlo angrez kumar wn 3 (1409007016/FP/8808577409) 10084 1708 0
18 GIRJA DEVI 08/11/2023 6 l lev with p/wall nlo ravinder kumar wn 3 (1409007016/LD/8808579468) 13617 1464 0
19 GIRJA DEVI 15/11/2023 6 l lev with p/wall nlo ravinder kumar wn 3 (1409007016/LD/8808579468) 14788 1464 0
20 GIRJA DEVI 22/11/2023 7 l lev with p/wall nlo ravinder kumar wn 3 (1409007016/LD/8808579468) 16076 1708 0
21 GIRJA DEVI 29/11/2023 6 l lev with p/wall nlo ravinder kumar wn 3 (1409007016/LD/8808579468) 17518 1464 0
22 GIRJA DEVI 16/12/2023 7 l lev with p/wall nlo ravinder kumar wn 3 (1409007016/LD/8808579468) 20990 1708 0
23 GIRJA DEVI 23/12/2023 7 l lev with p/wall nlo ravinder kumar wn 3 (1409007016/LD/8808579468) 22364 1708 0
24 GIRJA DEVI 30/12/2023 4 l lev with p/wall nlo ravinder kumar wn 3 (1409007016/LD/8808579468) 23424 976 0
25 GIRJA DEVI 04/01/2024 2 l lev with p/wall nlo ravinder kumar wn 3 (1409007016/LD/8808579468) 24230 488 0
26 GIRJA DEVI 06/01/2024 5 l lev with p/wall nlo ravinder kumar wn 3 (1409007016/LD/8808579468) 24389 1220 0
Sub Total FY 2324 86 20984 0
27 GIRJA DEVI 27/11/2022 7 L/Lev/P/Work NLO Chander Mohan Ward no 3 (1409007016/LD/8808562035) 13566 1589 0
28 GIRJA DEVI 04/12/2022 7 L/Lev/P/Work NLO Chander Mohan Ward no 3 (1409007016/LD/8808562035) 14693 1589 0
29 GIRJA DEVI 11/12/2022 7 L/Lev/P/Work NLO Chander Mohan Ward no 3 (1409007016/LD/8808562035) 15443 1589 0
30 GIRJA DEVI 18/12/2022 7 L/Lev/P/Work NLO Chander Mohan Ward no 3 (1409007016/LD/8808562035) 16678 1589 0
31 GIRJA DEVI 25/12/2022 7 L/Lev/P/Work NLO Chander Mohan Ward no 3 (1409007016/LD/8808562035) 17934 1589 0
32 GIRJA DEVI 01/01/2023 4 L/Lev/P/Work NLO Chander Mohan Ward no 3 (1409007016/LD/8808562035) 19508 908 0
33 GIRJA DEVI 16/01/2023 3 L/Lev/P/Work NLO Chander Mohan Ward no 3 (1409007016/LD/8808562035) 21225 681 0
34 GIRJA DEVI 23/01/2023 4 L/Lev/P/Work NLO Chander Mohan Ward no 3 (1409007016/LD/8808562035) 21884 908 0
35 GIRJA DEVI 30/01/2023 6 L/Lev/P/Work NLO Chander Mohan Ward no 3 (1409007016/LD/8808562035) 22540 1362 0
36 GIRJA DEVI 06/02/2023 1 L/Lev/P/Work NLO Chander Mohan Ward no 3 (1409007016/LD/8808562035) 23504 227 0
Sub Total FY 2223 53 12031 0
37 GIRJA DEVI 03/02/2022 7 L/LEV./P/P/WORK NLO OMRAJ AND RAJESH KUMAR (1409007016/LD/8808552852) 28262 1498 0
38 GIRJA DEVI 10/02/2022 7 L/LEV./P/P/WORK NLO OMRAJ AND RAJESH KUMAR (1409007016/LD/8808552852) 29764 1498 0
39 GIRJA DEVI 17/02/2022 6 L/LEV./P/P/WORK NLO OMRAJ AND RAJESH KUMAR (1409007016/LD/8808552852) 29766 1284 0
40 GIRJA DEVI 24/02/2022 7 L/LEV./P/P/WORK NLO OMRAJ AND RAJESH KUMAR (1409007016/LD/8808552852) 29768 1498 0
41 GIRJA DEVI 03/03/2022 7 L/LEV./P/P/WORK NLO OMRAJ AND RAJESH KUMAR (1409007016/LD/8808552852) 36339 1498 0
42 GIRJA DEVI 10/03/2022 7 L/LEV./P/P/WORK NLO OMRAJ AND RAJESH KUMAR (1409007016/LD/8808552852) 36341 1498 0
43 GIRJA DEVI 17/03/2022 7 L/LEV./P/P/WORK NLO OMRAJ AND RAJESH KUMAR (1409007016/LD/8808552852) 36343 1498 0
Sub Total FY 2122 48 10272 0
44 GIRJA DEVI 09/01/2021 7 P/Path FMR towards Anganwadi centre (1409007016/RC/8808571700) 21739 1428 0
45 GIRJA DEVI 16/01/2021 7 P/Path FMR towards Anganwadi centre (1409007016/RC/8808571700) 22355 1428 0
46 GIRJA DEVI 23/01/2021 7 P/Path FMR towards Anganwadi centre (1409007016/RC/8808571700) 22871 1428 0
47 GIRJA DEVI 07/02/2021 7 P/Path FMR towards Anganwadi centre (1409007016/RC/8808571700) 24710 1428 0
48 GIRJA DEVI 14/02/2021 7 P/Path FMR towards Anganwadi centre (1409007016/RC/8808571700) 26322 1428 0
49 GIRJA DEVI 21/02/2021 7 P/Path FMR towards Anganwadi centre (1409007016/RC/8808571700) 27891 1428 0
50 GIRJA DEVI 28/02/2021 7 P/Path FMR towards Anganwadi centre (1409007016/RC/8808571700) 28839 1428 0
Sub Total FY 2021 49 9996 0